Chapter 143: A Resolute Decision

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sent her another uncomfortable look.

"Um, so, this... this is my Mommy and Daddy?" she asked for the third time, raising it up so her big brother could get a better look.

Aki flinched and rested a hand atop hers to gently lower the photo again. For some reason, he didn't seem too excited about looking at it for too long. He cleared his throat and adjusted the light blue button-up he was wearing.

"Yes, Papi," he sighed as the two walked up to the roof of their home. He swung open the door to find that most of their housemates were there already. Kimihito, Miia, and Rachnera were all setting up the laundry to dry, and Lala... was just sort of sitting in a corner and staring at them. He rolled his eyes at the sight before continuing. "Your mom accidently sent it with her letter to you."

"Oh..." Papi mumbled, before giggling and hopping around the roof. "Silly Mommy!"

"She really takes getting a photo of her parents doing that in stride, huh?" Kimihito sighed as he clipped a piece of Lala's underwear onto the string.

"Papi's a more resilient girl than she seems," Rachnera reminded them. While she spoke, she spun another string for the clothes line. "In more ways than one."

"She's made of sterner stuff than I," Aki admitted, joining Kimihito and Miia to help clip up more of their clothes. "I might've puked everywhere if I got that from my parents..."

"That's gross, Ant!" Miia whined, sticking her forked tongue out. Aki snickered back.

"So you said her mom's dropping by today, right?" Kimihito asked once the two quieted down. "Is there anything we need to worry about, or... ?"

"Nah," Aki shook his head. "The only reason there was an issue was because she doesn't speak Japanese well. She just wants her photo back." He blinked. "Actually... Papi! I need the photo!"

"Kaaaaaaay~" Papi called back, running on over happily. "But you gotta catch me first!"

"Wha - WUP!"

Laughing uproariously, Papi jumped onto Aki and sent the both of them tumbling to the ground. Aki's button-up shimmered, and a pair of bright orbs appeared on his chest, along with a silly smile. A couple feelers reached out from the "cloth", which proceeded to tickle Papi.

"Ahahaha!" the harpy giggled, rolling on top of Aki and his newly-animated clothes. "That tickles, Suu!"

Aki laughed, up until he got a face full of feathers and started sputtering.

"Alright, alright," he said, gently gripping Papi by the shoulders and pushing her off. She continued to giggle, but allowed herself to be moved. The two sat up, Papi's legs splayed out while Aki's were crossed. Suu shimmered once more, giggling before shifting back into a "proper" button-up shirt again.

"Here you go!" Papi said, offering him the photo.

"Thank you," Aki said, taking it. With a grunt, he pushed himself off the ground and offered a hand to help her up. As he pulled her up, he sighed. "I really hope this goes well."

"You worry too much," Rachnera chided, resting her pale chin on an open claw. She smirked, revealing pointed teeth. "You said so yourself that this would only go wrong if her mom doesn't get the letter quickly, and the rest of us are in case it escalates either way. What you should be worried about is fessing up to Zombina."

Aki flinched, glancing away and scratching his side.

"Right..." he murmured. "I'm seeing her tonight, after all..."

"Make sure you don't cry again like you did with us," Papi told him, cheeks puffing out in an attempt to be serious. "That'd be really really really sad!"

"And probably painful for the both of you," Kimihito offered, glancing back at him before turning to clip on a frilly piece of Mero's clothes. "Breaking down again would just wear you out and I don't think she'd like that one bit."

"Yeah," Aki said weakly, hands fidgeting. "She's a little more aggressive than you guys, though, so I don't-"

"Heads-up," Rachnera cut him off, crimson gaze affixed to the sky. "We'll coach you later."

Aki was taking a deep breath when the sound of something speeding towards them echoed through the air. And then-

A loud thoom and the rooftop shuddering signaled her arrival.

Aki stared into the amber eyes of who could only be described as a wilder version of Papi.

The harpy woman's petite frame was heavily-tanned, suggesting a life long spent under the sun, yet shined as though it was silky-smooth to the touch. Long, flowing bleached hair waved behind her like a shredded cape, flailing wildly in the wind. The tribal clothing that covered her figure was a mixture of earthy browns and vivid oranges, all patterned seemingly haphazardly without rhyme or reason.

But it was the wings that transfixed Aki. They were splayed out to their full, considerable length, feathers the same color as Papi's that seemed ready to swallow them up. The surest sign that she was undoubtedly a fully-grown, mature harpy.

And much like almost every liminal, she was beautiful. Whereas Layra's beauty was that of the distinctly sultry sort, every gesture carefully designed to ooze sensuality and sweet promises of pleasure, this woman's beauty was of a different kind. That of an untamed, wild thing that would make you chase her to the ends of the earth just for a glimpse. The Artemis to Layra's Aphrodite, Juyo thought. Idly, he wondered if Cerea's mom would be like Athena.

