Chapter 144: Count the Days Gone By and Forget the Time.

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People often commented on how the office reflected the one who owned it.

It was spacious, intended to accommodate for all manner of people. Chairs and tables that were highly adjustable so that no matter your body type, number of legs (or lack thereof), or size, you would be able to feel as though you'd never left your home. There was even a water tank, large enough to fit a kraken if need be, for any guests of a more aquatic persuasion. A refrigerator sat fully stocked in the corner, and along the bar were various hard liquors intended for special occasions.

The walls were practically cluttered with all sorts of shelves and cabinets, each one packed to the gills with the results of an eventful life. A seemingly endless stream of framed photos and printed news headlines, as well as gifts from those he had helped. A small, bulbous plant with a blue flower at the top, given life and tended to by a shy mandragora. A wiry necklace of feathers and bone, crafted by a haughty raptor. Those and more lined the man's office.

But his most precious possessions were kept close at hand. His wooden desk, grown by a dryad friend, was a large one, and yet still seemed to barely contain its contents. Books and files, covering all manner of subjects from the complicated relationship between the garuda and naga species to recent changes in harpy flight patterns. All of that knowledge regarding the world of liminals would have been unthinkable to have so readily on hand ten years ago, and yet there it was.

Of course, far more eye-catching were the photos. So many different people, on many different occasions from parties to ceremonies to weddings, all of them smiling back at him.

There was scarcely room for the only other two objects on the desk: a fossilized trilobite and a Godzilla figure, whose roaring visage always watched over his work. He'd insisted on bringing them even if no one actually protested their presence, and so there they were, the two signs of his childhood passions.

After all, he'd always loved the ancient and the monstrous.

As for the man himself, he sat at the desk, sipping a cup of coffee. His black hair had grown out a bit, and he was clean-shaven as always but stubble started to appear on his face indicating he needed a shave. Before him laid a new draft of the Cultural Exchange Bill, but he was taking a break from reading it for the moment. It was a rarity that he had moments of calm, especially in the morning, so he wished to savor the feeling.

He really should have known better.

"Good morning, Romance Master!" greeted a certain redhead lamia, swinging open the doors to his office and beaming as she slithered inside. "Today's the big day! Aren't you excited?!"

Of course, she wasn't alone.

"Hi-hi, Uncin," offered the drowsy child at her side, the little girl wiping at her eyes and letting out a loud yawn. She was like a miniature of her mother, red scales coating her long tail and framing her face, until one noticed the long black hair that fell from her head.

Despite his peace being disrupted, the man let out a chuckle, shaking his head as he stood up to meet them.

"Hi-hi to you too, Lia," Antonio warmly told his friend's daughter, walking over and bending down a little so they were eye to eye. "I'm amazed your mom was able to get you outta bed today; you inherited a bad habit of hers."

"O-Only on days I don't need to get up early!" her mother huffed, cheeks puffing out slightly. "Which is getting rarer every day now!"

"I'm not that bad," Lia murmured groggily, swaying on her tail. "'Sides, everyone's comin' early, and I wanna see 'em."

"That they are," Antonio agreed with a nod, straightening up and turning to regard the lamia woman. "You look good, Miia," he told her, giving her a hug.

"Eh heh heh, I always look good," Miia giggled, smiling as she squeezed him briefly and pulled back. "But I might have put a little more effort in than usual. Kimi hasn't seen me in person in weeks, so I wanted to really wow him!" She said that with a wink, pulling back a lock of red hair with a hand from which a ring glinted in the light.

"She's freaking out in there," Rachnera told him, a beleaguered expression on her pale face as she jerked a thumb at the door and Antonio came down the hallway. The two of them were far more nicely-dressed than usual; he in a fitted red suit jacket and she in a lovely silk dress the color of sunset. She even had an uncharacteristic yet familiar clip in her hair, a golden half-circle facing downward. "Isn't it part of your job to talk her down so she doesn't ruin her own big day?"

