Chapter 1 My Life

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Chapter 1

Well, let's see, where do I begin?

Ah I know, I'll start with my name. Make yourselves comfortable this will be a long story. I'm Madison Simmons. My parents died when I was 11, so I had to move into the pack house with my older brother, Nathan. For some reason the day of my parent's death everyone turned on me.

I wish I knew why, but ever since they died, I've been constantly rejected. Even my own brother turned on me. My only friend is Blake, he's one of the pack members. Only him, and the Alpha's are nice to me. So other than that life for me is described in one word.


After my parents' death I was called names, bullied, abused verbally and physically, you name it; But what stung the most was the fact that my brother was one of them, one of the people who teased me, one of my abusers, and sometimes even an observer of things that had been done to me. When I got pushed around all he did was laughing along with everyone else.

My only hope is that once I find my mate, he will love, cherish, and protect me. Ah, but my hopes are probably too high. My mate would probably reject me, but that's very rare to be rejected so I'm hoping for the best.

"Madison, get your fat ass down here and cook our breakfast ready!!"

'Another day of being abused...' I thought sadly.

I brushed my dark brown hair out of my face, before picking up a little hair tie for later and began to head downstairs to face another day of misery.

'One more day till your birthday....' I chanted. 'One more day till you meet your mate.' I prayed.

I reached the bottom of the stairs only to be tripped by Vanessa. Isn't she just lovely, her greeting is so wonderful, I never get tired of it.

'This pack is so stupid,' I mentally sighed.

"Bitch get off your ass and go cook our food!" Cameron -the soon to be Alpha- yelled.

Isn't he so sweet and helpful? Who am I kidding he's one of the biggest assholes I've ever met. Anyway time to get on with my day. I looked around at my pack and shook my head standing up. My life has been filled with a lot of sarcasm and lots of tears too, but it's a little too early in the morning so give it a little while.

Now back to Cameron, he was really cute with his blonde hair, Hazel eyes, and had just the right amount of muscle, so he didn't look like he was on steroids. But he still managed to be really scary when he wanted to be, which was good because he was meant to be our Alpha soon. Though maybe if he wasn't a total ass I'd actually respect him?

Sighing, I shook my head and got up a bit wobbly. When I looked up, I gasped noticing Cameron is standing in front of me, I felt myself get struck with fear at our lack of distance. Feeling his breath on my face meant it was time to run.

He slapped me hard and I fell back.

"I suggest you hurry up or you know what'll happen." He hissed quietly.

I nodded my head vigorously and quickly got up and rushed past him down the hall only to bump into Nathan. I swear this was all planned.

"I am so... so very sorry." I whispered, backing away slowly from my brother, hoping he wouldn't notice. My wolf, Layla as always hid in the back of my head too scared of our older brother to help me.

"You little..." He growled.

'Oh no, he's going to hit me.'

I could tell by his fists clenching and the growl that rumbled from his chest that this wasn't going to be pretty, but I wasn't 11 anymore I could take it. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for his hit, and when his fist was just going to collide with my face....

"Hey babe," Vanessa's voice came from behind me.

I took the chance to slip out and quickly ran to the kitchen. Taking a deep breath I sighed in relief I was lucky...this time. I would thank Vanessa, but you know... She's a bitch.

As I continued running towards the kitchen I bumped into someone. I braced myself for a hit, but nothing happened. I slowly looked up to see it was Luna Anderson.

"Oh dear, be careful... Where were you going?" she said sweetly.

"I'm sorry I was just going to make breakfast..." I smiled back. My smile was small but genuine.

After my parents' death, Luna and Alpha Anderson took very nice care of me. They were like my new parents. They treated me like I was there true daughter. If they knew what the pack did, they'd probably feel ashamed?

I mean what would I even say if I told them what was happening, or what if I told them and they didn't believe me? And even if I wanted to tell them I couldn't. Cameron may not be Alpha yet, but I am still the Omega and he commanded me not to tell them, so I must obey.

"Honey, why do you insist on doing that every morning?" she asked, laughing a little.

