Chapter 5: First Day Out

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AN: Heyo everyone! This will be the last chapter before the new year. I really don't have anything to say besides this is the longest chapter I have ever written in any story. It was so long I actually had to cut one part of it. But don't worry, that part will be in the next chapter. As always, enjoy the chapter.


The five newest additions to the group to see a "sibling moment" between the twins. The twins decided it would be good for them to get a wardrobe change so they would look more normal. During the time embarrassing stories of Robin were shared and a secret was let out about Reflet not being straight. Thanks to the support of the others she was able to come out. Now the plan is for them to get out.

Trigger Warning: Some VERY strong language and mentions of abuse are used in this chapter. Just warning those now who are sensitive

The guys were in Robin's room with said person teaching the two use the laptop. Frederick was to no ones surprise able to pick up what he saw from Robin and apply it quite easily. Chrom had a little trouble with it at first but was able to learn fairly quickly thanks to Robin and Frederick's help.

Chrom: Thank you Robin for your help. You as well Frederick.

Frederick: No need to thank me Milord. Just doing my duty to help you in any way I can.

Robin: No problem Chrom. Although I was surprised a bit Frederick was able to pick it up quickly.

Frederick: Nothing to it. I just watched and took mental notes.

Robin made a mental note to show everyone else how to use the laptop, and maybe a phone for everyone wouldn't hurt also. It would cost a chunk of money, but money was never really an issue for the twins since they inherited their parents wealth.

With their little session done the guys just sat and talked for a bit until the girls were done. After about 10 minutes they heard Reflet's door open followed by the girls voices heading towards the living room.

Frederick: Ah. It seems like they are done.

Chrom: It would seem so.

Robin: Yeah. Let's head out too.

The three headed towards the living room where they saw the girls waiting. They all giggled as they looked Robin which confused him, then looked towards Chrom and Frederick. It looked like as if they were judging their looks.

Chrom: Um, is something wrong? You all are just staring at us.

Reflet: Oh! It's nothing. Gotta say bro, not bad. Not bad at all. I would have done better though. Solid nine out of ten.

Robin rolled his eyes at the last remark but was satisfied, if his sister said he did an alright job, then it was good enough in his book.

Robin: A nine?

Reflet: Yea, I would have given you an eight, but since I'm your sister I'll be nice. Anyways, what do you guys think of the girls, hmm~?

The guys looked the girls over. One thing was for sure, Reflet knew how to pick the right thing for everyone. The girls didn't want to show off too much and therefore agreed that simple was the way to go.

The guys were all speechless and who could blame them? Even though the clothing they wore were a bit foreign to them, it definitely fit them all well.

Reflet: (giggles) Well boys, aren't you going to say something?

Frederick cleared his throat.

Frederick: Of course. I speak for all three of us in saying you all look...well.

Robin: I think what Frederick meant to say was that you all look lovely. All of you.

The girls blushed a little at the tacticians comment.

Chrom: I agree. You do look lovely Sumia.

Sumia: Really?

Chrom: Of course! What kind of husband would I be if I didn't love my wife?

Robin: Wow. Looks like you did it again Reflet.

Reflet: You know it!

While the others were talking with each other Robin pulled Reflet aside.

Reflet: What's wrong bro? Is it about my comment about your dressing skills? I meant it when I said-

Robin: We're taking them out.

Reflet: Um, what?

Robin: We're taking them out in the city Reflet. They need to get used to their surroundings because who knows how long they could be here. And plus they need phones.

Reflet: Hmm, good points.

Robin: One more thing. Did you tell them.

Reflet tilted her head in confusion at Robin's question.

Reflet: What do you mean?

Robin: (sighs) Reflet you know what I mean. That thing.

Reflet: O-Oh. You meant that. W-Well, y-yea. I did tell them.

Robin: How did they take it?

Reflet: They took it pretty well. Better than anyone else so far. They accepted it and even promised to keep it a secret.

Robin: That's...good to hear.

Robin meant it when he said that. He inherited the Robin of this world's memories and saw a very unpleasant memory for Reflet.

Reflet: feels good to have people who won't judge me because of it. I was actually planning on telling the guys it.

