Chapter 44: "eeeeeeeeee!"

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on the second day of house arrest, there wasn't as much cleaning to do other than the daily stuff so the three of us had a lot of time to sit alone in our rooms. 

I spent this time training, because I had nothing better to do so why not? 

after a couple of hours, I get a knock on my door. 

I answer it to see Deku's adorable freckled face standing there.

"Hey Deku, what's up?" I ask, happy to see him after this boring day.

"um, I meant to ask you this the other day but I forgot..." he trails off, his face turning red.

"yeah?" I ask, my interest peaked.

"well, I was wondering if you'd ever want to hang out sometime, like just you and me?" he says looking up at me with his beautiful emerald green eyes.

"like a date?" I say trying not to sound too excited, even though I feel the urge to squeal right now. 

"yeah..." he answers.

"of course I would love too!" I exclaim, a pink tinge spread across my face and he returns my energy with an excited smile.

this is the first time I've ever been asked out, it's amazing!

"we should go to that one cafe we went to when you stormed out cause I called you a villain. once we're both done with our house arrest of course." he suggests and I laugh at the whole villain thing, I'll tell him the truth someday....

"yeah, sorry about that again. but I do love that place!" I apologize. 

"great! I'll see you then!" he says waving and smiling as I shut the door. 

as soon as the door is closed, I scream, full of excitement and pure joy then I cover my mouth and realize he probably heard that. 

I poke my head out the door to see if he's gone yet and see him standing a few feet down the hall. 

he turns back around and smiles at me.

"I heard that" he laughs 

"you heard nothing!" I scold jokingly as I slink back into my room. 

this time when I close the door, I do a silent happy dance and then return to beating the shit out of my punching bag.

later that day when everyone returns from school, we are all hanging out in the common area as a class. 

me and Deku sit right next to each other, and Mina immediately takes notice of this. (ofc)

"sooooo Maya, you and Midoriya huh?" she says in a sing song-y voice.

"uHM, me and w-who now?" I stammer caught off guard by her prying.

"I think she's talking about the fact that you're sitting next to Midoriya." Tsu points out putting a finger on her chin.

"yeah obviously, so are you guys like together or what?" Mina says resting her head in her heads and making a swoony face.

"uhm, well..." Deku starts his face turning red

"uh..." I say trying to diffuse the attention on us.

"like I said before, we shouldn't force this Mina. leave them be." Tsu comments saving me.

"I agree with Tsu, but may I add you two are the cutest thing ever!" Uraraka exclaims. 

"thanks Uraraka" I say blushing. 

"as long as you two put your school work above your relationship, I think you guys are good together" Lida butts in. 

this whole time me and Deku are both super red and just sitting there.

soon the excitement dies down and everyone heads to sleep. the next day I'm finally off of house arrest and I turn in my written apology to Mr. Aizawa. 

"don't worry Deku I'll tell you everything we do in class today even though we aren't supposed to" I whisper to the green haired boy at breakfast and he thanks me.

me and Tsu walk together to the main building and as we do, I take the chance to thank her. 

"Hey Tsu, I just wanted to thank you for saving me last night." I say smiling.

"no problem! but if I may ask you, what is your relationship with Midoriya?" She asks putting a finger on her mouth. 

Tsu is my absolute favorite person on this earth, so she shall be granted with the knowledge of me and Deku!

"well, we aren't exactly a 'thing' yet but, we are going out to a cafe once he's out of his house arrest." I explain.

"sound's fun!" she says and I give her a warm smile



(sorry this chapter is so short, I want the next chapter to be on it's own so to make up for it, here is a drawing of Deku and Maya cuz why not? also if you couldn't already tell, I FUCKING LOVE TSU I WANT TO MARRY HER (and Deku) I wonder why I love so many green-haired characters... also Inko is a milf so I can add her to the list but I don't fw takahashi from the disastrous life of Saiki k.)

(ugh this drawing is so cute!!! I'm thinking of maybe making this into the new cover since ion rlly like the current one all that much but idk. also ignore the fact that I still don't know how to properly shade deku's stupid hair, why must it be so complicated!!! also I added my @ to avoid art theft) 

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