Chapter 100: Everyone's Interlude: Life in Our Own Way

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I adjusted the sound system in the corner, tapping my foot against the floor as the party continued around me. I planned to join in soon, but not until I had crafted the perfect playlist for the evening's festivities.

"Aki, don't stay off by yourself!" a voice called out.

"Just a moment!" I shot back.

Hm... You know what, that's good enough. I decided to include a mix of rap, hip-hop, reggae, and even a touch of country. It seemed like the perfect blend of background music for tonight's festivities, I thought.

"Alright, Gucci," I said as I pressed the play button. "Here we go."


Chapter 100: Embracing the Everyday Together


"Even amidst this chaotic madness, I've grown accustomed to its overwhelming presence, mistaking this ordinary life for tranquility."

Amidst the twists and turns of this tumultuous roller coaster ride, what is the one thing I mustn't lose sight of?

Engulfed by the notion of universal equality, I find myself immersed in the belief that everything is interconnected, to the extent that my heart becomes an integral part of the boundless whole.

If you fail to express your dislikes and affections openly, you risk becoming no different than a puppet devoid of true individuality.


"Hey, uh, Papi, right?"

"I'm Papi!" she replied joyfully, turning around to see Sasaki approaching her. "And you are... um..."

"Jus' call me Sasaki," he chuckled.

"kay! Sasskitty!"

Sasaki blinked, momentarily caught off guard, but eventually chuckled and shook his head.

"Ya remind me of Shiki when he was jus' a little tyke," he said, a nostalgic smile gracing his furry face. "By the way, I jus' remembered that I bumped into ya a few days ago!"

"You did?" Papi furrowed her brow in thought. "I don't remember so well..."

"Bah, no biggie," Sasaki dismissed with a wave of his hand, clearly unfazed by being wholly forgotten. "I jus' thought it was a funny coincidence, that's all. Did ya ever find your friend?"

"Um..." Suddenly, she became acutely aware of the flower headband in her blue hair. "Oh, right! Kii!"

"Yes?" Kii appeared at Papi's side as if mentioning her name summoned her. In truth, she had been there all along, sticking close to Papi since her arrival. She had been concealed before, practically hiding behind Papi.

"I found you!" Papi cheered, enveloping her friend in a warm, feathery hug. Kii let out a yelp, her face turning pink, as she struggled to ensure the cup of water she held remained steady. Despite the surprise, she didn't resist Papi's affectionate gesture.

Sasaki laughed heartily, slapping his belly before taking a generous swig of his beer. "Ah, it warms Mah old fart heart to see ya two! Yer a truly fortunate gal, ya know," he proclaimed, beaming at Kii.

Kii narrowed her eyes at the man. "I require no compliments from a mere human," she replied haughtily, though her attempts to maintain her composure were undermined by the giggling harpy rubbing their cheeks together.

"Aw, don't be such a meanie, Kii!" Papi scolded, though her brows furrowed in thought. "Hmm, Meankii? Anyway, be nice to Sasskitty. He was kind to me when I bumped my head searching for you!"

"Is that true?" Kii asked warily, raising a skeptical eyebrow in his direction.

"Eh, nothin' too special," Sasaki replied, placing a hand on his hip. "Sides, 'spose can't be helped if ya gotta a shitty opinion of humans. We tend ta fuck up a lot. Except when it comes to brews!" He chuckled once more and took another hearty sip of his beer. After finishing, he sighed, satisfied, and wiped the foam off his thick beard. "Ya wanna try some? I swear to whatever ya worship that I only brought good quality stuff fer tonight!"

"That poisonous swill?" Kii spat, expressing her disgust. "No, thank you."

"Hey, it may be poison, but it ain't killed me yet!" Sasaki quipped, giving her a wink. "But suit yerself; it's not fer everyone."

"Is that what big brother drinks all the time?" Papi asked with enthusiasm, bouncing up and down. Unfortunately for Kii, they were still attached, so she had no choice but to go along for the ride. "Is it the stuff that makes him all giggly and stuff?"

"...Probably," Sasaki answered, glancing around and sounding uncertain for the first time. "Come to think of it, are ya actually old enough to drink?"

"I'm..." Papi paused, momentarily pondering as she stared at her feathers as if they held the answer to her age. "Um... nineteen! Yeah, that sounds about right!"

"Uh huh," Sasaki responded skeptically, scratching his beard as he contemplated. Eventually, he shrugged. "Well, you're in a controlled environment, aren't ya? You should probably ask yer, big bro, first, though."

"Yay, yay!" Papi exclaimed cheerfully, bouncing on her feet.

Inwardly, Kii's suspicions grew stronger. If Papi was willing to consume that "poison," it was her choice. However, Kii was determined to protect Papi from being taken advantage of on this night. She resolved to closely observe this bear-like human, "Sasskitty," to uncover his true intentions, which she believed were undoubtedly malicious.


"You know, you're stretching the whole stoic knight persona this time around."

Cerea spun around to see who had spoken, but upon recognizing the person, she narrowed her eyes and swiftly averted her gaze.

"And what would you know of such matters, Rachnera?" she huffed, her voice laced with skepticism.

"Apparently, nothing," Rachnee replied drolly, strolling up to Cerea's side with a cup of coffee. "Except you've been sulking since those MON girls went for a private pow-wow. Feeling left out, are we?"

Cerea shifted her position, visibly annoyed that Rachnee had effortlessly discerned her genuine emotions. Her tail flicked with irritation as she attempted to conceal her face, unwilling to display her vulnerability.

"And what concern would it be of yours if that were so?" Cerea shot back.

"None, really," Rachnee shrugged, sipping her coffee. "Although you're sort of killing the mood, and that's quite bothersome."

Suppressing the urge to argue further, Cerea's ears drooped slightly. "In that case, maybe it's best if I just take my leave," she murmured, her voice tinged with resignation.

Rachnee rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Oh, please. That would only make people even more concerned. What you should do is engage with others. I believe that's what one typically does at gatherings like this."

"But... am I not talking to you right now?" Cerea retorted.

Rachnee let out a snort in response. "Someone you enjoy talking to," she clarified, her tone laced with amusement.

"Ah." Cerea was taken aback by Rachnee's blunt remark and her seemingly casual acceptance that Cerea didn't particularly enjoy her company. It left her momentarily speechless. Eventually, she regained her composure and found her voice. "Perhaps you are right," she conceded, acknowledging the truth in Rachnee's words. However, a persistent feeling of discontent nagged at her, and she couldn't leave it unaddressed. It could have been the influence of the alcohol she had been gradually consuming, but deep down, she knew it was more than that. "Yet, it was you who approached me first, Rachnera."

"And what does that matter?" Rachnee attempted to brush it off, though there was a hint of defensiveness in her tone. Cerea's training with MON on reading body language started paying off. "I'm certain your beloved Master or Counselor would have approached you in due time."

"They certainly would have," Cerea agreed, nodding in acknowledgment. She couldn't help but feel a peculiar sense of lightness, a feeling she wasn't accustomed to. It reminded her of the moments when Smith had welcomed her into MON, when she had escaped the toxic environment of her home, or even when her mother used to sing her soothing lullabies...

"But you were the one who took the initiative," Cerea pressed on, pushing aside the nostalgic thoughts that threatened to distract her. "I am bound by honor to show you the respect you deserve for your actions."

"If duty is your sole motivation, then there's no need," Rachnee retorted with a heated tone. "Using a code as a shield is a feeble excuse."

"'Tis not an excuse!" Cerea insisted, her voice carrying a mix of determination and frustration. She took a deep breath, reminding herself of her conversation with Master, Aki, and Miia earlier, the reminder to be open-minded. If they could set aside their judgments of Rachnee, perhaps she could do the same. "I genuinely desire to have a meaningful conversation with you, Rachnee," she said, her tone softening. It was the best way to either validate or dismiss her suspicions.

Rachnee grunted, her eight legs slightly twitching as she averted her flushed face. "If you insist. However, I highly doubt we share common ground to engage in conversation."

An awkward silence settled between them, broken only by the sound of their simultaneous sips from their drinks. They both sought solace in the familiar taste, allowing the momentary respite to fill the void of conversation.

