Chapter 37: that bitch!

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suddenly  loud buzzer blares.

"THE LAST STUDENT PASSED!" Mera yells startling me.

"every spot is now filled! 100 students will advance! the end is finally here, wahooo!" he exclaims.

"yeah!" Kirishima and Kaminari exclaim pumping a victory fist up in the air.

"our entire class passed the test, I'm so excited!" Uraraka yells throwing her arms up.

"aw man! I am so proud of us!" Sero says 

"ribbit, ribbit!" Tsu says too excited to use her words.

"we really pulled it off you guys" Deku says relieved.

"I'm so glad everyone passed!" I say running up to Deku who blushes when I get close.  I wonder what provoked that.

"unfortunately, those who failed will now have to withdraw from the licensing exam. please leave the test area immediately." Mera says over the intercom.

"for the hundred of you who passed the test please turn your attention to the screen" he continues, and a everyone in the room looks up at the large screen to see video feed of the arena.

"huh, it's the test arena" Deku points out.

"what's gonna happen next?" Uraraka asks

just as she says that, the buildings on screen suddenly explode and everyone gawks at the screen. 

"wait. does that mean...?" Deku trails off.

"there's only one more round to the exam. your goal is simple, undertake rescue exercises and save the bystanders who are trapped in these disaster sites." Mera explains.

"a rescue mission" Deku breathes.

"save the what now?" Mineta and Kaminari ask

"bystanders, we learned about them in class, remember? they're people at a disaster scene" Hagakure explains to the simple minded beings.

"it can also simply refer to innocent citizens on a street." Yaoyorozu adds

"use this time to show us how you will carry out successful rescue procedures once you receive your provisional licenses. treat this as though it were the real thing" Mera says.

the screen cuts to one of the exploded city streets to show a bunch of little kids and old people crawling around on the debris and getting themselves in place.

"old people and kids?" Kaminaris says

"that'sth stho dangerousth why are they here?" Mineta asks.

"these specialists have been trained as professional 'persons in need of rescue' they're very popular. introducing the 'help us company'. also know as HUC for short" Mera explains.

"so they're actors I guess?" Sero says.

"it's the kind of job you never think about" Tsu says putting a finger to her face.

"but a necessary one in our world since they support our hero training" Ojiro adds. 

(ever notice how people from the MHA universe tend to speak as though they know that there are other worlds out there that are normal like ours?)

"the HUC bystanders have dressed up like injured victims and will be located throughout the disaster site. we'll be judging how well you can keep them safe as you go about your mission.
oh by the way, we'll be scoring you on a point system. if you have more points than the benchmark at the time the exercise comes to an end, then you pass the exam. we'll start in ten minutes so take care of any necessary preparations now." Mera continues.

"this looks familiar" Lida says walking up beside me Deku and Uraraka.

"it's like Kamino Ward,  I wonder if they based it off that" Deku says.

"oh yeah it is" I add thinking back to when I was rescued by Deku and them. 

"it's true that the situations are similar but, our only goal then was to rescue Maya from the villains. we let the pros handle search and recovery, and you'll recall, there were many casualties" Lida continues.

"yeah..." I say looking down sadly, thinking about all the people that died because of me.

"not this time!" Deku says narrowing his gaze at the screen.

"MIDORIYA!" Kaminari and Mineta scream running up behind the green haired boy startling him.

"What were you doing while we were justh trying to sthay alive you basthard!?" Mineta yells

"was the entire test nothing but a joke for you!?" Kaminari yells grabbing him and shaking him.

"get off him!" I yell pulling the two off of him using my quirk

"what are you guys talking about!" Deku whimpers.

"what deviousth thingsth were you doing with that uber hottie!?" Mineta exclaims pointing a finger at the girl from Shiketsu who is actually Toga.

she waves while giggling and I glare at her.

"ah! the casual greeting exchanged between a man and woman whose sexual relationship has advanced several bases!" Mineta screams.

"uh their what-relationship now?" I ask deadpanning.

"just how Plus Ultra did you end up going with her!" Kaminari says going back to attacking poor Deku.

"huh? oh now I get it, Sero talked..." Deku grumbles.

"listen guys, whatever he told you is wrong. it was a side effect of her quirk. actually I had no idea what was happening and almost failed the test" he breathes as Kaminari gets off of him.

"but you saw her naked though right?" he asks.

"um sorta?" Deku replies

"don't you lie to us!" Mineta says holding up a fist as if that would threaten him.

"you better give us all the details of what you did!" Kaminari yells grabbing and shaking Deku again.

"I told you nothing went down!" he yelps.

"oh hey look it's Shiketsu" I say pointing towards the Shiketsu students approaching Bakugo and Kirishima near-by, diverting their attention from poor Deku.

"Bakugo" a really hairy one says to Bakugo.

"what?" he grumbles.

"I think you met Shishikura in the test. my classmate with the flesh-molding power?" he asks.

"yeah I took him out." Bakugo tells the hairy kid.

"I thought so, I'm guessing he may have acted rudely or perhaps offended you. he has a tendency to try and push his own values onto others. he probably couldn't help it in your case since your pretty famous. I apologize for him, I'd like to build a good relationship between our schools" the hairy guy explains.

"I guessth he wantsth to be freindsth?" Mineta whimpers

"so he says, but the way they were fighting it didn't seem that way." Deku says watching the interaction.

"anyway, that's it" he says turning around and leaving.

"hey! you with the collar, did I offend you somehow?" Todoroki asks walking up to Yoarashi 

"oh no, I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings?" he says mockingly.

"well the thing is son of Endeavor... I just can't help but hate both of you. you've changed a little bit since the first time our paths crossed, but you definitely still have your father's eyes." he says glaring at Todoroki.

"something wrong, Yoarashi?" the hairy guy says 

"nope! not a thing sir!" he yells walking away from Todoroki.

"Todoroki..." Deku starts 

"see you out there" Camie aka Toga says in a seductive voice.

"gah! yeah sure!" Deku replies tensing up.

I turn to her as she walks by shooting daggers out of my eyes.

"watch yourself bitch!" I grumble and she glares back at me.

"'see you out there'? what is that supposed to mean!" Kaminari asks going back to attacking Deku.

"you're an insthatiable deviant!" Mineta mutters.

"I told you it's not what you think!" he wheezes.

"that girl is actually super scary!"

"stay away from her okay? she's dangerous" I whisper to Deku warningly.

"you two are acting disgracefully! this test isn't over you guys need to focus!" Yaoyorozu scolds the two pervs.

"just look at her!" Mineta argues.

"have you even begun to strategize?" Yaoyorozu continues her speech.

a buzzer goes off signifying that it's time to start the second portion of the test.



(I just realized that I accidentally posted two chapters yesterday so I'm not going to post one tomorrow because I would've normally posted this one so I guess you guys just got the chaps a lil quicker lol)

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