Chapter 5 Coffee for the Soul

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"Ara-sshi? Time to wake up."

I inhale deeply and stretch my back by sitting up taller. I lift my head and slowly blink at the masked face beside me. I yawn wide enough to unhinge my jaw. "Hi..."

He laughs in amusement, "Come on, I brought you coffee."

My heart lifts at the promise of coffee. "Oh..." I blink at him, trying to focus on his blurry figure. I must have been in deep sleep. "Thank you so much..."

"No problem," he answers cheerfully. He hands me a medium iced americano with the straw already in place. "Here you go."

I take it carefully and take large sips of the deliciously bitter drink. I close my eyes and enjoy every sip of it, knowing I'll need the energy for my home-hunting.

I am feeling better after my nap.

If only sleep could fix all my problems.

I glance at Hobin through the corner of my eye. "What did you get for everybody?"

He looks through the two sets of cardboard coffee holders on his lap. "A vanilla iced coffee, an iced americano, an iced caramel macchiato, a vanilla latte for myself, a white mocha, a hot chocolate, and a caramel frappuccino." His smile reaches his eyes again, "We're a complicated group."

"It sounds like most of you don't realize it's winter," I joke playfully before sipping my own iced drink. "I totally understand that, but it's kinda funny."

After spending so much time with Kyu, I almost forgot boys enjoy the fancy drinks at Starbucks. Kyu hates the concept of it and often mocks people when he sees them drinking it. I often avoid bringing my Starbucks drinks when I go visit him so I don't trigger him.

Hobin checks his phone and smirks. "Ah. I'll have to wake up a few people when I go home. Two already fell asleep."

"You mentioned an all-nighter?"

"Yeah," he grins at the thought, lifting his shoulders, "It has been a while since we had a game night. We stayed up the whole night playing games since one came back from the hospital."

My eyes widen in surprise, "The hospital?"

He nods and distractedly checks the heating dials. "He... had an accident a few years ago. He dislocated his shoulder and didn't get surgery until recently." His eyes flash with pain. "He didn't tell anyone at first. He was doing therapy but it wasn't working. He's recovering fine, but we were worried."

My expression softens with sympathy. I have to remind myself not to touch his shoulder. "Oh... well I'm glad he's doing well now. What kind of accident?"

Hobin sits back in his seat and glances down at the drink in his hand. "I assume it happened when he used to be a delivery boy. He was hit by a car while he was biking and hurt his shoulder. His condition worsened over time... and then there was the time he fell down the stairs..." He shudders at the thought, "He isn't the clumsiest in our group but he sure has a lot of accidents."

"Is he the one who likes iced americanos?"

Hobin finally smiles and breaks the darkened atmosphere. "You bet."

"What's his name?"

"Yoongi-hyung," he answers without hesitation.

My head snaps up.

Hobin's body stiffens and he covers his masked mouth. His eyes fill with mortification, realizing his mistake. "I... I mean... shoot."

He drops his head and presses his hand against his exposed forehead. He smiles weakly and makes quick jazz hands, "Surprise."


As in the rapper in BTS. As in the member who was recently out of commission due to a shoulder injury.

Six roommates. The comment about Army. Adding hyung to Yoongi's name earlier. The hesitation to introduce himself.

I must be the biggest idiot to live on this planet.

I want to blame it on the darkness, sleep-deprivation, and the fact I wouldn't be able to recognize their members, but all the signs were there.

Jung Hobin. Jung Ho... My exhausted mind struggles to come up with his real name. It's right there. Just on the tip of my tongue. His name is...

He inhales deeply before finally lowering his mask. "Please don't freak out," he asks gently, "I'm sorry for not saying anything earlier. It's just been so long since I could talk to somebody without them knowing I'm J-Hope."

J-Hope. Of course. Of freaking course he's J-Hope. God, I feel like such an idiot.

Golden light from Starbucks filters through the tinted car windows. In the shadowed light, I can finally see the face of my mysterious savior in his full glory.

He has prominent cheeks to highlight his smile. His lips are shaped like Cupid's bow with rounded corners giving them a full appearance. He has a slightly upturned nose and an amazingly perfect jawline. Up close, I realize the line underneath his eyes are not dark circles and are instead, naturally present.

J-Hope of BTS.

He seems different from TV yet still attractive, breaking my firm belief that nobody is naturally pretty in real life. His features seem less defined than what I've seen on TV but he is still recognizable.

"I..." I trail off before looking at the drink in my hand. "I don't know what to say..."

He grimaces, "Ah."

"I'm sorry," I drop my head again, feeling guilty as ever. "I... I didn't know. I'm sorry for not realizing it sooner."

He blinks a few times. "What?"

I can't look him in the eyes anymore.

He's an idol. More than that, he's a member of the most famous K-Pop group to exist. And he wanted to help me. I don't deserve his attention. I don't deserve his help. I shouldn't even see him.

People don't just "meet" world-famous idols on the streets. They don't get to talk freely with them. They don't get free coffees from them.

