Chapter 38: Time to save people! part 1

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"villains have launched a terrorist attack spanning all of [insert City Name Here] since most buildings collapsed, there are many injured" Mera says over the intercom.

"I guess that's the background story" Tsu says

"so then...." Jiro starts

"we're starting" Tsu finishes

the room we're standing in begins to open up revealing the very much destroyed arena.

"the roads have been destroyed, mean first responders have unfortunately been delayed for the time being. until emergency services arrive, the heroes in the area will lead rescue efforts. your task is to save as many people as you can and help the injured. with that, begin!" Mera exclaims and we all charge out of the opened up building.

I immediately fly ahead of everyone else along with all of the other students who can fly.

"let's work as a team as much as possible" I hear Lida barking orders.

"right!" everyone agrees

"you're going on your own again?" Mina asks Bakugo as he splits off from the group with Kaminari and Kirishima towing behind him.

"why are you damn extras always following me!" he yells

"even though this is just a test, this feels pretty real" Tsu says hopping.

"stay alert, be careful of falling debris and explosions.

I begin to hear what sounds like crying and Deku also notices stopping in his track.

"I hear someone" he says.

"I hear it too" I say flying down toward the base of a collapsed building.

"there he is!" Deku exclaims spotting the boy.

"help! my grandpa's been crushed I think he's hurt!" the boy sobs.

"oh no, this looks bad. where is your grandpa?" Deku asks


"the first thing you should do is see how bad my injuries are and if I can walk. I'm breathing kinda weird too, aren't I? and didn't you even notice that I'm bleeding from the head? people with hero licenses should be able to judge a victim's condition in an instant!" the child continues.

"your gross lack of training is all too apparent right now. you better shape up and pay attention, newbies! you're not just here to provide aid, until the police and firefighters show up, you need to exercise authority and make sure this goes off smoothly. think of the victims here. they must be terrified. there are many aspects of being a hero but take note there is one thing to keep in mind above all else: anyone who needs rescuing is having the worst day of their lives. and the first thing you said was 'this looks bad'? seriously?" he lectures.

Deu slaps himself in the face with both hands and clenches his fists.

"Hey, it's fine!" he says smiling and looking at the kid wide eyed

"WAHHH OVER THERE! MY GRANDPA!" the kid goes back to acting and sobs.

"don't worry it'll be okay. I can carry this boy to the first aid station myself. you guys go on without me." he says turning back to us.

"let's do this!" we all say running toward the rubble pile where the actor's grandpa is stuck.

"it hurts! what are you waiting for?" the old man calls out.

I drop to the ground and walk underneath the teepee made out of concrete to assess his injuries.

"Maya be careful under there, don't move any of the rubble till we are sure it won't collapse." Yaoyorozu calls after me.

"I know what I'm doing Yaomomo. my mom made sure of that" I comment kneeling down beside the old man.

"don't worry sir, help has arrived we're gonna get you out of here."

"thank you hero!" he replies.

Sato and Sero make braces for the large pieces of debris so they don't fall while me and Uraraka move the smaller pieces out of the way using our quirks.

we soon get the man free and Uraraka takes him out to be treated.

"I'm going to go off and look for people on my own, good luck guys!" I say flying off.

I fly towards the mountain zone and find a little girl there and land right in front of her.

"hello there my name's Maya, are you hurt?" I ask the girl in a soft caring voice.

"I got a scrape on my elbow, but other than that I'm fine." she tells me.

"okay, I'm going to take you back with the others, and we're going to be flying through the air. are you okay with that?" I ask her and she nods.

I pick her up using my quirk and fly her along side of me to find more people.

also in the mountain zone. I spot an unconscious man laying on some rocks.

"sir? can you hear me? My name is Maya." I ask surveying his injuries. 

he has a head wound which is probably why he is unconscious. I check to see if he's breathing and check his pulse. both sound good so I lift him up using my quirk and then fly me, the girl, and the man back over to the triage area.

I land and place the two down.

"you there, let me take a look at that man" a girl asks me.

"he's got a head wound and isn't responding to questions. he still has a pulse though and is still breathing." I fill her in handing off the guy to her.

suddenly, the wall to the arena explodes and everyone stares at it confused as to what just happened.

"a villain has completed another large-scale attack" Mera says over the intercom.

"everyone! this is part of the test!" Deku, who I didn't even know was here, announces.

"that means..." a girl starts but then trails off looking over to where the explosion occurred.

"tell me wannabe heroes. can you rescue people and fight at the same time?" Gang orca, the number 10 hero says stepping through the blown-up wall. 

suddenly, his army charges the arena.

"terrorists are beginning to sweep the area. hero candidates at the scene should continue their rescue efforts while also suppressing the newly-arrived villains." Mera says.

"now, how will you react? will you fight or protect? help or run away. what would a hero do?" Gang Orca asks walking forward from the cloud of dust and flicking his cape.



I just realized that there's a summer class that takes place before the training camp I'm just not going to include that we'll pretend it never happened because the MHA timeline really confuses me sometimes. also I'm not going to include any of the events that take place in the movies or OVAs or anything that's only happened in the manga because I know not everyone has access to those and I don't want to spoil anything for anyone :> (also I'm lazy to figure out the timeline eheh...) also sorry I'm posting this just now I woke up at 8pm today lol.

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