Chapter 25: What a twist part 2

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"Damnit!" Midoriya yells running with both Shoji and Todoroki at his side.

"forgive me, I do so adore a twist ending" Compress says smugly retreating into the safety of the portal behind him. just as he's about to be completely enveloped in the portal, a certain naval laser comes shooting through the bushes striking him in the face breaking his mask and causing him to spit out the two human marbles in his mouth.

"Aoyama?" Midoriya says noticing the blonde hiding in some nearby bushes.

Todoroki and Shoji both lounge at the marbles flying through and air. Shoji secures one but before Todoroki can get his a sewn together arm beats him to it.

"well isn't that a tragedy, poor little Shoto Todoroki" he mutters.

Todoroki tumbles to the ground in defeat.

"confirm it now. release them" Dabi orders.

"that laser ruined my finale" Compress says ducking into the portal and snapping his fingers releasing the two who were trapped in marbles.

Tokoyami appears in Shoji's arms and Maya comes out with Dabi's hand wrapped around her neck.


"Check mate" I hear Dabi say

"wait what?" I question looking around confused.

where the hell am I? how did I get here.

I'm suddenly pulled through a portal that I didn't even notice was behind me and I hear Midoriya yelling.

"MAYA NO!" he screams

"Stay back.. Deku" I mutter, I don't want him to get hurt even more trying to save me.

the portal closes and we are suddenly back at the villain lair.

"you idiot!" I hear a familiar scratchy voice yell

"I asked you to bring me a new member, not someone who already works for us!" Shigaraki rages scratching his neck.

"I know I know, but this one is defective. she's no longer loyal to our faction" Dabi reasons

"what do you mean?" Shigaraki asks annoyed.

"w-what? of course I'm still loyal what are you talking about quilt-face" I stammer nervously.

"there isn't an evil bone in her body. it's obvious, she's not with us." Dabi explains

"knock her out" Shigaraki orders convinced by Dabi's words, I feel something his me on the back of the head and I'm out.

I wake up a few minutes later to a muffled voice talking to me, and two people fighting in the background and I feel a cold cloth on my cheek.

"You're so dirty Maya-chan, let's get you cleaned up. by the way I met this cute boy out there, he's in your class so you might know him" Toga chatters wiping the blood off my face.

"w-what? where am I?" I muster slowly opening my eyes.

"oh goodie you're awake!" Toga exclaims holding a large needle and a cloth in her hands.

she jabs the needle into my thigh with zero hesitation and I fight the urge to pass out as I see my blood pumping out of me. I'm not the biggest fan of needles.

"ya know, you've really made a mess of things. Dabi thinks you're a traitor so now he's going to kill you" she says casually.

"which really sucks because I really liked you but oh well. anyways I'm just here to get your blood and say goodbye I guess. oh by the way they are probably going to torture you first, just a heads up" she continues.

I barely comprehend everything she says I hear about every other word but from what I gather... I'm going to die.

my blood boils and I throw the crazy girl using my mind back ripping the needle out of my leg.

"get off me bitch!" I yell

"COVER HER EYES DAMNIT!" Shigaraki yells and I see a bag come over my head. 

"I guess Dabi was right about you Maya... you have defected" I hear Toga mutter angrily.

I hear footsteps come towards me and then a hard kick to the shin.

"fake bitch!" Toga yells her voice breaking.

damn why do I feel so bad for betraying a crazed murderer? 

"so Maya, you're not very fond of villains eh?" Shigaraki says.

"I told ya" Dabi says

"Just let me go! I haven't done anything!" I yelp

"hmm, no" Shigaraki says.

"I'd much rather kill you, but first we are gonna have a little fun. you're about to learn what happens to traitors" he says sending a chill down my spine.

"go throw yourself into traffic v-neck!" I yell and then feel a punch to my face.

"hey maybe we could ransom her, her mom is the ex-number 2 pro hero. I bet her family's loaded." I hear someone suggest.

"w-what? you've got it all wrong we aren't rich all our money went to medical bills" I whimper.

I'd rather not have my mom hear that I've been kidnapped. I will never hear the end of it although she probably already knows.

I hear the news chatter in the background. they are talking about some press conference

from the sounds of it, the media blames UA for me being kidnapped. little do they know it's all my fault. oh god, this is all my fault. all the students who got hurt becuase of me. and Deku... I hope he's ok. he got beat so badly by muscular.

I should just let these guys kill me, It's what I deserve for all the harm I've done. 

the villains talk amongst themselves about the press conference and as I sit there silently, I realize that I can see the bag that's over my head. therefore I should be able to take it off.

fighting with just my mind and not using my hand to guide it will be difficult. but I can do it. if anything good comes of this maybe I can take out a few villains before I die.

it'll be my apology to the world.

I slowly lift the bag off my head, nobody notices since all their eyes are glued to the TV.

I start by untying the ropes around my arms and legs and once I'm free I stand up being as quiet as I possibly can.

"we won't rest until our missing student is returned to UA" the TV whirs.

all these people... are working so hard just to save... me. I don't deserve this.

I pick Shigaraki up and throw him against a wall, all the eyes in the room turn to me. Shigaraki's hand mask clatters to the floor and everyone charges at me yelling. 

oh crap, this is it...

suddenly there's a knock at the door.

"Did anyone order a pizza?" a voice asks, everyone in the room gawks at the door in silence including me.



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