Chapter 6: The USJ Incident part 1

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(edited June 2nd 2021)

"it's crazy that the media was able to break into a school as great as UA!" my mom rants

"how can they call themselves the best hero course when they can't even keep the media out!?" she goes on and I just sit there eating my cereal.

"I dunno" I say with a mouthful of corn flakes.

"don't talk while chewing that disrespectful" she scolds me and then continues her rant.

"you know what I am going to be calling your school and issuing a complaint this is just awful, you know back in my day that would have never happened!"

"mom please don't-" I beg her but get cut off by her dialing the school.

"Hello may I have a word with principal Nezu please?" she says with a very displeased tone and I facepalm.

I chug the rest of my milk and down my protein shake before escaping my mother's rath, I don't want to listen to her argue with my principal any longer even though I'm going to show up early to school.

on the walk to school I think more about that man, why was he at our school? what did he need with those files.

I finally reach the front gates and I enter the quiet building and change my shoes. it's so peaceful in the morning. I grab my books and pencil case and throw them in my bag. I leave the locker area and head up the stairs to the hero course hall. 

When I enter class 1-A I see Lida already there at his desk. 

"ah, I see you too believe that high standard students such as ourselves should show up early to school." he says almost sounding proud of me.

"uh yeah sure that's why I am here so early." I say sarcastically while I plop down at my desk and see Mr.Aizawa on the floor wrapped up in his sleeping bag and chuckle to myself at the sleeping man.

I cross my arms and lay my head in them getting a few minutes of rest before school starts. 

I wake up to hear a voice coming from next to me. I sit up and see a weirdly short boy with purple hair staring at my butt drooling.

"ew what the hell" I say making a disgusted face and he pretends like he wasn't looking at me.

I hear the bell ring and everyone sits down. Mr. Aizawa gets up from the floor and unzips his sleeping bag.

"Today's training will be a little different" He announces

"you'll have three instructors. me, All Might and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

the class gasps.

"three pros? is that because of the break in?" Deku asks

"what kind of training is this?" I ask raising my hand.

"Rescue training" he answers my question.

the class stirs with excitement.

"guys I'm not finished yet. What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know your excited about costumes but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet and they might limit your abilities."

he continues.

I already know I'm going to be wearing my costume, it's really cool looking plus I might be able to use my metal balls today!

"this special training is at an off-campus facility so we'll be taking a bus to get there. that's all now start getting ready."

I go to the girls locker room and put on my amazing costume and go outside the building to meet back up with everyone else.

I spot Deku wearing his gym uniform and go over to talk to him.

"hey Deku why no bunny ears today?" he blushes.

"oh you saw my costume after the mock battles, it was pretty ruined." he says nervously.

"aw that's too bad." I say with a frown.

"wanna sit next to me on the bus?" I ask him making him blush even more

"yea sure" he accepts excitedly.

I hear a whistle blow and turn to see Lida making an announcement.

"gather round class 1-A! using your student numbers form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently!" he yells.

we all line up and walk onto the bus which turns out it has an open layout so all that was for nothing. I sit down next to Deku with another girl sitting next to me.

then the bus takes off.

"the busses open layout totally ruined my boarding strategy" Lida sulks.

"Lida you really need to chill" a pink girl says.

"if we're pointing out the obvious, then theres something I wanna say... about you actually." the girl next to me says pointing to Deku. my interest is peaked.

"about me? what is it Asui?" he says blushing and I glare at the girl. 

"I told you to call me Tsu" she says annoyed.

"oh yea right" he says embarrassed.

"anyways, that power of yours isn't it a lot like All Mights?" she asks. Hmm I had never thought about it before but yeah it is very similar to his power. now that I think about it I have seen Deku hang around All Might a lot, I wonder if Deku is All Might's secret love child or something, that would explain how he got in this school even though he performed terribly on the exam.

"what really? you think so?" he starts sweating profusely. that was a weird reaction.

"wait hold on Tsu your forgetting All Might doesn't hurt himself. that makes a huge difference" a boy with red spiked hair adds and Deku sighs in relief.

they continue their conversation about quirks and I zone out staring at the window. then I hear my name mentioned. 

"well if any of our classmates have pro quirks it's Todoroki Bakugou and Maya." the red head says.

"my quirk?" I question

"your power kind of reminds me of an old pro, the second best like a decade ago. her name was-" Deku adds excitedly

"Telegirl" I finish his sentence.

"yeah she's my mom." I say slightly embarrassed.


"heh thanks Deku!" I reply trying to hide my rosey cheeks.

"Sure but Bakugou's always angry hell never be that popular." Tsu adds making fun of him.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY? I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!" Bakugou yells standing up from his seat.

"ya see?" Tsu proves her point and everyone on the bus laughs at Bakugou making him more angry.

the whole class is now arguing when Mr. Aizawa cuts them off.

"Hey, hey were here settle down." I look out the window and see we are pulling up to a large dome shaped building.

we file off the bus and clump together outside of the building

"Hello everyone I've been waiting for you!" a woman in a space suit exclaims.

the whole class gasps, and I look to my side to see Deku totally nerding out. 

"It's the space hero thirteen! the chivalrous pro who's rescued a ton of people from disasters across the world!" he says in awe.

"I can't wait to show you kids what's inside!" she adds leading us into the dome.

when we enter the building everyone is excited to see a bunch of different simulated disaster the whole place looks like a waterpark.

"I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters, I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or the USJ for short." she exclaims.

"clocks ticking we should get started." Mr. Aizawa is getting impatient.

"Right before we begin let me just say one thing, well maybe two things, possibly three, four, five..." thirteen adds.

"we get it" the class groans

"Listen carefully! I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful quirk it's called black hole I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust."

"yeah! you've used black hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before haven't you?" Deku starts nerding out again. 

"that's true but my quirk could also very easily be used to kill. some of you also have powers that can be dangerous. in our super human society all quirks are certified and stringently regulated so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be"

"please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move your powers can be deadly. even if your trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone. today your going to learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives. you won't be using your powers to attack enemies or eachother, only to help."

"after all that's what being a hero is all about!" she finishes her speech

"right now that that's over-" Mr. Aizawa starts but is then cut off by the lights going out and a familiar looking portal appearing. 

I see a hand emerge and a familiar figure step out of the portal. my face goes white once I realize who it is and I begin panicking and Deku notices.

it's that guy! the one who broke into the school, crap, I should have said something. idiot! why did I bite my tongue!



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