Then she opened her mouth.

"Papi!" she shouted. "Come back!"

"No!" Papi automatically cried.

"Hang on, hang on!" Aki frantically cut in, displaying the photo so her mom could clearly see it. "Here!"

The harpy woman blinked, intimidating glare instantly melting away to wide-eyed curiosity. Her head tilted to the side as she regarded the photo, then she grinned widely.

"There you are!" she said, lunging for the photo and swiftly snatching it from his hands. She cooed happily, clutching it tightly to her chest. "Finally got my treasure back!"

As she giggled and danced with joy, everyone else let out sighs of relief. Suu's head poked out from Aki's shoulder, primary feeler idly poking his head and smiling.

"At least no one's crying this time around," Rachnera said mostly to herself, resuming the laundry.

"Okay, I'm gonna visit my husband now!" Papi's mom shouted cheerfully, jumping up on the railing. "Bye-bye, Papi!"

And like that, she was up, up, and away, already soaring through the sky leaving a strong wind in her wake.

Everyone blinked.

"Did... Did that actually happen?" Aki wondered.

"We didn't even get to introduce ourselves to her..." Kimihito groaned.

"Wait..." Papi murmured, brows scrunched in thought. "Husband... Wait, is Daddy nearby?"

"Yeah, he ought to be," Aki answered, running a hand through his hair. "He's the chief of police for the city."

"Ooooh," Papi replied, eyes widening. "Oh! He's chief here?! I should go find him too!" she declared, beaming. "I want him to meet everyone! I'm gonna go find him and bring him here!"

And in a flurry of blue feathers, she was gone.

Everyone blinked.

"Eternal youth, ephemeral as the ocean breeze..." Lala muttered in her corner.

"What are the chances she'll bring both her parents back just in time for dinner?" Kimihito asked.

"Too damn high," Aki replied.

"Inevitable, really," Rachnera agreed.

Kimihito nodded. "Guess I'll have to go out and get extra of what I have planned already," he sighed, before letting out a groan and palming his head. "Wait, Smith said I had to look over some documents before the day was out, too..."

"I can take care of it," Aki volunteered with an upraised hand. "We're doing chicken kiev tonight, right?"

"You sure?" Kimihito started. "I mean, I'm gonna be the one cooking it and all..."

"Which is why you shouldn't have to run all around by yourself!" Miia chided, poking his arm. "You always cook, so the least we can do is get the food!"

"... I guess you're right," he admitted, looking abashed before turning to Aki. "If it's no trouble?"

"Not at all, dude," Aki dismissed with a wave and then smirked. "Besides, this way I can worm in some sides that I want for myself."

"The mask of kindness is finally cast aside, revealing the dark and sinister ulterior motive beneath," Lala declared.

Kimihito chuckled. "Fair enough, fair enough. Just try not to buy too many sweets, okay? Papi's gonna shovel them all down again and something tells me she gets it from her mom. I'm not confident in our ability to handle two of her."

There was a collective shiver from the group.

"No argument there," Aki agreed, already moving to head out. "Should be back soonish..." he trailed off, stopping where he stood as something clicked in his mind. "Actually, Rachnee?" The arachne girl glanced at him curiously. "Could you come with?"

Rachnera blinked in surprise, then shrugged. "Don't see why not," she answered before shooting a couple more strings so Kimihito and Miia had more clotheslines if need be. At that, she skittered to him and they made their way out.

"And get more eggs, too, please!" Miia called after them.

"Can't remember if we're short on lettuce or not..." Aki murmured, rubbing his chin as he inspected the vegetables in question.

"Cerea ate the last of it this morning," Rachnera sighed, slinging a bag full of pineapples over her shoulder. "If we don't have any when she gets back from training, there'll be hell to pay."

"She wouldn't make that much of a fuss about it," he replied, though he was already tossing several heads of lettuce into a bag.

"That girl's eating habits have only gotten worse since she got the job with MON," she retorted, stepping over closer to the vegetable rack so as to move out of the way in the bustling, outdoor marketplace. "She'll make do, yes, but there's a reason we need so much of the stuff."

"Hm," Aki grunted. "Yeah, you're right," he admitted, then looked around. "Alright, next is the spices, then the chicken..."

"... There was a reason you asked for me specifically to come out here with you," Rachnera pointed out after the veggies were paid for and they made their way to the spices stand. "What was it?"

Aki let out a breath, hefting up a heavy bag with some difficult. "Well, it's - Oh." He cut himself off when she offered an outstretched claw. "... You don't have to, you know."

"I know I don't," Rachnera stated, shaking the claw. Her face was mostly expressionless, save for a tiny smirk that revealed the barest hint of fang-like teeth. "I'm just feeling generous this one time."

He snorted. "Well, who am I to reject that?" The bag was passed, and then easily set with the rest she was carrying in a web sling. Aki rubbed his free hand, fingers running along weathered knuckles. His thumb traced against a scar, one he hadn't had before he'd come to their world.

