Chapter 23: It's Time I Stand up and Fight! part 2

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"I'm going to save you Kota!" Midoriya exclaims clenching his fist while green energy surges around him.

"you really think you can save this little brat?" Muscular laughs

"that does sound like something a wannabe hero would say. your kind sure likes to mouth off about justice" he taunts holding out one of his grotesque arms.

Midoriya lowers his stance while Kota trembles behind him.

"the name's Midoriya right? perfect. we were told we could take some initiative and kill you.but first a little torment, show me your blood!" Muscular yells lounging at the boy but before he can reach him I grab a boulder on the cliff aboe up and slam it down on his head in hopes of stopping him.

the boulder crumbles onto his head leaving him with barely a scratch. he turns around finally noticing me with an evil smile.

"it seems Dabi was right, you have defected" he says in a low voice slowly walking towards me.

I quickly pick up two smaller boulders and whip them at him, I don't know what I was expecting after the way the last rock shattered on him.

the boulders simply powderized after hitting his fibrous body and my shameful attacks only seemed to anger him.

"weakling!" he yells lounging after me.

he lands a strong blow straight to my face.

my head is pounding and suddenly everything goes dark.

I hear yelling, and then silence.


after seeing his best friend's failed attempts at attacking the tall muscular man, Midoriya runs at Muscular in a fit of rage but is met with the man's fist.

he punches him and Midoriya tries to block the blow with his arm but ends up shattering the bone in the process. Muscular uses the force of the punch to throw the boy into a wall of rock creating a small dust cloud.

Midoriya screams in pain as he falls to the ground

Kota uses this distraction to go over to Maya who's in rough shape on the floor.

"are y-you ok?' he yelps trying to wipe away the tears on his face with his shaky hands and the girl doesn't respond.

"oh hey, maybe you can help me out a little bit first. we have Maya here already so that's no problem..." he says gesturing toward the unconcious girl behind him.

"but do you now where a kid named Bakugou might be around here?" he finishes his sentence.

Kacchan? Midoriya thinks

"I still have a job to do after all!" Muscular yells making a fist and going for the green-haired boy

Midoriya jumps out of the way last second leaving the large man to punch the wall behind him.

Why are they after Kacchan and Maya? he thinks clenching his arm

"I'll take your silence to mean that you don't know. is that right? oh good then, play time!" Muscular yells pulling his fist out of the wall and running toward Midoriya again, this time he kicks him straight in the stomach shooting him into another wall.

he lets out a maniacal laugh and the boy falls to the ground bleeding from his head.

"yes! blood is exactly what I wanted from you. what did you promise? that everything would be ok?" he mocks as Kota watches in horror as the man who murdered his parents years ago beats Midoriya half to death.

"how's that workin out for ya? huh! don't just lay there stupid!" Muscular taunts throwing his arms out at his sides as he approaches the fallen boy.

Midoriya slowly gets up wincing in pain.

he makes a fist and yells

"SMASH!" green energy surges around him as his fist lands on the arm of his enemy. but to no avail, his smash does nothing much like the way Maya's attacks were also useless against him.

"what is that all you've got? you're fast but you're not strong enough to hurt me!" Muscular taunts flexing his arm and sending Midoriya flying back tumbling on the ground a few meters.

while all of this is going down, Kota is desperately trying to wake the poor girl who caused this whole mess.

"please wake up!" he yells sobbing.

after a few minutes of shaking her she finally opens her eyes.


when I finally come to, my vision is blurry. what the hell happened? I see a person uncomfortably close to my face and sobbing over me.

"your awake!" I hear a muffled voice exclaim.

my vision focuses and I see Kota.

"ow my head" I wince sitting up.

"you gotta help him! he's going to kill him!" he sobs pointing at Midoriya who's facing off with one of the villains from the vanguard action squad.

"shit..." I mutter jumping to my feet, I get nauseous from the sudden movement but I refrain from falling back to the ground, I need to help him.

I find a boulder nearby and try using my quirk to pick it up. it lifts a few inches and the rock trembles before falling back towards the ground.

crap my head is too clouded.

"I can't help but laugh at you kid, you really think you're a hero don't you!?" Muscular yells shooting poor Midoriya up into the air and punching him down toward the ground.

"you're no hero you're just a fraud! and you'll die that way!" he yells standing over the broken boy about to hit him again when a pebble hits him in the back of the neck.

he turns around to see that Kota had thrown it.

"remember the water hose heroes? my mom... my dad... did you torment the two of them too? before you killed them!" Kota yells through sobs.

"eh? seriously? those losers were your parents? well then this must be fate! the water hose heroes are the reason I have an artificial eye in my left socket" Muscular says pointing to his eye.

"this is all your fault! nothing in the world is right anymore and it's because of crazy people like you!" Kota yelps

"little kids are so quick to say it's someone else's fault. don't get the wrong idea, it's not like I took them out cause I was mad about the eye thing. I wanted to kill people it's as simple as that, but those two tried to stop me. what happened was a result of all of us doing our best." Muscular Monologues.

Kota whimpers standing frozen in place.

"the real travesty is promising to do something you can't. THATS WHY YOUR DEAR OLD MOMMY AND DADDY DIED!" Muscular yells reving up a fist at the boy.

I manage to clear my head just long enough to pull the boy towards myself out of the way of his fist. I hold the crying boy in my arms and hug the poor kid tightly.

 after punching the ground Midoriya jumps up and sticks his arm between the mans muscle fibers. 

the disgusting sight sends a chill down my back.

"I've got you now! it doesn't matter how quick you are!" Midoriya yells.

"but what's your next move? you gonna punch me with that puny quirk of yours again?" Muscular says making a fist.

"it's not a matter of whether or not I can do it! a hero's job is to risk his life, to turn his promises into a reality!" Midoriya yells making a fist, his green energy shooting out all around him as he goes in for a punch.

he hits him in the face with so much force it sends me and Kota flying off the edge of the cliff.

I use my quirk on my harness and grab the boy midair, I have to make it back to the ground quickly or we'll fall, my powers are weak right now.

I whip the boy back onto solid ground and just before I can do the same for myself, I choke.

my powers tremble and then I start falling

I guess this is what I deserve. I caused all of this and now I'm going to die. Karma really is a bitch.

"I'm sorry mom... I love you dad" I mutter to myself feeling a tear for in the corner of my eye.

I close my eyes and accept my fate.



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