Chapter 6: First Day Out (Pt. 2) Unexpected Guest

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AN: Hey again everyone! I know it's been a while since the last chapter and I apologize for that. But with all this corona virus stuff growing in recent weeks school has been cancelled for a while so hopefully that means more updates. I've been trying to work on Stuck in Remnant as well but it's a hassle trying to juggle two stories. Hopefully I can do both. Without further wait, enjoy this very late chapter.

'Robin'= Thoughts

After introducing Erin's sister, Joanne, the group headed out to their intended destination, Downtown San Francisco. The ride there had been an interesting one to say the least. The group had used BART to get there and everyone new looked interested in the technological advances that this world had over theirs. The first time they had gotten on no one told them that there would be slight popping in their ears and so everyone freaked out. After that experience the group couldn't begin to fathom how many tall buildings and shops there were.

Morgan: Wow! Look at all the shops here! And the tall buildings.

Everyone else agreed with Morgan. The group conversed with each other.

Robin only wanted to go to the Apple store and buy phones for everyone until he saw some people. Reflet noticed her brothers stare and followed his eyes in the store. She recoiled a bit when she saw that her "friends" were there. The two were interrupted by a new voice.

?: O-Oh, hey guys.

The twins looked and saw one of their true friends standing there.

Robin: Ah, Jonathan. What a surprise seeing you here.

Jonathan: Robin, I already told you a bunch of times to call me Jon.

Robin: Well I never miss an opportunity to mess with you.

Jon: Idiot...

Robin smirked at Jon's expression. Jon was a male around his age with black hair that was swept up. He like Erin and Joanne was one of the people who stood by Reflet although more quietly. He was what you would call an introvert. He almost reached 6ft in height. Many would write him off as rude or cold but in reality that wasn't the truth. He was nice when his friends were around. Today he had on a plain white Nike shirt with a plain black jacket. He was also wearing dark blue jeans and black shoes. 

Jon: How's it going Reflet?

Reflet didn't answer.

Jon: Hello? Reflet?

Still no answer. Jon nudged Robin.

Jon: Dude, is your sister ok?

Robin pointed his head in the direction of the store. Jon followed and his expression turned sour which rarely happened. He was a normally calm person but these people made his blood boil.

Jon: Gods I can't stand it whenever I see them.

Robin: You and me both.

Jon: So what brings you guys here?

Robin internally panicked.

Crap, I didn't think of this.

Robin knew he had to give a reasonable response so he t quickly thought of something.

Robin: Ah, you see I wanted to show my friends around.

Jon: Whoa, you made new friends?

Robin: Yeah, I was going out so they could get more used to their surroundings.

Jon: But why would you do that. Are they like, new to the area?

Robin: Yes, they are.

Robin knew he couldn't keep up the charade for long because he saw that Jon was catching on to his lie. Jon was a perceptive individual after all.

Robin: (sigh) Jon, I'll tell you the truth later when we get home, your free right?

Jon: Yea man, it's summer break, what kind of question is that?

Robin: Right, summer just began after all.

Jon: Yea man, I can't believe we're all gonna be graduating next year.

Robin: Tell me about it. Ah, got a little sidetracked there, now to do what I originally came here to do.

Jon: And that is...

Robin: Buying new phones for them.

Robin pointed to his friends.

Jon: ALL of them?

Robin: Yes.

Jon: Isn't that going to cost a shit ton?

Robin: Your talking to a guy who has basically an unlimited amount of money remember?

Jon facepalmed that he forgot such a thing about his friend.

Jon: I am stupid for forgetting that.

Chrom: Robin, what is keeping you?

Robin: Oh! I forgot you guys were waiting for me. Chrom, do you mind telling everyone to wait here while I buy a couple things in that store?

Chrom: The one with the eaten apple?

Robin: Yeah, I'll try to be quick.

Chrom: Alright, I'll relay the message to everyone.

Chrom returned to everyone else while Reflet seemed o have snapped out of her daze.

Jon: Seems like she finally snapped out of it.

Robin: About time...

Reflet: Hey! I had a good reason for it.

Robin: We know, look, you don't have to come with me if it brings up too many bad memories.