She and Alpha were completely oblivious to everything going on. It was shocking how clueless they were, but Cameron was really smart. Though at times I wished they'd just walk in one day and see it would never happen, Cameron was really careful about my abuse when his parents were nearby. Plus the rooms were soundproof, not the best idea in my opinion, but it worked to his advantage.

"No reason, just want to be of help, now excuse me Luna I must be going; goodbye." I waved leaving her in the hall. I walked into the kitchen and cracked my knuckles, heading over to the fridge to begin cooking everyone's food.


"Hurry up!" Someone shouted.

"Bitch we're hungry!!!"

"Bring us our damn food!!!"

"How slow are you?!?!"

"Probably go faster if you all shut up." I grumbled quietly.

Why couldn't the kitchen and dining room at least be soundproof, then I'd actually be able to focus. I really don't know how they expect me to finish quickly with their distractions. They're the reason I'm slowing down. If they waited patiently or I don't know HELPED me, I'd be finished by now.

Sighing, I continued cooking. I only had a few more things to cook anyway.

_____________few minutes later____________

I finally finished cooking and separating the food onto plates for everyone and exited the kitchen. Entering the dining room, I noticed Vanessa was on Nathans lap and immediately felt like I wanted to vomit. They were making out very heavily and it looked like they'd be having sex in front of everyone soon.

'My brother.' I sighed mentally, looking up and shaking my head silently.

There was a time he said he'd always protect me... Well that's definitely not the issue anymore, he seemed to like being on their side more than being my brother, I thought sadly.


"Come on Madison lets go play" Nathan smiled, pulling me up from the couch.

I sighed and followed him outside to where the other pack kids were playing. Cameron looked over and smiled, running over to Nathan and I.

"You guys want to play catch with me and the guys?"

Nathan grinned and nodded dragging me along.

"Ok so let's pick team captains."

One of Cameron's friends happily volunteered along with Cameron and they proceeded to pick people to be on their teams. I shifted awkwardly in the back and sighed, no one would pick me. I was too small.


I looked over at Cameron and he signaled for me to go to his side. I smiled slightly and stood next to Nathan. Nathan gently squeezed my arm and waited as the rest of the team players were picked.

Cameron told everyone the game 'plan' before heading to the field.

"Just stay near me Maddy, no one will hurt you that way." Nathan smiled.


With my thinking I didn't notice that I'd stumbled and dropped food on Cameron. Blinking I felt my jaw drop looking down at Cameron's shirt. Did I just do that?

Oh no, oh no, no, no this isn't good.

"Bitch look at what you did!" He exclaimed.

"I'm so sorry." I whimpered backing up as far away from the table as I could.

Cameron stood up making his way towards me taking long strides, I cowered back from him into the wall shaking slightly. Once he reached me he pushed me onto the floor kicking me in the gut.

"Get up" he commanded angrily, a little Alpha tone seeping into his voice, making everyone flinch and bow their heads in submission.

My body as if robotically stumbled up only to be back-handed, I whimpered and got punched in the jaw in response. His wolfs nails extended and he scratched my stomach. I whimpered in pain, grabbing my stomach. I felt the warm liquid on my hand but didn't look down, I already knew what it was. Cameron pulled back his fist punching me where his claws had scratched me, causing blood to pour out of my wound.

Everyone just sat there and laughed at me. I looked at the blood that fell to the floor getting a little woozy at the sight. My eyes flickered to Nathan -my brother-in fear. He looked pained for a second before joining in with the laughter.

"You ok?" A voice came from beside me.

It was Blake, oh thank god. I almost sighed in relief as he wiped under my eye. I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face. I wanted to go and hug him tightly, knowing I'd be safe in his arms, but I knew that would be the wrong move in this situation.

"Blake, stay out of this." Cameron growled.

"No, she's a girl Cameron and she's never done anything to you." he angrily responded.

This is so not going to be good.

"I'm your alpha, you must listen to me," he growled more animalistic this time.

"You're not my Alpha yet." Blake commented a small smirk on his lips.

"You will not disrespect me!" Cameron growled again, this time more Alpha command seeping into his voice.

Oh no.

I slowly began to go back into the kitchen, hoping not to be noticed, but unfortunately got stopped when Cameron grabbed my arm. So close man... So fucking close. I mentally huffed for not getting out quickly.

