Chapter 4: Explanations & Secrets

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A surprise was in store for everyone as Frederick, Lissa, Cordelia, Morgan, and Olivia appear. Everyone had a happy reunion with each other, that is, until Robin made his entrance. Needless to say tears were shed as Robin had a heartwarming reunion with Cordelia and Morgan. Also, everyone got to meet female Robin, uh, I mean Reflet, Robin's twin sister. Now back to where we left off.

Lissa made a comment about how cute the twins looked.

Lissa: Aww! You guys look so cute when you're embarrassed!

Both twins could say nothing as both were embarrassed at the fact that everyone was making fun of them for being cute.

Robin: (still embarrassed) I-I am not cute!

Reflet: (also still embarrassed) Y-Yea! What he said!

Cordelia: Hehehe, I don't know sweetie, you are pretty cute.

Robin: G-Gods no, not you too Cordelia...

Robin felt as if he had been betrayed. He looked to Chrom as a last resort. Chrom seemed to get the message but was enjoying his friend's embarrassment too much.

Chrom: Robin, I'm saying this in a no-homo way, but I agree.

Robin felt the need to melt as his last chance at salvation failed.

Cordelia: Alright guys, I think they've been embarrassed enough.

Both Robin and Reflet gave twin glares to everyone. But that was a mistake.

Lissa: Oh my god! You even glare the same way!

Everyone laughed again, and in between the twins had an argument of their own.

Robin: W-Why do we have to be so alike?!

Reflet scoffed at the question.


By this point everyone stopped laughing and were soon worried at the shouting match the got into.


Robin just smirked at his sisters angry expression

Robin: I did.


Robin: Ok then, your hair is basically a rat's nest.

Reflet: ...Alright then...

Now Robin was legit worried. He didn't like the way his sister's voice sounded. Everyone else was worried now too. They saw Robin's face and knew something was up.

Chrom and Sumia may have been there a little longer (One day) than everyone else, but even they didn't know what was about to happen.

Chrom: Robin, whats about to happen?

Robin: (gulps) Something unexpected.

Chrom: And you don't know what it is?

Robin: No! Can you blame me? Reflet is...unexpected. She can do anything to you if you get her mad. And I mean ANYTHING.

Chrom pointed out that Reflet slapped him for punching Robin.

Robin: That was considered tame for her.

Chrom: W-Wait. That was tame? Then what-

Reflet let out a very sinister sounding laugh that sent chills up everyone's spines, especially Robin. He slowly turned around to face his sister.

Reflet: Roobinnn....

Robin: Y-Yea?

Reflet: Don't try to run...

Robin: How about I just-

Robin was inches from the door when in the blink of an eye Reflet slammed it shut.

Reflet: I said, NO RUNNING.

It was a very tense moment. Robin was slightly taller but he shrank under his sister's expression. He knew that the stairs leading to the backyard were to his right, so he took a chance.

Robin: I regret nothing!

With that Robin ran down the stairs with Reflet screaming bloody murder the whole time.

The Shepards watched the scene not knowing what to do.

Cordelia: Should we do something?

Chrom: I'm not sure.

Morgan might have been the only one amused by the situation.

Morgan: I say leave them be, it's so funny watching Aunt Reflet chase him!

Olivia: S-Surely Reflet isn't planning something so bad, right?

Chrom: Olivia's right, they are siblings. After all, I know what that's like...

Chrom turned to his sister.

Lissa: Come on Chrom, are you still not over it?

Chrom: filled my tent with frogs.

There were multiple crashes heard and footsteps coming from downstairs along with Robin and Reflet screaming, although for very different reasons. Finally Robin came back blazing up the stairs with Reflet still behind him. Reflet made a big move and decided to tackle Robin. It worked as both were sent tumbling in the living room where it all started. Reflet got on top so Robin wouldn't be able to break free.

Reflet: (huff) I got you now...

Robin: Be reasonable Reflet!

Reflet: I tried to dear brother. But when you insult a woman's hair you don't get off easy. Especially MY hair.