"I suppose so," Antonio sighed, about to run a hand through his hair before catching himself. He'd just gotten it how he wanted again, and lord help him if he messed it up again because of old habits. "I'll take it from here, Rachnee. Can you wrangle Papi for me? She wouldn't stop bouncing off the walls, quite literally thanks to Suu."

"What a negligent big brother you are," she snorted, rolling her many eyes. "Fine, I'll do my job and you do yours. Good luck in there, 'Romance Master.'"

Antonio waved her off as she left, scuttling down the hallway. After a moment, he knocked on the door. "Miia? It's Tone, can I come in?" he called out, raising his voice.

"E-Eh?! Oh, um, n-no, I'm such a mess-!"

He opened the door anyway.

Contrary to her words, Miia had never looked more beautiful. The wedding dress was entirely custom, flowing as though it were an endless white wave that winded around her body and the upper portion of her tail. Her hair was done in an intricate series of thin braids that seemed to meld into one another. Mero's handiwork, through and through.

Miia's outrage at his entrance died almost as quickly as it'd started, lips quivering as emotions overtook her.

"I-I'm so scared, Antonio," she confessed, wrapping her arms around herself as she stood in the dressing room. "I'm... I'm so happy, I'm happier than I've ever been in my life! So, so why am I scared?! That doesn't make sense, right?!"

Antonio took a deep breath, and approached her.

"Of course it does," he told her, setting his hands on her shaking shoulders. "You're marrying the man you love. If I was in your position, I'd probably be puking from anxiety right now," he admitted, a self-deprecating smile on his lips.

"But why?" Miia pressed, golden eyes wide as she stared at him. "It's..."

"It's nerves," Antonio assured, giving her shoulders a squeeze. "Look: Kimihito is an incredible man. He's got one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen. I can't think of anyone else that deserves to be with you. And yet..."

He leaned forward.

"He's damn lucky to be marrying you. You're strong, Miia. You've become far more than what you're afraid of being. You're the Chief Photographer for the Cultural Exchange, for crying out loud! You know how many historical events you've captured now?"

"... A lot," she admitted.

"That's right. You're a real mover and shaker now," Antonio encouraged. "You also manage to get my good side, which not many can do," he added with a teasing tone.

"Heh, you make that sound hard," Miia giggled, wiping her eyes. Her expression sobered. "... Is it bad that I wish Mama could be here?" she asked quietly.

Antonio let out a breath. "No, it's not bad. I get it, you still love her, she's your mom. But, well..." He shrugged, not knowing what else to say that hadn't been said already. The law was the law.

"I know, I know," Miia sighed. "I'd just always imagined she'd be there at my wedding."

"Yeah. Some things are meant to have family there for you." Antonio regarded her for a moment. "Which is why I'll be with you every step of the way. Or, uh, undulation in your case. You'll have to kiss him on your own though, I like the guy and all, but not that much."

"You better not!" Miia huffed, though her smile was coming back. She sniffled, and wiped her nose. "Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without you..."

"You'd find your way. I'm just here to help make it a little easier." Antonio looked at the clock. "It's almost time. You gucci?"

Miia hiccuped, then took a long, deep breath. Once she exhaled, it was as though she'd shed the frightened girl she had been a minute ago away entirely.

"Yes, I'm gucci now," Miia proudly declared, smile brighter than the sun. "Thanks, Romance Master!"

Soon after, Antonio walked her down the aisle. Everyone was there, watching the beautiful bride make her way to the end of the red carpet. There, her bridesmaids waited, each sporting red dresses and golden half-circle hair clips.

There, Kimihito Kurusu, her soon-to-be husband, stood and had never looked happier.

Truly, Antonio was glad to have supported her.

That moment had been preserved on the photo at his desk.

"The hour draws ever nearer that the fellowship is reunited," declared an ominous voice from the doorway to his office. There stood a trenchcoat-sporting woman, her black and gold eyes regarding them with incredible weight. "Heroes gather, darkness quails in fear, and the light shines-"

"Too early, Auntie Lala," whined Lia.

