Chapter 25: What a twist! part 1

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"'give them back'? what an odd thing to say, they don't belong to anyone. don't be so arrogant" Compress says lightly tossing the marbles in the air

"we'll stop you!" Midoriya screams

"right now!" Todoroki finishes his sentence shooting ice straight up at compress, but he dodges.

"Why the aggression? we merely wish to show him that there are options" Compress brags jumping to a tree top.

"if you're monologuing because you think you've beaten us you're mistaken!" Todoroki says.

"a bad habit of mine, I was once an entertainer you know." Compress says still fighting with the two marbles.

"you bastard! you can't take them!" Midoriya screams.

"Midoriya calm down" Todoroki tries to console the boy

"here, take this guy for me" Todoroki says handing Uraraka a member of class 1-B he was carrying around.

he steps forward shooting a large blast of ice towards Compress but he dodges leaving Todoroki covered in frost.

"apologies but slight of hand and escapology are my specialties, not combat. I;m not foolish enough to fight hero candidates from UA." Compress says floating through the air.

he reaches up to the side of his head to activate an earpiece he's wearing.

"Vanguard action squad, I've acquired our target. our little show has officially come to a close. meet me at the retrieval point in the next five minutes for our final bow" Compress announces into the mic.

"they're going to take them, our friends..." Todoroki worries aloud.

"they cant! I won't let them!" Midoriya yells

"you're right! we'll stop them!" Todoroki says charging the man who is still flying through the air towards a clearing in the forest, and the rest of the group follows close behind him.

"dammit this guys quick" Todoroki comments as the group runs

"if only Lida were here" Uraraka huffs

"we can't give up... not now, we have to catch him and get our friends back!" Midoriya says through gritted teeth.

"Uraraka, you have to make us float" Midoriya schemes.

"then Asui, you launch us as far as you can using your tongue" he continues.

"ribbit" Tsu says showing that she acknowledges what he said

"Shoji, you hold me and Todoroki and use you quirk to correct our trajectory through the air. measure the distance with your eyes Uraraka and then when the time is right, release us!" Midoriya finishes his sentence.

"I see, human bullets..." Shoji says 

"wait Deku, you're still going to fight with those injuries!?" Uraraka exclaims, worried about the boy.

"Midoriya, you stay here. with that much pain you-" Todoroki gets cut off

"trust me I don't feel any pain right now, I just need to save her." he says clenching his jaw.

"hurry!" he orders.

"wait Deku! here" Uraraka says pulling off her pink button down and ripping it in half forming two makeshift arm-slings for his broken bones with some sticks.

"thanks Uraraka" Midoriya says.

Tsu wraps her tongue around Shoji, Todoroki, and Midoriya and Uraraka touches the three boys making them float up into the air. then once they are high enough, Tsu flings them straight at Compress knocking him to the ground directly in front of Dabi, Toga, and Twice who have already gathered at the villains meeting spot.

"whoa whoa what's this? oh hey wait, I know these kids. who are they!?" Twice's personalities exclaim.

"give Kacchan and Maya back to us!" Midoriya exclaims digging his feet into Compress' back.

"out of the way Compress" Dabi says unenthusiastically shooting his blue flames straight at Midoriya as Compress compresses himself to get out of the way.

Midoriya and Shoji get hit with the blast while Todoroki jumps out of the way. the two scream in pain as they feel their arms bruning.

"Midoriya! Shoji!" Todoroki calls after the two but is then faced with twice.

"the beat-up little boy and you! you're on Shigaraki's kill list" he says jumping in to attack but is knocked back by Todoroki's ice.

meanwhile, Toga runs after Midoriya with her blood sucking machine.

she knocks him to the ground and sits on his chest.

"hi Izuku! I've been thinking since I saw you... THAT YOU'D BE SO MUCH CUTER IF YOU JUST BLED A LITTLE MORE!" the crazy blonde screams pulling a knife out. 

"Midoriya!" Shoji calls knocking the girl out of the way before she's able to get a hit in.

she tumbles to the ground and lands on her feet sliding back a couple feet.

"so that's how it is?" she seethes.

"you want to come between us? to be honest you're not really my type... but I'll cut you anyway" she says glaring at Shoji.

"She's crazy" he exclaims putting three of his arms in front of Midoriya in case she attacks again.

Twice continues dodging Todoroki's attacks while Compress decompresses himself.

"ugh... I can't believe you wrecked my exit. unrehearsed amateurs..." he grumbles walking over to Dabi.

"you got Maya too right?" he asks holding a hand out for the two marbles.

"of course" he says reaching into his pocket and feeling two balls missing.

"Midoriya, Todoroki, we're done. he gave away his best trick. I'm not sure what you're quirk is but is has to do with those little marbles right? the ones you stashed in your pocket?" Shoji says holding up the two marbles.

"so I'm guessing these are Bakugou and Maya." 

"you rescued them!" Midoriya exclaims relieved.

"ha ha ha, well color me impressed. just as I'd expect from someone with so many hands. how splendid" Compress says

Todoroki forms a wall of ice between them and the villains and the three of them book it into the forest.

Dabi holds out a hand to shoot fire at them but is stopped by Compress.

"no wait..." he says putting his arm down.

the three boys keep running but are met face to face with a Nomu.

"quick this way!" Todoroki says directing them away from the Nomu when suddenly a portal opens up in front of them revealing Kurogiri.

"not this guy!" Shoji mutters.

"he was at the USJ!" Todoroki exclaims.

"the warp villain!" MIdoriya says recognizing the guy.

"it's been five minutes since the signal. let's go Dabi" Kurogiri says opening up more portals for the villains to escape through.

"sorry Izuku but I'll see you later, 'kay?" Toga says cheerfully stepping through the portal.

Twice dives through his portal and Compress is about to step through his and Dabi's portal when he's stopped.

"hold on, we're not leaving without the kid" Dabi says.

"don't worry, they were so proud of themselves for rooting through my pockets that I thought I'd let them have their moment" Compress says turning around. 

the group of boys gasps at his statement.

"but allow me to explain a basic tenant of magic. if I'm flaunting something shiny, it's because there's something else I don't want you to see." he says taking his mask off and opening his mouth revealing Maya and Bakugou's marbles.

"he's got them!" they all three say, panic strewn on their faces.



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