Robin: W-What's going to happen now? I've seen it all already. There is nothing that can work on me!

Oh how Robin would regret his choice of words.

Reflet: Oh~ Are you sure about that?

Robin saw the twinkle in Reflet's eye.

Robin: U-Um, yes?

Reflet: Well brother, not everything.

With that Reflet poked her brother on the side which caused him to squirm uncomfortably.

Reflet: Have an idea what it is?

Robin: I-I have an idea. Reflet you don't-

Everyone was startled by the uncharacteristic shriek that Robin let out.

Chrom: Was that...Robin?

Cordelia: I believe it was. But what was that sound he made?

Lissa: I dunno. It sounded pretty girly for him though.

Everyone got in closer and heard their conversation.

Robin: (laughter) P-Please s-stop!!!

Reflet: Sorry bro, you don't get off that easy!

With that Reflet proceeded to get every weak spot she knew of. With each spot she tickled the louder Robin got. During the strange event everyone was watching either with a bewildered expression or laughing at the scene. Cordelia wanted to hear more of that so she made a mental note about tickling. Morgan was flat out on the ground dying of laughter, Frederick was one whose expression you couldn't read but you could see the mirth in his eyes if you looked closely. Olivia giggled at the two siblings. Lissa was the same now wanting to try it with her own brother. And as for Chrom he made a mental note of his own to look out for Lissa. Finally, Sumia was secretly recording the whole thing on the phone that Reflet showed her how to use the other day.

After a torturous 15 minutes for Robin, Reflet decided that Robin had enough punishment.

Reflet: Well, learned your lesson brother?

Robin was on the ground trying to catch his breath from the torture he had to endure. Robin just let out a 'tch' and turned his head away.

Reflet: Awww, come on bro. You can't hate your little sister. Am I right guys?

She turned to the Shepards, specifically Chrom and Lissa. The latter shaking her head yes enthusiastically while the former just shrugged his shoulders which earned him a slap on the head.

Reflet: Come on bro, just get up.

Reflet offered her hand which Robin grudgingly accepted.

He then proceeded to glare at his twin.

Reflet: Jeez, you can glare at me later bro, first we need to get our newcomers accommodated.

Robin: Fine...

Reflet turned her attention to the new members.

Reflet: Alright, now that's taken care of, allow me to help you get familiar with this world.

The new arrivals broke out of their stupor.

Frederick: Ah, yes. That would be appreciated.

Reflet: Well first things first, you all are going to have to change your wardrobe.

Frederick: I'm afraid I don't understand. Is there something wrong with the way we dress?

Reflet: Er, in a sense, yes. Wearing armor might be normal in your own world, but here it will make people suspicious.

Frederick: Suspicious?

Reflet: Yeah, people usually wear more casual clothing.

Frederick: I see, would you be willing to show us what "casual" is.

Reflet: Sure! Just follow me.

Everyone followed the girl to her room. All the girls walked in, but she cut the guys off.

Frederick: Milady, I thought you were going to help us.

Reflet: Yeahhh, Robin can help you guys. Besides, do you want to be in a room full of half naked girls?

Frederick became flustered.

Frederick: O-Of course not. I will leave you to it then.

Reflet closed the door and made sure to lock it to make sure that the guys wouldn't peep on them.

Chrom: Well friend, it seems like we are in your hands now.

Robin: It would seem so.

Robin opened the door to his room which was located next to Reflet's.

Robin: Well, come on in.

The two men walked in. Robin followed and did the same procedure his sister did, closing the door and locking it.

Chrom and Frederick took a look around Robin's room. There were various posters on the wall that they never seen before. The room itself was actually pretty spacious for just one person. There was a desk with some sort of rectangular object on it with papers scattered all over. Robin's bed was in one corner of the room while there was another bed in the other corner.