Robin made a sound of approval.

Robin: Good. Better to let them know now. They won't judge you, I promise. And Reflet, just remember I'm always by your side.

Hearing Robin say that brought up a very emotional memory for Reflet.

Flashback (One year ago before Awakening Robin came)

It was a normal day for the twins. Another day, another boring day of school. Except this day would be one of the worst for one of them...

Reflet had recently came out to her "friends." She told them her biggest secret because she thought that she waited long enough and thought she could trust them with this. They seemed to take it well, or so it seemed.

After Robin said bye and left for his class, Reflet walked through the halls. She and Robin surprisingly didn't share any classes so the only time they would see each other during school hours was lunch. While walking Reflet immediately noticed something felt Reflet didn't know why, it just did. Add the fact that almost everyone was looking at her along with the fact that everyone was trying to hold their laughter made it seem more suspicious that something was up.

Reflet told herself that it was nothing and continued on to class. Throughout the rest of the day Reflet received looks of what looked like disgust on some people's faces. It was weird. What had she done to them? When lunch came Reflet came to her usual spot in the cafeteria where she and her "friends" would hang out. She greeted them but all she received back was laughter directed at her.

Reflet: Um, did I miss something here? What's so funny?

Damian: You!

(Quick note, I made up all these people on the spot.)

Reflet: I'm afraid I don't understand Damian.

Sophia: What she means weirdo is you and your secret.

Reflet's eyes widened as she dropped her lunch. They couldn't have told anyone her secret.

Reflet: S-Sophia, please tell me you didn't tell anyone that.

Sophia: Hah! You make me laugh you freak! Of course we told some people. And by some I mean the WHOLE school knows how much of a whore you are.

Erin: Sophie that's going too far...

Sophia: So what? You defending this freak?

Erin: I...

Erin had no answer which satisfied Sophia. By now the whole cafeteria was looking and started to mock Reflet. Many insults were thrown at her but none hurt more than that dreaded "F" word.

(Note again. You know which word I'm talking about. Just to let you all know I DO NOT TOLERATE THIS KIND OF THING.)

Reflet didn't know what to do. Everyone was around her blocking any chance of her escaping. She just couldn't take it. Soon she started shaking and tears ran down her face. Her biggest secret was leaked by the person she called "best friend." Everyone didn't care she was crying because who would care about someone like her?


The yell by the person made everyone stop and turn to who it was. The person was Robin who looked PISSED. He pushed, mostly shoved through everyone and got to the center where his sister was still crying, except she was on the ground curled up into a ball with Sophia and her crew looking smug, except for Erin who looked torn.

Robin:'s just you Sophia.

Sophia: Excuse me?

She had the gall to look offended.

Reflet meanwhile had stopped her crying but tears still stained her face as she looked at her brother.

Reflet: R-Robin?

Her voice was hoarse.

Robin gave his sister a reassuring smile as he leaned down and picked her up.

Robin: Don't worry sis, everything will be alright. Just let me take care of...them.

Robin turned his attention back to Sophia, the fire in his eyes burning.

Robin: What the hell is your problem?

Sophia: Whatever do you mean slacker.

Robin: Oh please, that's the best insult you could come up with? I'm practically used to that already.

Sophia: Tch, whatever, your freak of a sister decided to share her little secret with me, so I made sure everyone got to hear it.

Robin couldn't believe it. He knew from the first time Reflet introduced him to Sophia that she was bad news. He didn't tell Reflet that because he knew Reflet would be crushed to hear that coming from him. But this...was low, low and dirty for her. So Robin decided to get back at her.

Robin: What's the matter Miss Queen Bee, afraid my sister was gonna steal your spotlight?

Sophia: Oh please, that loser? Stealing MY spotlight? Don't make me laugh.

Robin: I dunno, I heard from some guys that she was WAY better than you.

Sophia's eye twitched at that.


Robin: It's facts. She's way better than you could ever be. I'll admit Sophia, you may have the looks, but at the end of the day your nothing but a selfish bitch.

The crowd let out a 'OOH' as Robin finished.

Sophia: How...HOW DARE YOU!

