Chapter 101: Hangovers and Chuunis: A Recipe for Disaster

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I pounced on the scrambled eggs with the intensity of a wild raccoon, though given the circumstances, I probably didn't appear as daunting.

Oh, even Cerea was edging farther away from me. So maybe I was really scaring her. I couldn't quite tell if the look on her face was one of horror or pure pity, but probably a combination of both.

"You are hungrier than usual today, Aki," she remarked with a wry smile. Not that she was one to talk, since she was wolfing down her hash browns with remarkable speed. Ever since I had suggested that eating would help with her hangover, she had been attacking her plate with great enthusiasm.

"Mmmmm," I savored the sweet taste of orange juice as I took a big gulp. "Ahhh, yes. I'm sure I can afford to gain a few pounds here and there; it'll make my thighs look even more attractive!" I said with a shrug.

Cerea's expression shifted to one of bewilderment as I made my remark, her head shaking in disbelief. She quickly winced, seeming to regret her reaction. With a heavy sigh, she spoke. "This hangover, as you so aptly call it, is incredibly irritating. Last night's celebrations have prevented me from going on my morning jog."

"I haaaaaate iiiiiiit~" whined a certain lamia who lay sprawled on the couch.

Without a doubt, there were varying degrees of suffering to be had this morning. By the time I woke up, Kuroko, most of MON, and Draco had all already gone. When I saw the aftermath of our party, I was enlightened. Kii had risen with the sun and was basking in its warmth, evidently not having consumed any alcohol and therefore having no issues. Similarly, Suu was in her Roomba form, quietly drinking from a bowl of water.

For those who had indulged in drinking last night, Papi was easily the least hungover, if one could even say she was hungover at all, given her energy. Sasaki seemed to be in good spirits and even assisted Kurusu in cooking breakfast. Even so, Kurusu appeared to be a bit sluggish, which was no surprise in light of the amount of alcohol he had consumed. In such cases, vomiting can be a helpful way to alleviate the effects of the hangover.

Mero was rehydrating herself in the pool, so I had difficulty getting a response from her. She seemed more drowsy and confused than usual when we carried her to her room, but hopefully the water will help her recover. Cerea was clearly in pain, but she was exhibiting the strength and grace expected of her. It was remarkable that she didn't even complain about it, despite the discomfort.

The same could not be said of Miia.

"Euuuuuugh..." Miia groaned in the distance.

Ah, I remember my first hangover. Made me renounce alcohol forever. As one might guess from my current habits, it didn't take.

Out of us all, Rachnee suffered the most. When she awoke, she hissed and screamed, shielding her eyes from the intense sunlight. Her coordination and balance were entirely off, making it difficult for her to scurry away. Her frantically flailing eight legs struggled to find traction on the slick wooden floors, and all who could stand up gave her a wide berth. She had since taken refuge in the bathroom, the only sign of life being the sound of the shower running behind the closed door.

Someone should check on her immediately and shut off the water, as the bill will be incredibly expensive if it has been running for almost an hour.

"Guh..." muttered the girl sitting beside me, her head leaning against mine as she slowly ate her food. "Haven't drank dat much since fuckin' five years ago..."

Bina, the sole remaining member of MON, was a far cry from her usual energetic self. Her emerald and golden eyes were dull and her movements were mechanical and rigid. The pungent smell of alcohol emanated from her and a musky scent seemed to cling to her, similar to the way most people smell before they shower in the morning. In such close proximity, one could easily catch a whiff of her stale breath, making it painfully obvious that she had yet to brush her teeth.

Despite the unpleasant odor, she still positioned herself close to me; I felt so comfortable that I didn't have the heart to object. I'm sure I smelled just as bad, after all.

"Really?" I yawned. "Pegged you for a bit more of a partier."

She shrugged, her shoulders pressed against mine. "Maybe way back when, but eh. Haven't had much reason to party since then."

"Christ, you sound old," I snorted. That earned me a jab in the ribs. "Gah!"

"Ya say the sweetest things." Bina straightened herself, sitting up on her own now. While I missed the warmth, it was admittedly easier to eat now. "Whatcha doin' today?"

"Mm," I hummed, rubbing my sore ribs. "Um... Oh, meeting with Preya later at... like, two? I need to double check. Beyond that, uh..."

"Helping me clean up," Kurusu reminded me as he sat across from us at the table, his own plate of food in his hands.

"Helping him clean up," I replied, glancing anxiously at the huge mess left in the living room. Bottles were scattered all over the floor and the walls were stained with spills from the night before. It was a daunting task, but I was determined to help restore the living room to its previous state.

