Chapter 4: Training

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(edited June 2nd 2021)

"Deku!" I yell chasing down Deku in the hall. he turns around surprised and looking a little frightened to see me chasing him down.

"want to eat lunch together?" I ask him

"yeah sure!" he accepts my offer and we walk to the cafeteria together.

we enjoy some white rice together and then walk to our hero basic training class. 

"I am here!" I hear the voice of the number one hero as he bust through the door.

"woah All Might!"

"so he really is a teacher!"

"this year is going to be totally awesome!"

"hey look is he wearing his silver age costume?"

the class stirs with excitement at the sight of the number one hero.

"this is the most important class in the hero course! here you will learn the importance of fighting in the name of good!" he says while flexing his large muscles. 

"today we are going to be doing fight training! one of the most important parts of hero training is.... looking good!" he yells while pointing to a rack of hero costumes.

I'm really excited to wear my costume, there's nothing about it specific to my powers really because I could use my powers in any clothing, it's just very stylish.

my costume is a skin tight long sleeved turtle neck with a skirt with knee length shorts, it's colored black and a dark purple and I also have cute boots that go with it and a utility belt with a crap ton of tiny metal balls in it that I use to fight with by manipulating them using my telekinesis.

we all put our costumes on and head out to ground beta. I survey the class and all of their costumes and my eyes land on Deku's.

"haha you look like a green bunny Deku." I laugh at his costume making him blush.

"It's time for combat training!" the overwhelmingly muscular hero announces.

"most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside however, run ins with the most dastardly evil doers take place indoors.that is why we will be conducting indoor battles. you all will fight two on two battles."

"isn't this a little advanced?" a girl with green hair asks while putting a finger on her chin.

"The best training is what you get on the battlefield!" All Might heroically responds

the class stirs with questions and All Might goes on to explain how the battles will work while handing out scripts.

"you guys will be split up in groups of heros and villians. the situation is this, the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. the heroes must try and foil their plans and to do that they either have to catch the evildoers or recover the weapon. likewise the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes." he explains

"time is limited and we'll be drawing lots to decide the teams." he announces holding up two lottery boxes. 

"let's draw!" He yells and everyone steps up to draw their teams. I got team D, it looks like I'm with some blonde with crazy hair. 

"wow what are the chances? we are a team!" Uraraka exclaims to Deku, her teammate. making him blush and turn away. I glare at her and then my teammate approaches me.

"psh- your my teammate? you better not get in my way extra." he mutters.


"I declare that the first teams to fight will be... team A and team D!" All Might announces holding out two of the lots.

looks like I'll be up against Deku.

"team A will be the heroes, team D will be the villains." he continues.

"I guess we are the villains huh?" I turn to my partner whos too busy glaring at Deku.

I wonder why this guy seems to hate Deku so much.

"Everyone else head to the monitoring room to watch!" I hear All Might's boomings voice call out.

me, the blonde, Deku, and Uraraka head over to the building we will be battling in. 

"good luck Deku!" I say to him before entering making him sweat through his costume then All Might stops me and my partner.

"young Maya young Bakugou, remember the key to these trials is to embody villainy."

he hands us ear pieces and capture tape to use during battle. 

that shouldn't be too hard, I think.

we enter the building and head up to the floor that our bomb is on and the battle commences.

"so this is the weapon we need to protect?" I say to Bakugou and he just ignores me.

he seems angry at something he's just hunched over with an evil smile plastered on his face. suddenly he left the room to go find Deku and Uraraka.

"hey wait we should stay here and guard this- oh nevermind I guess I'll just guard it myself." I sit on the ground leaning against the faux bomb. I'm curious as to what Bakugou is doing so I click a button on my earpiece to talk to him.

"Bakugou what are you doing? where are you?"

"just shut up and defend the weapon!" he yells back into the mic. 

"are you forgetting what our mission is? hello?" I ask him annoyed.

he hung up on me. I have some time to think I guess so I begin strategizing.

it seems like Bakugou has some vendetta against Deku so he'll probably try and knock him out first meaning I'll have to fight Uraraka, what did she say her quirk was again? oh yeah she can like float stuff. ok then I'll just remove all the objects from this room then she'll have to fight me without using her quirk. 

I get up and begin taking all of the objects out of the room using my quirk. I probably have some downtime before they come so I might as well get into the mind of a villain.

"mwahahaha" I let out an evil laugh.

"those stupid heroes will never be able to foil my dastardly plan!" I say dramatically to myself. I'm pretty good at embodying evil.

I hear a quiet giggle come from behind me and notice something pink moving behind a pillar.

"Uraraka? is that you?" I call out looking behind the pillar and seeing her there laughing at me this is slightly embarrassing. 

"ha! I knew you would come here alone when Bakugou ran off by himself to fight Deku, I have removed every object from this room so you will have to fight me without using your quirk!" I say switching to the evil voice.

I raise my hand and pick Uraraka up using my quirk.

"just give up now do-gooder!" I say still acting evil.

suddenly I hear a loud bang and the building shakes a little causing me to loose focus and drop her. 

"Bakugou what the hell was that? we need to work together here answer me!" I yell into my mic, while I was busy scolding him I saw Uraraka running at me making herself float above my head she floats over towards the bomb.

I realize what she is trying to do so I use my powers to pick the bomb up and move it to the other side of the room leaving her floating where the bomb was.

She falls to the floor rolling forward a bit and crashes into the wall.

"nice try but I can easily keep this weapon out of your reach until time runs out" I say smugly adding on another evil laugh.

she gets up and runs over to the pillar near the window and hugs it. suddenly a huge blast of power comes shooting up through the floor knocking me back onto the ground behind me.

"what the hell? I say standing up. then I see that Uraraka has shot a bunch of debris pieces at me and I duck.

when I look back up I see her latched onto the bomb.

"nooo! the weapon!" I yell.

I walk over to the large hole in the floor and see Deku collapsed on the floor with Bakugou standing over him.

"Hero team wins!" I hear All Might yell into our mics.

Deku gets wheeled away on a stretcher to get healed and me Uraraka and Bakugou head back to the monitoring room to review our scores.

surprisingly I got the most praise, everyone else was being reckless and I was the only one who made a plan and got into the mindset of a villain despite the fact that I lost.

we watched all the other students battles which were pretty anticlimactic compared to ours, accept there was this one guy who has some amazing ice powers and won his round instantly.



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