"Urk," the blue-skinned woman choked, stopped in her tracks in the face of a grumpy child. "Y-Your words cut deeper than a mithril blade, serpent child..." Lala managed, her cheeks flushing slightly. "'Tis a bad habit learned from the arachne."

"Don't let it get to you," Antonio advised Lala. "Kids have a habit of making your life either heaven or hell on earth, sometimes both at the same time."

"It's exciting, isn't it?" Miia laughed, resting a head on her daughter's head and rubbing it playfully. Lia groaned but didn't resist, letting her head bob around limply.

"Excitement is both a blessing and a curse, truly," Lala droned.

"Speaking of," Antonio said after clearing his throat. "How goes the Far Side of things, ambassador? Should we expect the usual suspects?"

"Indeed, and more besides," the dullahan reported, dramatically tossing her long white hair. "Chthonia, Laestrygonia, and the Ascendant Kingdom will be present, as well as the delegate from Sheol." Lala paused, and for a moment looked sympathetic. "Regrettably, I must inform you it is the ghoul senator, rather than Belial."

Antonio groaned. "I'll never understand her deal with me, but oh well. I have the worst luck with ghouls. Anything else?"

"Yes." The sympathy faded, replaced by a small, genuine smile. "The portal to the other Earth is functioning well within expectations. Your relations will be able to attend without issue."

A slight hitch in his breath, and tension left his shoulders. "Good, good," Antonio murmured, a hand reaching up reflexively to run through his hair.

"You're joking," Antonio murmured, eyes wide with shock and disbelief.

"I never joke," Lala retorted in utter deadpan. "The path to your world that we have sought for four years has finally been discerned."

He sat stock still, bent forward with his elbows resting on his knees. There were so many thoughts and feelings bouncing inside him that it all became white noise, everything becoming an overwhelming nothing.

"We finally cracked it, Antonio." Kuroko was there, at her desk, the only other person in the room. "Our people have all worked together, digging into how you got here, and now..." The Japanese woman, usually so overworked and tired, actually looked revitalized. "You can see them again."

Them. His family. His friends. All of the people he'd left behind against his will.

It was the most impossible, terrifying, and amazing thought. The only way he'd been able to remember the faces and the sound of their voices was through his phone, with old photos and voicemail recordings. Somewhere along the way, for the past four years, he'd silently given up hope of ever seeing them again.

"H-How?" he asked in a quivering voice.

Lala shook her head. "'Tis not a question of 'how', but of 'when.' Leave the details to myself and the Director. All that is asked of you, bearer of God's Tongue and counselor of the Cultural Exchange, is for you to once more return to your origin and obtain catharsis."

"My... origin..." Antonio echoed, speaking the loaded words as though tasting them for the first time.

That was right.

His first life, his first family. They were there, waiting for him. It had been a long four years. What had changed? What had he left behind? Did they think he was dead? Did they have even the barest inkling of the truth?

He was shaking, but he stood up.

Waiting any longer was unbearable.

"Let's go," Antonio said, his voice trembling and thick.

Lala smiled. "Yes, let us begin your long awaited reunion. It is far too long in the making."

The moment where he stood before a shimmering green and blue portal, Lala gesturing grandly for him to step forward, had been preserved on the photo at his desk.

The four of them had made their way through the large building they so often worked at; the Cultural Exchange had grown as an institution in ten years, immensely so. Today in particular saw a flurry of activity, with humans and liminals both scurrying to hash out details, finalize negotiations, or put out whatever crisis cropped up that minute.

"Vice-Director! Sign this, please!"

Antonio took the clipboard offered by a fuzzy hand, giving it a once-over before signing. "Make sure that gets notarized," he instructed, passing it back and already moving on. "Don't want an issue like last May."

"Yes sir!"

"Ma'am, our airport photography crew is ready to go," called out a male barometz from his cubicle to Miia. "Just in time for the Russian representatives, too!"

"That's great news!" Miia shouted back happily. "What about the seaport? Kanaloa likes to arrive early!"

"We'll get right on it, ma'am!"