"Why must humans design everything so small?" Cerea voiced her frustration, a hint of exasperation in her tone.

"Tell me about it," Rachnee grumbled in agreement. "I practically occupy the entire damn sidewalk with my presence."

"And the audacity to label us as the cumbersome ones!" Cerea exclaimed, her frustration evident in her voice.

"It's truly unflattering," Rachnee chimed in, a note of annoyance in her voice.

"Indeed, vexingly so!" Cerea replied with a huff, her irritation palpable.


Scene change:

"Ah... Draco, yes?" Mero approached Draco, a warm smile on her face as she tried to engage with the girl who seemed to wear a scowl perpetually. Draco glanced down at her and intensified her scowl as if to defy any attempts at breaking her icy demeanor.

"Yeah, what of it?" Draco muttered, her voice laced with an air of defiance.

"Oh, I just wanted to confirm if I heard correctly!" Mero replied with her usual cheerfulness. She waited for a response from Draco, but when none came, she pressed on. "I might have misunderstood, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but did I overhear you mentioning that you have royal blood?"

For the first time since Mero had spoken to her, Draco looked at her for longer than two seconds, turning away from whatever she was staring at so intensely.

"Indeed," Draco replied with a hint of arrogance in her voice. She raised her chin proudly, showcasing her regal heritage. "As a dragonewt, I possess the inherent birthright of royal blood, a legacy that runs deep within our kind." She adjusted her stance, emphasizing her noble stature.

"Oh, is that so?" Mero inquired, her curiosity piqued as she tilted her head. "I wasn't aware that such a notion extended to all dragonewts, not just those of noble lineage. Are you associated with a particular noble house?"

Draco's tail twisted a subtle sign of her unease that didn't escape Mero's sharp gaze. "... I am not," Draco eventually responded, averting her gaze from Mero again. There was a faint tension in her voice. "However, I come from a distinguished lineage of... artists, if you will."

"Really?" Mero pressed excitedly, clasping her hands together. "In what field of the arts does your family specialize?" Her voice trailed off as she followed Draco's gaze, realizing who had intensely captured her attention. A gentle, sympathetic smile appeared on Mero's face. "Ah, I understand."

Draco grunted, shifting her gaze towards Mero with her intense purple-slit eyes.

"Your expression just then...." Mero explained, resting her webbed hands on her lap. "It reminded me of me."

"Huh?" Draco muttered, a faint tinge of color creeping into her cheeks. She shifted uneasily, slipping her hands into her pockets to conceal her reaction. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean..."

"A love from afar..." Mero sighed, her smile tinged with a touch of melancholy. "A connection that remains out of reach, forever elusive." Though the concept still held a certain allure for her, the romantic notion of unrequited affection had lost some of its luster over time. "I could venture to say that I, too, have encountered such emotions."

Draco regarded her with a peculiar expression, her gaze piercing. "'Never be,'" she echoed, her voice tinged with defiance and longing. She shook her head dismissively. "No one else could comprehend the depth of my emotions."

"Perhaps," Mero conceded, wheeling her chair closer to Draco's side, aligning herself to face the same direction. "While it's true that no one can fully grasp the intricacies of another's emotions, I can't help but feel a certain kinship between us. We may share a few similarities hidden beneath our unique experiences."


"Beg pardon?"

"Why?" Draco inquired, peering down at Mero with a puzzled expression. "What purpose would it serve for us to be similar? Your words sound nonsensical to me."

Draco was taken aback when Mero giggled in response to her comment.

"Rachnee says something similar to me quite frequently," Mero explained, suppressing her laughter. "So, hearing it from another person is quite amusing. As for your question... I'm not entirely certain. Maybe I see a reflection of myself in you, a kindred spirit?"

"Hm," Draco hummed. "I am unique. There is no one quite like me, only myself."

"If you say so," Mero replied cheerfully. "But if I may offer a polite suggestion...."

"And what might that be?" Draco retorted, her voice carrying a hint of annoyance.

"When I found myself at a crossroads after witnessing the shattering of my ideal romance, fate kindly intervened," Mero shared, her voice laced with nostalgia as she glanced toward Cerea, Rachnee, and Tio, engaged in a lively discussion.


Tio sighed in frustration and pouted. "It's quite a challenge for me to maneuver around indoors. I can't count the number of times my horn has accidentally bumped into doorframes or furniture. It's rather unfortunate."

"I must admit, I face a different set of challenges regarding doorways," Rachnee chuckled. "My long limbs and how I move can make squeezing through narrow entrances quite a spectacle."

"I can certainly relate," Cerea lamented, her expression filled with mild exasperation. "It seems I have an uncanny talent for misjudging the spatial requirements of my tail when making turns. It has resulted in a fair share of mishaps."


"So perhaps you could find solace in the company of friends or comrades," Mero suggested with a smile. "Having someone nearby who understands your struggles can make a difference and bring much-needed support in challenging times."

"... Feh, like I have time for friends," Draco muttered. "No one's bothered, so why should I?"

Mero's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Well, if you're open to the idea, I would be honored to be your friend, Draco! Sometimes, all it takes is one connection to brighten our lives and make the world a little bit better. And who knows, with time, you might find more friends who appreciate you just as you are."

Draco's initial surprise shifted into a defensive stance, her tone laced with vulnerability. "Please, as I mentioned, I do not need such things," she faltered, attempting to regain her composure. "Moreover, my experiences have shown that people only approach me with ulterior motives."

"Well, I must confess, my intentions are not entirely selfless," Mero admitted. "It would bring me great joy if you could soften that intense gaze directed towards the owner of this household. He is a kind-hearted man, and I do appreciate his hospitality. However, there's more to it..." Mero's eyes sparkled as she continued, "This is a celebration, a gathering of people where smiles are customary. It would be truly delightful to witness your smile, Draco."

Draco shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to react to Mero's heartfelt words. Her usual facade of aloofness wavered for a moment, revealing a flicker of vulnerability. She averted her gaze, finding solace in the quiet contemplation.


"Ah, the crowd of people traveling through the night seems both happy and lonely

The contrast flies around the musical score, turning into song and rhythm."


Zombina encountered her doppelgänger, who bore an unmistakable distinction—a blue tentacle hanging from her head.

"Damn, girl!" Zombina exclaimed, striking a confident pose and sporting a wide grin. "You're rocking that look!"

"No, you look fantastic!" her copy replied, perfectly mirroring her posture and expression. Zombina burst into laughter, unable to contain her amusement as she doubled over, clutching her stomach. The sight of her identical counterpart was too amusing.

"I don't know how it took us so long to meet finally, but I'm glad we did," she breathed as her copy's form melted away, returning to Suu's usual petite appearance.

"Me too!" Suu happily responded, clapping her hands together. "Bina is fun!"

"Yer a riot yourself, kiddo," Zombina said with a wide grin. "Say, what other tricks ya got up yer sleeve?"


"So ya gotta explain this whole harpy sister and water daughter thing," Sasaki insisted, leaning his beefy elbow on Aki's shoulder. The sudden weight caused the smaller man to yelp in surprise, nearly losing his balance and interrupting his conversation with Manako and Kuroko.

"Gah! Give me a heads-up next time!" Aki protested, his voice filled with annoyance. "You're lucky the beer didn't spill."

"I must admit, I'm quite curious about that story as well," Kuroko chimed in, her voice full of curiosity, disregarding Aki's comment.

"See, the crowd's ravin' fer it!" Sasaki pressed. "'Kimi's off mackin' on that Miia chick and won't explain shit, so let's hear it."

"It's not much of a story, really," Aki grumbled, attempting to shake off Sasaki's elbow. "Papi started calling me her big brother last month after I gave her a piggyback ride. So no, we're not siblings."

"Human and liminal half-siblings are a thing, you know," Kuroko informed him.

"No shit?" Sasaki asked, scratching his beard in thought. Kuroko nodded.

"Relatively uncommon, but yes. It's more common among liminal species that seek multiple partners, but I digress. Aki?"

"Danke. Anyway, when did Suu start referring to me as her father...." Aki furrowed his bushy eyebrows. "Oh, yes, a few weeks ago, when I was feeling down, Suu sang a soothing song to help me calm down. It was during that moment she first called me 'father.'" He smiled warmly as he reminisced about the memory.

