Chapter 24: Failed Protection

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they both look at me to show that they are listening and I tell them my plan.

"what if we kill two birds with one stone, Deku you want to protect Bakugou right? and we need light to calm Tokoyami. so what if we ran to wherever Todoroki and Bakugou are and they could either make fire or explosions to chill Dark Shadow out, plus we'll have a bigger group to keep Bakugou safe." I explain.

"that's sounds perfect!" Midoriya says with a weak smile.

"I'll carry you both while we run so we don't lose each other" Shoji says scooping me up in his arms.

I'm now just inches away from Midoriya, like I'm so close I can feel the heat radiating off of his sweaty body.

"ready?" Shoji asks and we both nod.

Shoji takes off running into the forest and Dark Shadow immediately sees us and begins to chase us leaving destruction in his wake.

"there up ahead I see ice! they're fighting!" Midoriya yells

"Bakugou! Todoroki! one of you give us some light!" Shoji yells as we near the two.

the villain that is attacking the two is Moonfish, I have never seen his quirk before and it's really disturbing.

his teeth created long blades that he's using like legs and it makes me shudder.

"More flesh!" Moonfish mutters and Dark Shadow notices the crazed man slapping him down with a single swipe.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya yells after the dumbstruck boy.

"Midoriya Maya and Shoji? and is that Tokoyami?" Todoroki mutters.

"we need some light now! he's out of control!" I yell at the two.

"flesh... slabs of meat.... no! I'm the one who gets to slice them open...." Moonfish creepily mutters using his teeth to get up.

"DON'T STEAL FROM ME!" he yells shoot his blades out at Dark Shadow but he catches his blades and shatters them

"you don't matter insignificant bug!" Dark Shadow mutters grabbing Moonfish and thrashing him around the forest and then whipping him against a tree. once Moonfish is out, Todoroki and Bakugou both charge at Tokoyami with their quirks finally calming the beast.

Tokoyami drops to the floor panting.

"and once again I'm a terrible match up for you bird boy" Bakugou mutters

"thanks... you saved me" Tokoyami mutters huffing.

"we could barely defend against that guy but you beat him instantly." Todoroki says in awe.

"Shoji, I apologize. you too Midoriya and Maya, I'm still far too immature. anger consumed me, and I let my quirk take over. the influence of the darkness combined with my fury spurred Dark Shadow into a frenzy. until it got so strong I couldn't contain it and I ended up hurting Shoji" Tokoyami whimpers his voice breaking.

I feel a pit in my stomach at his words. I feel like crap, this is all m fault. history is repeating itself. all I do is cause harm to those around me...

"we'll deal with it later, that's what you'd say if our rolls were reversed" Shoji says and Tokoyami looks up at him his mouth agape and Midoriya lets out a weak laugh making me smile.

I hope out of Shoji's arms now that things have calmed down and Midoriya tries to do the same but I stop him.

"you need to rest Deku" he hears the worry in my voice and stays on Shoji's back.

I stretch my legs as we continue our conversation.

"I don't know if you heard Mandalay but the villains are after Kacchan and Maya" Midoriya informs them.

"Bakugou and Maya? are they trying to kill them? why?" Tokoyami asks.

"I'm not sure, but I think we should get back to camp. it's the safest place right now as long as Vlad and Mr. Aizawa have regrouped there" Midoriya wheezes.

"I understand, so our mission is to get Bakugou and Maya back to Safety by serving as their protectors." Tokoyami says.

"I'd be fine by myself! I don't need any protection dammit!" Bakugou explodes.

"let's go" Shoji mutters starting to walk.

"don't ignore me!" Bakugou yells following.

"just make sure you keep up" Todoroki mutters.

"don't tell me what to do!" Bakugou yells

I fall towards the back of the group with Bakugou towing behind me.

"what do the villains want with you extra" he asks.

"I dunno, what do they want with you?" I reply snarkily.

as we walk we hear yelling.

"Ochaco!" I hear Tsu.

those in front of us start running but before me and Bakugou do the same, a man jumps in front of us. he's wearing a long brown trench coat a hat and a mask to hide his face.

"evening kids" he announces, then suddenly everything goes dark.


"quickly guys! help her" Tsu yells pinned to a tree.

once Toga notices the large group she jumps away from Uraraka and Tsu breaks free from the knife running to Uraraka's aid.

"there's too many people here and i don't feel like being killed tonight, toodles" Toga says turning to run but then she notices someone.

she gazes at his messy green hair and feels herself blushing. she's absolutely smitten.

"get her!" Uraraka yells standing up but Tsu holds her back

"we have no idea what kind of quirk she has" Tsu says watching as the crazed girl darts off into the forest.

"who was that girl just now" Todoroki asks running over to the two girls.

"one of the villains, she was crazy" Tsu says.

"Uraraka! you're hurt" Midoriya notices the deep gash in Uraraka's arm.

"it's not bad, I can still walk you're the one who looks terrible!" she says scolding him for his injuries.

"I'm glad you didn't get injured too bad, now come on join our group! we're protecting Maya and Kacchan and making our way back to camp. we could use your help" Midoriya begs.

"hm? if you're protecting Bakugou and Maya, then shouldn't they be here with you guys?" Tsu asks putting a finger to her chin.

"huh? what are you talking about, they're right here behind u-" Midoriya turns around and feels his heart stop when he doesn't see his friends there.

"nice trick eh?" a strange man with a cane whos up in a tree says.

"I took the lad you're talking about with my magic, a talent like his would be squandered were he cast as a hero. we'll provide him with a grander stage were he can truly shine. as for the lass, she has become a problem and needs to be... taken care of" he says casually, flaunting around two marbles.

"give them back!" Midoriya yells



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