Sophia ran at Robin with her fist aimed at his face, but a hand stopped her just before it got close. Sophia scowled when it was Erin who stopped her.

Sophia: Move the hell away Erin so I could teach him not to mess with me!

Erin: Why don't you shut it...

Erin performed a move that immediately made Sophia unconcisuous.

Erin: God I was so tired of hearing her complain.

Erin turned to the crowd who was still there.

Erin: What? You all want some?

Everyone ran out fearing that they would end up like Sophia.

Robin: Erin, thank you...

Erin: No problem. But we'll be getting an earful from Principal Watson about this tomorrow...

Robin: We'll deal with it when the time comes. But for now, I'm taking Reflet home...

Erin: I'll see you guys tomorrow then.

Robin and Reflet said their goodbyes to Erin and went home. Once there, Robin asked is she was ok.

Reflet: A-Am I OK? I just got my BIGGEST secret revealed to the whole school and your asking if I'm OK?!

Robin didn't move. Neither did his calm expression waver.

Reflet: I-I thought I could trust them Robin...A-At least Erin is still here for me.

Reflet was surprised when she felt Robin's arms around her.

Reflet: R-Robin?

Robin: Gods this is embarrassing to do, but listen. Don't listen to anything those idiots say to you because they are wrong. You aren't a freak, your Reflet, plain and simple. Anyone who thinks differently is a fucking idiot.

Reflet: W-Wow. I could get used to this.

Robin: Used to what?

Reflet: To you caring about me silly!

As soon as Reflet said this Robin pulled away while Reflet giggled at his flustered expression.

Robin: W-Well just don't expect this every time you cry like a baby.

Reflet gave him another quick hug.

Reflet: I mean this Robin, thanks...

Robin: (sighs) No problem. Just remember I'm always by your side.

End Flashback

Robin: Reflet are you ok?

Reflet: Huh?

Robin: Are you ok? You zoned out there.

Reflet: Ah. It's nothing.

Reflet looked down at her sleeves which hid somethings she wished she could forget.

Robin: So, I guess you are going to tell them your thing.

Reflet: (sighs) Yeah, let's do it I guess.

Robin and Reflet turned their attention back to the group who was still talking to each other, although they could hear the voices of the girls teasing Chrom about looking at Sumia.

Robin cleared his throat to gain the others attention. Once he got everyones attention he spoke.

Robin: Alright everyone, Reflet has something important she wants to tell you. Specifically you two.

Robin pointed to Chrom and Frederick.

Chrom: Us?

Frederick: Why us? Surely you should say this to the rest of us if it's that important.

Reflet: It's alright Frederick. I told them already.

Frederick: You did? Well don't keep us waiting then.

Reflet looked at her new friends and saw them give her encouraging smiles while Robin held her hand comfortingly. She sent him an appreciative smile which he returned.

Taking a deep breath, she turned towards the two men waiting for her.

Reflet: Guys...I'm gay.

Chrom and Frederick's eyes widened for a moment but they regained their composure quickly.

Chrom: Was that it?

Lissa and Sumia smacked Chrom in the head.

Frederick: I apologize if Milord came off as blunt. What he meant to say was were you afraid of telling us this?

Reflet: I'll admit at first I was. But Robin reminded me of something that happened a year back.

Frederick: It's good to hear you trust us with this information. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened a year ago?

He was met with silence.

Frederick: I-I apologize if it's a sensitive subject for you.

Reflet: Don't worry about it, I might as well tell you guys.

Reflet did just that and told the story of how her secret and revealed to the whole school because of Sophia and how Robin comforted her after. By the end some of the females in the room were crying their eyes out while the two men looked enraged, although Frederick kept his anger concealed. But you can see the look in his eyes showed he wanted to murder someone. Same could be said for Chrom.

Sumia: T-That's so terrible you had to go through that!

Chrom comforted his crying wife.

Lissa: W-Wow, who knew Robin could be a big softy!

The princess' words lightened the mood up.

Chrom let out a chuckle.

Chrom: Indeed, when did you get soft old friend?

Robin: I don't need this...

Luckily Robin was saved from further embarrassment when the doorball rang followed by a female voice.

?: Yo! Robin, Reflet, you guys ready?