"Well, ain't that sweet," Sasaki cooed, a silly grin on his face. "The little ones always have a way of tugging at the ol' heartstrings, don't they?"

"I must admit, Aki, your experience is truly unique," Kuroko remarked, shaking her head. "Slimes are such enigmatic creatures that it's quite a miracle you forged such a connection with one so effortlessly."

"It's possible that being the first person Suu encountered here played a significant role," Aki reflected. "I protected her from provocation and helped her recover by providing the necessary water. Additionally, our constant mental connection likely strengthened our bond." He pondered the circumstances further, considering all the contributing factors.

Just then, a pair of slender feelers snaked their way around Aki's chest, coiling tightly.

"Boop," a soft voice chimed as one of the feelers playfully tapped Aki on the forehead.

"Boop," he replied playfully, gently poking Suu's head. Her giggles filled the air, causing her translucent skin to shimmer delightfully.

"So adorable~" Manako whispered, a slight blush gracing her cheeks as she couldn't help but find the scene endearing.

"I'll drink to that Cheers!" Sasaki exclaimed, raising his glass and siping to celebrate the heartwarming moment.


"Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts, and bitter step

It's sweet and bitter and leaves me feeling faint

Let's aim for the south-southwest and keep on partying! This will be a night to shock the world

I feel superb! It forms a chain and reflects."


"Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves so far," Kurusu remarked with a contented sigh, sinking into the couch and taking a sip from his freshly opened beer.

"It is great seeing everyone all together having fun," Miia concurred, capturing a photo of Mero and a visibly uncomfortable Draco. "It's rewarding to see your efforts paying off as well!"

"You helped a lot, too," Kurusu reminded her, leaning back into his seat and taking a few sips of his beer. It felt amazing to take a break for once finally. "That food you and Aki made was so delicious! I didn't know you both could cook like that!"

"I'm learning bit by bit," Miia said bashfully, her cheeks flushed from the positive feedback. She gave a sheepish chuckle before continuing, "But I'm glad you enjoyed it, Darling."

Kurusu's lips, which had been previously upturned in a gentle smile, now curved downwards for a brief moment. "Um... Miia? Can I ask you for a favor?"

Miia's eyes widened in surprise. She had never known Darling to ask for help from anyone, constantly pushing hard to do everything himself. But here he was, asking her for a favor - something she had never anticipated.

"Absolutely, Darling!" she said hurriedly, leaning in with an expression of utmost sincerity. "I'll take care of anything you need!"

Kurusu chuckled heartily at that, a wide, cheerful grin stretching across his face.

"It's no big deal, really," he assured her, though his expression betrayed a hint of nervousness. "I was just wondering... Miia, could you start calling me by my name instead of 'Darling'? I'd appreciate it, that's all."

For a moment, Miia's heart came to a standstill. Seeing him like this, requesting something so intimate from her... Although she wasn't entirely sure of the implications, she was well aware that calling someone by their first name in Japanese culture was a gesture reserved for those closest to them, or that was what she had inferred, at least. While it may have been a bit of an exaggeration from her perspective, she couldn't help the pleasant feeling that spread throughout her entire being. She knew exactly how she must respond.

Miia's voice was delighted as she softly spoke, "I...I can do that, Kimihito." Her amber eyes twinkled with joy.

The unfamiliar word sounded oddly delightful when spoken from her lips.

"Thank you, Miia," Kimihito said warmly, his eyes sparkling with a genuine smile that warmed her heart.

And just like that, Miia fell in love all over again.


"WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!" shouted Papi in absolute joy. "FASTER, FASTER!"

"Okay! Hold ooooooooooooon!" Tio called out, spinning with surprising grace in one spot while swinging her arms in the air. Latched onto her was a hysterical Papi (accompanied by a screaming Kii who was along for the ride) in one arm while Suu laid claim to the other.

"Hey, Rachnera, what're are ya up to?" Zombina asked, joining the group of party-goers who were observing Rachnera.

"Setting up a perimeter," Rachnee replied as she started to spin a large web around the spinning, giggling gaggle. "For the inevitable."

"For the-?"

Zombina's question was abruptly interrupted by a sudden commotion. Tio's arm launched a blue projectile, which landed gracefully within the intricate web spun by Rachnera. With a gentle splash, Suu found herself safely caught in the net. She gave Rachnera an enthusiastic thumbs-up before gleefully dashing back to the ride that had catapulted her earlier, eager for another round of excitement.

"Much appreciated, Rachnera," Aki sighed, standing beside Zombina, who offered him a comforting pat on the back. The parenting challenges were no surprise to anyone, and Aki felt the weight of it all.


Amid the chaos, Kii found herself unexpectedly standing next to Draco. Together, they observed the scene unfolding before them with growing bewilderment as laughter, conversation, and games filled the air.

"I thought I could have some quality time with Papi," Kii grumbled discontentedly. "But it seems like she's too occupied entertaining everyone else."

Draco, taken aback by the sudden voice beside her, glanced down at the small girl and offered a nod of understanding.

"I can relate," Draco confessed, a hint of disappointment in her voice. "I came here hoping to spend time with someone too, but it seems they're occupied too."

As they stood there in silence, observing the bustling crowd, a glimmer of empathy passed between Draco and Kii. Without a word, Draco reached out and gently touched the rim of her water cup against Kii's, a gesture of solidarity and understanding. At this moment, amidst the swirl of emotions, they found solace in their shared experience, silently acknowledging the longing that resided within them.

Kii's eyes met Draco's as a fleeting smile touched her lips. In a spontaneous act of connection, she raised her glass of water and gently tapped it against Draco's. The soft sound of the clink resonated in the air, symbolizing a shared understanding and an unspoken bond. In that simple gesture, they found solace and a sense of camaraderie, transcending the noise and chaos of the party.

With their cups in hand, Kii and Draco stepped toward the bustling crowd. Side by side, they ventured into the midst of laughter and conversation, embracing the joy and energy of the party. Though still somewhat reserved, they found comfort in each other's presence as they navigated the lively atmosphere together.


"I'm troubled by the objective arguments of rationalistic probability - will our music be degraded as a means to an end?

Look over here. Don't turn your back. Although saying that won't turn into any reasonable argument..."


"Aw, Doppel, don't be such a wallflower!" Miia pouted, tugging at Doppel's arm. "You're hiding in the corner, and that's no fun!"

Doppel sat cross-legged on a chair of her hair, emitting a nonchalant grunt in response.

"Sorry, I just thought I was supposed to be in timeout," she grumbled, her hair twisting and contorting like a living entity as she absentmindedly played with an empty beer bottle.

"Timeout?" Miia echoed, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Why would you think you're in timeout?"

"'Cause apparently, no one trusts a shapeshifter," Doppel grumbled, rolling her eyes. "Go figure."

Miia's frown deepened as she leaned forward, placing her hands on her lap. "Doppel... do you become melancholic when you're drunk?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Doppel responded with a snort, dismissively rolling her eyes. "Nah, not really. At least, not that I recall. It's been ages since I last drank. Besides, I have to intentionally let myself be affected by the alcohol to get drunk."

Miia let out a light giggle, her features slightly flushed, indicating her growing buzz. "That's cool!" she exclaimed. "But honestly, I don't think you're in a timeout. You haven't done anything to deserve it."

"Some people might think I did," Doppel retorted. "But honestly, I don't feel like being around them right now. It's just not my scene."

"Well..." Miia's expression turned slightly uneasy as she contemplated Doppel's words. "So you're saying that some people don't trust you just because you're a shapeshifter?"


"And... there are those who refer to shapeshifters as the Faceless Ones, isn't that right?" Miia asked tentatively.

Doppel nodded in response, remaining silent.

Miia chuckled, though her laughter held a hint of melancholy. "In a strange way, I can relate to that."

Doppel, intrigued by Miia's statement, leaned in closer and inquired, "What do you mean by that?"

"Heh, I guess you could say I understand the feeling of being faceless," Miia replied somberly, her gaze shifting downward.

Doppel frowned, her curiosity growing. "Why are you sharing this with me?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine intrigue.