Rachnera watched him with crimson eyes. They widened slightly when realization hit her. "She'll accept you," she told him, nudging forward so they could keep walking. "So stop worrying about it."

Aki hummed, spurred on and picking up his pace. "Maybe," he murmured, idly glancing at the spices they passed. "Hm, pretty sure we're good with agar for now..."

"Oi. You don't get to say 'maybe' to me," Rachnera scolded. "Not after I saw you bawl your eyes out."

That elicited a chuckle from him. "Sorry, sorry," he amended. "Though I don't see how crying in front of someone bans you from using non-committal answers."

Rachnera sniffed. "Is this why you wanted me here? Because you knew I'd smack you around until you stopped being a nervous wreck?"

Aki opened his mouth, then closed it upon reconsidering his words. He quietly grabbed packets of thyme and marjoram. Rachnera silently gave him time to figure out what he was going to say, while the crowds milled about them.

"I do feel better than I have in ages," he began, after passing the cashier the yen for the spices. "It's weird; it feels almost like I've been exorcised, if I had to describe it, since I've told you guys the truth."

"Then you should feel the same way when you fess up to Zombina," Rachnera replied.

"Look, I," Aki cut himself off, rubbing at his temple. "You saw how painful it was for me to let it all out for you guys, right? It's not like I can do it just once and then it's all easy-peezy from then on."

"I'm aware that it was painful for you," Rachnera said. "But I'm also aware of how you looked after the fact. I'd never seen you so happy before. Considering how much of a goofball you tend to act, that means something."

Before Aki could speak up, she kept going. "There's also the fact that you shouldn't be in a relationship with this woman if you can't tell her something like this. You like her, don't you?"


"Don't make me repeat myself, Antonio."

His jaw hung open, flapping wordlessly for a few moments before shutting. He bit his lip, thinking on it... and a small smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah, I really do," he admitted.

"And she seems to like you, considering she's willing to put up with you on such a level," Racherna stated matter-of-factly. "So just do it already so you two can go on to have a healthy and fulfilling relationship. I hear those are a good time."

Aki stared at her, brown eyes appearing glossly in the sun Then his lips quirked upward, then a sound came out from his mouth, followed by a giggle, that grew and grew.

"H-Hey, I don't see how what I said was so funny!" Rachnera spoke, the beginnings of a pout forming on her pale face as Aki started to laugh nearly hysterically.

"I-I'm sorry, it's just... Hooo," Aki wheezed, forcing himself to breathe in and out to calm himself down. "Wow! I'm an idiot."

"Hmph. You've known this for how long, and you just now find it amusing?" Rachnera huffed, her many legs skittering her onward ahead of him. "I swear, you ask me to go with you just to use me for my blunt nature, and I even go out of my way to carry groceries and offer words of encouragement, and this is your response? The nerve!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Aki hurried after her.

"And stop apologizing! Just explain yourself, doofus!"

"I - wait, doofus? Since when did you call anyone that?"

"Since I became friends with a doofus, obviously."

"Wow, could you tsun any harder?"

"I don't know what that means, but I already know I hate it."

Aki snickered at that, noting Rachnera's nearly-hidden smile. "Fine, fine. I was just laughing at myself for realizing I still needed to rely on people for my own problems, even if they're the same problem I'd dealt with already."

"Hilarious," Rachnera grunted, rolling her eyes. "As far as self-actualizations go, that's a rather dismal one."

"Yeah, probably," Aki nodded. "But I've had my fill of earth-shattering revelations, so I think little ones like that are good for my health."

"I'd say Zombina should leave you, but then I remembered she's crazier than you," she sighed, shaking her head. "So perhaps it's for the best," she added, her tone turning soft as her expression fell a little.

Aki was prepared to laugh again, but stopped upon noticing. He looked confused, until it clicked.

Right, Mero...

"... Sorry," he mumbled, unsure of what else to say.

"Damn it, I didn't intend to make you feel guilty," Rachnera grumbled. "There's no use crying over it anymore. You and Zombina do well together. Mero will learn from it and move on. Her problems aren't yours."

"Mm. You do realize I have a bad habit of meddling, right?"

"You're the absolute worst sort of meddler," she retorted. "The kind that's just as likely to smile as he is to cry while doing so."

"... That's the worst sort?"

"Yes, it is," Rachnera nodded sagely. After a moment's hesitation, her claw lifted upward and then gently placed itself on his head. "So try not to smile too much when you tell Zombina tonight, that will send the wrong message. Don't cry either, that'll just make you look pathetic." As she spoke, she roughed up his curling brown hair.

"Yeah, yeah," Aki droned, seemingly unfazed. "I'll make a note of that, thanks. Oh, and while you're there, could you just scratch a little behind the ears?"

"What are you, a kobold?"

To be concluded!

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