Chapter 30: Ultimate moves part 2

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for the rest of the day, I train using my iron fist and try to increase my overall strength with this new move.

we are supposed to also be thinking about ways to improve our costumes and I have come up with an idea. 

my plan is to pretty much just add a backpack to my costume design instead of the utility belt (that is very annoying to draw by the way) 

while walking to the development studio, I run into Lida and Uraraka who are both also changing up their costumes.

"oh hey guys, changing your costumes too?" I ask running up behind them.

"yup! I'm focusing on making my own body float, if I can increase my mobility then I can use the martial arts I learned from my internship even more." Uraraka explains.

"makes sense" I say

"what are you guys doing?" she asks

"well I just wanted to add a backpack to my costume design so I can increase my ball capacity. my new move uses a lot of them and if I had more balls I could probably make two fists" I say making my hands into fists and punching the air dramatically.

"what do you mean by fists?" Lida asks

"oh my ultimate move is called 'iron fist' and it's this pretty much" I say reaching down at my belt and pulling my balls out to form the fist and make it wave at the two.

"woah that's cool!" Uraraka swoons.

"what are you changing about your costume Lida?" I ask still playing around with my iron fist.

"well it's quite simple, I want to reduce recipro burst's drawbacks. I plan on asking the development studio to improve my radiator" he explains

"nice!" I say giving him a thumbs-up with my metal hand.

"oh! hey there Deku!" I hear Uraraka say and I look forward to see the green-haired boy standing in front of the development studio door.

"sup Deku!" I say waving with my metal hand.

"oh hey guys, cool hand Maya!" he exclaims and I give him the middle finger with a very cheery smile.

"hey! why the aggression!?" he whimpers jokingly and I laugh

"sorry I've been wanting to do that to someone all day eheh..." I say.

just as we near Deku, the door to the studio suddenly blows up shooting Deku back.

me Lida and Uraraka all gasp at what just happened.

"ow ow ow ow ow" I hear a voice coming from the smoke say.

"ya know you shouldn't mix everything that you can find in the lab together like that" powerloader says coughing.

the voice in the smoke chuckles and then says,

"failure is the mother of invention Mr. Power Loader, Thomas Edison said something like that once." the voice says through coughs.

"even if something I make doesn't work like i envisioned it, that doesn't mean its a waste of time" she continues.

"you almost blew up the entire studio! will you please listen to me for once Hatsume!" Power Loader exclaims.

the smoke finally starts clearing and I see Mei Hatsume, the girl from the sports festival, laying on top of Deku.

"uh..." I gawk

"hey when did you get here?" she asks noticing the shaken boy underneath her boobs.

Deku opens his eyes confused about what just happened and then his face turns beet red when he notices that there is a girl on top of him.

"oh sorry for the sudden explosion, it's been awhile huh? class 1-A right? uh... yeah I forgot all your names already" she says getting up off Deku

I put my iron fist away into my belt and walk over to the red boy and help him up off the ground.

"I'm Maya Suzuki" I introduce myself.

"oh no I know you, you're the girl who got kidnapped right?" she says and I just stare at her dumbfounded.

"uh, I'm Izuku Midoriya" Deku Mutters 

"I'm Tenya Lida, the man you tricked into being a walking advertisement during the sports festival!" Lida yells frustrated.

"never heard of ya!" she says whirling around and going back into the development studio

"well I'm busy developing new babies so bye!" she says in a sing-song voices.

"hey wait a second! please." Deku says chasing after her.

"I wanted to ask Mr. Powerloader about improving some elements of my costume" he continues.

"you can count me in!" she yells, suddenly interested in him standing there.

"hatsume!" Power Loader scolds.

"it's fine for you to be in and out of the studio all day since your in the dorms but if you stop following my instructions and keep running wild in here... you're banned" PowerLoader says making Hatsume deadpan.

"I hear from Eraserhead you're here to upgrade those costumes for your new moves, come on in" he continues gesturing for the four of us to enter the room.

"woah this looks like a top-secret lab!" Deku exclaims 

we all look at the various inventions scoured across the lab in awe.

"now, hand over your instructions please, they should've been with the case your costume was delivered in. I have a license to make costumes so I'm allowed to do some mild tinkering on those that were made out-of-house. for small changes and repairs, I can simple report what I altered to the design company. they'll do the paperwork for me. but for major changes, we'll have to fill out an application and ask the design professionals to make the adjustments for us. after that's completed the government will make sure the new costume meets certain standards when approved it'll be sent back here and we work with the best design agencies available so there's usually just a three-day turnaround."

"I was wondering if there was a way I could reduce the strain on the ligaments in my arms. is that hard? or possibles?" Deku asks holding up his hand.

"hm Midoriya, let's see, you mainly fight with your fists and your fingers. I should be able to do something for you pretty fast." he says looking something up on his computer.

"Deku that's awesome!" Uraraka exclaims.

"yeah!" he agrees and then makes a freaked out face when he feels Hatsume touching him.

I make the same horrified look as I watch Hatsume putting her hands all over Deku.

"hey get your paws off him!" I scold her

"yes yes I see the problem" she sasy continuing what she's doing.

"H-hatsume what are you doing!?" Uraraka exclaims also looking freaked out.

"I'm just feeling out his muscles, oh my your body's much more muscle-y than it looks. don't you worry I've got just what you need!" she exclaims whisking him away to make him try out her inventions.

"um anyways... Mr. PowerLoader, I was just wondering if I could get a backpack with my costume instead of the utility belt. I want to increase the amount of metal balls I can hold and I feel like a backpack is more suited for what I need." I explain.

"sure thing! this shouldn't take very long since all you need is a backpack" he says typing on his computer.

"you should have it within a day or two!" he says giving me a thumbs-up

"great thanks!" I go to leave but before I do I go over to Uraraka.

"I have to go now, make sure Hatsume doesn't do anything to traumatize poor Deku" I whisper to her and she nods also creeped out by Hatsume.



(I have a headache and I'm writing this chapter at like 7 am I just straight up didn't sleep and I'm tired so imma go to sleep. also I'm going to take a short break again this weekend. I just have some things I need to get done and I need extra time to prepare chapters I'm so sorry I keep doing this. I will continue to edit the past chapters over the weekend though I have a lot to get through.)

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