Miia's laughter subsided, and she shrugged, her gaze earnest. "I suppose I'm embracing my quirks and trying to connect with others. Maybe it's the liberating atmosphere of tonight or the courage that comes with a little alcohol. But regardless, I genuinely hope you'll consider joining us."

"I'll... I'll think about it," Doppel replied, a touch of sincerity in her voice. She couldn't deny the warmth she felt from Miia's genuine enthusiasm. It was a rare sight, making her consider the possibility of joining in the festivities. Miia's contagious joy had a way of breaking down barriers, after all.

"Yay! There's been talk about playing some games soon, so it'd be great if you joined in!" Miia exclaimed, her excitement evident in her voice. She slithered away, giving Doppel a wave before joining the others. Doppel watched her go, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Maybe, just maybe, she could let herself be a part of this lively gathering.

Doppel watched Miia's retreating figure, her thoughts racing. Why had Miia chosen to approach her? Was it indeed because of their shared experience of feeling faceless? She couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to it. Perhaps there was a connection, a deeper understanding that Miia sensed. With a contemplative expression, Doppel decided to keep Miia's words in mind and explore the possibility of joining the festivities. After all, sometimes unexpected connections could lead to meaningful experiences.

"Dolt," Doppel uttered softly, her certainty wavering whether the rebuke was meant for Miia or herself. "In one way or another, we all are faceless..."


"After the festival music has ended, there are people who are still in high spirits and some who burst into tears

They're probably the same thing, but when I try to put it into words, it seems extremely childish."


"Manako, are you finding the festivities enjoyable?"

Caught off guard by the unexpected address, Manako looked up abruptly, her single eye reflecting surprise as she gazed at the towering figure of Cerea.

"S-Sure, it's e-enjoyable, I suppose," she responded, her voice dropping to a near whisper as she drew herself inward, holding the unopened beer bottle close to her chest protectively.

"That's good to know," Cerea responded, nodding affirmatively. Then, noticing the untouched drink in Manako's hands, she added, "I notice you haven't sipped your drink yet. Is it not to your taste?"

"A-Aki simply handed it to me," Manako confessed timidly. "I d-didn't want to create a fuss, so I t-took it, despite not being much of a drinker...."

"I'm sure he wouldn't have minded if you had chosen to turn down his offer," Cerea assured her.

"P-Perhaps," Manako agreed, her tone revealing her lingering doubt. Gathering her courage, she inhaled deeply, then, with what seemed like a monumental effort, brought the bottle to her lips and started to gulp down the brew.

All Cerea could do was stare in astonishment as Manako consumed nearly half the bottle in a single, continuous gulp, finally ending with a soft popping sound and a heavy sigh.

"It's... not too bad," Manako mumbled, her eye blinking quickly.

"Manako, that was quite unnecessary!" Cerea exclaimed, still in shock over her impulsive action. "If my words put any pressure on you to do that, I assure you that wasn't my intention!"

"No, no, please d-don't fret over it," Manako assured her, offering a small, timid smile. "I was merely... well, mentally preparing for it, that's all." She drew in another deep breath. "And, um, thank you, Centorea, for e-engaging me in conversation, but... there's something I m-must attend to."

With that, Manako excused herself and went to where Doppel sat in solitude. Cerea could only observe as Doppel's eyes narrowed at the sight of the approaching Manako, yet she didn't react otherwise. Manako initiated a hushed conversation with her, and whatever she said elicited a slight grimace on Doppel's face.

Battling internal realizations, she wasn't prepared to confront, Cerea averted her gaze as Manako extended a gentle hand toward Doppel.


"How's Everything?" Aki initiated casually, sitting next to Mero with an easy plop.

"Better than you, I would wager," Mero chuckled. "I saw your anxious look when Papi and Suu had their first taste of alcohol earlier."

"Yeah..." Aki let out a sigh before taking a deep gulp from his drink. "I'll allow Papi a bit more tonight, but Suu's done after that small taste she had. Given her sensitivity to such things, it's better to be cautious, especially with such a crowd."

"A wise decision," Mero nodded.

"I fancy I have those moments now and again," Aki retorted with a snort. "By the way, how are you finding the beer?"

"It's... more enjoyable than I expected," she confessed. "But it's not as sophisticated as the kind I've grown used to."

"True, this isn't exactly top shelf," Aki conceded, a playful smirk gracing his lips. "But it does the trick, leagues better than Hamm's or Busch's." He shivered dramatically. "Never resort to that stuff; it's akin to drinking liquefied cardboard."

"Duly noted," Mero giggled.

"... On another note," Aki began, his gaze wandering over to the bustling crowd in the living room. "Thanks for chatting with Draco for a while. I would've, but given her disdain for men, she probably wouldn't have listened to me."

"Oh, it was no trouble at all," Mero assured him, slightly taken aback by his mention. "I'd never encountered a dragonewt before, and I'm always keen to interact with diverse individuals. Besides, she seemed quite isolated, and I wished to offer her some companionship."

Aki responded with a warm smile and a nod. They shared a quiet moment, watching the crowd together. Manako had, in a move uncharacteristic of her, successfully coaxed Doppel into socializing, and now, they seemed to be having a regular conversation with Miia. Sasaki was being his usual loud self, recounting some outrageous and assuredly embarrassing tale from Kurusu's younger days, much to his discomfort. Zombina was in fits of laughter, wiping away tears of delight. Even Kuroko enjoyed herself thoroughly; her cheeks tinged with a rosy flush.

Aki was particularly pleased to see two more introverted individuals, Kii and Draco, beginning to unwind and engage with others. Tio appeared to be making a concerted effort to involve them, using her congenial charm to coax them out of their shells. Suu, who had been deep in conversation with Cerea, spotted them seated across the room and greeted them with an enthusiastic wave. Both of them reciprocated.

"I'm glad I'm here," Aki murmured, almost as if speaking to himself. At this, Mero couldn't help but smile.

"I feel the same way," she confided. Despite his rejection and his reluctance to explore the possibility of a bittersweet love story, she found solace in the company of him and their companions. The anticipated outcome eluded her, yet she embraced the notion that it was perfectly fine.

In the end, Mero was happy to be here.


"Saying it's the best, sugar song! Saying this is happiness, a bitter step!

Project the reasons you can't die in there

Even if I think it's regrettable, tomorrow will come to everyone at the same speed,

But if the weather forecast in my mind has finished updating,"


"Come on, everyone! Let's gather 'round," Aki exclaimed, beckoning everyone to join him in the living room. He persistently did so until each person, including Doppel, found a seat or stood around the low table at the room's center. In his hands, he awkwardly shuffled a deck of cards. "Has anyone had the pleasure of playing Circle of Death?" Aki inquired.

Amidst a chorus of dissenting responses from the others, Sasaki chimed in, "Most likely, without a doubt. I've played damn near every drinking card game imaginable."

"Great, I'm counting on your expertise with the rules then," Aki responded. Content with Sasaki's assurance, he arranged all the cards in a circular pattern around an unopened can of beer. "Typically, we go clockwise from the dealer, but since most of us are new to this game, I'll kick things off to explain the rules," he explained. Aki drew a card from the circle, displaying it for everyone to see—a nine.

"Each number corresponds to a specific rule for the current turn or the entire game, depending on the card," he clarified. "In this case, I drew a nine, which signifies the 'rhyme' rule," Aki continued. "Here's how it works: I'll say a word, and then we'll go around the circle, with each person coming up with a word that rhymes with the previous one. If you take longer than three seconds or fail to come up with a rhyme, you'll have to take a drink. Clear on that?"

In response to Aki's question, he received a mixture of nods and shaking heads, each expressing varying degrees of confidence or uncertainty.

"Well, let's kick things off and make our way through it," Aki sighed. After pondering for a moment, he shrugged and said, "Ball."

"Small!" said Zombina.

"Shawl!" said Mero.

"Gall," Rachnee supplied dully, resting her cheek on a hand.

"Um... call?" offered Tio.

"M-Mall," Manako said.

Sasaki didn't even bother, electing to drink instead.

"And I had such a clever one, too," Kuroko sighed.