"Ambassador, we've run into a snag," spoke a cu sith that hurried to keep pace with Lala. "The ishigaq and kooshdakhaa are at it again..."

"Fairies and shapeshifters, fickle in both mind and body," Lala lamented, her face set. "They are aware of the reparations should they come to blows. This is not a day for petty squabbles. Elucidate such to them."


"So much noise," Lia whined, pressing her face against Miia's side. "How can everyone be so awake...?"

"Coffee, my tiny friend," explained a newcomer, striding up to them on many legs with a smirk made of fanged teeth. "Sweet, sweet, bitter coffee."

"Auntie Rachnee!" Lia gasped, her expression doing a complete 180. She bounced off the ground and leapt into the chuckling arachne's arms, wrapping her tail tightly around Rachnera's waist.

"Oy, look at you, you little hypocrite," Rachnera observed, smirk widening into a smile. "You're not giving your mom too much trouble while dad's away?"

"Nuh uh, just the right amount," Lia answered with a giggle.

"You're a bad influence, Rachnee," Miia chided, turning from the latest worker to grab her attention.

"Just the right amount of bad," Rachnera corrected, wagging a clawed finger as she handed Antonio a tablet. "Don't let all this chaos confuse you, everything's going on schedule. The Director just left her place with MON First Squad, so they'll, amazingly, get here on time. MON Second Squad is waiting to escort us to the airport."

"Gucci," Antonio replied, smiling as he looked down at the info displayed on the tablet. Once he saw certain names on the list, he let out a breath of relief. "I almost can't believe it. How long's it been since all of us were in the same spot?"

"More than long enough," Rachnera said with a small trace of bitterness.

They had left him to be with his first family for several months. Suu was the only one who stuck by his side at the beginning, but even she withdrew when it became clear he needed to spend time with those people alone. There were too many emotions, too many to catch up with, too much time to make up for.

It wasn't like they did nothing while he was away, of course. Opening a portal to a new Earth, one entirely without liminals, brought new challenges that needed to be handled. Kuroko had very firmly told them all not to bother Antonio with it, saying negotiations were best handled in an official and delicate capacity.

Not that Antonio couldn't handle official and delicate work, but the true intent was obvious: let the man enjoy his reunion without worrying about work.

And so he did. But, eventually, that time had to end.

Surprisingly, Rachnera was the first to see him. He was sitting on a bench overlooking a river in his hometown when he heard the tell-tale skitter of her legs approach from behind. The man looked utterly drained, the result of months of constant emotional reunions and social activity. For a time, the only sounds were that of croaking frogs and chirping insects, accompanied by the gentle churning of water.

"... Four years," he suddenly murmured. "Four years, Rachnee. Do you know how much can happen in four years?"

A sarcastic reply died before it could escape her lips. Rachnera knew the time and place for such things, and now wasn't it. "More than you can reconcile in a couple months, I imagine," she said with a sigh, folding her arms across her chest. All eight of her crimson eyes looked down at Antonio.

"My oldest sister got married. She has two kids, and my second oldest sister gave birth to a baby boy. I missed my sister's twentieth birthday," Antonio listed off, voice quiet. "Not only that, but..."

He sniffled.

"My aunt died on the first year anniversary of my disappearance. My uncle died a year later from health complications."

Antonio bit his quivering lip, blinking rapidly. "I... I can't even remember the last thing I said to them," he confessed, tears falling down his face. "Or what they said to me. And n-now... they're gone. Forever."

The silence that hung afterward was heavy. Rachnera was at a loss for words, looking down at Antonio with blatant concern and anxiousness. What could you say to something like that? Kimihito would probably know, or Suu, but her? She'd said the wrong thing too often, especially when it came to him. Doing more damage to him - to anyone - had always been her greatest fear.

But there he was, sobbing and alone. He would've done something for her, if the positions were reversed.

So she moved to his side, sitting down next to the bench. Tentatively, she reached over with her right claw, the same that had scarred Ren, and rested it on his head. Then, she started to scratch his hair.

