Chapter 2 Oh Crud

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Chapter 2

I reached my room and grabbed some clothes and a clean towel, then put down the gift that Alpha and Luna Anderson had given me on my bed. I sighed looking down at my bloodied shirt I was definitely not keeping this. Shaking my head I rushed to the bathroom and locked the door.

As I stepped into the shower I jumped a little from the coolness of the water. Ignoring it I stepped under the water quickly rubbing soap over my body, and rinsing myself off.

——10 minutes later——

When I stepped out of the shower I shivered from the cool air, before I dried myself with my towel. After I was dry I tied the towel around myself, and then started brushing my teeth.

I hoped today would be a good day. After this morning I just wanted to be left alone to deal with my pain, though I had feeling that like any other day the world wouldn't care.

Once finished I brush my teeth, I quickly put on my outfit, which was a pair of skinny jeans a dark blue tank top and a black jacket, and dark blue converse. They were beaten up and old though, but that didn't matter much to me.

Looking at my appearance once more I nodded and ran to my room placing my towel on my bed and grabbing my hairbrush.

As I brushed my hair I thought how weird that they hadn't done something to my toothbrush. Maybe they forgot I shrugged. I put my hairbrush down and grabbed my phone, a rubber band, for my hair later and my book bag.

I walked down the stairs and through the front door barely taking a step before it began.

When I stepped outside I immediately began receiving beatings from Nathan and Cameron. Oh! My, day is going great so far don't Cha think?

As they kicked, punched and slapped me, I tried willing myself not to cry and give them the satisfaction from seeing me hurt like earlier this morning.

It didn't work. Tears started blurring my vision threatening to spill.

"Please stop!" I cried out in pain as I spit out some blood.

To my luck they ignored knowing I secretly loved the beating. Not.

"You thought I'd forget about you bumping into me earlier." Nathan hissed taking off his belt.

Oh no.

His belt was not an ordinary belt, it had a feature that blades extend out over it. He only used it for when he beats me. I whimpered as I got repeatedly with his belt, cuts and bruises appearing all over my body, adding to the ones from earlier.

Now I'm just asking to get hit, But quick question aren't brothers meant to protect their sisters not help bully them? Cameron took off his belt too and it collided with my face. I was lucky Cameron didn't have a special feature on his belt.

"And you thought I'd forget about you dropping food on me???" he growled.

Is it just me? But he sure does growl a lot? Blood was coming out of my mouth and there was a cut on top of my head. People walked passed us pointing and laughing at me.

How was this funny? My brother and his best friend were beating me to death. It's not meant to be a laughing matter here.

"You think just because my parents pity you you're special?" Cameron hissed.

I shook my head frantically trying to push them away with all the energy I had left with the big loss of blood. I still hadn't cried but the tears were threatening to come out.

"Blake!" I cried out, knowing he'd hear since his wolf hearing was quiet strong.

"Shut up you Bitch!" Cameron shouted.

I know it was really stupid of me to call him, but I knew Blake could save me. One reason being he knew I couldn't defend myself, and he was the only one I could call anyway.

Let's face it, who else would help me? And my wolf and I are not strong enough to fight off an Alpha wolf and a Fighter wolf on our own. We could barely fight off the weak members.

So here I was in a corner getting beat by my brother, and his jerk of a friend Cameron -my soon to be Alpha mind you-, when we heard something. Well, I heard it slightly muffled since my ears were ringing in pain.

I was huffing and puffing from trying to fight the guys off. Trying to breath was difficult and really hurt to try, I kind of just wanted it to stop. It would cause less trouble that way.

"Stop it she's had enough!" a muffled voice growled, I think.

But I was too scared to look up. What if Cameron and Nathan saw and punished me for it? Or-, my thoughts cut off as I was soon picked up by two strong arms. So I decided to use my courage and see who it was.

"B-Blake" I whispered brokenly.

"Sweetie, are you ok?" he asked gently stroking my cheek as softly as possible.

Blake was always so sweet. I tried finding my voice again to answer his question but it came out like a gasp for air. I tried again and it came out as a gurgle. So since I couldn't respond I shook my head 'no' to his question.

"You're not going to school, I'm going to stay home with you" he whispered kissing my forehead.

I snuggled into his chest as he took me to my room as gently as he could, without making the feeling, of pain attack my body.

Upon arrival he gently put placed me down on my bed looking at my wounds.

"H-h-h-how b-b-bad, is it?" I stuttered in pain forcing my voice out. Let me tell you something, I sounded horrible; like I was on my dead bed to be exact.

"Don't talk, rest I'll take care of you..." he whispered.

I nodded slowly and closed my eyes painfully drifting into a horrible nightmare.


I was in a dark room only a flickering light bulb over me.

"Hello!" I called nervously.

The scene went black before some people came out of the shadows.

"They never really loved you..." Nathan laughed.

"They hated you more than anyone else in the world..." Alpha smirked.

"We all knew about your abuse, but we didn't care enough about you to handle it," Luna chuckled an evil smile on her lips.

"Your mate will be so ashamed he'll probably kill himself out of embarrassment." Cameron chuckled darkly.

"Look how pathetic you are...." my mother shook her head in disappointment.

"You're a waste of oxygen...." my father sighed in disappointment.

"Maybe it's best their dead. They don't have to look at your patheticness ever again." Blake grinned evilly.

