Chapter 3: The Arrival

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Last time...

Robin identifies the "intruders" to be none other than Chrom and Sumia. Upon having their little reunion they meet Robin's sister Reflet who seems to have a dislike for the blue haired prince for harming her brother. Meanwhile in Ylisse the Shepards find evidence behind Chrom and Sumia'a disappearance. They open up a portal and Frederick, Cordelia, Lissa, Morgan, and Olivia volunteer to go in. Will they be able to find their lost friends?

The next day at Robin and Reflet's house...

Chrom woke up so the smell of delicious food coming from outside the room. He grogily got up and took in his surroundings, remembering what happened the previous day. He and Sumia awoke in a new dimension, Robin has a twin sister, he and the Shepards were fictional, what was next?

Sumia got up not long afterwards. She gave her husband a tired smile which he returned.

Sumia: Morning Chrom (yawns)

Chrom: Good morning to you.

The two shared a quick kiss before getting out of bed.

The two were dressed in nightwear that belonged to Robin and Reflet's deceased parents whom Robin didn't know and when they asked Reflet about it she tried changing the subject. They didn't want to push her any further so they left it alone. The clothes fit them perfectly and were comfortable to wear even. It certainly was a change from their usual attire.

Walking out of the room they walked to the kitchen and were greeted by the sight of...Robin cooking? Ok, that was weird. Back then Robin wasn't exactly the best cook. Sure he was a master tactician, but cooking just wasn't his thing, so watching him cook was a strange sight to see. 

The white haired male noticed his two friends.

Robin: Ah, I see you two are up and about.

Chrom: If I'm bring honest, the smell of the food woke me up. I must say I'm surprised as well. The food actually looks edible.

Robin: What's that supposed to mean?

Chrom: N-Nothing. It's just that you weren't exactly the best cook back then.

Robin: Ah yes. Well it's a good thing Reflet taught me everything I need to know then.

Chrom: Reflet taught you?

Robin: Yes. She's an excellent cook. 

Chrom: Well I hope we don't have to wait longer.

Robin: Well you came just in time, I'm just about done. Everything is in the dining room. I have plates and utensils set up in there so feel free to dig in you two. I'm going to wake up Reflet. 

Robin walked in the direction of his sister's bedroom while the two were left to the food.

Chrom: Well, I suppose we should dig in.

Sumia: Someone's hungry I see (chuckle)

Both took their share of food before sitting down and eat.

Meanwhile Robin went to Reflet's room and knocked on her door.

Robin: Hey Reflet! Get up, breakfast is done.

There was no response. He knocked again.

Robin: C'mon Reflet, Chrom will eat everything if you don't get up!

Still no response. Fearing for the worse he opened the door and found Reflet thrashing around in her bed. It was clear she was having a nightmare which was strange to Robin because he had never seen her before in the three month span. Tears were flowing down her face as she whispered something he couldn't hear.

Sighing to himself, he shook her awake. It seemed to work as her eyes flew open and revealed scared eyes. 

Reflet: R-Robin? Why are y-you here?

Robin: You wouldn't answer me when I knocked so I came in. You don't have to hide it. I know it was a nightmare.

Reflet: S-Sorry, I-I don't want to burden you with it.

Robin: Your not.

Reflet saw the anger flash in his eyes. She felt a little ashamed of herself that she made him mad. 

Reflet: I-It was about when mom and dad died...

Robin listened closely as he unconsciously pulled Reflet for a hug which shocked her initially, but gave in as she clung to her brother.

Robin: Reflet?

Reflet: Shhh, I just...need you here a little more.

Robin smiled softly as he stroked her hair.

They stayed like that for a few more moments before Reflet pulled away. She wiped the tears off her face before giving a smile at her brother.

Reflet: Hey Robin?

Robin: Yea?

Reflet: Thanks.

Robin: No problem. Just remember that I'm here for you too, just like your here for me. We're here for each other.

Reflet: Wow that was so cheesy!

Robin honestly didn't care if it did sound cheesy. He was glad that Reflet was smiling again.

Robin: Well, I think we should head down before Chrom and Sumia get worried about us.

Reflet: Right, that blue haired jerk better not have devoured everything!

With that Reflet jumped out of bed and started towards the dining room.

Chrom: Robin sure is taking long to wake up his sister.

Sumia: Your just overreacting Chrom. I'm sure it's just Reflet not wanting to get up.

Chrom: I suppose your right.

A few moments later Reflet walked in with Robin right behind her.

Sumia: It's about time you got up sleepyhead!

Reflet: Well I was out like a light last night, so I needed the rest. It's a good thing Rob woke me up or else Blue would have eaten everything up!

Chrom: (flustered) I would not!

Robin: (sigh) I have to agree with her Chrom. 

