Chapter 31: :Love Confession?

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four days later and class 1-A is still continuing our ultimate moves training.

since I've already come up with my move, I've just been working on solidifying my fighting style with the iron fist. 

(side note, i made this drawing before I decided to remove her utility belt and replace it with a backpack. also the iron fist took me forever to draw ;-; )

"HEY WATCH OUT!" I hear Bakugo yell. 

I look over the edge of my pillar to see a large piece of debris falling straight toward All Might.

"crap." I mutter dropping my iron fist letting all the balls explode on the floor and jumping off the edge of the pillar and flying over to the debris piece.

but just before I can reach it, Deku jumps in out of nowhere and kicks the piece of cement screaming.


I gawk at him as he lands on the floor, his feet literally smoking.

"you okay All Might? that was close" Deku asks

I float down to the ground where Deku is standing.

"that was so cool! you powderized that rock!" I exclaim.

"yeah Midoriya, you swooped in and wasted that piece of cement. I always thought you were more of a puncher" Kirishima says.

"I am, or I was. it's these new soles, Hatsume suggested them and I think they'll really up my game. plus Lida's been showing me how to use my body better so my fighting style has changed. I've only just figured out what direction to go in. I still have a lot of work to do, nothing I'd call an ultimate move yet" Deku says showing off his shoes.

"I dunno, based on that kick I'd say you're further along than you think. so you should be ready for this test" All Might says.

"yeah that was pretty ultimate" I say

"I see you guys have made costume changes too!" Deku notices Kirishima, Kaminari, and I's changes.

"yeah we've all been tweaking things here and there, your not the only one with a new style" Kirishima explains. 

"now's the time to upgrade right?" Kaminari adds

"just wait, my new special gear is gonna blow your mind. wanna see? cmon it's totally amazing!" Kaminari says pointing to himself with his thumb.

"I just added a backpack to mine heh, nothing too cool" I say 

"that's enough class A. class B is scheduled to use this training room every afternoon" Vlad says opening the door with his class behind him.

"Class B?" Deku questions.

"aw man, crap timing" Kaminari whines

"Eraser, get your kids out of our way" he scolds Mr. Aizawa 

"you're not trying to kick us out early when we have ten minutes left are you?" Aizawa mumbles

"hey didja hear? the license exam has a 50% pass rate, that means your entire class might fail!" Monoma says with a crazed tone.

"unfortunately, his observations are correct. if we're taking the same exam then we'll crush each other. that's the hand fate dealt us" Tokoyami says 

"that's why we won't be in the same location. our classes applied to different spots." Mr. Aizawa explains.

"there are two exam dates, in june and in september. and the tests are held in three different places. we don't want students from the same place fighting so we split you up. each school has at most one class at a single location." Vlad adds

"how sad we won't be able to face each other directly!" Monoma comments.

"so we'll be facing students from other places?" Sero says

"yeah, and we're taking the test earlier than most other students" Deku says sounding a little worried.

"that's true, very few first years in the country try for a provisional license. in other words the test will be made up of students who've trained longer than you and with quirks you don't know about, ones that are powerful. the actual content of the exam is a mystery. but you can expect that you're going to have a rough time. try not to get hung up about that but keep it mind" Mr. Aizawa explains.

"yes sir!" the class yells.

after that speech, class is dismissed and we all head back to the dorms to shower. 

after we wind down a bit, me and the girls all sit in the common room just to hang out.

"ugh does training have to be this hard!" Mina whines.

"well it's not called intensive training for nothing" Hagakure says

"that's true but it's strange to think there's only a week left before the exam" Yaoyorozu adds

"psh this is nothing compared to what my mom used to have me do. I would literally train until I passed out sometimes." I say and the room goes silent.

"um... anyways, how's your guys ultimate moves coming along?" Hagakure changes the subject.

"there's something I really want to try but I'm not sure if my body's ready yet" Yaoyorozu says

"I've been working on a move that makes me even more frog-like than before" Tsu explains.

I zone out of the conversation while the girls talk about their ultimate moves. 

I start thinking about Deku and the pure rage I felt when Hatsume was feeling him up. why did I feel like that? it's not that I was like jealous of her or anything... right? 

could it be that I like Dek-

"Maya?" Tsu says poking me.

"gah what? sorry I zoned out there" I say feeling my face grow warm.

"you seem a little distracted" she points out.

"oh um... I was just thinking about something..." I say not making eye contact with anyone.

"It's love isn't it!" Mina squeals

"uHM... no?" I say very unconvincingly

"you were thinking about Midoriya weren't you. you two are always hanging out together are you guys dating or something!?" she prys.

"gah! no t-thats not it!" I say frantically.

"cmon tell us!" Hagakure says

"you know we're not going to give up until we know" Jiro adds

"well... I dunno. I think I like Deku" I say feeling my face get hotter and my heart pounding just thinking about it.

"AHHH THAT'S SO CUTE!" Mina exclaims.

"you two would be perfect together" Uraraka says with a glum smile.

"I think he's outside training right now Maya, you should go confess your love to him right now!" Hagakure mocks

"w-what!? no no no no no" I say hiding my bright red face

"I don't even know if it is anything or not yet" I whimper.

"c'monn go out there!" Mina pushes and before I can object the girls all push me outside and stand eagerly waiting at the window.

I see him kicking around and looking at his notebook. I really don't want to bother him but they won't let me in if I don't.

"um hey Deku..." I say trying to hide my blushed face.

"oh hey Maya, what brings you out here?" he asks with that adorable smile that makes my heart race.

"n-nothin just seeing what you're doing." I say cooling down a bit.

I look up at the window to see all the girls piled around it and one of the gives me a thumbs-up and I roll my eyes.

Deku follows my gaze up to the window and notices everyone watching us.

once he looks up there, Mina starts making a kissy face while Jiro makes a heart with her hands.

since he's still looking up at the window I take this chance to bolt.

before he can turn back around I'm gone.

"sorry guys I chickened out eheh..." I say with an awkward laugh.

"damn..." Mina says sounding disappointed.

"we shouldn't force it, if it's meant to be it'll happen naturally" Tsu says putting a finger on her chin.

"thanks Tsu" I say relieved I had someone to back me up.

"he's probably so confused as to where you went haha" Hagakure laughs.

"yeah... I just kinda ran" 

"anyways it's getting late we should call it a night guys" Yaoyorozu says and we all agree and head up to our rooms to sleep.



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