Chapter 110: Recuperating Agape, Encroaching Eros

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I gazed at my reflection in the mirror of my room, releasing a heavy sigh as I applied a swipe of deodorant under each arm.

Papi had done wonders for my mood; I was genuinely grateful for her positive influence. I had momentarily forgotten all my worries and pressures; my date, my job, Suu's worrying attitude, and even Rachnee's hostile outburst. It was hard to believe that it had ever happened.

I eventually had to come back to reality, albeit a distant one. I looked down at my phone on my desk, trying to suppress the desire to call any of my friends and talk to them for an hour or two. This reality was not as close as I'd get from being surrounded by people I knew back home.

I vigorously shook my head, rejecting the idea of giving up on this place simply because my old friends were absent. This was a dire situation - I had to find a way to tackle my issues without relying on them, something I had not done since I could recall.

"Were it so easy," I quoted, smiling ruefully at the memories those words alone brought back.

It was almost comically ironic that the same relationship drama I had grown accustomed to back home had followed me to this alternate dimension - a place filled with fantastical beings and magical powers. I had never expected to deal with such issues in a place so far removed from my reality, but that was life for you, I suppose.

I glanced at my phone to check the time. If I wanted to be prompt and pick up Zombina from her apartment, I had to leave soon. Unfortunately, my conversation with Rachnee was far from over, but I had no more time to spare for her tonight. I had to admit; I wasn't really in the mood to see Rachnee at the moment.

It was doubly unfortunate because Ren was likely to come calling soon, and I had serious doubts that the situation would be as straightforward as it had been in canon. With Rachnee no longer as enamored with Kurusu as she was in canon, I could not rely solely on his charms to convince her to stay. She may only stay for Mero's sake, if at all, and I was uncertain whether I even wanted her to stay, given her actions.

I was adamant that Rachnee shouldn't return to Ren's family. The Cultural Exchange had already blacklisted them, and even if they hadn't, I would never have allowed them to host another liminal. They seemed to think it was acceptable to sell a person, and I could never forgive them for that. They had a considerable role in Rachnee's mental state, and anything more was out of the question.

So how the hell was I going to resolve that situation with the best possible outcome?

I let out a dejected sigh as I stepped out of my room, admitting to myself, "I have no idea what I'm doing." Even though I expected a witty comment in response to my statement, fate had graced me with silence; a small blessing, I thought to myself.

As I walked past Miia's board of memories, I couldn't help but smile at the photos of recent events that had been added. I would be sure to take a closer look when I returned home. But before continuing, I stopped and glanced back into the common area. To my surprise, Suu was there alone, playing a video game I didn't recognize. Typically, there would be at least two people in the room throughout the day, so it was odd that no Kurusu had shown up yet, even though dinner was likely to be soon.

I hadn't thought about saying goodbye to anyone before I left for my date, as I knew I'd get too much attention if I did. So, I left a note on my door so they'd find out after the fact. However, I was still anxious about Suu's reaction, considering what happened today. Even though I hadn't much time, I knew Bina would understand if I stopped by to say goodbye.

"Hey, sweetie," I said, walking over to where she sat on the couch. The game, which reminded me of the classic Dynasty Warriors, paused as she glanced up at me. Her emerald eyes appeared glazed over, and though she flashed me a faint smile, her delicate features were taut with tension.

"Hi, Daddy," she whispered, her gaze lingering on the TV before flicking back to me. When her head feeler didn't automatically reach for me as usual, I placed my hand on her head, gently running my fingers through her hair. I hadn't realized just how much I had been missing that connection until it was gone. The need to understand what she was going through was stronger than ever.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Mm," she hummed thoughtfully, lifting her head to nod before catching herself. "Um...I'm not sure." She looked down anxiously, her transparent legs worrying her. "I'm still thinking things over."

"Anything you wanna talk about?"

"... Not now," Suu eventually answered. "Dinner's gonna be soon, right?"

"Yeah, should be," I said, feeling disappointed. "But I won't be here tonight."

"I know," Suu told me, a slight smile gracing her face finally. "You have a date with Bina."

"Yeah," I nodded, letting out a deep sigh. "I'm not sure I'll be back until tomorrow, but we'll see what happens. Do you want me back earlier?"

"Enjoy yourself with Bina," Suu said, her face beaming warmly and sincerely. Even without our bond, I could tell she was putting her heart into it. "I'll spend the night with Papi."

I smiled, though it was difficult for me to find the enthusiasm. "I will do my utmost," I reassured her. "But if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me immediately. I'll be there in a flash."

"I'm fine, Daddy!" Suu laughed with carefree joy, and for that moment, her troubles faded away. Seeing her filled me with a sense of warmth. "You do care too much about other people."

"Occupational hazard," I dismissed with a chuckle. "But I still need to get going." I leaned in and planted a loving kiss on her head. "I love you."

Suu's entire body shimmered at my words, and her face was the very image of blissful contentment.