I couldn't help but feel like there was something else that I had missed, as if something important had suddenly occurred the night before, just as everyone was about to drift off to sleep...

Wait a minute. Blue. Duh.

"What's got ya sighin' so loudly all a sudden?" Bina asked, quirking an eyebrow at me.

"Just remembered we have an extra guest in my room," I groaned, rubbing my temples.

"Oh, right, I'd forgotten," Kurusu said with shrug. "That was... a little random."

"Ah'll say," Sasaki snorted as he plopped down noisily next to his godson. "Da fuck was goin' on wit' her, anyways? She ain't actually headless, right? Thought I was seein' shit..."

"She is and she isn't," I sighed. "She's a dullahan. Y'know, the headless horseman?"

"Such tales contain only the barest tastes of our true power and infinite dread," replied a dull voice right behind me.

Not gonna lie, I yelped like a little girl. In my defense, so did everyone else.

"JESUS FUCK!" Sasaki hollered, almost launching off his chair and clutching his chest. Even in our shock, the rest of us couldn't help but wince at his sudden rise in volume. "How long ya been there?!"

"As the sun finally crept its way past the horizon, forcing back the darkness but only temporarily," Lala answered monotonously, regarding us all with her miraculously dead black and gold eyes.

Everyone, including myself, just sort of stared blankly at her. I knew exactly what she meant, but I felt like acknowledging it would be more of a pain for some reason. Thankfully, Kurusu had that covered plenty.

"I think she means she woke up before the rest of us and waited here," Kurusu groaned.

"Right," Sasaki drawled, before slapping his hand on the table and forcing himself back up. "Well, it's been fun, kiddos, but I gotta get back to the ol' homestead. It was helluva night!"

It belatedly occurred to me that, after we'd waved him goodbye, that Sasaki might've just been wanting to duck out of helping the cleaning. But that was potentially just my hangover cynicism coming in strong.

"So... Lala, was it?" Cerea started, watching her warily. Her face was scrunched up due to her pounding headache, a reminder of the night before. She tried to focus her attention away from her own hangover and onto everyone else's. "What brings you to our home at such a late hour?"

"I have been drawn by the grim spectre of death that looms over this establishment," Lala replied.

"Death?" I exclaimed with a hint of shock in my voice, ensuring that nobody else got too frazzled by her statement. I would have found her "edgy" demeanor amusing at another time, but right now it only intensified my throbbing headache. "What do you mean? There's certainly no dying happening here."

"This one." Lala pointed at Kurusu, who mildly quirked an eyebrow at her in response. "He has had more brushes with death than anyone in this house-"

"Bitch, please." Bina snorted.

"... Then most in this house," Lala amended after looking pointedly Bina. "He is a curiosity that I seek to investigate."

"Investigate how?" Cerea asked dangerously, her shoulders tensing.

"By living here," I confirmed, not wanting to give anyone the impression that I was unsure. I had known this for some time, and I wasn't about to let that fact be known. I yawned loudly and leaned my head against the table, feeling a wave of relaxation wash over me. "Isn't that right?"

"Astute," Lala nodded grimly. "In order to observe this fascinating phenomenon firsthand, I have enrolled with the local human-liminal relations organization and applied to become an exchange student. As a Harbinger of Death, all matters pertaining to mortality are of great interest to me."

"Right," Kurusu drawled, scratching his chin and feeling the beginnings of a bit of facial hair. "Well, if you really want to move in, I don't see it being a problem. Of course, I'll have to check with the others and see what they think about it too." He glanced worriedly at Miia, who was still curled up on the couch and moaning in pain, seemingly unaware of the conversation going on around her. "I'll get back to you after they're feeling better."

"Master, you cannot seriously be considering allowing this suspicious stranger to stay with us like this!" Cerea exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief. If I hadn't known better, I would have been voicing the same sentiment. "If this woman is truly a Harbinger of Death as she claims, why would you even entertain the thought of having her here?"

Kurusu shrugged. "Call it a gut feeling." He paused to let out a yawn, then chuckled. "Or I might just be too tired to think rationally," he admitted. "But she seems nice enough. We can discuss it further when everyone else feels better." He looked around curiously. "Where did Papi and Suu go?"

"In the back with Kii," I answered, gesturing with my thumb towards the back. "It would be best to discuss this further with everyone after we finish tidying up."

"Aaaand that's my cue to head out," Bina declared, pushing her chair back and standing up. "But fer real, I gotta head to the office. Got some shit ta handle."

