Chapter 5: The Intruder

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(edited June 2nd 2021)

"Hey you! can you tell us what it's like so work so close with All Might?" a reporter shoves a microphone in my face.

"uh... I don't know. it's cool I guess" I say caught off guard by the crowd of cameras in front of UA. is school always going to be like this?

I look over to see another reporter harassing Deku, I figure I should help him.

"come with me Deku." I say grabbing his clammy hand and dragging him inside the gates. The sudden contact makes him turn bright red.

"wait! but my viewers want to know how All Might is adjusting as a teacher!" she yells trying to follow us in but it immediately stopped by the heavily guarded gates shutting in front of her face.

we arrive outside the classroom and I realize that I'm still holding Deku's hand. I loosen my grip and let my hand fall to my side blushing a little. we enter the classroom and sit down. 

"Let's get down to business..." Mr.Aizawa starts.

"our first task will decide your future." this makes the whole class tense up think we are going to be doing something serious today.

"You all need to pick a class representative." the whole class sighs in relief that it's just normal school stuff. 

this news makes everyone stand up and start offering to be class rep, in a normal class being class rep just means extra work but at UA it's a chance to show off your leader skills and get scouted by a hero agency. 

I already know that no one will vote for me but I raise my hand anyways. if I want to be the number one hero one day, I have to take a leadership role.

"I could be-" I'm cut off by someone

"pick me guys I wanna be class rep!" a red haired guy with sharp teeth yells.

"I'll take it!" a boy with yellow hair raises his hand.

"Yeah you're gonna need me." a girl with cool looking earrings also raises her hand.

"Someone with style would be best!" a dazzling blonde suggests getting cut off by a pink girl with horns

"I'm totally the right pick!" she yells

"pick me pick me pick me!" a short boy with grape like hair whines.

"pick me I'm your only choice!" Bakugou yells threateningly.

Deku slowly begins raising his hand but is cut off by Lida yelling.

"silence everyone please!" 

this causes everyone to turn and face him and quiet down.

"The class representative's duty is to lead others. that's not something just anyone can do. you must first have the trust of everyone in the classroom. therefore the most logical way to fill this position is democratically. we will hold an election!" he announces.

"it's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you" I jab at him.

Lida ignores my comment and passes out slips of paper and we each write down our vote. I wrote down Lida because as annoying as he is he would be a hell of a leader.

I put my paper into the ballot box at the front of the room and go sit down.

"who'd you vote for?" I ask Deku

"uh myself." he says a little embarrassed.

Lida counts up the votes and Deku won with 3 votes, and Yaoyorozu whoever that is won second place with 2 votes.

"How did I get three votes!?" Izuku exclaims.

"ok you idiots who voted for him!" Bakugou burst out pushing his chair back.

I look over to Lida who looks frustrated, probably because he only got one vote. 

"All right the class rep is Midoriya and our deputy is Yaoyorozu." Mr. Aizawa deadpans.

Deku stands at the front of the classroom shaking in his boots. he looks so nervous he's definitely not suited for this job. 

"class is dissmissed for lunch now" Aizawa says zipping up his sleeping bag and collapsing on the floor.

at lunch I decide to walk around the school, I haven't seen much of it outside the hallway class 1-A is in so I might as well see the rest of the school. 

I walk down a long hall of offices until I reach one that has it's door ajar. that's strange. I walk up to the door and grab the handle when I see a man with light blue hair wearing a dark outfit rifling through some drawers. 

is that a teacher? I've never seen him before. 

"hello?" I call out making him whirl around to face me. he's wearing a mask over his face that looks like a glove and there are scratch marks all over his neck, who is this weirdo.

"crap" he mutters under his breath in a low raspy voice.

I can tell this guy isn't supposed to be here so I run out of the room and find the nearest intruder alarm and reach my hand out to pull it but then he stops me.

"you little shit." I hear his voice and feel his arm wrap around my neck. 

"w-why are y-you here" I say coughing as his arm wraps around me tighter. 

"well thats none of your business is it. now, you tell no one about this or we will hunt you down and kill you and everyone you love" he whispers in my ear.

I kick my leg in his crotch and as he buckles I elbow him right in the face. I reach forward and pull down the alarm

"Warning level three security breach" an automated voice says over the intercom.

"Kurogiri now!" he yells then a dark portal opens beneath him and he falls through it. 

I run back towards the cafeteria to rejoin the other students, still a little shaken, and I immediately get swept up in a crowd of people panicking.

I spot Deku getting squashed by students and call out for him.

"Deku!" I say reaching for his hand. suddenly Lida floats up above the crowd and uses his engines to propel himself through the air. he crashes into a wall and tries to calm everyone down. 

"Listen up! everything is ok! it's just the media outside there is no reason to worry!" he yells.

I can't stop thinking about what that guy said, what did he mean we? should I tell somebody? he sounded serious, and if he's powerful enough to get past my school's security then he must be dangerous.

the crowd calms down after hearing Lida and they all file out of the hallway once the police arrive. 

back in the classroom Deku stands up at the front of the class.

"um t-theres something that I wanna say..." he stammers

"I think that Lida should be class rep! he did a great job of taking control out there when everyone was panicking, he is much more deserving of this job than me." 

"I got more votes than him" Yaoyorozu mutters to herself sadly.



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