Next to one bed was a desk which was a few inches shorter than the bed. What occupied the desk was a device that displayed numbers. Also on there was what looked like a well made painting. In it was what looked like a younger Robin and Reflet who each had an arm around each others shoulders smiling brightly. There were multiple books there too neatly stacked. There were multiple things there but they would decide to ask Robin later about them.

Robin went to his closet and started looking around for something the two would wear.

Robin: Hmm, what to do.

Chrom: Having trouble Robin?

Robin: I guess you could say that. Fashion was never really my thing. Reflet was more into it than me so it's going to be a little tough for me to find a style that suits you two.

Chrom: Well you fought through wars with us and defeated Grima, so surely something as simple as fashion shouldn't stump the almighty Grandmaster tactician.

Robin rolled his eyes at his friends joking remark but couldn't hide the smile that came onto his face.

Meanwhile in Reflet's room she was looking through her own wardrobe picking things out that she really didn't wear anymore. Unlike her brother she had a LOT more clothes so she would find something for everyone to wear.

The girls decided to talk while Reflet rummaged through her closet. After a few minutes Reflet came back with a pile of clothes.

Reflet: Alright girls, take a look and pick what you like.

The girls did as Reflet asked and took a look through her assortment of clothes. Some clothes looked relatively simple while others were more...revealing than others.

The girls didn't know what to pick so they asked Reflet for some advice.

Reflet: Ah, I know what will suit everyone of you so don't you worry your pretty little heads.

The way Reflet said that last part made some of the girls blush a bit. But it also made them think about something about the girl.

Sumia: Are you sure you can find something for all of us Reflet?

Reflet: Positive! After all, if I can find something for my brother, then I can find something for you guys too.

Cordelia: Oh, and what's that supposed to mean?

Oops. Reflet forgot that she was in the same room as her brother's wife.

Reflet: I mean nothing mean by it. It's just that my brother's sense of fashion didn't come from mother at all.

There it was again Sumia thought. The girl brought up her parents the night before and when she and Chrom tried to probe for more information she changed the subject, forcefully she might add. She would find out later what the deal was.

Cordelia: Oh, I apologize if I came off as rude.

Reflet: Don't sweat it, your just a lovely wife looking out for your husband.

Cordelia blushed at Reflet calling her lovely which was strange. She wasn't at all attracted to women, but something about Reflet had a charm. Maybe because she's similar to her husband in a way. She shook the thought off.

Morgan: Enough compliments already! I want to hear more about father being a fashion disaster!

Reflet: If you insist.

The girls all took a seat on the ground around Reflet's bed and listened.

Meanwhile back in Robin's room he looked over his handiwork. Reflet wouldn't approve of such simple clothing choices but he didn't want to overdo it. Besides, Chrom would have women drooling no matter what he wore. Chrom was dressed in simple blue jeans and wore a pair of shoes that belonged to Robin's deceased father. Apparently they were the same size. For his top he had on a shirt that had the Fire Emblem logo on it and a black jacket with white stripes going down the sleeves.

For Frederick the knight assured him he would pick the clothing on his own which he let him do. Like Chrom, he also had on blue jeans but wore a polo over his white T-shirt. Robin gave him a gray jacket that had the wings of freedom on the back. He chuckled at his own choice for the knight. Frederick had chosen to wear dress shoes due to the fact he wanted to remain somewhat professional.

Robin: Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all. The women out there will definitely turn their heads.

Chrom: I appreciate the comment Robin, but are you sure our clothes are alright?

Robin: Yeah. It's considered casual. So you guys will be fine.

Chrom: So now what?

Robin: Well, the girls are still in there so how about I teach you guys how to operate some of the technology?

Frederick: That sounds reasonable. Where do we start?

Robin: How about we-

Robin was cut off by the sound of laughter coming from Reflet's room.

Chrom: Are they alright in there?

Robin faceplamed. He knew what was going on in there.

Robin: Knowing my sister she's probably sharing embarrassing stories of me.

Chrom: You have my sympathy friend.

Robin: (sighs) Yea. Anyways, let me show yo guys how to use the laptop...