"I know," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Her small hand grasped mine, her gentle squeeze sending warmth and love through my veins. She released me, her eyes twinkling with joy. "I love you too," she said with a smile.

It was difficult to put the exact emotions I felt when she spoke to me, but I could only assume they were similar to Suu's when her body shimmered with an ethereal light. Immediately, I was reminded of a few of my most cherished memories, moments that I knew I would never forget for as long as I lived.

When my beloved dog was about to be put down, I was hundreds of miles away, unable to be with her for one last time. Minutes away from having to attend a big social event for my fraternity, I could not show my emotions and had to pretend that nothing was wrong. In my limited time, I could only text my best friend, who too was far away, informing him of the imminent situation, and he responded with a comforting "I love you."

When my grandpa gave me one of his most beloved and cherished possessions, a faded golden ring with five sparkling diamonds at the center, he knew that his days on this Earth were quickly dwindling.

When my parents told me they were proud of me at a time when I felt most worthless and helpless, as I watched someone I cared about slowly decline in health before my eyes, it was a reassurance that I was still valued and loved by them.

I had never experienced true romantic love before, but this was a different kind of love that I was very familiar with. It was so powerful that just three words could fill me with euphoria and completeness. But coming from someone who I viewed as my daughter, although we weren't related by blood or even species, it was truly remarkable. I could never have imagined being so close to someone like her.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. No matter what Doppel may think of me, I will work hard to earn her trust through my actions. Rachnee may have wrongfully accused me, but I'm determined to break through her mistrust and show her that I never meant harm. With Suu by my side, I felt capable of anything.

But first things first, I was going to give Bina an amazing date tonight.

I felt light in my step as I strolled outside, humming a blissful tune and gazing at the sky. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, bathing the world in a soft, orange hue. The shadows were lengthening, and the city lights were flickering on, creating an almost magical scene as the dark and light danced in perfect harmony. I was tempted to draw some philosophical conclusions about the duality of the moment, but instead just enjoyed the beauty of it.

I arrived at Bina's place earlier than anticipated, my excitement palpable. I knocked on the door instead of ringing the bell, my heart rapidly beating as I waited for an answer.

It had been over a year since I'd been on a date. I had no clue where we were going that night. Did Bina expect me to plan something? No, she had asked me out, which meant she had to come up with something. Of course. Right? Right. Would I have to pay for the dinner? I was OK with that, but I didn't want to assume. She seemed like someone who would prefer to pay for herself, but even then...

Romera greeted me with a creepy, zombie-like growl. "Ayyyyyyy," she said, swinging the door open. Her eyes were dull, and her smirk was eerie as she added, "Yourrrr flyyyy is dooooown."

"No, it's not," I firmly responded, as my hand quickly rushed to my crotch to make sure. "Ah, good, it wasn't."

Romera snickered, or at least I believe she did, as there was a lot of wheezing involved. Despite her sickly green skin and slow speech, she carried herself with much more life and vigor than many of the other people I had come across. She reminded me a lot of Bina; it was almost as if they were sisters or something even crazier than that.

"Biiiiiiinaaaaaa!" Romera called back into the apartment. "Yourrrrrr boyyyyyy toyyyyy is heeeeeeeeeere!"

"I'm comin', I'm comin'!" came the reply.

"Phrasing!" I shouted before I could stop myself.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up!" There was shuffling from the back, followed by footsteps drawing closer. "Keep it up, and I'm gonna make ya pay fer tonight!"

"Arrrre youuuu surrrrre this is yourrrrr firrrrrst date?" Romera wondered, slowly rolling her shoulders.

"The first official one, I guess," I replied with a shrug. "Why?"

Romera shook her head since that was when Bina finally joined us-

Oh. Uh.

She looked gorgeous.

Like. Gawrsh.

A white shoulderless top that fit her perfectly, hugging her in all the right places. Ripped jeans that hugged her slender legs, A delicate necklace with a piece of jade that rested lightly on her partially exposed chest, drawing my gaze slowly down her graceful figure.

But as I looked into her eyes and saw her beaming at me with a gentle blush on her cheeks, my face broke out into an uncontrollable, ear-to-ear smile.

"Face it, tiger," I breathed as if on autopilot. "You just hit the jackpot."

Bina quirked an eyebrow at me, the smile becoming a playful smirk. "Gettin' a bit full of yourself, aren't ya? I mean, you do hella good; I'm not gonna deny that, but..."

"I was talking to myself, actually," I said, shaking my head to try and clear out the fuzzies. "Because holy shit, do you look hot."

Bina blinked rapidly, her green and golden eyes widening at the unexpectedly blunt compliment. Then she flushed even more.

Go me!

"Leeeeeeaving nowwwww," Romera drawled, already shambling away from us. "Tiiiiiiime to waaaaaaatch Frrrrrrrrriends reeeeeeeeruns allllll by myyyyyyyy loooooonesome."

To be continued...

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