Chapter 45: The big three part 1

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another day passes and Deku is finally off of house arrest. later today is going to be our big date and I'm so hyped!

but first, school:

"good morning class, now that Midoriya and Maya are back we can talk more about what the work studies entail. go ahead and come in" Mr. Aizawa says turning to the door and three third years from UA walk in, and one of them is very familiar...

"I'll have people who've experienced them firsthand explain. I suggest you listen carefully as they point out how work studies differ from internships. these three are third years at UA, they rank at the very top of our student body, you may know them as, the big three" Mr.Aizawa explains as the three stand at the front of the room.

there's two guys and one girl. one of the guys is blonde and looks sort of like an emoji with a blankly-happy expression strewn on his face.

the other guy is sort of hunched over and looks like he's extremely uncomfortable and the girl has long light blue hair and looks very peppy.

"woah the big three..." Sero breathes

"the best of the best" Kirishima adds

"oh wow!" Mina exclaims.

"of all the talented students here, they're the ones at the top." Lida says

"they're on a different level, still in school but practically pro heroes" Yaoyorozu gawks.

"if they're as good as I hear, then they're the students we should be chasing after" Jiro says.

"they don't look all that special to me. except the girl, she's pretty hot" Kaminari comments

suddenly I recognize the two guys. they both went to my middle school, back when I was a first year.

I never knew them or anything, I would just hear about them every once in a while or see them in the halls. also I double recognize the blonde one, he was that face that poked out of the wall and scared the crap out of me the other day.

"get to it, introduce yourselves briefly" Aizawa says gesturing towards the three.

"let's start with Amajiki"

the purple haired boy suddenly looks up at the class, staring at us all intensely before looking back down trembling.

"you t-two go, I just can't. even if I try to imagine them as potatoes, I can see their human bodies I know that they're still people, but no words are coming out. my mind's blank, and my mouth is dry. I can't say anything I wanna go home" he says turning around his voice breaking.

"uh" Uraraka says

"ok... so um... are you really one of UA's top heroes?" Ojiro asks the timid boy

"come on Amajiki!" the blue haired girl laughs.

"you need to have the heart of a lion, not a kitten. you know, even though you're human get what I mean?" she says smiling sweetly at him.

"this is our kitten Tamaki Amajiki, and hi my name is Nejire Hado. I'm supposed to talk about work studies, you first-years have a really exciting time ahead of you." Nejire introduces herself.

"hey wait hold on, why are you wearing a mask? is it cause you're feeling sick? or just, trying to look cool" she says leaning over Shoji's desk

"uh well..." he stutters.

"oh whoa! you must be Todoroki am I right? yeah! how'd you get that big burn on your face?" Nejire asks

"that's none of your bus-" he's cut off by her talking again.

"and, Ashido, if your horns break off, you think you'll grow new ones? ooh, and can you wiggle them?" she asks the pink haired girl.

"Mineta, are those balls your hair, or what? I don't get it. oh Asui, you're a tree frog not a gross toad right? oh my goodness, theres so much I want to know about everyone of you! let's have a Q and A!" she continues.

"aw! she's a total airhead, even cuter!" Kaminari exclaims.

"all those questions make her sound so young" Mina comments.

"sthe wantsth to know everything about my ballsth! I'll sthpill my sthecrets! come get up close and personal!" Mineta says literally drooling and everyone looks at him in disgust.

"calm down" Sero says to the short boy.

"Hey, Ojiro, can you support your entire body weight with that tail of yours?" Nejire asks the blonde.

"um, well, ya see- " he starts

"come on! tell me, I really wanna know!" she prys as Mr. Aizawa Deadpans, getting annoyed with the girl.

"this is completely irrational." he grumbles

"oh, there's no need for you to worry Eraserhead. I'm up next and I'll get the audience refocused" Mirio says pointing to himself with his thumb.

"the future's gonna be...?" he says leaning over and cupping his ear with his hand.

after a few seconds of silence Kaminari finally says something.

"'gonna be' what?" he asks

"'Awful'! that's your part, guys! oh crap my call and response was a total fail" he says laughing, he reminds me of a golden retriever.

"doesn't it seem like each one of them is a complete weirdo? what's the deal?" Sato whispers to Koda.

"their strangeness is palpable" Tokoyami comments.

"okay, you guys look like you have no idea what's going on. I guess we are third years who just showed up in your classroom to explain a program that's completely voluntary. I can see how you'd be confused by that. hm, you guys got your provisional licenses as first years right? huh! this batch of new students has proven to be pretty darn energetic, so the problem is, you must not have a sense of humor, that's why my joke didn't land" Mirio reasons.

"don't do it" Tamaki mutters.

"heads up! the rad new plan is all you first years fight me at once!" he yells pumping his fist into the air.

"huh!?" the class exclaims.

"you want to fight us?" Kirishima asks confused.

"what like, now?" Sero questions

"well, if you want them to experience our experience, this is a pretty rational way of doing it then. right Eraserhead? Rational." Mirio says itching his nose.

"do whatever you want." Mr. Aizawa mutters.

we do as he says and all change into our gym uniforms before heading out to Gym Gamma.


(sorry Im posting so late I was out all day and meant to post this earlier but i forgot also i made a tik tok acc where ill be posti by extras and updates my @ is @Mammoth.x
go follow me!!!)

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