❌Chapter 32: Love Confession {DELETED CHAPTER}

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I head up to my room after brushing my teeth and plop down on my bed.

when I do I feel a pain in my side and then I remember. I walk over to the mirror in my room and lift my shirt up revealing the side where the stair jabbed me after my mom threw me down the stairs.

I suck my teeth as I press on the large bruise when suddenly the door swings open.

"LEARN HOW TO KNOCK IDIOT!" I bark and then I see my favorite green haired boy.

"GAH S-SORRY!" he says turning around.

"it's fine just come in, sorry I yelled heh" I say dropping my shirt.

"what brings you here?" I ask

"oh I was just wondering what you wanted to talk to me about earlier, you sorta disappeared there." he asks

"oh um... it's stupid" I say my face turning red. 

should I tell him the truth or lie?

I figure I've created enough chaos by lying to last a lifetime.

"well, me and the girls were talking and um... it may have gotten back to them that I like you so they made me go outside to 'confess my love to you' but I chickened out" I say making air quotes.

"you like me?" he says his face turning red just like mine and pointing to himself in disbelief.

"y-yea..." I say trying to hide my stupid smile.

we stand there in silence for what feels like hours before he finally says something.

"I like you too Maya" he says with a warm smile that causes my chest to explode.

he walks over to where I'm standing smiling and pulls me into a hug and I hug him back.

after a few minutes we pull away from the embrace.

"oh also, I don't want to pry or anything but, what was that bruise? it looked pretty bad." he asks.

"oh uhm that... when my mom heard about the dorm assignments, she hated the idea and when I argued back that I wanted to go she sorta threw me down the stairs and locked me in the basement." I say holding my side.

"oh my god, that's awful. are you okay?" he asks 

"yeah I'm fine. I'm used to her rage. I'm just glad I'm no longer living there." I say.

"so what now? are we... dating now?" I ask

"sure!" he says excitedly.

"I should go back to my dorm now before we get in trouble, I'll see you tomorrow" Deku says kissing me lightly on the cheek making my heart flutter.

he leaves my room softly closing the door behind him. 

once he's gone I do a little happy dance and then I hear my phone go off.


was that Midoriya I just saw leaving your room? :Tsu

Maya: yeah...

not that it's any of my business but what were you guys talking about? :Tsu

Maya: well, I sorta confessed to him and now we're sorta dating :D

that's so sweet! :Tsu

Maya: Don't tell anyone yet though not til we're ready

ofc :Tsu


I jump onto my bed laying on my back feeling a rush I've never felt before. is this love?

I fall asleep thinking about what went down today.

the next morning I get up and meet everyone downstairs for breakfast. I sit with Deku, Tsu, Uraraka, Lida, and Todoroki like usual. but today is different.

throughout breakfast Deku keeps smiling at me and every single time he does my heart jumps. I wish he would stop but at the same time I don't...

"why do you two keep making eyes at each other?" Uraraka asks

"um... no reason" I say shoving my mouth full of food and looking down at my plate.

I'm a really bad liar.

after breakfast, we continue training and working on our ultimate moves like we have been all week. 

by now I have perfected my Iron fist. although It's starting to get really annoying when I drop it on accident and my balls explode everywhere. 

after a few more days continuing our current training, it's finally time for the Licensing exam.



(why was this chapter deleted? because I felt like it was too fast for them to be dating, though I plan on making them date like around when the work studies starts (there's gon be some drama) 

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