"Fair enough," I nodded slowly. I was about to lower my head again when I felt someone poke my arm.

"Walk me out," Bina said, looking at me expectantly. Aren't you supposed to phrase that like a question?

"I'm coming," I told her, forcing myself up to join her. "Be back in a jiff," I said to the others.

After making sure her wallet and all of her belongings were in place, we made our way to the front door. I nervously scratched the back of my neck as she put on her shoes, unsure of how to proceed. The night had unexpectedly taken an intimate turn, so I was unsure of what to say in its wake.

Despite my prior experience, it had been almost three years since my last relationship. I had made a few attempts at dating, but through shyness, self-sabotage or a simple lack of interest, I had not been successful. Rather than actively seeking a girlfriend, I decided to focus on my studies and cherish the time with my college friends. Looking back, I recognize this was likely a product of my fear of change and a desire to maintain the current ideal situation.

"The ol' teddy bear was right," Bina said once she was ready, smiling at me and resting her hands on her hips. "It was helluva night."

In this world, my reasons for not dating were varied. Initially, I was strongly against the idea of engaging in any kind of harem or love triangle drama, since I felt it was best left to be enjoyed in stories. However, having experienced a love triangle in real life, I can honestly say it was one of the most stressful and emotionally draining events I have ever gone through, leaving everyone involved feeling hurt and used.

"Yeah, went way better than expected," I said, smiling back at her. "No furniture was broken or anything." I found myself stepping closer to her.

After that, I was certain that I would eventually return home. The idea of not being able to see my family and friends again was unbearable. It was too much for me to accept, which is why I was not willing to get into a relationship, as it would make my departure even more heartbreaking. Ideally, I would take them with me, but they'd be in a place where their kin didn't exist. I couldn't do that to anyone, especially not someone I cared about.

"Was that all you were worried about?" Bina snorted.

"Well, I was also worried about Draco pulling something," I admitted. "And that thing with Doppel almost killed the mood completely."

Bina's features fell at that. "Yeah, that's... Fuck, I dunno what to even make of that anymore."

"... Me neither," I eventually said. And I meant it.

The longer I spent here, the harder it was to imagine departing. Kurusu had already pointed out the truth of this when we spoke at the Cozy Dogen. I had become so close to the people, much closer than I ever expected. Although it had only been a month since we first met, I couldn't envision a life without Suu. The mere idea of leaving her made my heart sink. Then there was Papi, my "little sister", Kurusu, Miia, Cerea, Mero, Rachnee, and so many more... Not to mention, Kuroko, who was now counting on me for assistance.

There was also, of course, Bina.

"Forget 'bout it fer now," Bina told me, all but closing the gap between us. Her lips lifted into a smirk. "Ya gotta worry 'bout yer new roomie."

"Riiight," I drawled. "We'll see how that goes." There was a pause. "So, uh, about last night..."

Last night was a confirmation of my strong emotions for the people here. I yearned to be part of them, to be their companion. I longed to spend more time with them, to share in their joys and sorrows, just like I did with my old friends. Almost as much as I wished to reunite with the people I had left behind.

My heart skipped a beat when Bina closed the gap between us and her finger gently pressed against my lips. The warmth of her breath blanketed my skin as I felt the heat radiating from her. My entire being seemed to quiver in anticipation as I waited to see what she would do next.

"Dinner tonight?" Bina asked softly, her tone surprising me. "Talk 'bout it then? And maybe... after."

I'd be damned if the look she gave me didn't make my mind go utterly blank.

"Uh, y-y-yeah," was all I could whisper in response. Smirking again, she gave me a peck on the cheek and leaned back.

"Cool," Bina said, grinning like crazy. "See ya then!"

"See ya," I murmured, weakly waving her off as she left.

After much consideration, I decided to take a chance and make another attempt to connect with Bina. She was a great person - fun, attractive, and understanding - and had already saved me on numerous occasions. Between her ability to make me laugh and her unwavering support, I thought that perhaps there was something more between us. If I could find a way to make this place truly feel like a home, Bina would certainly be a big part of that. So why not find out if we could take our relationship to the next level?

Though, if we really did go out, I would have to reveal my biggest secret to her. I couldn't start a relationship with this looming issue hanging over us. It wouldn't be right to keep it from her.

I jolted out of my daydream when I heard a cough coming from behind me. I spun around to find Lala standing there, her scythe tightly grasped in her hand while she stared at me with her signature blank expression.

"If you are done courting the dead," Lala started. "I would have words with you, Traveler."

To be continued...

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