Olivia: W-Who's that?

Everyone was about to make a dash for their weapons when the twins stopped them.

Robin: H-Hey now!

Reflet: No need to be all jumpy. It's just our friend from school.

Chrom: You mean one of your "friends?"

Reflet: No! Oh right.

Reflet facepalmed at her forgetting to tell them.

Reflet: I forgot to tell them about Erin.

Cordelia: Excuse me, but who is Erin?

Reflet: You remember how someone took out Sophia? That was Erin.

Everyone immediately brightened up.

Lissa: Why didn't you say so? Anyone who beat that hag is ok in my book!

Sumia: Lissa!

Lissa: What? I'm pretty sure all of us want to hunt her down.

Sumia: Well your not wrong...

Reflet: Ahem. Putting that aside, let me get her so I can introduce you.

Reflet went down to open the door and saw Erin. Erin was a fair skinned girl who was a little taller than her and Robin. She was a brunette but her hair was dyed blonde near the bottom. Her straight hair went down to her mid back. Today she was dressed in blue jeans and a white shirt. She wore a red and black striped polo over. She was wearing a black beanie to top it all off plus black combat boots. Even though she was wearing a simple outfit her curves were shown off in a way that made people turn heads. She was also wearing makeup which made her that much more appealing even though she was naturally beautiful without it.

To say Reflet was looking at her was an understatement. She was ogling her and her...lady parts. Lucky Erin didn't seem to notice.

Erin: Earth to Reflet!

Reflet: O-Oh, sorry. Do you mind coming upstairs. I want you to meet some people.

Erin: New people?

Erin narrowed her brown eyes at the mention of new people Reflet got to meet. Reflet noticed her look.

Reflet: Erin, I promise you they're not like them. 

Reflet was referring to the people she once called "friends." Erin was the one of the only people who would stand by her no matter what. Plus Erin had been more protective of Reflet ever since the incident in the cafeteria that day. She also looked out for Robin, but not as much as Reflet.

Reflet: Plus I've already told them that secret.

Erin: I don't doubt your word Reflet, but-

Reflet grabbed her hands cutting her off.

Reflet: Erin, I promise you that they're good people. My brother knew them if you want his word.

Erin sighed knowing she couldn't argue once Reflet made up her mind. She gave her a smile.

Erin: Alright, I'll take your word for it. If you trust them enough with your biggest secret then I'll give them a chance. But really? You said your brother was from another dimension, so these people are as well right?

Reflet: Yeah, I know it sounds ridiculous but I'll make a believer out of you, just you wait!

Erin: Can't wait for it.

Erin rolled her eyes at her friends enthusiasm about this but still smiled nonetheless.

Reflet: Great! Come on, they're probably waiting for us. I promise you'll like them.

Reflet took her by the hand and led her upstairs. Once upstairs they were met with everyone looking at the newcomer. Realizing she was the center of attention, Erin awkwardly waved at everyone.

Erin: Um, hi?

She noticed Robin there. Robin had told her about how he wasn't really the Robin that she knew. She thought it was completely bullshit as she put it, but seeing Robin actually do the work in school was out of character because the Robin she knew would sleep all the time in class. She believed him as Reflet backed his claim up, although she was still skeptical about it. Another dimension? Seriously?

Erin: Sup Robin. 

Robin: Hello Erin.

Erin: I thought you guys were joking when you said this guy was from another dimension.

She directed that last remark at Robin.

Robin: Well now you have a good reason to believe us.

Erin: Look, just because you have people who are good cosplayers doesn't mean that you have me convinced.

With that Robin pulled out a fire tome and shot an arcfire at the stove.

Robin: Arcfire!

Erin: O-Oh...

Reflet: Believe us now?

Erin: Y-Yeah. That did it for me.

Reflet: Good! Now Robin can introduce you to everyone. I haven't gotten everyone's name down quite yet.

Erin: Alright then.

Reflet: Take it away bro!

Robin directed Erin to each of the Shepards.

Robin: Alright Erin, first up is Chrom. He's the one who found me when I couldn't remember anything.

Erin: You never told me you had amnesia.

Robin: Is that so? Must have slipped my mind.