"Where are you going?" he asked, daring me not to answer through his eyes.

"I-I just I-I'm going to make your breakfast." I stammered, thus, receiving another slap. I hissed in pain lifting my free hand to rub my cheek. Even though I'm a wolf I don't heal as fast as the others, so if they abused me it would hurt more than it would hurt the others.

"You don't go until I say go." he growled harshly.

"Yes Alpha." I whispered, thus, getting another slap. Ugh! Seriously! What the hell did I do now!?!? My cheek already hurt like a bitch.

"Did I tell you to speak?" he hissed angrily.

I stood there tears still streaming down my face and my body trembling at his tone. My free hand was on my cheek again trying to soothe the pain. Everyone was laughing and I shook my head 'no' to his question.

"Good, now get your ugly ass out of here," he seethed.

Rushing to the kitchen I stumbled into Luna and Alpha Anderson.

"Sorry excuse me," I mumbled my voice trembling as I tried walking past them.

"Madison are you alright, why are you crying how'd you get those injuries?" Alpha asked frantically.

"It was nothing, I'm fine." I murmured.

"Are you sure, and gosh is that a hand print I see?" Luna gasped.

"No, no of course not." I shook my head covering up my cheek.

Alpha and Luna looked at each other and sighed. They could tell I was lying, but they had to respect my wishes.

"Alright, but are you sure?" Alpha asked again.

I plastered a fake smile on my lips, which hurt my bruised cheek and nodded. "I'm fine, just got a little clumsy and fell down the stairs that's all."

"You sure, that doesn't look like you fell." Luna looked over my bruises.

"I'm fine, it's alright." I continued smiling at them my cheek feeling numb now.

Alpha wiped my tears and Luna kept checking for more bruises. I didn't even know I was still crying. I sniffed quickly wiping the remainder of the tears forcing more not to come out.

"Don't cry baby girl." Alpha smiled gently giving my shoulder a light squeeze.

I held back a whimper of pain and chuckled slightly wincing when the pain came back to my cheek; Alpha and Luna are the nicest people I've had besides Blake. They were gullible, but still.

"Give us a hug before we go honey." Luna Anderson smiled.

They were leaving to go handle pack business so they'd miss my birthday. I hugged them both lightly, hoping none of my blood got on their clothes and they kissed my forehead. I'm going to miss them.

"Here's your gift from us, goodbye honey see you in a week."

After another hug they left the room, probably saying goodbye to everyone else. I rushed to the kitchen and got the leftover food for everyone who I had dropped on Cameron.

—————- 5 Minutes —————

Quickly finishing I rushed out of the kitchen and gave them all their breakfast. Then I stood in the corner waiting for them to finish.

They ate quickly before getting up and strolling out of the dining room chatting. As always Blake stayed. I really didn't know why he talked to me though. He was one of the most popular guys at school. With, his deep blue eyes and black hair, and of course had just the right amount of muscle.

One day I know he was going to leave me to fend for myself. I'm just glad it's not today. With that comforting thought I began picking up plates trying to balance them with one hand.

"Want help?" he offered.

"No, no, it's, fine go with the others." I shook my head paying extra hard attention on the plates.

"Maddy, sit and eat, I left you some food," he sighed.

"No Blake if someone sees I'll be yelled at or hit, just go." I pressed moving down the table.

"Let me help you...." He offered again. Man, he just won't stop and listen to me. He's so stubborn. I couldn't answer as he grabbed some plates and followed me to the kitchen. That's Blake for you.

"Maddy, why do you let them do this to you?" he asked while I stuck the plates in the dishwasher.

"I don't know, but I'm going to get ready." I sighed stretching slowly.

"Alright I'll wait outside." he smiled meekly.

Well you see my life isn't very...nice you could say if you want to put it nicely. I just hope that the day when I find my mate everything will get better for me, but who am I kidding.


This is my first book before you judge too harshly

But anyway...

So what do you think?

Personally i don't think its so good but I'm trying give it a shot

Leave comments and please vote

Edited (4/3/15)

Madison on the side

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