Chapter 45: The big three part 2

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"is he... for real?" Sero says as we all gawk at the blonde as he stretches in front of our entire class.

"oh yeah, totes real!" Mirio says.

"you're impossible Mirio" Tamaki Whimpers putting his head to the wall.

"it would've been simple enough for us to just tell them, 'this is what it's like, here's what we learned from it' not everyone has your level of drive. plus think about how bad it'll look if some of them can't recover after fighting you. no one wants to spend the next few years in a hospital bed" Tamaki continues.

"uhm, what?" I yelp a little concerned at his words. 

from what I remember from middle school, Mirio wasn't all that good at using his quirk, but I'm sure he's grown a lot since then seeing as he's one of the big three at UA.

"I bet he's just trying to psych of out" Kirishima says cracking his knuckles.

"hey listen up, it's story time" Nejire says touching Mina's horns clearly making her uncomfortable.

"long ago, a student got frustrated in class and quit being a hero and it was terrible for everyone. did you know that? so, Togata, I know our job is tough, but, you better make sure you know what you're doing. be careful, okay?" she continues.

"please stop touching those" Mina cries.

"let's think about this, you're obviously much further ahead than us. but we've fought pros before" Tokoyami reasons.

"not to mention, we took down some legitimate villains. I don't think you need to worry about hurting us. we're not a buncha wannabes." Kirishima says sounding a little too cocky.

"hm! I heard, but you're gonna have to show me that's the truth. now, who's gonna start this party?" Mirio asks.

"I've got this!" Kirishima says getting in a fighting stance.

"no, I'm first!" Deku says stepping in front of him

"you stole my thunder!" Kirishima jokingly cries.

"view this as a learning experience! it's a good opportunity for you!" Aizawa shouts from the sidelines.

"oh, the problem child!" Mirio says looking at Deku.

"he called you a problem child!" I snicker at the green haired boy and he gives me a joking frown.

"yes this is perfect! I've heard you got plenty-a fire in ya." Mirio says

"the close combat team should surround him first thing" Sato says narrowing his gaze at the blonde.

"let's do it!" Kirishima says hardening himself and the rest of the class readies for battle.

I pull out my balls and float them around me, ready to use them if I need.

Deku jumps straight in but just before he's about to reach him, Mirio's Gym uniform falls to the ground.

"GAH! why did your clothes just fall off!" Sero exclaims while all the girls look away blushing.

"oops haha, my quirk's kinda tricky!" he says trying to put his pants back on and Deku jumps at him again.

he descends just in front of him and kicks him in the face, but his foot just phases through in a very disturbing fashion.

"went for the face huh?" he says turning to face Deku who landed behind him as Sero's tap and Aoyama's naval laser shoot right through his head hitting a wall of cement behind him.

"what's this!?" Lida exclaims as the dust clears and Mirio is suddenly gone.

"where'd he go?" Jiro asks and then he suddenly pops out of the ground behind her.

"I think I'll start by taking out the long distance fighters!" he says and Jiro notices him causing her to scream.

Tokoyami goes after Mirio with Dark shadow, but he just goes right through him. Mirio runs after him and punches him in the gut.

next he goes for Sero and Mineta, knocking the two out as well. 

I chase after him holding my hand out trying to get close enough to immobilize him but he disappears again, reappearing behind me and chopping me on the back of my neck.

I fall to the ground, still conscious, but winded from the chop.

Tsu, Mina, and Aoyama all go after him and one by one they're all taken out.

he continues going through the class and knocking everyone out and then put's his pants back on yelling.


suddenly all that's left is Todoroki, Lida, Uraraka, Ojiro, Kirishima, and Deku.

"Mirio Togata, in my opinion he's the person who's closest to taking the spot of number-one hero. that's including the pros" Mr. Aizawa says.

"he got more than half of them in a second, a student..." Todoroki says in awe.

"but closer to being number one than most heroes..." he trails off.

"you're not gonna fight? you must be interested in taking the top spot yourself" Mr. Aizawa says to the boy.

"I didn't even get my provisional license though." Todoroki says turning to him.

"I think that's it for the long distance fighters, now all that's left is the ones who specialize in close-quarters combat" Mirio says turning to the leftovers.

"I have no Idea how he just did that!" Kirishima says in awe

"it's one thing to be able to phase through stuff, but warping too?" Uraraka breathes.

"he's unrivaled. do we stand a chance?" Ojiro asks

"hold the flattery" Mirio says going back to a fighting stance.

"there's more to his quirk than it seems. whether his true power is slipping through matter or whether he's somehow warping himself through space... either way, he's still landing his attacks directly. we should be able to counter him, in the moment he's about to make contact. even if we can't tell what he's doing, we should theorize with what we do know and use that knowledge to find a way to beat him" Deku analyzes.

"thats, my, Deku," I wheeze weakling holding up an approving thumbs-up and he smiles at me.

"yeah you said it" Kirishima says turning to the green haired boy.

"then see if you can figure out how to win!" Mirio yells running at the people left but just before he reaches them, he slips into the ground leaving his gym uniform pants behind.



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