Aki chuckled in response. "Okay, after I'm done, I'll slide the card under the cap right here," he demonstrated, placing the card under the cap. "Everyone will do the same after their turn until the cap eventually pops. The unfortunate soul who pops the cap will have to chug this beer," he explained, tapping the side of the beer can. "Anyway, Bina, it's your turn," Aki nudged her gently with his elbow. Zombina, feeling a sudden urge to clear her throat, reached forward and drew a six.

"A six means 'dicks'!" Aki exclaimed, perhaps too enthusiastically, raising his beer in triumph. "All the gentlemen here have to take a drink!"

"Hell yeah!" Sasaki shouted enthusiastically, promptly bringing his beverage to his lips. Kurusu joined in the joy, laughing lightly and clinking his bottle with Aki's before taking a sip.

Mero drew an ace and held it up, giving Aki a questioning look as she displayed the card.

"Ace means you're the rule master now," Aki informed Mero. "You get to create a rule that remains in effect until someone else draws an ace and decides their rule supersedes yours. If anyone violates your rule, they have to take a drink."

"Oooh, I'm enjoying this!" Mero giggled mischievously, holding the card close to her chest. "Hmm... now, should I be a benevolent queen or a cruel one?" she pondered playfully.

"Do whatever the hell you want," Rachnee remarked casually. "After all, no one can stop you, right?"

Mero hummed thoughtfully, tapping her chin until a brilliant idea struck her. "Oh, I know! No swearing!" she declared, her eyes gleaming mischievously.

There was a momentary pause, however brief, until...

"Fuck," exhaled Rachnee, Zombina, Aki, Sasaki, Kuroko, and Doppel simultaneously, their synchronized outburst causing them all to take a drink as per Mero's rule.

"Hee hee, I love this rule!" Tio giggled, clapping her hands in delight.

"Go, Rachnee," Aki prompted, gesturing towards her.

"Don't boss me around," she shot back but still drew a card. As she glanced at it, a toothy smirk spread across her lips. "So, if I recall correctly, six was... dicks, right?"

"You're damn right," Sasaki responded with a chuckle. "An' so are ya!"

Rachnee wilted slightly upon hearing Sasaki's remark but then shrugged nonchalantly, sipping her coffee. "And you, old man, have to drink twice," she smirked.

"'Twas intentional," Sasaki said with a grin.

Now it was Tio's turn. She drew a four.

"Four is..." Aki paused momentarily, seemingly catching himself before saying anything else. He cleared his throat and then continued, "Four is ladies. So, all of you have to take a drink."

"But you said I can't have any more beer," Suu reminded Aki, sitting on his right.

"Don't worry about it," he assured. "Just have your water instead, alright? That also applies to you two," he said louder, addressing Kii and Draco. "If you prefer not to have a beer, that's perfectly fine."

"We're honored by your consideration," Kii replied dryly.

"Hmph," Draco grunted, apparently in agreement.

After all the other girls took their drinks, Manako shyly drew a queen.

"Queen is question master," Aki told her. "Which means that if anyone answers your question, they have to drink. The only way they can get out of it is either by outright ignoring you or saying, 'Fuck you, question master.'" Upon realizing what he'd just said to Manako, of all people, he bowed his head. "Shit, sorry, I know you don't-"

"I-I'm sorry," Manako cut him off, "But y-you drink twice for s-s-swearing, right?"

With a deep, drawn-out sigh, Aki nodded. "Yes, I do," he said, his eyes widening as slowly understanding dawned on him. A broad smile spread across his face, and he said approvingly, "You are so clever, girl!"

Kuroko gave Manako a proud look and said, "She certainly has her moments!" Manako blushed at the compliment, but she remained silent. Without any hesitation, Aki quickly drank three drinks.

Then it was Sasaki's turn to draw a king.

"What the hell is this?" he asked, sipping his drink. He didn't think of "hell" as a swear word, but it was regarded as such in certain circles, which was enough for him.

"That's Never Have I Ever," Aki replied. "So, everyone raises three fingers." Everyone did so except for Papi, who decided to raise her foot instead. "Sasaki, you start by saying something you've never done before. If any of you have done that thing before, lower one of your fingers. We'll keep going until the first person has lowered all three of their fingers, and that person has to take a drink!"

"Simple enough," Sasaki said, stroking his beard in contemplation. "Hmm, what haven't I done?" He took a sip of his drink and pondered it for a moment. "Oh, never have I ever tried a glass of wine!"

Kuroko asked in utter bewilderment, "Really?" as she lowered one of her fingers. In response, Aki, Tio, Doppel, Kurusu, and Miia lowered one of their fingers.

"Nope," Sasaki shook his head. "It jus' wasn't a thing, ya know?"

"I could've sworn you said you had wine once," Juyo whispered to Zombina.

"Nah, only beer and whiskey," she responded.

"You've been around for nearly forty years, yet you've only tried a few things? Damn, I've only been around for half that time, and I've already sampled almost every type of hard liquor available!"

"Yeah, yeah, hot shot," Zombina rolled her eyes. "Drink yer fuckin' beer."

"Hm... let's see," Kuroko mused. "Never have I ever... had any siblings."

Juyo, Zombina, Sasaki, Kurusu, Miia, Draco, and Papi lowered a finger. Well, a talon, in Papi's case.

"Wait, you have a sibling?" Aki and Miia rounded on Kurusu as one. A bead of sweat formed on the hapless host's forehead at the sudden interrogation.

"Ah, yeah, an older sister," he answered, laughing nervously. "Did I not mention her before?"


Aki, meanwhile, was busy making the sign of the cross on his chest and whispering prayers under his breath.

"The hell are ya doin'?" Zombina asked him.

"Praying for protection."

"... Why?"

"... Just call it a feeling. Uh, anyway, Doppel's turn!"

Surprised that she'd even been called on, Doppel was caught off-guard but quickly recovered.

"Never have I ever driven a car," she hastily said, the first thing to come to her mind.

"Laaame!" Sasaki called out, not moving an inch. Despite this, Mero, Rachnee, Tio, Cerea, Miia, Kii, Papi, and Suu lowered their fingers.

Miia's face scrunched in disappointment as she slowly lowered her last finger. "Looks like I'm the one who has to be 'It' this time," she sighed.

Manako shyly inquired, "Does she drink now?"

"You would be correct," Cerea answered in a dignified and confident manner. When she noticed people stifling their laughter, she furrowed her brow and asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

"You made a mistake by answering a question from the question master, Aki chuckled in amusement."

Cerea gasped in disbelief, giving Manako a scandalized glare. "How could I possibly...?"

"D-Don't feel bad," Manako told her sweetly. "J-Just drink."

"Bahahahaha!" Sasaki chuckled, slapping his belly. "I like ya, Manako! I think I'll introduce ya to my son next chance we get!"

Manako's face abruptly turned a bright crimson.


Then someday, even if this mania lowers its voice

Someday, even if sound arguments lose all meaning

Only letting the feeling song and step ring out

Will become proof that we are who we should be, QED!"


"What was six again?" Kuroko asked with a cheeky smirk, her demeanor belying that the game had been going on for an hour, the drinking steadily increasing so that nearly everyone was at least tipsy, some even getting drunk. She swayed slightly in her seat, her smirk never leaving her lips. "Ah, I believe that was 'dicks'," she answered with a sly grin.

"Har fuckin' har," Aki muttered, raising his bottle before taking two drinks. "You drink too."

"Woe is me!"

Even though the card meant only men were allowed to drink, Zombina, Cerea, and Tio could also enjoy a beverage, thanks to the three eights drawn earlier. When an eight was drawn, the drawer could choose someone in the circle to be their "date," meaning that if their date drank, they could drink too, and vice versa.

Doppel's dark arm shot out, dramatically drawing a card from the pile. "My turn~" she declared with a triumphant grin. "A two! That means..." She swept her black and gold eyes across the crowd until they settled on Kurusu. "You. Drink."

"But whyyyyy," he complained, though he was already aware of the reason. Once it became clear that Kurusu had a much higher tolerance for alcohol than anyone else except Sasaki, it was almost a unanimous decision to make him as drunk as possible.

Cerea leaned forward to draw a card but almost tripped, causing panic to ripple through the people around her. However, she miraculously regained her balance, although those closest to her still edged away cautiously.

"Behold!" Cerea proclaimed with a flourish, "The glorious King! Let us now determine who has not held up their end of the bargain!"

