Chapter 6: The USJ Incident part 2

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(edited June 2nd 2021)

"Thirteen protect the students!" Mr. Aizawa yells.

behind the blue haired man emerges a large group of thugs, an army if you will.

"wait has the training started already?" someone in the class asks.

Deku takes a step forward but is stopped by Mr. Aizawa yelling.

"stay back!" 

"this is real! those are villains." Mr. Aizawa says putting his goggles on. 

crap crap crap, i should have said something. all these villains are here because I didn't tell anyone about what I saw, I feel awful.

"Maya? are you ok? don't panic I'm sure the pros will show up soon."Deku says trying to console me, but it's too late I'm full on panicking now. I'm not good under pressure. 

"thirteen why aren't the alarms going off?" Yaoyorozu asks thirteen.

"good question, I'm not sure" 

"is the entire campus under attack? or is this their only target either way if the alarm sensor aren't being triggered then one of these villains must have a quirk that's masking their presence here. they carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught they are fools for trespassing here. but they've thought this out whatever their plan is they must have a concrete objective in mind but what is it?" Todoroki thinks out loud

"Thirteen get them out of here and alert the main campus. Kaminari try using your quirk to contact the school" Mr. Aizawa orders.

"what are you going to do? you can't fight them all on your own your fighting style isn't suited for large groups."Deku worries

"I'll leave it to you Thirteen." he says before running after the villains.

we all run towards the exit of the building when we are stopped by the villain with the warp quirk.

"there is no escape for you" he says in a deep voice.

"it's a pleasure to meet you we are the league of villains. I know it's impolite but we decided to invite ourselves in. and besides isn't this a fitting place for All Might the symbol of peace to take his last breath?"

suddenly Bakugou and the red head run at the guy and start trying to attack him getting in the way of Thirteen who was about to attack him. 

"you should be more careful children otherwise someone might get hurt."

"You two get out of the way!" thirteen yells.

"i will scatter you across this facility." the portal man says enveloping us in a large portal.  we are clouded in black fog and everything goes dark.

I emerge on the other end of the portal and fall into a large body of water. I crash through and begin to sink. I take in my surrounds and start swimming up towards the surface when a villian with a quirk that makes him look like a shark starts chasing me. 

I try to scream but since I am under water no sound comes out. suddenly Tsu  comes out of nowhere holding the grape head kid and Deku. 

"Hey Maya!" she says grabbing me with her tongue.

she lays me down on a boat along with Deku and the purple haired kid and I cough up some water.

"You saved my life Asui!" Deku thanks her.

"I told you to call me Tsu!" she say climbing onto the boat with us.

"this is turning out to be a terrible day." Tsu comments.

I sit with my back against the side of the boat and just sit there wide-eyed, still shaken about the huge mistake I've made.

"Yeah, I keep thinking about what that villian said, they somehow knew our whole schedule and who would be here, how did they get access to that information?"Deku wonders, his words making me feel even more guilty. 

he notices my traumatized face and asks me a question.

"hey Maya? can I ask you something?" he doesn't wait for a response.

"when the villains first emerged from the portal you looked horrified, before we even knew that this wasn't a part of our training, how did you know that?" he asks suspicious of me.

I stare at him for a few seconds formulating my response.

"well... that man, the one with the hand thingies? I recognized him..." I start

"that day, when the alarm was tripped. I was the one who pulled it."

"I was walking around the school when I found someone rifling through files, at first I thought it was just the media but... when he saw me... he put me in a choke hold and said that if I told anyone I-" I feel more tears fill my eyes.

"I'm so sorry this is all my fault I should have told someone." I start sobbing and the short kid runs up to me and hugs me putting a hand on my boob and I slap him across the face.

"hey it's not your fault, you were scared that's a perfectly normal reaction." Deku says sitting next to me and holding me while I calm down a little. being in his arms feels so nice. 

"don't worry once all might sthows up he'll pound thesthe villainsth until theresth nothing left!" the short kid exclaims punching the air.

"think about it though, if the villains spent so much time planning this attack then they probably figured out a way to kill him." Tsu says concerning Deku.

"what no the prosth are going to sthave us right?" the short boy asks Deku about to start sobbing too. 

suddenly a bunch of villains surround the ship we are on.

"if they can beat him, then we have to stop whatever it is these bad guys are planning."Deku says standing up and pulling me up off the floor with him. 

"this is up to us let's be heroes!" he says heroically. 

he is right we need to fight. I wipe away my tears and clear my mind in preparation for battle.



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