Reflet, are you going to tell them that? Robin thought.

Back in Reflet's room the girls were laughing due to Reflet's story of Robin being a fashion disaster.

Morgan: W-Wow. Oh my god I can't breath! Did father really do that?

Reflet: Yup. He was lucky I was there to save him or else his picture might have been up on the wall for the whole year!

Lissa: That was hilarious! Even Chrom has better sense than that.

What story did Reflet tell? It was near the beginning of the year. Her photography teacher told the class they needed to take a picture of someone in an environment where it wouldn't drown out the subject. So Reflet asked Robin. He agreed. The day she took the picture it was raining which was perfect because she wanted the rain to have an effect in the picture. The problem, Robin's clothing. He really didn't care what he wore. What did he wear? A pair of shorts and a white shirt.

Luckily they weren't out yet so Reflet took the disaster of her brother and changed him into something more suitable. The picture turned out pretty good in the end.

Cordelia chuckled at her husband's unfortunate fate with clothing.

Reflet: Ah, that is something I will always hold over him now.

Sumia: That was hilarious! Do you have a um...

Sumia forgot the word.

Reflet: Picture?

Sumia: Yeah! That. Although you still have to tell us how a picture is different from a painting.

Reflet: Oh yea I forgot. I'll explain when everyone's together.

Morgan: What about the picture?

Reflet: Right!

Reflet took out her phone and looked through her photos and found it.

Reflet: Alright here you go.

Morgan snatched the phone and looked at it.

Morgan: Wow...

The rest of the girls crowded around Morgan and took a look.

Cordelia: Oh my...

Olivia: He certainly pulls off that look.

Sumia: I agree.

Yes it's just the cover photo.

Lissa: Wow Reflet you did an amazing job!

Cordelia: I agree. It looks simple but yet I can't take my eyes off him.

Lissa: No duh, your his wife!

Reflet: Girls, we should probably get dressed.

Everyone agreed as they awkwardly changed in front of each other. Reflet glanced at all of them with a noticeable blush.

She thought no one would see her but Cordelia did.

Cordelia: You know I can see you staring at us.

Reflet: AH! N-No I wasn't!

Cordelia: (sighs) Calm down Reflet. We aren't mad at you. But can you tell us why you were staring?

By this point everyone heard Cordelia and looked at Reflet for an answer. Reflet was afraid everyone would be angry with her but everyone just had a neutral face, waiting for her answer.

Reflet: I-I'm sorry...

Reflet was getting choked up.

Lissa: You don't have to be sorry!

Reflet looked at her.

Lissa: We won't judge you whatever you tell us.

Everyone agreed with Lissa.

Reflet: Do you promise?

Everyone promised they wouldn't judge her.

Reflet: A-Alright then. I...I...I like girls.

Everyone took a moment to process Reflet's words. It then clicked that Reflet had came out.

Reflet was expecting to see disgust on everyone's faces but all she saw was understanding and a few smiles.

Sumia: Was that it?

Reflet: What do you mean?

Cordelia: Calm Reflet. It wasn't so hard to guess if I'm being honest with you.

Reflet: W-Was I obvious?

Sumia: I noticed when we first met.

Cordelia: And when we arrived. I could see you um, observing us.

Reflet: Oh god...

Olivia: Well, a-at least we promised you, didn't we?

Reflet: Y-Yeah, your right, thanks guys.

Morgan: No problem! If anyone gives you trouble then I'll happily burn them!

Cordelia immediately scolded her daughter.

Cordelia: Morgan! You will do no such thing. Although a good punch will teach them a thing or two.

Reflet: Guys? Thanks.

Lissa: Don't sweat it! We'll keep your secret safe.

Cordelia: Lissa is right. That reminds me, are you planning on telling the boys?

Reflet: Robin already knows about it. I'll tell Chrom and Frederick soon though.

Sumia: See? That wasn't so hard!

Sumia was right. She suddenly felt like a big weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She looked at her new friends with a smile. Everything would be alright.

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