Chapter 8 Boyz With Too Much Fun

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A rageful scream echoes through the dorm followed by a loud thud. A chorus of laughter rises into the air mixed with varying jeers and mimics of the scream.

I lean on the dining table to peek around the corner into the living room, worried somebody was hurt. Yet the members of BTS continue to bound across furniture like experts. They shriek as Jimin, and now Jungkook, slither on the ground, lying in wait to drag somebody into the lava with them. 

I let out a quiet breath of relief, thankful they weren't hurt. Though I doubt it will last long now with Jungkook on the hunt.

Jin, Taehyung, and Hobi taunt the lava monsters as they jump around but a note of fear hides in their eyes. Jungkook makes crackly sounds and hisses loudly as he approaches Taehyung who stands dangerously on the edge of the couch. Jimin stalks Taehyung from behind with a sly smile on his pretty face.

Taehyung stiffens, sensing the danger, and begins to raise his hands in quick surrender. "Whoa whoa," he stammers and quickly looks between the two threats. "Hey--" he struggles to get the words out and laughs nervously.

Jungkook grins, his dark eyes shining with delight, and he grabs Taehyung's ankle. Jimin crawls up the back of the couch and wraps his arms around Taehyung's waist. The three boys fall over each other and collapse onto the couch in a pile. Jimin and Jungkook cheer in victory as they wrestle Taehyung and poor Taehyung is crushed under their weight.

"YAH!" Jin shouts, pointing an accusing finger at the pile, "That's not fair! You aren't supposed to climb!"

"How are you doing?"

I squeak in surprise and look back to find Namjoon behind me. He smiles apologetically before looking at his roommates. "They can be a little wild," he offers as an explanation for their crazy behavior.

I wonder if it's because they're beyond tired or if they're like this all the time.

"I can get hyper when I'm tired too," I answer with an awkward smile. The knot in my stomach hasn't disappeared. Just the fact that I'm sitting alone at the table is enough to cause anxiety. But I am also a total stranger in their house, watching something I'm not sure I am allowed to see and that's idols acting like hyper children.

Namjoon chuckles and pulls out a chair to sit beside me. "They're very energetic. It can be shocking if you don't know us."

I really don't.

Part of me feels guilty that I don't. They are the biggest thing since... well, anything according to their fans. The government even created a law to delay their oldest's member's military service which never happens. Idols are supposed to serve in the military like everybody else and BTS was the only ones to be granted some kind of grace period. They win every award show they attend, they draw massive crowds for simple things like walking through an airport, and was able to use the Olympic stadium for their online concert.

I should know them better than this. They are offering me a place to stay during the lockdown. Hobi wanted to help me the moment he saw me. He bought me coffee, brought me here... Namjoon has been searching for places to stay and I overheard that Yoongi might have been searching too.

How could I ever repay them for this? How do I even accept?

"I'm sorry for not knowing," I  apologize in a heavy voice. "I feel stupid for not recognizing him sooner. I feel like I'm being so disrespectful..."

"You're not," Namjoon reassures me with a dimpled smile. "There's no need to feel stupid. We are supposed to be disguised when we leave the dorm without a guard; it's a good thing you couldn't recognize him."

"This feels so..." I stare down at my folded hands. "I can't believe this is so casual," I admit feeling a bundle of nerves rise up my chest, "I feel like I'm doing everything wrong. Like, what am I supposed to call you?"

Namjoon's eyes soften with understanding. "Hoseokie said you could call him Hobi. How old are you?"


"Normally you'd call us oppa but Jungkook has grown to hate that, even if it's respectful," Namjoon explains wryly. "He's a little traumatized."

I understand that. In the world of K-Pop, oppa is no longer a term of respect or position for thirsty fans. It makes sense why they might avoid it in real-life situations to avoid that reaction.

"But the rest of us are okay with it," Namjoon continues calmly. "If you're not comfortable with it, you can speak to us informally. You're our guest, after all, it's okay to speak casually here."

