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"Ms. Suzuki, please come with us." Principal Nezu says in his unusually peppy tone that doesn't fit the demeanor at all.

all the eyes in the room dart to me and I feel my heart drop.

behind him stands three police officers and the detective who is working the League of Villains case.

"um sure..." I say trying to keep my composure, I already know what's about to happen.

I get out of my desk and follow Nezu and the four men all the way to his office. the whole time my heart is racing, I feel like I'm going to puke.

we finally reach his office and I'm seated in front of his comically large desk and the detective stands right behind him.

"Suzuki, after much consideration, we've come to the decision that you are the UA traitor" Nezu says plainly.

"what? t-that's crazy, don't you know who my mother is?" I say on the verge of tears.

an officer steps towards me holding out a pair of handcuffs.

"Maya Suzuki, you are under arr-" 

I slam him against a wall and when the other officers rush at me a do the same with them. 

"Maya please, you're only making things worse!" Nezu shouts, I feel tears come to my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I can't go to jail." I yelp lifting my arm and shoot Nezu against a wall as well.

"Ms. Suzuki! don't do this!" the detective yells.

"it's too late..." I say turning back to him.

I grab a small paperweight off of Nezu's desk and whip it at the window. I release the four men and Nezu and jump out the window, making my clothes fly and going up to the roof.

not even a minute later and alarms are blaring. 

"initiating lockdown, we have a fugitive on the run! repeat fugitive on the run!" 

I've got to think quickly. I run over to one of the many metal structures on the roof and rip the vent off of one of them.

I place it on the ground and step on it, using it as a sort of hoverboard and fly lower down.

as I near the front gates of UA, I see guard rushing out along with teachers.

there I see a wide-eyed Aizawa looking up at me. I can't even imagine what he could be thinking right now.

I zoom out to the dorm building where I know no one is at right now and land on my balcony.

I enter my room, which I will probably never see again and grab a bag.

I throw in my phone charger, a change of clothes, my harness, my wallet and a hoodie.

I catch my breath and take a look around my dark room, the afternoon sunlight shines through the window as I feel all the mistakes I've made in the past coming back to bite me in the ass.

I'm regretting everything now, I've ruined my life with a split second decision.

I put my harness on and slide open the glass door of my dorm room, but just before I take off I hear my door open.

I turn around to see a very out of breath Deku standing there huffing.

"Maya! what's happening!? are you the fugitave?" he asks running over to me.

"Deku... I'm so sorry." I start sniffling.

"this has to be a mistake right? what is it that they think you did?" he asks franctically.

"it's no mistake, I'm a villain. I always have been I guess..." I say looking down at the ground.

"what... n-no... you wouldn't do that..." he breathes, his face turning white.

"I never meant to hurt you, I was angry at the world and now I'm paying for it" I say looking back up to him sobbing.

he grabs his chest feeling his heart shatter in to a million pieces, tears fill his eyes. he can't believe what he's hearing, he doesn't want to believe it. how stupid could he be? what kind of hero doesn't notice he's dating the enemy.

"what the fuck is wrong with you!" he explodes, screaming in a fit of tears.

"you... you broke my heart, I couldn't ever be with a villain" his words are like knives to my chest. they hurt more then I could ever phathom. 

"Deku..." I start trying to grab his face but he swats my hand away and looks to the ground pouting.

"I love you..." I say but he still refuses to look me in the eye.

I turn around and walk out onto the balconey and jump off hte edge.

I deeply consider not flying and just letting myself fall, but at the last second I fly up and off into the sun.

I put my hoodie on and my first stop is to a gas station, there I buy hairdye and some snacks.

then in the bathroom I dye my hair jetblack and chop it all off, giving me a short bob. 

(this is another draft of Maya getting caught, I couldn't decide which one I liked better sooo yeah)

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