Antonio froze. Slowly, he turned to her with wide, puffy eyes. "Rachnee...?" he breathed in bafflement.

"Zombina told me once that you calm down when she scratches your hair," she said by way of explanation, trying to appear cool and dignified but mostly failing. "You looked like you needed it."

He blinked a few times. Then the corner of his mouth quirked upward for a moment. "Yeah, I guess so," he admitted, closing his eyes and sagging into the bench. "Thank you, Rachnee."

"Don't mention it, Antonio."

That moment when his family found the two, and he introduced them to a surprisingly nervous Rachnera, had been preserved on the photo at his desk.

The sun was steadily crawling its way past the horizon, hazy orange melding into warm yellow and then a bright blue. All told, it was shaping up to be a beautiful day, but Antonio wouldn't let himself be deceived by the peaceful imagery; today was going to be a busy one, but then what day wasn't?

Outside waiting for them was a large trailer big enough to carry a full-grown lamia and arachne, along with some change. And standing next to it, all bedecked in familiar yellow and black armor...

"Vice-Director, Chief Kurusu, Ambassador Lala, Secretary Arachnera, and Miss Lia!" greeted the blonde centaur woman standing at attention, saluting the five of them. "Your escort is ready!"

"You're way too stiff with your own family, Cerea," sighed Beiste, the blue-furred and red-eyed cu sith next to her.

"At least she tries to be dignified," Draco scolded, the dragonewt's yellow slitted eyes narrowing down at him. "Have some pride, will you?"

"Eh, pride? What's that?" wondered Lilith, the petite lesser devil lazily picking at her teeth with her tail. "Can you eat it?"

... was MON Second Squad.

"At ease, soldier," Antonio told Cerea, smiling up good-naturedly at her. "Always appreciate the help. They got you running security for the expo too?"

"Naturally," Cerea answered, her body relaxing as she grinned broadly. "Just because the dreadful likes of the Black Fables and Charybdis have been vanquished does not mean we can be lax in our duties."

"Don't worry boss lady, I'll make extra sure the oni bar is secure!" Beiste promised with a cheeky wink.

"Yeah, you know how rowdy can oni can get," Lilith chimed, hovering over on her small leathery wings. "I'll be there to back him up!"

"Lilith will be on minotaur duty, and Beiste will be watching over his fellow fae," Cerea reported to Trevor, very pointedly not looking at the two in question.

"Ehhh?! But they smell like barn," Lilith whined while Beiste just deflated.

Meanwhile, Draco had stepped forward to approach Rachnera. Or rather, the small girl still wrapped around her.

"Lady Lia," Draco said in a stately voice, taking a knee and placing a hand over her chest. "Please rest assured. I would never let the daughter of Miia experience any strife. You are under my protection."

"Eh?" The black-haired lamia girl blinked at her, until Rachnera nudged her. "Oh! Um, thank you, Miss Draco," she managed somewhat awkwardly.

"You're really too sweet, Draco," Miia told her, chuckling a little. "Thanks for all your hard work."

Draco stood up and looked at Miia, a faint glistening in her eyes before she turned away. "I'm just trying to live up to the noble dragon blood within me," she offered as an excuse. "Think little of it, please."

"Oy, Cerea, you've got quite the interesting bunch under your command," Rachnera spoke up. "I'd say it's amazing you can wrangle them all together, but I know just how stubborn you can be."

"Hmph, it is true they are a troublesome bunch," Cerea admitted, blue eyes regarding the three MON members. Her smile didn't waver. "But we have done good work together. I couldn't ask for better comrades to serve with."

Antonio had never seen her filled with such pride and joy before. Least of all because of her own merits.

But there Cerea stood on the stage, sharply fitted in the MON dress uniform. Her smile never once left her face, and Antonio could tell she was barely repressing tears.

The same couldn't be said for her mother, wiping her face in a dignified manner. The older woman was beside herself, staring at her beloved daughter as she answered the noble calling of fighting for justice.

