Chapter 23: It's Time I Stand up and Fight! part 3

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I slowly open my eyes and realize I haven't fallen. I look up and see a very bloody Midoriya hanging onto me with his broken arm.

"gotcha! sorry about that!" he says through gritted teeth trying to pull me back up.

I grab the ledge and pull myself up to his level staring at him wide eyed.

"thank you for saving me" I breathe surprised that I'm still alive.

I reach up and whip what I thought was sweat dripping down my face, but when I pull my hand away I see it covered in blood.

"you're bleeding" Midoriya says staring at my head wound.

"it feels like I got hit by a freight train" I wince touching the gash on my head.

he gives me a weak smile before standing up, his breath is shaky and half his shirt is ripped off revealing his badly scraped up and bruised body.

"Deku we should run, maybe if we can get this guy to Aizawa, he can cancel his quirk. nobody knows where we are and you are in no shape to fight." I say standing up as well

"ok let's get back to camp it's not far-" he's cut off by the disgustingly muscular man emerging from the dust pile.

"heh. a bit too obvious, but hey not too bad Midoriya!" he says getting up and walking over to the three of us.

"No stay away!" I yell

"stay out of this Maya, you'll get your turn. too bad the league wants you alive I would take great joy in killing the ex-number two hero's daughter!" he taunts.

"why have you come here!? what does the league want from us?" Midoriya yells trying to divert his attention.

"doesn't matter to me, I'm just glad they finally let me off the leash. as long as I get to use my quirk I don't really care. remember what I told you earlier? we've just been playing around, having fun. until now. now I'm serious! recess is over I'm coming at you for real. because truth be told you're pretty strong, I see that now" he says putting in another fake eye since Midoriya knocked out the other one.

Muscular makes a fist and lounges at us.

"quick grab on!" I yell to Kota who jumps on my back. I then wrap my arms around Midoriya's waste.

"my powers are weakened, I need you to shoot us upward so I can make us fly easier." I tell him and he nods in agreement.

Muscular missed the blow and ends up punching the ground where we were standing.

Midoriya shoots us upward and I try to fly away from him but Muscular punches the wall so hard that it sends a shock wave out knocking us out of the sky.

we fall to the ground, all of us only receiving minor scratches from the fall. 

Midoriya weakly stands up and orders me and Kota to stay back.

"once it's time, grab Kota and run as fast as you can back to camp" he says.

"you're attacking him again? you can't do that! let's just go come on!" Kota yells.

"you can't go after him Deku! you'll die!" I scream at him feeling a lump form in my throat.

"it's going to be fine..." he mutters, green electricity firing off around him.

"I'm coming for you!" Muscular yells lounging at the boy.

"Detroit smash!" Midoriya yells punching him sending dust flying outwards from the impact.

I cover Kota shielding him from the blast and I hear Midoriya yell.


when he notices that neither of us has moved he yells again.

"GO NOW!" he grunts

Muscular pushes Midoriya into the ground using all of his force to squish the boy like an ant.  I watch in horror as the man crushes Midoriya.

"show me your blood!" Muscular yells

 I see the fear in Midoriya's eyes as he's pushed further and further into the ground.

I start grabbing rocks and in a fit of rage I whip them at Muscular.

at the same time Kota lifts up his arms and starts shooting water at him. 

"LET HIM GO!" we both scream.

Muscular looks over at us with an evil grin.

"hold on there kay? I'll kill you two after I'm done with-" he's cut off by Midoriya pushing him upwards.

"I WON'T LET YOU HURT THEM!" Midoriya yells using one of his arms to lifting himself up and the other to hit Muscular with.

"damnit how are you getting stronger!" Muscular yells.

"YOU WON'T LAY A HAND ON THEM!" he screams suddenly gaining more power than he's ever had before.

"DELAWARE DETROIT SMASH!" he yells hitting Muscular in the face so hard that he shoots towards a wall and goes straight through it knocking him unconscious.

"why did... you risk your life..." Kota cries.

"even though... you don't know me at all... why did you try to save me?" he asks tears streaming down his face, and his voice breaking with every word.

Midoriya stumbles backward about to keel over but I run to his rescue.

"I'm so sorry this is all my fault" I say the lump in my throat growing. 

"we need... to go back... before he.... wakes up...." he says huffing.

I nod biting my lip to prevent myself from breaking down.

I close my eyes and focus on my breathing in an attempt to clear my head.

in for 4 hold for 3 and out for 4.... I recite in my head until I'm calm.

after a few minutes I open my eyes, I should be able to fly us back to camp. I don't want Midoriya walking too much he's very badly injured. this boy is running on pure adrenaline.

"ok, let's go back. Kota get on my back and I'll carry you Deku, you shouldn't be on your feet right now you need to rest.

"I may be injured but I'm not defeated yet, there are more people I can save" he grunts.

"your gonna get yourself killed" I say lightly chopping him on his head and he just smiles at me while I give him a stern look.

"it seems that the villains motives are to take some of us students." Midoriya says worriedly looking off into the flaming forest beneath us.

"they're only after me and Bakugou" I say and he looks at me confused.

"how do you know that?" he asks.

"uh... I dunno I'm just going off what he said" I reply playing it off.

"anyways, lets go" I say changing the subject.

"are you sure you can carry me? you sorta fell earlier" Kota says climbing on my back.

"we should be fine, I'm more calm now but hang on tight this could be a rough ride" I say lifting Midoriya off the ground.



(hey so um I haven't slept in 36 hours and I think I'm gonna lose my shit anyways I'm gonna take the weekend off to rest and write a lot I start posting daily again one monday. also side note today was my last day of school so yay! also sorry for the late upload I was out like pretty much all day)

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