Chapter 36: wait what did he say?

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"We're running out of time, this is bad what do we do?" Sero asks.

"I knew we'd be in trouble if we got split. at least we can probably do something about the group that's near us and maybe even make a few points." Deku says

"as people get worried they break away from their classmates and then they'll be at a big disadvantage." Uraraka adds

"wait why'd you say we should all stick together then, we'd be in the same boat" Sero questions.

"well to begin with we were told to hit weak points with balls, so it's easy to think of this as target practice. and without knowing our opponents quirks we're basically going in blind. but it's not easy or efficient to go after moving targets cause after all they'll be protected" Deku starts

"think about it I wanted to first make sure that we trapped enough people for everyone in our class to pass. then we'd use our balls only after they couldn't move anymore. our class has a lot of people who excel in restraining groups. so I kinda thought it wouldn't be any troubles" He continues.

"oh I see, how about this: whenever we find people, I can just pick them up using my quirk so they can't move. then we can just tap them with our balls!" I say making the 10 or so balls I have dance around in a circle.

"sh do you guys hear that? it sounds like they're getting closer!" Uraraka shushes.

"I go in first as a decoy, then Maya and Sero will immobilize anyone they can, same goes for you Uraraka" Deku says 

"roger, c'mon guys let's do it!" Uraraka whispers standing up. 

"go now" Deku whisper yells and we charge at them.

me and Uraraka combine our powers making a bunch of boulders float up into the air while Sero attaches tape to them. 

Deku carries Sero while all the examinees charge after us, but just before they are out of reach of the boulder trap, me and Uraraka release and lower the boulders trapping them underneath the tape.

"nice job guys!" Deku exclaims

"looks like 76 people have passed the exam at this point. we'll be at capacity soon" Mera says

"we don't have much time and I'm sure others will come for us soon" Sero points out

"let's take em out!" I say and we all walk toward the trapped students.

"you guys are first years right? cmon can't you give us a break, we have to earn our provisional hero licenses this time around!" one of the trapped students says.

"I'm sorry but so do I" Deku says leaning over and tapping his targets.

I find two people and tap each of their targets. my targets light up and tell me to go to the ante room.

"80 people have now passed, you guys are moving at an exhausting pace" Mera says

"wow, that was fast" Sero says

"I can fly us all over to the Ante-room so we don't have to walk" I offer making us all float.

"thanks Maya!" Deku says with a warm smile. 

I drop uss right in front of the ante room and there we run into three more of our classmates who've also passed.

"aw-yeah! class-A represent!" Kaminari yells

"you know it! our class is amazing!" Uraraka exclaims pumping a fist into the air. 

Sero, Uraraka, Kirishima, and Kaminari all form a huddle and start chanting 

"CLASS 1-A!" over and over again while me and Deku just stand and watch them celebrate.

"so you passed too, how'd you manage that Deku" Bakugo mumbles walking up to us.

"Kacchan, Hey" Deku yelps nervously bracing for an impact.

"guess I shouldn't be surprised with that quirk you got it looks like you've made that borrowed power your own." he mutters making Deku's face go white.

"did he say borrowed power? what does that mean?" I ask Deku and he gets really nervous, not saying anything.

"jeez didn't think that'd be a stumper. whatever." I brush it off, but it was still weird the way he reacted to my question.

we enter the room and see most of our class is already there. 

"hey Maya, hey Ochaco!" Tsu says walking up to us.

"the key to take of your targets is in the back, they asked us to return them to the shelf now that we're done" she tells us handing us each a cup of water she got from the concession stand.

"oh cool, thank you I'll do that" Uraraka says.

"thanks Tsu!" I add

me and Uraraka go to the back and unlock our targets placing them on a shelf.

"so how are things with you and Deku?" she says in a strange tone making eyebrows at me.

"uHM. good? why do you ask?" I stammer blushing a bit and taking a sip of my water.

"no reason... it's just that Tsu told me she saw him leaving your dorm a week ago." she says in a mocking tone still making eyebrows.

I practically choke on my water when she says that. I can tell what she's implying.

"gah! we weren't doing anything I swear! he just wanted to ask me why I ran away from him that night you guys all forced me to confess my love to him!" I reply blushing and choking on my water

(little does Maya know, at this very moment a certain green-haired boy is standing within earshot of their conversation smiling like an idiot)

"did you tell him why you were out there?" she asks

"god no, I just lied eheh..." I say laughing and she laughs at my cowardice along with me.



(a/n have any of yall noticed that at the end of the second intro for season three of MHA, Midoriya is sitting in between Hagakure's grasp? I've heard some theories that Hagakure might be the UA traitor with no real evidence against her. but it just seems super villainous the way she like holds her hands around him at the end of the intro. idk rewatch it and tell me what you guys think cause idk, I didn't even notice it the first time I watched the show cause she's hidden in plain sight. I'll attach a youtube vid of the intro for you guys to watch cuz I understand being too lazy to go look it up heheh...)

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