Papi couldn't help but giggle as she energetically hopped in her seat, her leg effortlessly lifting as if it had a mind. "Papi likes this one!" she said with a smile, her enthusiasm contagious.

"Never have I ever understood what Aki means when he says 'Gucci'!" shouted Cerea.

"Oh, come on!" Aki protested, looking around the room and realizing he was the only one to lower his finger. "But I'm seventy-five percent sure I explained it clearly to all of you!"

"I still don't get it," Miia admitted.

"But you say it all the time!"

"Because it's fun to say!"

"Christ," Aki murmured. "Suu? Bina? Please, ya gotta help me out here."

"Honessly, I don' really geddit either," Zombina slurred, a sloppy grin on her lips. "Bedder luck nex' time."

Suu was too busy laughing and copying Papi to provide further comments.

"Philistines, the lot of ya!" Aki declared.

"Aaaaanywaaaaay," Kurusu started, ignoring his whining friend completely. "Never I ever have ever... Um..."

"Kissed a gal?" Sasaki offered.

"Yeah, kissed a gal!" Kurusu decided a wide smile on his face that quickly changed to a scandalized frown. "Wait, no!"

"Too late, Kimi!" Sasaki chuckled. Kurusu's face was flushing an even brighter shade of red, which shouldn't have been possible. "Deal Wit it!"

Draco leaned in closer to Kii and whispered, "It seems like we're surrounded by fools here." The display of embarrassed faces, outraged indignation, and hearty laughter before them was a sight to behold.

"Are you only just now realizing this?" Kii asked as she calmly sipped her water.

"No," Draco said thoughtfully, "But it is becoming more apparent with each passing moment."

"I completely and sadly agree."

"W-Well, it's my turn, heh," Miia cut in, trying to keep her rampant thoughts of Kimihito kissing from getting the better of her. "Um... never have I ever... Oh, been to America!"

"Fuck!" Aki smacked his hand on the table. "Why, god, why?!"

"Maybe ya shhhhouldn't be ssssso well traveled, Countsler," Rachnee said snidely. She was easily the most wobbly out of the whole group.

"I was born there and lived there my whole life, ya dingus!"

There was a dreadful silence from Rachnee as she tried her best to look intimidating, but her unsteady stance diminished the effect. "What'd ya say?" she growled fiercely.

Fueled by the reckless bravery only booze could bring, Aki repeated his insult. "I said you're a dingus, Rachnee."

"Mm," Rachnee slurred, her speech affected by the alcohol. She leaned against Mero's back, making the pinkette squeak in surprise. "Yer reeeeal lucky I'm not an angry drunk, Aki, 'cuz otherwise I'd give ya what for." She hummed contentedly, her chin now resting on the top of Mero's head. "Mero, yer so comfy. I like you. I'mma stay here for a while, alright?"

"Sweet Jesus, she's wasted," Aki exclaimed in awe as Mero tried to articulate something to the cuddle bug in her slurred speech.

"She ain't the only one," Zombina slurred, leaning into him and resting her head on his shoulder. "Damn, you're skinny as hell!"

"I think you can deal," Aki quipped, finding himself wrapping an arm around her.

"Mm," she hummed. "Yeah."

Kurusu's boisterous cry of "Aha!" echoed through the room, shocking everyone present - especially since it came from him. Grasping the card he had just drawn, he held it aloft in triumph, almost as if he were offering tribute to some ancient, cruel deity. Aki's mind, fogged by alcohol, immediately conjured up the image of a pagan god, though, in hindsight, it likely spoke more about Aki himself than Kurusu. "I have drawn the two!" he proclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at his godfather. "Which means YOU drink!"

"Ohohohoho!" Sasaki laughed, downing the rest of his beer in one final gulp. "Feelin' pretty proud of yerself, eh?"

"That's right!" Kurusu replied eagerly.

Sasaki leaned in, wearing a mischievous smirk. "So, why don't you slide the card under the cap, youngun'?"

Kurusu's eyes widened in dismay when he saw the cap, which was overflowing with cards and seemed ready to burst at any moment. "Oh no," he uttered in disapproval.

"Oh yes." Sasaki purred.

Gulping in a comical manner that caused his Adam's apple to bob up and down, Kurusu delicately approached the cap, quietly whimpering as he did so. The card abruptly touched the stack and-

Snap! Hissss!

His fate was sealed.

Kurusu's voice trembled with grief as he let out a despairing cry. He sank back into his chair, burying his head in his hands in anguish.

"Look at it dis way, Kimi," Sasaki snickered as everyone else laughed or grew concerned with his antics. "Dis is where boyz become men, and ya got a room full o' lovely ladies ta impress."

"Oh yes," Kuroko said assertively, winking at Kurusu. "You wouldn't want to feel emasculated now of all times, do you?"

It is important to remember that only four people in the room were likely attracted to Kurusu at this point, and only two of them had a serious interest in him.

But for the sake of peer pressuring Kurusu, he didn't need to know that.

"Mia, please," he implored, his eyes pleading for her help. "You won't let them do this to me, will you?"

"Kimihito," she said joyfully, gently squeezing his shoulder. "... it would be awesome if you did this!"

She's drunker than I thought! Kurusu panicked.

"Cerea, you wouldn't allow this to happen to me, right?!"

Cerea took a deep, shuddering breath, her brow furrowed with worry, before gazing back at him. To his mounting horror, he could see that a few drops of beer were sloppily smeared across her chin.

"Master... you swore to abide by the rules of the game," she uttered solemnly. Don't sound so serious when you have spilled beer on your face! "To retreat when the odds are against you would forever label you an oathbreaker."

"A-A-Aki?" Kurusu feebly begged to his final resort, the one person he could now look to in his hour of need.

Aki winked at him, giving Kurusu a crooked smile and thumbs-up.

"Quit bein' such a drama queen, Kimi! Yer ma and pa didn' raise ya to be a whiner!" Sasaki shouted that manic grin still plastered on his face. "Jus' do it already! Unless that is...."

"No," Kurusu breathed.






Kurusu exclaimed with determination, firmly grasping the can and forcefully tearing the pile of cards from it. "Behold my strength!"

Then he began to chug. And oh, what a sight it was! Almost everyone shouted and cheered, rolling around on the floor or flailing about in joyous celebration. They were all deliberately acting wildly excited about it, but that was half the fun. Finally, letting loose and being silly in the face of the absurd was a rare thing for some of the people here, so finally, being able to do so felt great.

Except for Kii and Draco, still clutching their cups of water, who could only witness the madness before them, "Is... Is this an asylum?" Kii wondered.

Draco couldn't understand what she said, especially when Miia stumbled into him, her tail flailing wildly. Kii moved to help but was quickly halted when Papi clung to her in a fit of blue-feathered laughter.

Kurusu finished the beer with a triumphant expression, standing tall and powerful like a mighty deity. But then, an uneasy feeling stirred within him, one that was quickly gaining strength and seemed ready to take over.

"Pardon me," he said soothingly, taking measured and deliberate strides towards the screened door to the backyard.

"Uh... where's he going?" Tio asked, rising to stand but then evidently deciding against it.


In the shadows, Lala was taken aback as she spotted one of the men she had journeyed to this city to find stumbling out of the house. She had been watching the house for a while now, attempting to gain knowledge of their routines and behavior in search of the ideal moment to introduce herself. She wanted it to be perfect, preferably at twilight when the sky transitioned from day to night, and the crossroads would serve as a meaningful representation.

But now, on this night of carefree revelry, it was the ideal time for a sinister presence to appear as a harbinger of doom. What better way to impress upon them the severity of their impending fate than with a supernatural being emerging from the darkness to reveal the truth of what is to come?

Yes, now was the time.

As Kimihito Kurusu advanced towards the shrubbery, Lala raised her scythe and strode forward resolutely. Her authoritative tone and determined demeanor made it clear that she would not be denied.

"Hail, mortal," Lala greeted, her head cradled in her left arm.

Kurusu froze in his tracks, clutching his stomach.

She nodded as best as she could while detached from her neck. It was understandable; not everyone was used to encountering a dullahan, especially a human.

"I come bearing ominous tidings," she intoned, stabbing her scythe into the ground with a flourish.