Erin: Whatever.

Robin: Anyways, Chrom here is the leader of a small army known as the Shepards and is also the current ruler of Ylisse.

Erin: Ok.

Robin: Huh.

Erin: What?

Robin: It's just that when people see Chrom, they bow down to him since he's the leader...

Erin: Well better get used to it! Anyways, it's cool you run an army.

Chrom: Thank you. Titles aside, it's nice to meet you Erin.

Erin: Same to you.

The two nodded their heads in greeting.

Robin: Moving on, the lady next to him is Sumia, Chrom's wife.

Erin: His wife? I don't mean to disrespect you guys, but you look young to be married. How old are you guys even?

Chrom: 21.

Erin: Eh, guess it's the norm in your guys home then to get married at that age. Anyways, nice to meet ya Sumia.

Sumia: Same here, I'll just- WHOAAA!

Sumia fell to the ground on her face tripping over nothing.

Chrom: Sumia!

Chrom helped his wife up.

Erin: W-Whoa there. Is she ok?

Robin: Believe it or not this is actually a normal occurance.

Erin: Your joking right?

Robin: I wish I was Erin, just ask everyone in the army if you still don't believe me...

Erin: Nah, I'll take your word for it.

Robin: Moving along, this is Frederick, Chrom's retainer.

Frederick: Greetings. I hope we can become close aq.

Erin: Erm, yeah, I hope so too.

Lissa: Don't mind him, he's a big softie inside!

Robin: Right on cue. This is Lissa, Chrom's younger sister.

Lissa: Hi! It's so nice to meet you!

Erin backed up as Lissa was in her personal space.

Robin: Yeah...sorry about her. Ever since we told her that you put Sophia in her place, you became a hero of sorts to her.

Erin: Huh, well it's nice to have someone else who thinks she's a bitch.

Sumia: Surely she isn't that bad, is she?

She received deadpan looks from the three high school students.

Sumia: O-Oh.

Robin: Putting her aside, this is Olivia. She's a bit on the timid side.

Olivia: O-Oh. It's nice to meet you...

Erin: Heh. Nice to meet you too. No need to be afraid of me.

Olivia visibly relaxed. Erin's presence was calming.

Erin: So that leaves one more then.

Robin: Correct, Erin, this is Cordelia, my wife.

Erin: It's nice to meet you Cordelia-WAIT WIFE?!!

Cordelia: Um, yes.

Erin: Ok, I thought those two being married at that age was crazy enough, but you Robin?!

Cordelia: What's the problem with it?

Erin: Well, he's 17!

Cordelia: Ok...

Chrom: Technically he's about my age since he got younger.

Erin: Wait, got younger? Now this just got even more confusing.

Reflet: Trust me, we'll explain everything later, but first, WE SHOP!

Robin: Yes, wait a minute, wheres Morgan?

Erin: Who?

Robin: Ah, she's me and Cordelia's-

Morgan: Mother, father? Who was at the door.

Morgan walked in to see Erin.

Robin: Morgan, where were you?

Morgan: I was using the bathroom. Father, is that Erin?

Erin: I think my mind officially broke...

Robin: Yes Morgan, that is Erin.

Morgan walked up to Erin.

Erin: It's nice to meet you!

She enveleoped the taller female in a hug.

Erin: You...too. Geez kid you have a strong grip!

Morgan: Heh, I get it from mother! She's the best Pegasus knight there is!

Cordelia flushed at her daughters praise of her.

Robin clapped his hands.

Robin: Alright, now that we're all aquianted, let's go.

Chrom: Go where?

Robin: Out.

Chrom: Out where.

Robin & Reflet: Shopping.

Robin and Reflet looked at each other.

Robin & Reflet: Damn it! Stop doing that!

Erin: Creepy twin telepathy aside, let's head out!

Robin and Reflet stopped their little squabble and followed their friend out with the Shepards behind. As the group started walking Erin stopped when she heard her phone ring.

Erin: I'll catch up with you guys, I need to take this real quick.

Erin stepped aside and took the call.

Frederick: Is something the matter with miss Erin?

Reflet: Nah, it's just a phone call, it won't take long.