Kuroko had just finished her speech on the podium, and beckoned Cerea forward. The sound of hooves against wood echoed through the room, and then she stood before Zoe. The zombie commando's grin was almost as wide as Cerea's own when she placed the pin over the centaur's heart.

Centorea Shiantus had officially become a member of the MON Squad.

As the thunderous clapping and cries of jubilation filled the chamber, Antonio made brief eye contact with Cerea. In that moment, he saw tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

In that moment, he saw her lips say, "Thank you."

That moment had been preserved on the photo at his desk.

The ride to the airport was uneventful. Which wasn't to say it had been quiet, far from it; a ride with MON Second Squad was never a dull affair. But they'd gotten there, which was the important part, and soon enough they were out on the tarmac waiting for the arrival of certain parties.

One of which came in like a wrecking ball.

"BIG BROTHER!" cried a blue blur that crashed into Trevor, nearly bowling him over. He would've hit the dirt if not for Miia's tail quickly bracing him. The motion looked as though it were almost routine. "Hi-hi!"

"Hi-hi yourself," Antonio wheezed as the harpy tightly wrapped her wings and legs around his body. "P-Papi, please..."

"Oh, sorry!" Papi laughed, jumping off him and landing on the ground. Her blue hair was longer, wilder, but otherwise it was though she hadn't aged a day over the past ten years. "I was just so excited to see you! It's been, um... a long time!" she declared with utter seriousness on her adorable features.

Antonio snorted. "That it has. You'll have to tell me all about it when we get a chance, okay?"

"Mhm!" At that, she bounced over to the others, loudly greeting every single one in that effortlessly whirlwind way of hers.

"You work too much!"

"Wh-!" Antonio jumped in his seat, startled by the sudden appearance of a shouting harpy that had kicked down the door. "Papi?! When'd you get in town?!"

"Today! I think! I was visiting Mommy and Daddy! But that doesn't matter!" Papi huffed as she stomped over to his desk. "Rachnee told me you didn't sleep last night!"

"Do you know why I didn't sleep last night?" Antonio asked pointedly.

"Boring stuff," Papi instantly retorted.

Antonio paused. Mulled it over.

"You're not wrong," he admitted.

Papi puffed her chest out with pride. "See, I knew it!" Her wing reached out and grabbed what looked to be a remote on his desk. "Now... um." She fiddled with the device. "Hmmmmm. Where is it, where is it?"

"Where is what?" Antonio asked tiredly.

"The button! The one that makes the windows go whoosh!" Papi explained helpfully. Her amber eyes lit up when she found what she was looking for. "Ah ha, here!"

Without a moment's hesitation, she pressed it. Sure enough, the large window for the office slowly rose up, one of the features installed for bigger, airborne guests such as dragons and phoenixes, or a particularly awkward wyvern.

"So whyyyy-WHOA!"

Any questions he had were lost to the wind as Papi launched forward, grabbing him in her talons and then gleefully carrying him outside. "C'mon big brother, I know you love flying! So let's fly for a bit!" she encouraged, beaming down at him as she soared through the skies.

Antonio almost protested. But when he looked around and saw the sweeping Japanese landscape, he stopped. He looked up at Papi, that bright and wild girl that could never be fully tamed.

And then he laughed loudly and without restraint, exhaustion fading away. She was quick to join him.

Their laughter filled the blue skies that day.

That moment had been preserved on the photo at his desk.

"Oh, I see them!" Miia shouted, pointing to the sky. Sure enough, the tell-tale shape of a plane could be seen gradually getting closer.

"Right on time," Rachnera said, several of her legs twitching in anticipation. Try as she might to hide it, not even she could contain her excitement.

Papi didn't bother making her feelings a secret, practically vibrating as she was next to Cerea. As for the centaur, she too seemed lost in the moment until she blinked. "MON Second Squad!" she barked. "Prepare to receive the Queen and Cultural Homestay Chief!"

"Ma'am!" Beiste, Draco, and Lilith were quick to snap at attention, despite their earlier lack of professionalism.

"Heroes gather..." Lala murmured under her breath.

"You said that already," Antonio noted.