"Oh no..." Kurusu moaned.

"I am afraid so," Lala said, inwardly delighted beyond measure. "This city shall become a nexus of power and chaos, and only you-"


Kurusu suddenly and unceremoniously vomited right in front of Lala, causing her to stop speaking and ruining her momentum abruptly. The vomit splattered onto the grass, some of which bounced up and unfortunately landed on Lala's dark leather boots.

Kurusu let out a deep sigh and wiped his mouth. The look of sickness had disappeared from his face, replaced by a look of clarity and understanding. "What just happened?" he asked, his voice clear and composed.


"Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts, and bitter step

Project your reasons for living there

The north-northeast is behind us, and the distance is magnificent."


"Hey, everyone, we got a new guest!"

Fifteen heads simultaneously turned in unison from the living room, where several people had already become comfortably settled, to behold a peculiar sight.

Kurusu invited a woman with a blue complexion, lacking a head, wearing ostentatious dark apparel, and holding a huge scythe. Additionally, she was accompanied by a head that stared at them all expressionlessly.

"This is Lala!" Kurusu announced with a warm, friendly tone. "She may be homeless, so let's show her some kindness and offer whatever help we can provide."

Everyone was taken aback by the sudden silence that had befallen the room. The more drunk ones wondered if something had been added to their drinks, while those relatively more sober could not comprehend the situation.

The silence was interrupted by hysterical laughter coming from Aki.


"You're in a loooooot of trouble, missy," Kuroko slurred, nearly toppling over if not for Tio's steadying hand. "T-t-t-trouble. A loooooot of it."

"I had my reasons," Lala protested. "I-"

"Please, can we just, pleeeease," Kuroko slurred, drunkenly mispronouncing his words. "Daaamn it. I drank way toooo much. I should save it for tomorrow's me. Yeah. Sounds reeeeally goooood."

"Hey there," Aki cooed comfortingly, patting her back. "You made the right decision. Why don't you take a seat and relax? I hear the couch is extra cozy today."

"Mm," Kuroko hummed. "Yeah. It better be."

"Everyone's already starting to pass out," Aki told her. "So rest up, buttercup."

"Uh-huh." She began to walk off with Tio's support but stopped momentarily. "Aki..."


"... Nevermind. Later." After Kuroko and Tio departed, Aki and Lala were left alone in the kitchen. The rest of the group had either retired to their beds or was about to do so. Though the game had ended, the atmosphere still hung thick with the energy of their fun-filled evening.

"So," Aki began, a bit tiredly, "why don't you go and crash on my bed? I think I'm just going to nod off here with the others, and then we can talk about it later, sound good?"

Lala scanned the room, taking note of every mess and sprawled body on the floor, before resting her gaze on Aki.

"I have many questions," she stated.

"Trust me, so do I," Aki sighed. "Hopefully, we'll both learn a thing or two, huh?"

"Indeed. Until then, traveler of dimensions."

He rolled his eyes. "Deuces. My room's the second on the left upstairs."


"Let's keep on shocking the whole world!"


Draco snuggled into a corner, wrapping a blanket around her that had been gifted to her by that burly, hairy man.

Tonight had not at all been what she'd expected.

She had finally achieved her dream of getting to spend time with Miia! They had a wonderful dinner together, filled with laughter and conversation, and even some games. But then, much to her surprise, others started to join them. Draco had only anticipated spending time with Miia, but she connected with more people than she had in a long time.

The harpy, filled with innocent curiosity.

That mermaid, who had earnestly wanted to keep her company.

The dryad, where she found a surprising beacon of sanity amidst this sea of madness.

And more besides.

They'd all just accepted her, even when her words were scornful. Why? She'd done nothing to deserve it. Nothing at all.

But that alone... made her feel warmer than the blanket. For once in what felt like years, Draco felt herself relax and maybe even... safe.


Seiji Sasaki smiled wistfully as he finally allowed himself to sit down. It had been ages since he had partied with a bunch of youngsters. Even Kuroko and the arachne, who appeared so mature, were still just kids. Too young and already burdened with so much responsibility. He could see the pain in their eyes and the eyes of most of the other kids here.

He shook his head with dissatisfaction as he chugged the tall glass of water he'd poured for himself. He was too old to be dealing with hangovers, and he was determined to do whatever it took to ensure it.

If anything, tonight had confirmed that his little Kimi had done pretty damn well for himself. Sasaki's heart soared with pride for all the excellent work his godson had done.

Hayami... Daiki... I hope you can see him soon. Sasaki wiped at his eyes. See the man your little boy became.


Kii sighed wearily, curling up beside Papi. She felt drained from the unfamiliar atmosphere, so far removed from the comforting embrace of her beloved trees. It was more than she wanted to admit.

Despite the chaos, it had been an enjoyable and memorable experience. It was always a pleasure to spend time with Papi and Suu, and this excursion was no exception.

Not to mention that dragonewt, an unlikely companion she would never have imagined connecting with. It's genuinely unique how life can take unexpected turns!

It was strange for her to be in the presence of those she had lashed out at and tried to eliminate in her blind fury. To her astonishment, none of them displayed any animosity towards her. Not a single word was said about the occurrence, not even by the human she had almost slain.

Despite her knowledge that it was not entirely her fault, an inescapable feeling of remorse gnawed away at her like a wood-boring insect, leeching away her peace of mind.

Papi murmured something softly next to her. Kii leaned in closer, her gaze full of curiosity as she watched her friend intently.

Regardless of her guilt, fear, or anxiety, Kii still felt deep gratitude at that moment.


Tionishia carefully laid Kuroko on the couch, gazing at her fondly before gracefully gliding to the floor beside her. Despite her usual preference for the softness of her frilly bed back home, tonight, she felt nothing but comfort and contentment, especially with the added warmth of the blanket so thoughtfully provided.

She exhaled contentedly as her eyes grew heavy, succumbing to the warmth of slumber. She had imbibed a bit more than anticipated, but that was alright. She had wanted to enjoy herself tonight, and she was determined not to let what happened with Doppel damper her spirits.

All the same, unwelcome memories returned to haunt her. No matter how hard she tried to push them away with a cheerful attitude while she was awake, they always seemed to come back when the darkness of nightfall came. She hoped having her friends nearby would comfort her, but she knew it was a wish.


Manako timidly crept closer to Tio, her movements clumsy and uncertain. She had experienced alcohol before, but never in such magnitude. Now she longed for something... something...

Manako nestled into Tio's comforting embrace, feeling her friend's understanding wash over her. She sighed contentedly as Tio's warmth enveloped her, her worries dissolving in the embrace.

Here, surrounded by such caring people, Manako's worries melted away. She had already been welcomed by Kuroko and MON, but now it felt like everyone else had accepted her too. With a heart full of hope, she embraced her newfound sense of belonging.


Doppel formed a cocoon around herself, her silver hair wrapping itself tightly around her slim body. It was ideal; she was among the others while still given her privacy. It wasn't like she was doing it because she was sick of pretending that her comrades' lack of trust in her hadn't bothered her at all. That they thought she'd broken her oath. That they thought she wasn't trying to protect them.

She sniffled.

Not at all.


Zombina rested her back against the side of the couch, pulling the blanket close. She didn't feel like she needed it, but Sasaki, the old teddy bear, had insisted.

Tonight was hella fun, though not quite how she planned. She wasn't expecting Doppel to pull that shit. She'd let her anger get the better of her then, she knew. Nasty side effect of being short a few brain cells, or so she heard.

They'd talk tomorrow, and hopefully patch things up. They'd all been through so much together, it'd be a damn shame to let something like this tear them apart. Revolts, crackdowns, liberations, wars... Too many for her to count. Zombina wanted to remember every fight, every injury, but couldn't. They were all blurred together, in a hazy storm of steel and fire and blood.

Zombina snorted. Maybe that was the booze, getting her all melodramatic.

All she really knew, right now, was that she wanted Aki to be here.


Kuroko Katsuragi squirmed restlessly on the couch, her mind racing with Doppel's words that had haunted her all night. Could it be true? The what ifs, the maybes, the warnings... She felt a chill run down her spine as the doubts crept in.

