Chapter 25: What a twist part 3

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"SMASH!" All Might yells shooting through the wall.

"All Might!" I exclaim relieved.

"what the-" Spinner goes

"Kurogiri! gate!" Shigaraki yells to the  warp guy.

before he can react, Kamui woods jumps in grabbing all the villains with his arms.

"Lacquer chain prison!" he yells.

"tch, that's it?" Dabi mutters about to start a flame but before he can, he gets kicked in the face by the same short old man who was at the Hosu incident knocking him out.

"don't do anything foolish, it's in your best interest to cooperate with us" Gran Torino announces.

"you can't run anymore league of villains! understand!?" All Might yells.

"Because we are here now!" 

"tree man you're hugging me too tight!" Twice yells as Toga struggles trying to escape the bindings.

"ah you must've been scared. but you stayed strong. I'm sorry you're safe now young Maya" All Might says to me.

don't cry don't cry don't cry I repeat in my head fighting the lump in my throat.

"t-thank you" I stutter

I should be the one apologizing to him. this is all my doing anyways. I want nothing more than to collapse on the floor right now and never wake up. I'm exhausted my head hurts and I've caused so much pain for so many people.

"enough is enough, you're game has come to an end Tomura Shigaraki!" All Might gloats.

"you thinks it's over? don't be stupid. I've only just begun to play. justice. peace. you created a garbage society by lifting up such ridiculous ideals. that's why I targeted you, All Might. it's why I started gathering people to my cause. you think this is the end? then you've lost!"

Edgeshot suddenly knocks Kurogiri unconscious using a move that makes me gag, he unwound himself and crawled inside him messing with his insides causing him to pass out.

"Gah! I can't see anything! did they just kill Kurogiri!?" Magne exclaims squirming behind the bar counter.

"he was such a nuisance, he had to sleep" Edgeshot comments.

ALl Might grills Shigaraki trying to get him to tell him where his boss is. I didn't even know there were higher ups than him and I worked for the damn villains.

suddenly a bunch of portals open up, but not portals made by Kurogiri. a bunch of Nomu's emerge and another portal appears directly on top of me.

"oh shit" I mutter seeping through the portal. I hear All Might screaming after me.

"NO!" his booming voice yells.

here we go again...

I emerge at the other end of the portal coughing up whatever substance the portal was made of.

"what the f-" I start and then notice a tall man wearing a suit and a large mask with tubes coming out of it towering over me.

my blood runs cold, this guy is horrifying.

"my apologies Maya"

suddenly six more portals open up each spitting out the members of the vanguard action squad + Shigaraki.

"so you've failed once more Tomura, but you must not be discouraged. you'll try again. that's why I brought your associates back with you. even this child that you somehow deemed worthy of joining you're group." the man who I assume is the leader of the league says approaching Shigaraki.

"start over as many times as it takes. I am here to provide you with help. all of this is for you" he says reaching a hand out to Shigaraki.

"ah there you are" he says staring up at the sky, suddenly through a large dust cloud, All Might jumps in punching the tall man.

"I'll have you return my student, All For One." he yells.

"have you come to kill me a second time All Might?" he asks holding his fists.

the force of that punch sends all the villains and me flying. I tumble back a few meters but manage to catch myself.

that guy was able to catch All Might's punch. this All For One guy must be the real deal.

"I won't make the same mistake I made five years hear me? I will take young Maya back and I will make sure that you're locked up for the rest of your sad life." All Might says clenching his fists.

"right along with your despicable league of villains!" He yells lunging forward making a fist. 

All For One turns his arm into an airbag and blows him backward. is that his quirk? I can't tell.

"All Might!" I call out worried

"don't you worry, it'll take a whole lot more than that to kill him. get off the battlefield Tomura and take that child with you. Kurogiri warp them away" All For One says extending his long fingers out and piecing Kurogiri. 

I don't see how that helps him in any way shape or form but oh well. what is up with this guy? how many quirks does he have?

Kurogiri's body twitches and opens a large portal.

"what about you?" Shigaraki asks the tall man.

"I'll be fine, there remains much room for you to grow" he says floating up into the air.

suddenly I hear a loud boom and see All Might jumping right back into battle.

"you're mine!" he yells punching One For All but again he catches his fist.

"let's go Shigaraki, while our masked leader is keeping your enemy entertained. keep your prize" Compress says compressing an unconscious Dabi.

the vanguard action squad surrounds me, they are going to attack me and try and take me with them.

I can't let Compress get anywhere near me, my best bet is to just fly straight up. I'll probably still have to dodge attacks from All For One but I'm hoping All Might will take care of him. once I'm out of here, All Might will be able to give this battle his all. I'm just in the way here.

I fly myself straight up, I can feel my powers trembling, I won't be able to stay up here for very long. 

Toga starts throwing knifes up at me but I dodge. while fighting All Might, One For All is simultaneously shooting his long finger-lookin spindles at me. 

suddenly the biggest ice spike I've ever seen shoots out of the ground.

"Todoroki?" I question staring up at the spike confused.

I suddenly see a green ball of energy flying through the sky.

"Deku!?" I yell flying myself upward towards the group.

"Maya grab my hand!" Kirishima yells.

I grab his hand shocked that him of all people would be here to save me.

I look down and see that Magne has shot Compress up at us, but just before he reaches us, Mt. Lady grows and allows him to hit her right in the face and the two fall to the ground.

"the rescues priority, go home you dumb kids" she grunts

"Hang on Maya, we're going home" Midoriya assures me.

we soon land and find a group of bystanders to blend in with and get evacuated by pros.

Midoriya gets a call from Todoroki and picks it up.

"hey Todoroki, are you and Yaoyorozu safe?" he asks, there's a moment of silence before he talks again.

"yeah we are by the station, the rescue mission was a success" he exclaims and then turns his phone off.

"Yao-momo's here too?" I ask exhausted.

"yeah we all came to save you Maya." Midoriya explains and I pull him into a hug.

"I don't deserve your kindness" I sob into his shoulder

"it's okay Maya, you're safe now." he says patting me on the back

I pull away from the embrace and we all nervously look up at the jumbotron to watch the battle.

I see a skinny version of All Might the crowd erupts with whispers. and I look up at Midoriya who's face has gone white.

"All Might..." he mutters.

All Might stands there frozen as the crowd watches on.

"WIN THIS! CMON ALL MIGHT!" Midoriya yells, tears in his eyes.

"CMON ALL MIGHT!" I join his cheering. exhaustedly yelling. 



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