This just doesn't happen.

I don't deserve this.

He's so kind and generous. He's such an amazing person in real life. And to help me at my lowest point... to treat me so nicely... I should be thanking him over and over for his generosity. I should apologize for disrespecting him or making him feel like he has to help me, even if he asked.

My emotions rush through my head like a whirlwind making it difficult to think. I try not to look as panicked as I feel. My brain begins to short-circuit, unsure what I am supposed to do first.

I can't keep treating him like a regular person on the streets, but how does one act around an idol? He seemed fine by how we were talking, but am I allowed to talk so freely with him and he with me?

"Oh no," he says finally, grimacing from my expression. "I'm sorry, Ara-sshi."

I turn to him quickly, suddenly lightheaded. "No no, it's not your fault!" I rush, waving one hand around, "Don't blame yourself, it's my fault. I screwed up. I'm really sorry, this isn't your fault, Hob..."

"You can call me Hobi. It's alright."

"Hobi..." I swallow hard and try to come up with the correct honorific but my brain isn't working. "Hobi..."

He smiles sympathetically, understanding my struggle, "Hobi is just fine. There's no need to speak formally when we weren't before."

"I just feel bad," I admit in a pained voice, tossing my head back. "I feel like I forced you... I don't deserve this. I... I feel like I made some sort of mistake."

His perfect lips form a concerned frown. He leans over and meets my gaze directly. "You didn't do anything wrong," he reassures, "and I offered my help. This was my decision. You don't need to feel bad. What makes you say that you don't deserve it?"

"You're... you're an idol," I whispered helplessly. In a way, I don't feel worthy to earn this one-on-one attention. Granted I never thought much of idols before, I'm sure their fans would kill me for this. "I don't want to cause you trouble."

"Listen to me," he says firmly and lightly touches my shoulder. His beautiful eyes seem to stare directly into my soul. "I'm no more special than anybody else in this world. We are all the same. Being an idol makes me no more or less than a person. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was worried you might... freak out."

"I am freaking out," I admit, ashamed of myself.

"Not in the way I was thinking. I'd rather deal with this than with a sasaeng. It's better this way."

I bite my lip and look over at him. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. There's really no need for it." He sits back in his seat and looks over me. "I'm helping you. I offered my help and now I'm giving it to you. There's nothing wrong with that."

"I know, I know," I massage my aching head, "I just get so worried... I'm always worried."

It's all I seem capable of doing.

His hand brushes over my coffee hand, taking me by surprise. He lifts my hand and places it under my mouth with a playful expression. "Drink," he instructs with a growing smile, "coffee for the soul. It'll make things better."

I let out a nervous laugh and nod slowly. "Alright..." I begin drinking my coffee and fall into silence.

Hobi watches me fondly. "Are you doing okay?"

I glance at him through the corner of my eye, sucking down another drink of coffee. I lower my half-filled cup and look down at the empty Sprite can in the drink holder. "I'm just... I just don't know how to react. How do you think I should react?"

He glances at the ceiling before shrugging. "I'd say keep talking to me like you were before. Don't change anything." He offers me a kind smile that lights up his eyes, "I like talking with you."

"It's just me complaining," I comment nervously, playing with a lock of my hair. I stare at my lap instead of him. "I always feel like a burden."

"You aren't a burden, you're my friend."

My heart lifts at the sound of friend. Unable to help it, a smile crosses my face and a small feeling of warmth settles in my chest.

Hobi's smile widens. "There you go! You have such a lovely smile, Ara-sshi."

I cover my mouth with my free hand, suddenly self-conscious. I try not to smile but my mouth melts into a bigger smile. I laugh awkwardly and look away from him, beginning to blush, "Ah. Thank you. But your smile is better than mine."

Hobi rolls his eyes and lightly taps my shoulder. He sighs dramatically and gives me a heart-shaped smile. "What am I going to do with you?" he asks in disbelief.

I shrink into myself and fight my seemingly permanent smile. I laugh quietly and shake my head quickly.

Hobi chuckles as he sets the drink holders down in the backseat. Then he puts the car in reverse. He pulls out of the spot and moves out onto the slightly busier street. He looks ahead with a clear plan in his eyes. He must have forgotten to tell me it.

"Um, where are we going?" I ask quietly, staring out the window again.

He gives me an obvious look. "We're getting food, of course. What kind of person would be if I didn't get you breakfast?"

My eyes widen in surprise and I am about to protest but he interrupts me.

"Shh, no arguing. You need food. Never reject a free meal, Ara-sshi."

I clamp my mouth shut and continue to have an internal meltdown. He is right about the free meal but it doesn't stop me from feeling guilty.

I distract myself by drinking more coffee and lose myself in its beautiful taste.

Coffee for both the soul and peace of mind. Hopefully, it works.

A/N: This was a longer chapter than expected but I hope you enjoyed it! How would you react if you suddenly figured out J-Hope was talking to you? I think I'd be struggling to speak until somebody snapped me out of it, haha.

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