Chrom: Seriously? Sumia?

Sumia pretended she didn't hear that as she whistled innocently.

Chrom: Even you Sumia?

Reflet: I rest my case. 

Chrom was embarrassed as everyone laughed at is expression.

Sumia: Aw, don't be like that sweetie.

Robin smiled fondly at the scene before him. His friends getting along with his sister while laughing at Chrom's embarrassment. 

Chrom: Yeah yeah, laugh it up while you still can...

The group sat, ate, and talked about random things like stories from Ylisse and educating Chrom and Sumia more about Earth's history. All in all, it was a relaxing time until a very loud crash was heard.


Everyone was startled at the noise.

Reflet: What the hell was that?

Robin: It sounds like it came from from the living room, lets check it out!

Everyone got out of their seats and rushed towards the living room. Robin made sure to grab a kitchen knife just incase things went awry. What they saw in the living room, it wasn't what anyone quite expected.

Meanwhile the group of the five Shepards had gone through the portal and soon landed. 

Frederick: Is everyone alright?

Olivia: Y-Yea.

Morgan: (groans) I think so.

Lissa: Frederick get off me!

Frederick: My apologies!

Cordelia: It seems like we made it.

Frederick: Your right, but where are we?

Morgan: Your guess is good as mine.

The group heard footsteps approaching fast towards them. 

Cordelia: Someone is coming this way.

Frederick: It would seem so. Everyone be ready. We don't know who it could be.

Everyone prepared themselves as they all got out their weapons.

The footsteps stopped as the first person running in was a young woman who for some reason eerily resembled their lost friend Robin. Reflet just dumbly stared at everyone.

Reflet: Ummm, hi?

Everyone pointed their weapons at the stranger.

Reflet: Whoa whoa! No need to be hostile here.

Frederick: I think it is appropiate considering the circumstances..

Reflet: Seriously? I'm unarmed and there are five of you. What could I possibly do?!

Frederick: While you do make valid points, I can't risk it.

Then another voice came in.

Chrom: I think you should all lower your weapons.

Everyone: CHROM?!

Frederick: Milord! Your alive!

Chrom: Of course I am. You can't get rid of me that easy. It's good to see you all again.

Lissa who couldn't hold back rushed towards her big brother and hugged him.

Lissa: B-Big brother! Your alive!

Chrom smiled and comforted his younger sister. Lissa pulled away with tears still in her eyes.

Lissa: I thought I would never see you again!

Chrom: Don't worry Lissa, I promise I won't leave you.

Cordelia: It's good to see you milord, but where is-

Chrom: Sumia? She's right-

Sumia in typical Sumia fashion came in, tripped and fell on her face.

Sumia: Chrom who is-WHOAAA!


Everyone present sweat dropped at Sumia's entrance.

Chrom helped her up.

Chrom: Are you alright Sumia?

Sumia: Yea, but who is it?

Chrom: Why don't you see for yourself?

Sumia turned and saw her friends standing there looking like they saw a ghost.

Sumia: Guys? Your actually here!

Cordelia was the first to break out of it as she rushed to her best friend and embraced her.

Cordelia: T-This isn't a dream is it?

Sumia: It isn't Cordy. I'm here.

Cordelia pulled back and wiped her tears away. 

Cordelia: I knew you weren't dead! I wouldn't quit on you no matter what.

Sumia: Aww, your making me blush.

Chrom: While this reunion is great and all, how did you guys get here?

Morgan: We went through a portal!

Chrom: A portal?

Frederick: Yes, we were able to use the same tome the cloaked figure used and open up the portal.

Chrom: You all risked it just to get here?

Frederick: Of course Milord!

Chrom: Ha! I wouldn't expect less from any of you.

Reflet: Well isn't this a happy reunion!

Everyone present completely forgot about Reflet.

Frederick: And who might you be?

Chrom: Easy Frederick, she's the one who has been helping us since we arrived here yesterday.

Frederick: I see...I apologize for my behavior then.

Reflet: Don't worry about it!

Morgan just silently stared at Reflet. 

She looks just like father...

It was still painful to think about her father, so looking at Reflet just made it harder for her.

Chrom: Anyways, I think we should introduce everyone. Everyone, this is Reflet. Reflet, this is-

Reflet: I know who they are Blue. 

Chrom: Oh, right. I...forgot about that.

Frederick: If I may, how do you know about us?

Reflet: That's a little...complicated. I'll explain later. Oh yea, where is my wonderful brother at?

Sumia: I thought he was right behind us.

Chrom: I think I saw him run into the bathroom. 

Reflet: He's doing his business in there then.

While everyone conversed with each other, Frederick pulled Chrom aside.