Then they waited, eagerly watching the plane make its descent toward the airport. It skidded to the earth, landing without issue. Someone must have seen them, as the large aircraft slowly rolled its way toward the gathering. Once it was close enough, the back ramp descended and there was an immediate influx of fishfolk garbed in ornate, ceremonial armor and sporting tridents.

The only ones not dressed that way were the two butlers, one squat and the other long.

"Make way! Make way!" cried the tall fishfolk Sebastian, rubbing at his brow with a handkerchief.

"Bow before the Queen!" cried the short fishfolk Potemkin, waddling down the ramp.

In unison, they both grandly gestured back the way they came and shouted:

"All hail Queen Meroune Lorelei du Neptune!"

There Mero sat in her wheelchair, a magnificent crown resting atop her pink-haired head. The mermaid woman wore a dress designed as though the ocean waves themselves had been captured there, rising and falling so as to heighten her already incredible beauty. She was smiling, until her vibrantly purple eyes realized that the gathered people were all bowing before her.

"My friends!" Mero urged. "You bow to no one!"

"I feel a little overshadowed here," admitted the Japanese man behind her as he pushed the wheelchair forward.



Any concerns the man had were quickly dashed aside as two very passionate lamias, one big and the other small, darted toward him for a crushing embrace. He abruptly vanished beneath a pile of winding coils, and he was lost to the world.

Meanwhile, Rachnera was the first to approach Mero, her expression clouded. In contrast, Mero was practically glimmering with joy as the two met.

"It's been a long time, Rachnera," Mero started. "Have you been taking care of yourself? You better not have been drinking coffee again so early!"

"... That's my line, dummy," Rachnera grumbled, fidgeting where she stood. "You do a lot more work than I do."

"I think all of us have developed a bit of an overworking habit," Mero laughed. "Except Papi, of course."

There was a pause. Until Rachnera reached forward and lifted Mero up from the wheelchair to pull her into a tight hug. The only thing that stayed the royal guards' hands was the knowledge of their queen's unique relationship with these particular people.

"Missed you," Rachnera whispered.

Mero smiled, returning the embrace. "I missed you too," she whispered back.

Antonio stood to the side, patiently waiting for his turn. Papi, Cerea, and Lala all greeted Mero in their own ways, all of them knowing to not bother engaging with the reunited human-lamia family just yet. Eventually, the queen was able to make her way to him, looking just a little more disheveled than she had previously.

"My queen," Antonio said, dipping his head to her with a small smile.

"Dear sir," Mero greeted, brushing back a lock of curling pink hair behind her ear. "You look well."

"Thanks. You... ah, you look good too," he told her, an annoying touch of nervousness hitting him right then. "Well, you always do."

Mero giggled melodically. "Has anyone ever told you that you are too kind?" she asked warmly.

It had been a few days since the incident with the Queen when Antonio entered Mero's room. She hadn't left it once they got home, only finding the energy to mumble a "Thank you" whenever someone brought her food. Otherwise, she simply floated in the pool, her gaze distant.

"Hey," he called out gently, stepping inside. His bare feet made light smacking sounds as he walked across the tiles to the edge of the pool. After a moment, he sat down and dipped his legs into the water. "You should get out of here for a bit."

Mero grunted, an uncharacteristic sound from the typically-dignified woman. "I know. And yet I do not want to. My mother..." She wiped her face. "She did all of those absolutely dreadful things, for the sake of, of... a tragic romance!" she exclaimed, splashing the water in frustration. "The very thing I once wished for with all my heart!"

"But not anymore," Antonio told her. "You're better than that now. And you called her out. It was pretty cool, actually," he admitted. "I don't think I could ever yell at my own mom that way."

"It was the most difficult thing I've ever done," Mero confessed, swaying where she floated so she could look at him. "And now, my kingdom is paying the price for her madness. We're a laughingstock among both the human and liminal nations, shamed for the stupidest of reasons and rightfully so."

"Yeah. But that won't last forever. Not when you're on the throne," Antonio pointed out.