Reflet: No. I'll go with you. I'll be alright.

Robin: Ok then.

Jon: Yeah me too.

Robin: Might I ask why?

Jon: Why not?

Reflet: Can't argue against that brother.

With that the three walked in the store which was occupied by a few people that included them.

Hoping to not get noticed it didn't work out in the twins favor as they were noticed by Sophia herself.

Sophia: Well well well, look who it is. If it isn't the horny gay bitch and her useless brother. Oh, and you brought the shut in too.

Jon glared at Sophia who looked smug while Reflet flinched at Sophia's words. She got behind Robin.

Robin looked at Sophia calmly. Technically this was his first encounter with the girl since you know, the whole different world thing.

Robin: We're not here to cause trouble unlike you. Now just be reasonable and let us do our shopping.

Sophia: Hmph! You dare to talk back to me like that?!

Robin: Trust me, I'll talk to you and your little gang however I want.

Sophia: How dare you!

Outside the store

Frederick: It's fascinating how the logo of the store is an eaten apple.

Chrom: Yeah, wonder why it's like that for.

Cordelia was off to the side while everyone else talked about the apple logo. She peered into the store to see her husband being confronted by a group of people with a girl in the front. Based on the descriptions the twins gave her she concluded that the girl was Sophia.

?: How dare you!

Lissa: Well geez, anyone else hear that terrible screaming.

Morgan: Yeah, it came from the store. Who is that berating father and aunt Reflet?

Cordelia: It's that girl they told us about. Sophia.

That name made everyone scowl.

Lissa: Oh I can't stand it! We have to do something.

Morgan: I agree with Aunt Lissa. How about we burn all of them alive!

Cordelia scolded her daughter

Cordelia: Morgan! You know we can't do that. Especially here in public.

Olivia: Hey, w-where's Erin and Joanne?

The group took notice and indeed Erin and Joanne were gone.

Sumia: Wait, I see them! They just walked in the store.

Chrom: Then let's follow them. 

Frederick: Are you sure that's a good idea Milord?

Lissa: Of course it's a good idea! No one messes with our friends and gets away with it!

With that the group headed towards the store.

Back inside the store

Sophia: How dare you!

Robin: I would refrain from screeching, don't want to make everyone deaf now would we?

Sophia turned red at this... this trash insulting her. Her group looked ready to retailiate but a new voice stopped them.

Erin: Jeez Sophia, you really don't learn your lesson do you?

Everyone turned to look at Erin with a very scaring looking Joanne next to her.

Sophia: Tch, figures you would be here.

Erin: Yep. And it's pretty obvious that no matter how much I beat your ass down into the ground you still go after my favorite twins. Don't know if your incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. Probably the latter if you ask me.


By this point everyone else who was in the store stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to the stand off.

Erin: Oh? Why don't you make me.

Sophia: HA! You think I'm afraid of you? In case you haven't noticed, the numbers don't exactly favor you. 

Sophia was kind of right about that. Her group including herself had 9 people while the twins had 5 including themselves.

Erin: You think just because you have numbers you think you have the advantage?

Sophia: Duh. And here I thought you were the smart one Erin.

Erin: Please, you know if it was just you and me I would beat you to a pulp.

Sophia: Why don't you back it up right now then?

Erin: Thanks for the invitation.

Erin was about to charge in until she felt someone holding her arm.

Erin looked to see Reflet's pleading eyes.

Reflet: Erin... please. You know she's just using your emotions to get the better of you. She's not worth it.

Erin sighed as she calmed down.

Erin: Thanks Ref, I needed to cool down.

Reflet: That's what friends are for, right?

Erin: Yeah... friends. 

Erin seemed to think deeply about the word. Just friends? Luckily no one seemed to notice her spacing out.

Sophia: Hpmh! Just as I thought. Coward.

Robin: Is she a coward though Sophia? Last I checked weren't you the one hiding behind your "bodyguards?"

Sophia: Oh I have had it! Guys? Show them not to mess with me.

Robin put her sister behind him.

But before Sophia's group could do anything a new voice interrupted them. Everyone turned to the owner of the voice who turned out to be Chrom.

Chrom: I think you all should back off.

