Chapter 39: Test Results

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"the names of those who passed are listed here in alphabetical order. keep my words in mind as you search the screen" Mera says as the screen at the front of the crowd switches on revealing a long list of names.

I anxiously scour the list repeating the syllable Su- Su- Su- over and over as I read the names.

I finally reach Suzuki and see my name up there. I breathe a sigh of relief. I look over to Deku who has a very creepy smile on his face. I'm guessing he passed by the horrifying look of joy on his face. 

"I'm up there I did it!" MIneta yells

"I did it!" Jiro exclaims relieved.

"all right" Shoji says  pleased with his score.

"I'm on the board!" Uraraka says clenching her fists

"thank goodness" Sero breathes.

"what a relief" Ojiro says wiping a bead of sweat off his brow with his tail.

"right on! but uh..." Kirishima trails off turning to an extremely annoyed Bakugo.

Todoroki and Yoarashi both also failed. I understand why, they were arguing in the middle of a test I mean who does that? 

I can't help but hold back my laughter at Bakugo's face right now. he notices me snickering and gets even more angry.

"SHUT UP YA DAMN VILLAIN!" he explodes.

jeez it's been a while since I've gotten called a villain. ever since I got kidnapped, the people who bullied me piped down a bit. I think they took pity on me but I'm grateful that it stopped.


"Maya, not this again" Tsu says putting a hand on my shoulder threatening to hold me with her tongue like she did on the bus to camp.

"sorry Tsu, I got a lil carried away there" I say calmed a bit.

"TODOROKI!" Yoarashi yells approaching the red and white boy. he stops a couple paces in front of him before slamming his head into the ground like an ostrich. 


Todoroki stands there for a couple seconds before answering.

"it's fine, I was the one who got us off to a bad start." he says holding out a hand at the bent over boy.

"but still-" he starts

"and thanks to the things you said to me, I have a lot to think about" Todoroki tells him.

"holy crap did he really fail?" Mina whispers to Sero.

"how did our two top classmates not pass the exam?" he replies.

"you shoulda been more careful whatcha said, words are important you know" Kaminari says snarkily to Bakugo and then sees his glare. 

if looks could kill...

"shut your mouth before I murder you" He grumbles.

"looksth like our classth hierarchy is collapsthing" Mineta says putting a hand on Todoroki's shoulder. 

suddenly Mineta is grabbed by Lida and taken off of his back.

"I can't believe this" Deku says

"I can, didn't you see them out there? they were arguing during the exam." I reply

"poor Todoroki" Yaoyorozu says

"so, next well give you the printouts of your results. they include a breakdown of your scores so you'll know exactly what areas you need to improve going forward. you started off with 100 points and each time you did something wrong we docked points. if you fell below 50 points you automatically fail." Mera explains as a bunch of guys ins uits emerge handing out papers to all of the students.

one of the guys in suits hands me my paper and I look over my score.

"I got a 95!" I exclaim pointing at my paper and looking over to Deku.

"wow Maya that's amazing! I only got 70 eheh..." he says

"you still did good though, you saved me!" I say smiling at the green-haired boy and he blushes.s

"anyway, moving forward, those of you who passed can exercise the same authority as pro heroes. but only during emergency situations. in other words, fighting villains, saving hte victims of criminal acts or accidents, you may act using your best judgement with no direct orders. keep in mind that your every action from now on carries with it a deep responsibility of bettering our society, and that the world is watching you." Mera lectures.

"I'm sure you're aware that All Might, our greatest hero, no longer has his incredible power." he continues and I flinch at his words. 

"one of the reasons crime in this country has been so low is due to his presence. with that deterrent gone, criminals are sure to become bolder and more widespread. expect the balance we currently have in our world to be destroyed and for things to change quickly. you young people will be the hope for our future. it's imperativee that you become exemplary heroes. that your reputations grow to suppress crime as did his. remember, the license you eared today is provisional, and you still have much to do. I would like for you to think of yourselves aas feldglings, and be even more diligent in your studies. and as for those who fell dhort and did not pass, we don't have time for you to feel bitter about your loss, instead we offer you a chance to redeem yourselves after you attend a three-month-long special course and pass an individual test, we plan to issue a provisional license to those of you who failed as well. in order for us to reach the idyllic future that I just spoke of, we're going to need as many heroes on the streets as we can get. the first round was one to weed people out, but we would like to grow the 100 selected in that test as much as possible. that's why we watched you all until the end. so we could see for ourselves that you each have promise. that once your shortcomings are corrected, you have the potential to be as great as your fellow classmates. this special course will keep you busy as it will run concurrently with your normal studies. you're welcome to retake the exam in april. if you prefer to wait." he explains.

