Chapter 38: Time to save people! part 2

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"get everyone to safety!" Shindo, the dark haired boy from earlier yells charging at the villains.

"Shindo! wait!" Deku calls after him.

"do it! get them as far away from the villains as possible" he yells kneeling on the ground to use his quirk.

"I can carry a lot of people, I'll focus on evacuation you guys go after the villains!" I announce lifting up all of the injured. those who are hurt very badly are put on stretchers which I make fly.

suddenly, Gang Orca sends out a shockwave knocking Shindo out.

"a single rear guard to hold us back? you've underestimated me" Gang Orca says.

he goes to shoot another shockwave at all of us but is stopped by Todoroki.

I fly away with all the injured people as quickly as I can. I won't be able to fly long with this many people so I need to be fast.

I land on the total opposite side of the arena and place everyone down gently.

a couple minutes later and more examinees emerge to take care of them in the new first aid zone.

"now that I've moved them to safety I'm going to go back and fight the villains, I'll be more of use there" I tell one of the make shift nurses before flying back toward the battle ground.

I come back to the villains to see that Yoarashi is violently blowing away the army.

by now, most of the people who were at the old first aid station are at the new one tending to the injured. I'm not sure I'm even needed here but I'll help anyways.

Todoroki and Yoarashi are arguing while they fight Gang Orca which is causing both of their powers, fire and wind, to counteract each other.

"in case you guys didn't notice this isn't the time to be bickering." I comment rolling my eyes at the two who just ignore my advice.

"why did you use your flames!? the heat makes my air rise!" Yoarashi yells.

"because he got through my ice, you ruined my shot on purpose didn't you!" Todoroki argues back.

"you blocked me so you'd get all the glory!" Yoarashi accuses.

"what?" Todoroki replies defensively.

tired of their fighting, I decide to charge on my own while they work this out.

"Maya what are you doing!" Todoroki says forgetting about their argument for a second.

I run at Gang Orca yelling, just before I'm able to get close enough to manipulate him I'm blasted with a shockwave that paralyzes me.

I fall to the ground, this feels so weird. I have no sensation in my arms or legs. it's all fuzzy and I can't move.

"d-damnit!" I curse

"smart, but you can't take me on your own. you must all work together" Gang Orca explains standing over my motionless body.

suddenly one of the villains blasts Todoroki with a cement gun.

all of the villains soon pull out an identical gun and start blasting the two and Todoroki makes a wall of ice to block it

"tch, you're in the middle of a test and you decide to argue?" Gang Orca scolds the two but neither of them listen, they just continue jabbing at each other while trying to dodge the cement.

Todoroki and Yoarashi both go in for another attack each deflecting the other's once again. but this time, Todoroki's fire is headed straight for me.

he looks at me in horror as he watches his attack almost in slow motion about to hit me. but just before it does, I'm suddenly yanked out of the way by my harness. I look up to see Deku grabbing me by the straps and dragging me out of harm's way.

"damnit, what are you two doing!?" he screams.

"exactly my thought" I say laying limp as me fly through the air and land on the ground.

Gang Orca turns to Yoarashi and sends a sonic blast up at him causing him to plummet toward the ground. next he grabs Todoroki by his collar and blast him knocking him out as well.

the army begins running toward the new first aid center while Yoarashi struggles to get up.

Deku readies himself for battle seeing as the front line is now knocked out leaving only him and me. but then I slowly regain the feeling in my limbs and get up.

"I got this Deku" I say holding out my hand and lifting the entire army before slamming them back into the ground.

"woah Maya, I didn't know you could hold so many people!" Deku exclaims.

"yea... I've been practicing." I say blushing at the way he gawked at my power.

"I've tripped the henchmen, now you make sure they're out of the game. I'm going to deal with Yoarashi and Todoroki" I mutter.

"right!" Deku agrees bolting toward all of the villains.

I run over to where the two are laying but suddenly a mix of flames and wind burst out creating a makeshift fence around Gang Orca.

his henchmen notice that he's trapped and begin shooting cement at Todoroki to make him stop but an ice wall shoots up protecting him.

I realize that those two have this handled and I should help Deku now. my power is super drained after carrying and attacking so many people, plus those boulders I moved earlier. but I can still help.

I go over to one of the villains and pull out my iron fist punching him square in the face knocking him out.

Ojiro joins the fight taking out a few with his tail while me and Deku battle them.

"hey guys! ya miss me?" Mina says jumping in with her acid.

"we're here to help" Tokoyami adds joining in.

we continue to fight and dodge cement attacks for a bit.

"mow them down!" one of the villains with a cement gun says shooting at us. suddenly a pink tongue shoots out of nowhere and trips a bunch of the cement shooters.

I look over to where it came from and see Tsu turning herself visible again.

"Asui- er... Tsu! when did you sneak over here?" Deku asks correcting himself.

"woah Tsu when did you learn to go invisible. that's so cool!" I gush

"I've been training my frog skills, and I've finally reached a new level of control, camouflage, that's my new special move" she explains

"wow Asui, are you done with the search and rescue already?" Ojiro asks.

"for the most part, LOOK OUT!" she yells noticing six villains who have jump behind him but just before they reach him they are swarmed by a very long mane of blonde hair.

"look it's that guy from Shiketsu!" I say pointing to the hairy guy from earlier.

"I sent Inasa here to help but he has disgraced our schools name, there should be no enemies left!" he yells exerting his power.

"so strong..." Ojiro comments.

"yeah" Tsu adds

"we're not done yet" Tokoyami says sweeping the three of us away to fight more bad guys.

suddenly the fire-nado that Todoroki and Yoarashi had created dissipates but just before Gang Orca can attack again Deku jumps in.

"get away from them!" he yells kicking Gang Orca.

all of the sudden, the buzzer goes off and Mera's disinterested monotone voice comes over the loudspeakers.

"um, yeah so at this time, all of the HUC members who were deployed have been rescued from the disaster zone. it may seem anticlimactic but with this the provisional licensing exam has officially been completed"

"it's over?" Deku questions landing on the ground.

"after we tally your scores we'll announce the results here in the arena. anyone injured should go to the infirmary. the rest of you are free to change clothes and wait wherever you'd like" Mera continues.

everyone files out of the arena and changed back into their school's uniforms before heading back into the arena in front of a large screen to review their scores.



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