Frederick: Milord, that woman, is she-

Chrom: No Frederick. I noticed that too when I first saw her. 

Frederick: I see.

Chrom: That reminds me, Ro-

The group heard a door open.

Robin: Phew. Apologies everyone, I had to-

Robin walked in with a knife  in hand. When he saw who it was he dropped his knife. It was as if his presence caused the five visitors to freeze.

Robin quickly regained his composure.

Robin: Oh. So that's what the noise was. Hello everyone. It's good to see you again.

It took a moment for everyone to fully process that Robin was alive. Morgan was the first to jump at her father.

Morgan: FATHER!

Both were sent to the ground as Morgan sobbed into her fathers chest.

Everyone else gathered around to see if it really was their long lost friend. 

Lissa: can't be...

Olivia: Oh my...

But then Cordelia got closer to get a better look of her husband.

Cordelia: By the gods, R-Robin?

Robin: H-Hey sweetie. I kept you waiting huh? 

(I hesitated on saying Robin's wife in earlier chapters. I realized I was going to get backlash no matter who I chose so I just chose Cordelia. Plus I married my avatar with Cordelia so I'm kind of bias :P)

Cordelia: ....

Robin got worried when she didn't respond. All he could see was his wife's hair as he watched her start to tremble.

 Robin: Cordelia?

In the blink of an eye Cordelia down on Robin's level. Morgan had gotten off her father so Cordelia could have her moment.

Cordelia began caressing her husbands face, taking in every feature that had attracted her to him.

Everyone smiled at the sight of husband and wife being reunited at last.

Cordelia: I-I don't have to wait any longer do I?

Robin: No. You won't. I promise I will never leave you or Morgan, ever.

Cordelia: That's all I needed to hear...

Cordelia leaned in a kissed her husband. Robin reciprocated the kiss. The kiss lasted for ten more seconds before both pulled away. Morgan jumped in between her parents, happy that her family was together. Meanwhile Reflet took a picture, but forgot to turn the flash off and it startled everyone besides Robin, Chrom, and Sumia. 

Frederick: What was that?!

Chrom: Calm Frederick. It's perfectly harmless.

Frederick: I apologize Milord, but I must take caution to everything.

Reflet just looked at everyone with a sheepish smile.

Reflet: Uh, sorry? I just couldn't! Besides, I got an amazing picture!

She showed everyone the picture on her phone. Robin and Cordelia looking down at their daughter with smiles on their faces while Morgan grinned happily at her parents.

Frederick: I'm sorry, but we still don't know who you are.

Morgan: Hey, he's right! Who exactly are you?

Robin: Come on you guys. Don't interrogate her. Reflet, why don't you properly introduce yourself?

Reflet: O-Oh, right. (Clears throat) Hello everyone! The names Reflet. And I'm this guys twin sister!

It was as if Reflet's words were like a freeze spell.

Olivia: Wow, are you really?

Reflet pouted at that.

Reflet: Of course we are! Can't you see the resemblance? 

To make her point she pulled her brother up much to the annoyance of Cordelia and Morgan. She put an arm around his shoulder so everyone could get a better look at the two. Everyone took a closer look and wow the resemblance was clear as day now although Reflet's hair color  had a slight shade of blonde to it. 

Lissa: Wow, they really do look alike!

Frederick: How intriguing. 

Olivia: What a sight to see.

Morgan had stars in her eyes as she rushed up to the woman.

Morgan: Wow! So would that make you my aunt?

Reflet: A-Aunt? I guess it would. 

She looked to Robin for confirmation. He just responded with a shrug.

Morgan: WOOO! I have another aunt!

She hugged her new aunt tightly. Reflet coughed slightly but hugged her back nonetheless. 

Olivia who hadn't said much was soon noticed by Cordelia.

Cordelia: Olivia, are you alright? You've been mostly silent since.

Olivia: O-Oh! I'm alright. I was just t-thinking about something.

Cordelia: Would you like to share?

Olivia: I-It's rather silly though.

Cordelia: Nonsense, we won't judge you.

Olivia: A-Alright. Whenever I look at Reflet I can't help but think that she's a girl Robin...

Robin hid his face in his hands.

Robin: No...not again with that.

Instead of laughing, the others shared their thoughts.

Frederick: Hmm, now that you mention it, it does seem possible.

Morgan: That's a weird thought, but I can't stop thinking about it now.

Cordelia: If it were true, wouldn't that technically make them the same person?

Reflet & Robin: Oh my god! Can we please stop talking about this!

Both sported a blush on their face.

Lissa: Awww! They look so cute when they're embarrassed!

AN: I'm going to end this chapter here. I've never wrote as much as I did in this story. Well, it looks like there are more arrivals which means the more the fun! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always, have a good day everyone!

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