Then everything went black and all I could hear were insults being thrown at me and the laughter of everyone that I knew.

*********************Dream over****************************

My eyes opened so fast I almost winced.

It wasn't real. Thank goddess it wasn't real.

"B-Blake I don't want to sleep... Nevertheless close my eyes again," I whispered.

"Mads you need to, your wounds need healing." he sighed.

"I know but the nightmare..." I whimpered looking at my lap. As I tried to sit up, I winced slightly.

"Mads don't sit you need to lie down." Blake frowned.

"N-no it's fine, I still need to make lunch..." I winced again getting off the bed.

"Did you even eat today?" he asked concern written all over his face.

"No, but its fine," I forced a smile onto my lips, sadly it came out as a grimace.

"You need to eat then at least, don't starve yourself".

"Blake its fine trust me" I looked at myself in the mirror. Let's just say I could pass for the walking dead. And that's putting it nicely... Yes it was that bad.

"Madison I am ordering you to eat." Blake commanded. I could see his eyes through the mirror; they held worry and slight anger but could tell it wasn't directed at me. The anger anyway.

"Blake I'll survive I'll figure something out. The pack will be back soon and you know if I don't finish I may actually be dead" I smiled painfully, wincing slightly.

With that I exited the room limping. It was still a little hard to walk from when Cameron broke my leg, but I made it down the stairs. When I looked at the clock I saw it was almost time for everyone to be back.

I rushed quickly to the kitchen ignoring the pain in my ribs and legs, and began making some food, then, got out plates and cups. Feeling a little light headed from not eating, but ignored it.

I separated all the food and placed some on each plate. Then quickly ran to the dining room tidying up a bit, and placed everyone's lunch down, then quickly running back to kitchen. I got the cups, napkins, forks, knifes, etc...

After I finished I heard the front door open. Oh no their home. Everyone rushed into the dining room and took their seats. I felt my wolf cower inside of me again.

"Wow she managed to finish on time..l" Xavier said sarcastically.

"Give her a round of applause." Zach rolled his eyes sarcasm dripping off his voice.

"Bravo.." Billy painfully patted my back. I whimpered as pain shot through my back and he laughed.

Sighing quietly I went to my corner ignoring their comments and mock appreciation. Vanessa took a seat on Nathans lap and I prepared for the nausea. I felt like I wanted to hurl out my insides when they started sucking face.

"What are you looking at?" she sneered turning on Nathans lap to face me.

What do I do?!?! I panicked. If I answer it's not going to help. So I averted my eyes and looked at the floor counting the tiles. Well, until I was slapped.

I flinched and looked up at Vanessa.

"I asked you a question..." she growled.

"I was just looked up" I put my hands up defensively.

Worst move I could have possibly made. I mentally face palmed my stupidity. Nathan popped up next to her in an instant. Crap.

I was pushed on the floor and kicked my back hitting the wall. I hissed holding my still broken ribs as pain shot through my body.

"Watch your mouth?" he growled.

"I'm so sad she's your sister" Vanessa frowned sweetly batting her eyelashes in mock sorrow putting an arm on Nathans shoulder.

"Me too I wish she would just die already." He said coldly his eyes full of hatred, but there was another emotion it was hidden so that I couldn't quite catch it.

But the hatred, that made an even bigger hole in my heart. I whimpered and tears welled in my eyes but I tried forcing it down so they wouldn't fall.

Vanessa and Nathan headed back to his seat as people laughed at my pain again. I stood up holding my ribs and forced myself not to look up till everyone was gone.

__________________________After Lunch______________________

"Mads you alright?" Blake's voice filled me ears.

"Yeah just peachy...." I grumbled sadly.

"Mads come here," he said pulling me into a hug.

I lightly hugged him back breathing deeply. You know the thing about Blake is he made me feel safe. It was a welcomed feeling after this day.

"Hoe stop touching him!" Linda scowled at me walking in.

She had a major crush on Blake. So I decided not to get another beating and backed away from him starting to clean the table.

"Blake, are you sure you want to stay with her? I mean you want to stay here with her and not come with me?" she said sweetly twirling her hair and batting her lashes at him.

"No I'm fine" he shook his head smiling politely, though the politeness didn't really reach his eyes. Linda turned to me and scowled, then grunted angrily in an unladylike way and left the dining room.

"Blake you've gotten me into a big mess" I sighed.

"Mads she won't do anything".

I turned to him and rolled my eyes.

"Sure...." I grumbled. I knew she was going to get me tonight.

'I am so dead' I groaned and picked up everything I could and headed to the kitchen.

"Your bruises look better," Blake spoke as I walked into the kitchen and began to wash the dishes.

"Don't worry, they'll be more bruises give it a few hours," I sighed wiping a cup.

"Madison!!!!" Someone shouted.

"Wish me luck!" I called to Blake exiting the kitchen.

When I reached the living room I knew death was coming. Everyone had torture weapons in their hand. How did they get all even get those!?!? Nathan and Cameron stepped forward. Cameron had a bat with sharp ends and needles everywhere.

While Nathan had on gloves and held the belt I've seen so many times before. It may look harmless but it isn't. It had silver so if we came in contact the mark would be permanent.

I gulped fear seeping into my bones.

Oh crud I'm going to die.


Picture of Cameron Is not up yet but will be soon

Edited (8/17/15)

(I made him Drew Van Acker)

If u have someone better please tell me on the comment board.

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