Frederick: Phone call?

Reflet: Oh right, we forgot to tell them about phones bro.

Robin: Your right. But let's get them their own phones first before we teach them. It'll be easier that way when we teach them.

Reflet: Right, coming up with a plan as always!

Chrom: Sounds like Robin alright. always having a plan for everything.

Erin: Yep.

Erin startled a few of the Shepards with her appearing. 

Robin: Gah! Gods Erin, I swear I'm going to die by a heart attack because of you some day.

Erin: Now that would be embarrassing. 

Chrom: Agreed. The almighty tactician of the Shepards, the killer of the Fell dragon Grima dying by a heart attack by a girl.

Robin: Not helping Chrom!

Reflet: Cheer up bro. Anyways, who was it?

Erin: Oh, it was just Joanne. I forgot that I was supposed to be watching her. 

Frederick: You left a child unattended?

Erin: I did not. Joanne is the same age as us but Danny and Rachel treats her as if she's still a kid.

Reflet: You can't blame them really after what happened-

Erin slapped a hand over Reflet's mouth.

Erin: We don't talk about that. Especially not in front of them. No offense you guys.

Chrom: None taken honestly, we just met each other and it seems it's a serious thing for you.

Erin: It is...

Frederick: If you don't mind me asking, who is Joanne?

Erin: Oh, she's my younger sister.

Chrom: You have a sister?

Erin: Yeah. Geez, what is it with me and meeting people with siblings?

She referred to Robin and Reflet as well as Chrom and Lissa.

Reflet: I dunno, your overthinking it.

Erin: Quiet you.

Reflet: Make me.

Reflet stuck her tongue out.

Cordelia: Pardon me, but you aslo mentioned two more people, Danny and Rachel correct?

Erin nodded her head in response.

Cordelia: Who are they?

Erin: My aunt and uncle.

Chrom: You live with them? What of your parents?

Erin looked down.

Cordelia: I can tell it's a sensitive subject, so we'll leave it alone.


Sumia: Who was that?

Robin: O-Oh no, she's here.

Reflet: Thigns are about to get heated.

Reflet let out a maniacle laugh.

Cordelia: Well whoever it is certainly has a strong voice.

Suddenly a blur flew right past everyone and slammed into Erin. Somehow she remained standing from the impact. 

?: Hey sis! Did you forget me again?

Erin: I thought I told you to stay at home.

?: And I remember you promising Danny and Rachel you would look after me.

Erin: Damn you and your counters...Now can you please let go?

?: Finnnnee.

The new arrival separated herself from Erin giving everyone a clear view of her.

She was a brunette like Erin with fair skin, but the difference is that her hair wasn't dyed. She  also had the same brown eyes. If it wasn't for Erin's noticable blonde tips at the bottom, everyone would have trouble telling the two apart. It was obvious to everyone that this girl was Erin's sister.

Joanne was shorter than her sister. She was easily one of the smallest people in the group, but she was still taller than Lissa. Today she was wearing a black hoodie that looked like it was a size too big. On it was a white mask from her favorite game Persona 5. It went down to her upper thighs where she wore blue jeans. She also had on a pair of converse all stars. Her hair was straight and went down to her mid back like her sister. On her head she wore a SF Giants hat that belonged to her late father. Like her sister she also had makeup on.

She went to the same school as her sister with the twins. Like Erin, she stood by Reflet. It was hard to believe that someone who was happy as Joanne could be really scary when someone made fun of Reflet.

Erin: (sighs) Guess I have no choice but to let you tag along.

Joanne: Really? Yay!

It was then that Joanne noticed Robin.

Joanne: Oh! Robin! It's so good to see you!

She proceeded to hug the boy right in front of everyone. Let me rephrase that, she hugged Robin in front of Cordelia. Cordelia's eye twitched. 

Robin: H-Hey Joanne. It's good to see you too.

Robin looked at Cordelia for a brief moment and saw a blank look on her face which made him internally panic. He turned to Reflet for help. She wore a shit eating grin but saw his panicked look. She turned to where he was looking and saw Cordelia. 

Oh shit. Guess I have to help you out bro!

Reflet: Come on! No love for me?