She surveyed the various people around her, marveling at the diversity of personalities and backgrounds, all unified in one place. She reflected on the progress made since ten, even five years ago, when such a scene would have been unthinkable. She was proud of the hard work and dedication that had brought them to this point, and was determined to continue fighting for an even brighter future.

Which was why she couldn't afford to so easily dismiss what Doppel had said. She completely disagreed with Doppel's methods, though her suspicions were not wholly unfounded.

As drowsiness overtook her, Kuroko worried. Her dreams were fitful that night, and full of chains.


Rachnera Arachnera curled her legs protectively around Mero, feeling a deep sense of protectiveness for her friend. She was embarrassed that she had lost her cool after drinking too much tonight, but she still couldn't help but feel a little relieved that the night had ended without any major issues. She wondered if she should have been more concerned about her behavior, but she couldn't help feeling grateful for the outcome.

She cherished her time here. As someone who prioritized honesty above all else, she had to recognize that. The people here were so amusing to observe, to play with, she delighted in spending time with them. Maintaining an appropriate distance was the ideal situation, yet, since that was truly the only way that nobody would be harmed in the end.

So why did she let herself get so close Mero?

Rachnera had initially pitied Mero, like a fish in a tank, trapped away from the outside world by both physical and mental boundaries. It was always intriguing to watch Mero try to fit in with the "common folk". It was almost endearing, in a sorrowful way. Yet, when Rachnera saw the girl truly lost, languishing in her stagnant pool, she felt compelled to reach out.


The very same claw she'd offered to Mero was the one that had slashed Ren.



Meroune Lorelei of Neptune allowed Rachnee to snuggle up next to her, taken aback by the unexpected display of affection from her friend but not finding it overly disagreeable. She would have to spend most of the next day in the pool to rehydrate fully, though this was an agreeable compromise.

She was so ecstatic that someone desired to be near her not due to her regal lineage or physical beauty, but simply because they wanted to.


Suu was happy. So very happy!

She had an amazing day talking with an array of fascinating people and having a blast with them all! She gained valuable knowledge and was eager to continue her learning journey with her newfound friends. She sincerely hoped that they were all friends now, and that would truly be a wonderful thing.

She eagerly waited close to Zombina, anticipating Daddy's return. She longed to express her wonderful emotions to him as he dozed off this night. She wanted this joyous day to conclude with pleasant dreams!


Centorea Shiantus determined that it would be the most judicious decision to avoid sleeping while standing up tonight, as her current state of intoxication would not permit it to be a safe or wise choice.

So she knelt down on the floor, her forehead resting against the armrest of the couch. She wasn't naive, and she could clearly see how close Master and Miia had grown tonight. She could also guess what the next step would be. It wasn't too much of a shock, after all. With Cerea's increased training with MON taking her away from the house more often, Miia had been given plenty of chances to become closer to Master.

That didn't make it hurt any less, though. If anything, it hurt more.

Especially now that she was worried she'd never find a place of belonging among the ranks of MON. The five of them had been through a great deal together, and it was obvious to anyone who saw them together - so much that Cerea would likely never understand the full extent of their bond.

She gritted her teeth, steeling herself for the arduous journey that lay ahead. As a knight, she was expected to adhere to high standards of character and conduct. She must be brave and kind, with her body as a bastion and her mind a holy sanctuary. The road ahead would be challenging, but she was ready to accept the challenge.

Lofty words that were so hard to reach.


Papi nuzzled Kii affectionately, her wings encircling her friend in a warm embrace. Tonight had been truly magical; everyone was so carefree, even the usually intimidating Smith lady, and their joyful antics had made Papi burst into laughter. She wished that every night could be as special as this one. These moments of joy made her grateful that she had chosen to stay, rather than giving in to the part of her that yearned to escape to unexplored lands.

She fought her instinct with all her might whenever she looked at Suu, Kii, Big Brother and the rest of the family. Without Mommy around, Papi had been deprived of familial love for a long time.

Papi giggled as she felt Kii extend her vines around her in a cuddle. Yeah, she'd missed this.


Miia was ecstatic as she lounged on the couch. Everything had gone flawlessly tonight; the doro wat had been a hit, her opinion of beer had improved, she'd made some new acquaintances, and Darl... Kimihito had... had...

She squealed in delight. Maybe, just maybe, he'd grow to love a fake person like herself...

No, Miia resolutely declared. She was done pretending to be something she wasn't; all the unsavory motives that had led her here had been discarded long ago. All that mattered now was the actions she took from this moment onward.

The future never looked so bright.


Kimihito Kurusu breathed a sigh of relief as he surveyed the living room and kitchen, littered with blankets, and the people sleeping soundly in them. Despite the huge mess that had been created, he knew he could take care of it in the morning, allowing him a moment to relax.

Puking had, thankfully, brought some sobriety back to him. He would always enjoy drinking, but he loathed the idea of losing his self-control and feared what could occur if he did. Fortunately, it seemed like nothing too severe had occurred that night. Even if he had said something mortifying to Miia earlier...

Speaking of, where was she? Ah, on the couch. He tiptoed over and gently nudged her. With bleary eyes she looked up at him, smiling as she did. She slid over to give him space, which he gratefully accepted.

Finally, he could relax.


"Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step

It's sweet and bitter and leaves me feeling faint

Let's aim for the south-southwest and keep on partying! This will be a night to shock the world

I feel superb! It forms a chain of reflections

And goes on with our fun going away, hard times going away, and going right back to being fun."


I stopped the music, finally letting the room go silent. Everyone was down and out. Everyone except for me.

It was always surreal for me, standing in a space that had just moments ago been filled with vibrant life and activity, yet now lay still and silent. I still couldn't quite wrap my head around it. Every day felt like a distant dream, an implausible fiction that could not possibly be real. Yet here I was. In an unfamiliar land surrounded by strange faces, far away from the family and friends that had been my companions throughout my life.

After switching off the lights, I slowly walked over to where Bina was lying and snuggled in beside her, gently draping the blanket over us both.

"Hey, you," she murmured, snuggling up close. "Took yer sweet time."

"Someone had to close the curtain," I replied, offering a comforting shoulder for her to lean on. Suu nestled into me, and I could feel the warmth of our connection radiating through me. Her feelings of joy and contentment filled my mind, and I was overcome with a sense of bliss.

"Mm," Bina hummed, and I felt her hand drifting close to mine. "Yer a weirdo, ya know that?"

"As you keep reminding me."

"But... yer a calmin' one," she continued. Her hand hovered over mine, as if she were anxious to take the next step. "I think... I think that's why I trust ya."

I stayed silent.

Bina yawned, resting her hand over mine. "Eh, forget it. Talkin' nonsense. Guess that's what happens when yer drunk and brain dead like me."

"... I'd hardly call you dead, Bina," I spoke softly. "You're more alive than anyone I've met."

"Liar," she snorted. "Points fer cheesy smooth talk, though. Jus'..." She hesitated. "Yer not... yer the real you, right?"

The "real" me? What did that even mean? I've always acted and reacted in ways that were expected of me, assuming the various roles of "Antonio/Akihiro the Friend", "Antonio/Akihiro the Brother", "Antonio/Akihiro the Professional", and countless others. The real me seemed to be a compilation of other people's perceptions of me, something I had been aware of since I was a child.

Even though it may have been an act, there was still some truth behind it. Therefore, I was able to build a connection with these people, see a part of myself in them, and change both myself and them due to the impact of our interactions.

So, the "real" me was only real because others saw it as so. If that made any sense.

I was about to answer Bina's question, but I noticed she had already drifted off to sleep, softly snoring. A smile spread across my face as I let out a sigh and gently squeezed her hand. It seemed like I always took too long to answer.

"Daddy," Suu whispered above me.

"Mm?" I hummed, glancing up at her.

"You're real to me."

My lips quivered as a warm, wet feeling clouded my eyes. After I took a shaky breath, my smile grew into a grin.

"I love you, Suu."

"I love you, too, Antonio."

To be continued...

Author's Note: Thank you all so much for your incredible support throughout this season of Life In The Background: A Supporting Character's Story! I am truly grateful for your enthusiasm and encouragement that made this story so great. With your help, I was able to bring Chapter 100 to a successful conclusion. Thank you again!

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