Chapter 35: Himiko Toga?

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one of the students from Ketsubetsu turns his balls to stone (that's what she said) using his quirk and hands them off to his classmate who sends them underground.

we hear the balls grind through the floor as the come closer and closer. I keep my eyes glued to the ground so that I can protect myself.

"where are they going to pop up?" Deku wonders.

"Stand back, I got this!" Jiro exclaims plugging her headphone jack into her new support item gloves and then shoving her hands into the ground sending out sound waves throughout the floor. 

the ground begins to crumble beneath the feet of the Ketsubutsu students disorienting them.

with the floor all broken up, we can now all see the balls which are flying straight towards Mineta.

"maximum strength and viscosity! protect this perv, acid veil!" Mina exclaims creating a wall of acid to protect the short purple boy.

"wow thanksth! thatsth sthuch a great move!" he compliments her 

"it's my defensive special that creates a melty wall" she replies.

"ugh, looks like all the students are still in a stalemate. not a single one has passed yet." Mera's monotone voice says over the speakers.

"TREMORING EARTH!" I hear the dark haired boy call out as the ground begins shaking.

"not good, everybody run!" Lida yells.

"what the heck is this!?" Mina exclains getting swept up in the rocks.

before I too get stuck, I fly myself into the air and meet up with Uraraka who's sitting on a boulder she made float.

"sup" I say joining her, still floating all of the orange balls around me.

"DEKU!" she screams and I look behind me to see Deku falling through the rocks.

"crap he's too far away for me to grab him!" I yell reaching down toward him but to no avail.

"he's probably fine..." I assure myself.


"wow that was super intense, someone could have even died in that attack" Uraraka says

"jesus I wonder what happened" I say watching below us as the dust clears.

"let's go back down to the ground, we'll attract attention from other classes up here" I say after a few seconds and Uraraka agrees, releasing the boulder we were sitting on.

"we should try and find the others, or else we'll have to fight on our own" she plans and we make our way throught he rough terrain.

"about 30 people have passed, still a pretty long way to go though. can't you kids speed this along? for me?" Mera groans. 

we continue walking and soon run into Sero who joins our little group.

suddenly we hear someone fighting nearby. 

we look over a bunch of rocks to see Deku and a naked girl (pARDOn?)

what the fawk is he doing with a naked girl back here!?

"Midoriya! how did you get in this enviable situation!" Sero yells shooting tape at the girl who I recognize as the girl from Shiketsu who seemed familiar.

I run after her in attempts to hit her with my balls (that's what she said) but she's too quick and jumps onto a rock like a cat.

"hey Maya!" she exclaims as if she knows me.

"too bad I can't stay, I really really wanted to talk to you some more. but not with this bitch around, what a bummer." she says too Deku, and suddenly I recognize her.

that girl... that's Toga.

Toga's quirk is that she can transform people by drinking their blood that must be how she's here. whoever this girl is she must've kidnapped her and drank her blood, or killed her...

"he really trusts you a lot you know" she says narrowing her gaze at me and I glare back at her.

suddenly she gets up and runs off.

"come back naked girl!" Sero yells.

"Don't follow her!" Deku yells, stopping him.

"it might've just been her quirk, but it looked like she wasn't wearing her clothes, or her targets. theres still a chance she might come after us, but think about it, we don't have much time left and it would be hard to get a point off of her" Deku explains.

"what the hell were you doing back there Deku?" I ask accusingly

"nothing, I think her quirk is what made her naked I swear!?" he whimpers and I narrow my gaze at him.

"also, you two are actually you right?" he continues.

"yeah" I answer plainly.

"huh?" Uraraka says.

"what are you talkin' about?" Sero asks.

"well... earlier that girl, transformed into Maya's clone" he says

"euhh..." I shiver.

"WAS SHE NAKED THEN TOO!?" Sero asks frantically shaking Deku


"Sero you sound like Mineta..." I deadpan.

"so that hotties quirk is to transform into other people? weird" Sero says

"I think so" Deku adds

"we can't underestimate how much those other schools know about us, they even know you and Maya are really good friends" Sero says as we all hide under a rock.

"Probably because we were on the same cavalry battle team at the sports festival" Deku thinks

"yeah that must be why" I go along with it. it's better than telling them that she knows that because she's a villain and I too used to be a villain.

I wonder what Shigaraki's game here is. why did he send her here? or is she just here to mess with me? either way, I know I always regret this in the future and it's starting to become a pattern. but I should keep my mouth shut. they would question how I know who she is if I were to come forward and I can't have that happening.

"anyways, how did you guys find me? that was perfect timing" Deku asks.

"we just saw a fight and rushed in to help" Sero says.

"so we're a group of four for now, what next?" Uraraka says.

"I wish we could meet up with the rest of our class. we're way safer in numbers" Sero adds

"that's true, but 30 people have already passed this test so far. we have to hurry. if we're gonna pass we've gotta earn some points" Deku continues.

"let's see where are we at now, looks like 52 maybe 53 have passed. and looking on the other side of things, it seems 230 examinees have failed" Mera says over the loudspeaker.

"oh wow there's only half of the spots left... we need to find some people." I say worried.



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