"Thank you," I replied gratefully. I mentally note this and decided to avoid addressing them directly because I can't make up my mind on which is better for this situation. The status of honorifics is postponed until further notice.

I hear another loud thud from the living room, followed by a chorus of victorious cheers.

"Maybe coffee wasn't the best idea," I comment lightly, wincing as one of the boys moans in pain. "They'll be up for hours."

Namjoon shrugs and smiles in their direction reminding me of how a father would look upon his wild kids. "Jin-hyung and I took bets on when they'd crash. I'd give it another hour at most."

"What did he bet?"

He smirks at the thought, "Fifteen minutes."

"Woo!!" Hobi cheers excitedly allowing his voice to echo through the high ceiling of the dorm. "Time for breakfast! Tae, come on!"

I watch interestedly as Hobi and Taehyung run into the kitchen and duck under the island counter to search for something.

Jin emerges from the living room, rubbing his back, and wincing sharply. "These kids are going to be the death of me," he complains, tossing his head back.

"You're so old, hyung," Jungkook teases as he trails behind Jin. "You're thirty-"

Jin whips around and scolds Jungkook, attempting to karate chop Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook is faster and ducks out away only to attack his a quick jab to the stomach. Jungkook grins in delight and starts to playfully attack Jin before lunging and wrapping his arms around Jin's wide shoulders. Jin complains and walks himself in a circle as Jungkook goes limp behind him.

Jimin sneaks up behind the wrestling boys and latches onto Jungkook like a magnet. He giggles as he wraps his arms around Jungkook's fantastic waist and becomes dead-weight as well.

I giggle quietly as I watch the scene play out. I shrink in my chair, pulling my knees to my chest, and watch them go round and round until finally, Jungkook releases and takes Jimin down with him.

I wonder if they would get along with Kyu, I thought to myself. Granted Kyu doesn't wrestle with his own friends, I wonder if he'd join in if the mood were right.

Jin finally turns to me with a curious look. "Why hello, you must be Ara?"

I nod meekly as I felt a blush creep to my face. "Yes. Hello." I bow in my seat and nearly smack my head on the table.

Jin laughs at my suddenness and takes a seat beside Namjoon. "Fair warning, this house is crazy." He gives Jungkook and Jimin who are still rolling around on the ground like puppies a meaningful stare.

"It's very lively," I comment hesitantly, scared I may offend them.

"It's an insane asylum!" Yoongi shouts from the kitchen as he walks out with a piece of toast in his free hand. He pauses in front of Jungkook and Jimin, "Are you doing some sweeping?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

The boys only laugh and shove each other off, scooting away from their scuffle. Jungkook rises to his feet first, running his tattooed hand through his hair, and then looks at me with a somewhat guarded expression. "Oh, hi."

"I thought I was hallucinating," Jimin admits as he stands. He saunters up to me and leans against the table beside me. He looks down at me with a curious gaze and a slight smirk pulling at his pretty lips, "I hear you'll be staying with us."

I clear my throat and try to avoid eye contact with him. He only leans over and meets my gaze again with a growing smile. "Aww cute. You're shy."

I shake my head quickly, "No, no I'm just nervous."

"All the same to me, sweetheart," his voice lifts with mischief. His voice is higher than expected. It's hotter than I anticipated. 

The heck is wrong with me?

"Give it a rest, hyung," Jungkook groans and dramatically gags, "You probably aren't even her bias."

Jimin scowls at him, putting out his bottom lip, "Shut up." He looks back at me and offers me a slightly apologetic look. "I'm just playing, sweetheart. No need to feel worried."

"I'm sorry." My head falls in defeat. I bite my tongue and internally scold myself for apologizing every five seconds. If I had a penny for every time I'd apologize, I'd be as rich as BTS. "I--, I mean it's alright."

How do the others really feel about this? Will I ever know?

"Welcome to the fun house," Namjoon jokes and shares a look with Jin. "You won't be bored here."

Am I even wanted here?

And that's when my phone rang with Kyu's special ringtone.

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