"like hell!" Bakugo yells.

"Special course!" Yoarashi exclaims.

"isn't this great Todoroki!?" Deku says to him

"we'll root for you" Lida adds.

"thank you, I'll work hard." he replies.

and with that, the provisional licensing exam has finally come to a close. though I still never figured out why Toga was here. 

we all exit the building and as we do, we are handed these little plastic cards. these are our licenses.

I look down at the little card feeling proud of myself. I look to my side to see Deku with tears in his eyes as he stares at his license in awe.

"we did it, we are finally heroes!" I say patting him on the back knocking him out of his trance with a smirk.

"Deku are you crying?" Uraraka asks coming up behind us.

"uh, yeah well ya know this is a lot..." He explains sounding a little embarrassed.

"so many people have helped me get to this point and some of them went through a lot of trouble to do so. meaning... how do I put this...?" he struggles to find the words.

"it's like this is proof I've matured and gotten stronger and it makes me so happy" he says his eyes glowing.

"that, is, so, adorable!" I say with a huge smile. 

(at this moment, Midoriya is thinking about what he had overheard earlier in the ante-room causing him to blush)

"I need to show this to my mom and All Might as soon as possible!" he says changing the subject and pulling out his phone to take a picture of his license.

"you have All Might's number!?" I ask extremely confused.

"uh... no. I was just going to um... email it to him!" he explains nervously while I stare at him skeptically.

theres something going on between him and All Might, I will figure it out some day.

"HEY HEY!" Yoarashi yells running towards our class.


"that was nice of him I guess..." Kirishima says awkwardly.

"we'll just make the best of it." Todorki comments.

"interesting, he is someone who is both bold and sensitive. I admire such joie de vivre." Aoyama adds.

suddenly Deku bolts after the Shiketsu students and starts questioning the big hairy guy.

"excuse me! I'd like to know about the training you do to erase your presence!" he says holding out a pencil and his hero notebook ready to take notes.

"we haven't learned anything like that" the hairy guy responds confusing the poor green haired boy.

"but that girl... the one in the bodysuit did it. I wanted to talk to her about it so that I can understand how it worked. do you have any idea where she might be?"

"I thought I told you to stay away from her" I say coming up behind him.

"oh yeah, sorry I just want to learn how she sneaks around" he says thinking that I am jealous of her. which I am not!

"bodysuit...? oh you mean Camie, she said she wasn't feeling too well and took a cab to the station so she could go home" he explains.

"Oh I see, too bad I didn't get the chance to ask." he says sounding disappointed.

"actually, she's been acting kinda strange for the past few days. a little different from her usual self, I'd say." he says

"hmm strange." I say playing along.

after that little encounter, we all get onto the busses to go back to the dorms.

"so we're back to normal classes tomorrow right?" Jiro asks.

"I suppose there's no rest for heroes" Yaoyorozu says

"man I could use a vacation" Sato grunts.

"hey Maya?" Deku asks turning to me. 

 we are standing off the the side kind of away from the couches.

"yeah?" I reply wondering what he's going to ask.

"well, I was just wondering if you'd ever want to-" he's cut off by Bakugo butting in.

"you! meet me out front later. we need to have a talk about your quirk" he mutters passing him by.

"um. okay" Deku says looking scared.

"..." I stand there in silence. something fishy is going on and Bakugo clearly knows something about it. 

tonight I'm going to find out.

"I'm pretty tired I'm gonna turn in for the night" I say forcing a yawn.

"oh, okay, good night Maya!" Deku says waving to me and I return with a smile.

I head up stairs and put on a black hoodie and black leggings over my harness. 

I have devised a plan!



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