Reflet pouted at Joanne and Robin felt as if he dodged a huge bullet as Joanne let go of him and hugged his sister.

Joanne: Of course you get some love Reffy!

Lissa: PFFFFT! Reffy?

Reflet became embarrassed at the nickname Joanne used for her.

Joanne: Oh! These must be the people you brother mentioned right?

Robin: That is correct.

Joanne: Cool, hey everyone!

She went to introduce herself to each Shepard.

Frederick: I assume you are Erin's sister then?

Joanne: Yep! I'm Joanne, it's nice to meet you.

Frederick: Likewise miss.

Joanne: Awww, no need to be formal with me. Just Joanne is fine.

Frederick: Very well then Joanne.

Next up was Olivia.

Joanne: Hello there!

Olivia: H-Hello.

Joanne tilted her head.

Joanne: What's the matter? Shy?

Robin: Yes. She can be a bit timid towards new people.

Joanne: Awww, that's cute.

Olivia blushed at being called cute for being shy.

Joanne: Anyways, I hope we can become friends!

Olivia: Friends?

Joanne: Of course! Why wouldn't we be friends?

Olivia: Ok...friends.

Joanne walked up to Chrom next.

Chrom: Ah. Hello there. Joanne, did I get it right?

Joanne: Yeah, who are you mister?

Chrom: No need to call me mister. It makes me feel old. Just Chrom is fine.

Joanne: Ok Chrom!

Sumia was next.

Sumia: Oh! Hello there.

Joanne: Hi! Hmmm

Joanne looked over Sumia.

Sumia: U-Um, is something wrong?

Joanne said nothing as she grabbed Sumia's hand and put it together with Chrom's hand.

Joanne: Yep. Definitely a couple.

Sumia: Wait, how did-

Joanne: (winks) It's a gift.

Erin: I still think it's a bunch of BS but she's been surprisingly really accurate when doing this. It's almost kind of scary...

Joanne: Yea, remember how I said you and-

Erin clasped her hand over her sister's mouth.

Erin: You don't speak of that ever again. Clear?

Erin removed her hand.

Joanne: (gulps) C-Crystal clear sis. 

Erin: Good, now introduce yourself to everyone else.

Joanne continued with her introduction on to Lissa.

Lissa: Heya Erin's sister, I'm Lissa!

Joanne: Hi Lissa, call me Joanne!

Robin whispers to Chrom.

Robin: (whispers) They will get along exceptionally well. Expect double the pranks.

Chrom paled. It might as well been another Lissa had been found in Joanne.

Next up was Morgan. Joanne looked at her red hair which she inherited from Cordelia.

Joanne: Ohhh, you have pretty hair.

Morgan: Aww, thanks! I get it from my mother.

Joanne: Wow! I would love to meet her someday.

Morgan: Look no further then!

Morgan went and pulled Cordelia to Joanne who tilted her head in confusion.

Joanne: Wait. I thought you were getting your mom.

Morgan: I am silly! Meet my mother.

Cordelia: Ah yes, I'm Cordelia. It's...nice to meet you.

Joanne: Wow, you are so alike. If i didn't know any better I would say this was your sister!

Cordelia didn't know what to say. She just saw this girl hug her husband, what could she do?

Joanne: Hey, what's with the look? Do you not like me?

Joanne started getting teary eyed at the thought of someone not liking her. She was used to it since she was Erin's sister and was friends with Reflet who was considered to be a "freak" by everyone. But Joanne would shoo off anyone who dared to call her friend mean things.

Cordelia: O-Oh no! I'm sorry if I came off as that way! Please don't cry...

Erin who was super protective of her sister even though she didn't show it sent a chilling glare at the pegasus knight that screamed at her to fix this mess.

Cordelia: C-Come on now, if it makes makes you feel better I'll be your friend.

Joanne: R-Really?

Cordelia: Of course!

Joanne did a 180 and was back to her happy self.

Joanne: Yay! We are going to be the best of friends!

Reflet: You sure are! 

AN: And so ends the chapter. Sorry if it was a bit late, I was out of the state the week of Christmas. Now that I'm back, I'm working on the next chapter. As always, have a good day everyone.

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