Sophia eyed the young king up and down with a flirtatious look on her face.

Sophia: Oh~? And who might you be handsome?

Chrom noticed the flirtatious tone she used. She reminded him of one of the many ladies back home who did the same thing.

Chrom: Someone who isn't interested.

The other customers let out a 'OHH' while someone else could be heard saying 'BURN!'

Sophia: Too bad, we could have been good together too.

Sumia who remained passive stepped in.

Sumia: Sorry but he's already taken.

Sophia: And who are you supposed to be?

Sumia: His WIFE.

That shut up Sophia immediately.

After a few moments Sophia came back to her senses.

Sophia: ARGGHH! I am SO tired of you freak and your freak brother always ruining things for ME!

Reflet who had been hiding behind her brother stepped out with a newfound fire in her eyes. She was so sick of being afraid of Sophia. She was tired of listening to her insults. She was tired of her.

Reflet: WE'RE ruining things for you? Look at what you did for crying out loud!! Your ruining everyones day here by just filling the room up with your stupidity!

Sophia: Learn to shut your mouth freak!

Reflet flinched at the word but she didn't back down.

Reflet: Would you SHUT UP! I thought you were someone I could trust, someone who I could call best friend and would always have my back. God how dumb I was for ever calling you or anyone else I used to hang out with "friends." You know what, I don't need you because I'm surrounded by people that actually care about me. So now, GET OUT!!

Sophia's lackeys who were scared by Reflet quickly got out of the store leaving Sophia alone.


Robin coughed and that got her attention. Turning around, Sophia saw 9 very angry looking people staring right at her plus all the other people who were in the store.

Sophia: T-This isn't o-over you freak!

With that Sophia ran out of the store and the confrontation was over. Luckily there was no need to resort to violence but next time wouldn't be the same unfortunately.

With Sophia and her crew gone the Shepards went to tend to Reflet. All of them asking if she was alright.

Reflet: Guys! I'm fine, really. But thanks for stepping in. I'm glad that you guys have my back.

Lissa: Of course we have your back silly!

Cordelia: Yes, I would never leave my sister in law to suffer.

Everyone else voiced their agreement. A moment later a lady in her early 20's with long brown hair came in.

?: Alright people, that's enough! Go back to what you were doing.

The crowd that was around them disbursed and it was just the lady and the group.

?: (sighs) I should have known it would be that girl again. She really doesn't know when to shut her mouth.

Robin: Well people like her don't know when to quit, so I doubt she's taking this lying down.

?: I guess your right about that Rob. But on a lighter note, it's good to see you and your sister again.

The mystery woman proceeded to hug the twins.

Sumia: Um, not to be rude, but who are you?

?: Oh! I'm sorry if I ignored all of you. Let me introduce myself. I'm Emilia Lopez. I'm these two little munchkins aunt.

The twins became flustered due to the use of their aunt's terrible nickname for them in front of their friends.

Morgan: Whoa! This is father's aunt? Amazing!

Cordelia: It certainly is sweetie.

Lissa: Hah! Munchkin?

Olivia: O-Oh come on Lissa. I'm sure they have been embarrassed enough.

Lissa: Fiinneeee.

Emilia: So you guys, what brings you here anyway?

Robin: Ah, we were planning to get new phones for everyone, but we got sidetracked.

Emilia: Eh? Is that so? Then let me get your friends hooked up for free!

Robin: W-What? Emilia, are you sure-

Robin didn't finish as his aunt cut him off.

Emilia: Of course I'm sure! Besides, it's the least I could do after you showed that little brat who's boss!

Reflet: Wow! Your the best Emilia!

Emilia: Why of course I am!

Robin: Way to feed her ego...

Reflet: Shut it you.

Robin: Make me.

Before the two could get into another argument Cordelia got in between the two.

Cordelia: Alright you two, no fighting in public like this.

The two let out an angry huff before crossing their arms and looking away from each other. Emilia who watched the scene giggled at their interaction.

Emilia: Ah sibling relationships. Never gets old.

Lissa: I know right!

Chrom: Excuse me, Emilia was it? We can't possibly take the phones for free. At least let us repay you somehow.

Emilia: Don't feel so guilty blue. I'm the manager of this store anyway. Besides, you wanting to be friends with my niece and nephew after everything that's happened... It's enough repayment for me. So all of you, thank you.

Emilia got emotional thinking about the hardships the twins had to go through from losing their parents to Reflet being labeled as a "freak" in school. She was so happy that her little twins could be around people who truly cared for them.

Chrom: Don't thank us milady. Thank your niece and nephew. Without them, we would be lost.

Emilia: Ah, look at me getting all sappy. 

Emilia wiped her face with the sleeve of her gray jacket.

Emilia: Enough crying! Let's get your friends some phones!

Emilia went ahead and got 7 boxes of iPhones and put them into separate bags. 

Emilia: Gah! I didn't even get to learn your friends names! 

Robin: It's alright Emilia, your getting off at around 4 P.M right? You could drop by our place and introduce yourself there.

Emilia: Eh, alright. I can wait three more hours...Speaking of work, what are you doing you two?

She pointed at Jon and Erin.

Emilia: Your supposed to be on your shift right now. So get to work!

Emilia and Jon: YESMAM!

The two sped off to change into their uniform.

Chrom: S-She certainly takes work very seriously.

Reflet: Hehehe, thats our aunt for you!

Sumia: I don't think I've seen Erin look so scared before. And who was the other one?

Robin: Ah, thats just one of our friends from school. He'll come by later with Emilia  so he could properly introduce himself to you guys.

At that moment both Jon and Erin came back out in their uniforms.

Erin: You guys leaving already?

Robin: We are but you guys are free to come by with our aunt since you get out at the same time.

Erin: Sure, make sure you behave Joanne.

Joanne: Sis! I am appalled that you would imply that I am not responsible!

Erin: Oh boy. Make sure to watch her guys.

Reflet: We'll do our best!

Reflet saluted. Reflet then turned to her aunt to say goodbye.

Reflet: By aunt Emilia! We'll see you later!

Emilia: By my little munchkins!

She gave the two a kiss on the cheek which left them embarrassed once again.

Robin: L-Lets go home now.

Reflet: R-Right. 

Morgan: But I thought-

Robin: Nope. We're going home. NOW.

The twins were out the store in a hurry with everyone chuckling at how flustered they looked thanks to their aunt.

The group went home the same way. Once they got there, they noticed that the gate to the house was left open.

Robin: What the? Why is the gate open?

Frederick: Hmm. Perhaps someone forgot to close it?

Robin: But I wasn't the last one out. Unless-

Robin figured it out and turned to his sister who had a sheepish look on her face.

Reflet: Oh, oops?

Robin: Oops? OOPS?!

Reflet: C-Calm down bro. I just forgot ok?

Robin rubbed his temples in frustration.

Robin: Well by the look of things someone went in while we were gone.

Robin pointed at the open door after the gate.

Lissa: What? Someone broke in then?

Robin: It would seem so. Reflet, go in and inspect.

Reflet: W-What? But why me?

Robin gave her a 'are you kidding me look.'

Robin: Because you left the door open.

Reflet: Grrr, fine. 

Reflet walked in the house and looked around to see if anything was out of place downstairs. It looked clean. Then she headed upstairs. 

This is so stupid! If they broke in then they should be long gone by now. Stupid Robin! 

Reflet froze as she broke out of her thoughts. She took a look at the door. It looked like someone had really broken in because the key lock was pretty much non-existent. It looked as if someone had broken it off in order to get in. But that wasn't what scared her. It was the fact that she heard groaning coming from the living room, and it was a female by the sound of it.

O-Oh god. Someone is still in there. I-I have to tell the others!

But Reflet didn't get that chance as it seems like she made too much noise and the mystery person had heard her. She was roughly pulled up the stairs and slammed into the floor of the living room and soon after felt a cold metal on her neck. A blade. She didn't have time to look up at the figure as she shut her eyes and let out a blood curling scream.

Who was the mystery figure inside the twins house. Will the group be able to get to Reflet in time? Find out next time.

Whoa. It feels weird to be back after a few months. Sorry if it was shorter than expected.  Just trying to get back into it. Hopefully the next chapter won't have the same long wait. Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next time!

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