"I am not so certain. I believed the same things she did, once upon a time that wasn't too long ago," Mero murmured, her webbed hand lazily swinging through the water. "I too was a fool."

She took a deep breath, and then her face became set.

"Perhaps I still am. But I am no longer that kind of fool. I've met too many living learning experiences to be so any longer," Mero said, offering Antonio a slight smile.

"It's not the worst thing I've been called," he chuckled. "But you're already looking better."

"Yes, well, perhaps all I needed was for someone to disturb the water, so to speak," Mero answered, straightening herself and now treading upright in the pool. "What happened with my mother was truly dreadful, but now that I think about it, there is a strange sense of resolve within me now. After all, if my cherished friends still desire me in their lives despite the grief my family has caused them... then perhaps there is little to worry over after all!"

"That's the spirit," he praised, grinning at her. "Of course we still want you around, Mero. Our messed-up little family here wouldn't feel right without you in it."

Mero giggled melodically. "You are too kind," she said warmly.

That memory where she had been crowned Queen of Neptunus and became one of the greatest public supporters of the Cultural Exchange Bill had been preserved on the photo at his desk.

"I get that a lot," he admitted sheepishly.

"It is well-earned," Mero assured him. "I truly do hope we can spend more time together when our duties permit it," she said earnestly.

"Yeah... I'd like that, I'd like that a lot," Trevor told her.

"Oof, man," groaned Kimihito as he shambled over to join them, unwinding his shoulder. A bashful smile crossed his face. "Sorry about that, Antonio. I expect that reaction every time, but they always seem to catch me off-guard."

"You really should know better by now, man," Antonio laughed as the two men clasped hands and gave a firm shake. "I don't think any other human dude could keep up with a gal like Miia."

"Maybe that's why we go so well together," Kimihito suggested, setting his hands on his hips. "After all, neither of us are shy about our love, she's just, ah, more physical about it than I am."

"You should have seen him on the plane ride here," Mero confided in Antonio with a stage-whisper. "The poor man was ceaselessly fidgeting where he sat and he would ask the pilot when we would arrive every few minutes!"

"Incredible. He can get on a stage and give a speech to millions of people, but the anticipation of seeing his wife and kid again?" Antonio clicked his tongue, smirking at Kimihito. "That's just too much."

"-and so, thank you all for your hard work!" Kimihito said to the large crowd gathered in the auditorium. "Every one of you made the first ever Cultural Exchange Expo a roaring success! I hope you're all looking forward next year just as much as I am!"

The crowd, a mix of humans and liminals cheered and clapped, congratulating each other on a job well done. Kimihito let out a breath and waved at them all as he retreated backstage. There, Antonio was waiting for him with a water bottle.

"You make a good poster boy," the curly-haired man half-joked, offering the bottle as he did so. "I could've sworn I spied more than a handful of liminal girls swooning out there."

"Please don't joke about that," Kimihito begged, gratefully taking the water bottle and guzzling it down. After he finished it off, he made a satisfied gasp for air and tossed it in a nearby recycle bin. "But I did like being up there, oddly enough. Everyone worked hard, after all, and they should all be proud of themselves for that."

"So should you," Antonio told him. "It was pretty touch and go a few times there. We wouldn't have pulled through if you weren't at the right place at the right time."

"Same applies to you. Really, it was a team effort," Kimihito insisted. "Everyone from home chipped in. It was actually kinda fun, all of us working together. We should make a habit of it."

"Think so? You want all of us working for the Cultural Exchange?" Antonio mused, rubbing his chin. "... You know, that might not be too bad. Suu resolved a lot of disputes thanks to her empathic feelers, Mero was able to do similar just by being herself, and Rachnera's management skills were pretty impressive...

"Miia did some great photo work during this expo, Papi isn't really one to be tied down to a job, Cerea is already doing training with MON..." Kimihito went on, mulling it over. "Oh, and Lala was there. She did something, right?"

"Probably. Hard to tell with her," Antonio shrugged, then smiled. "Huh, I think you're onto something. Maybe I'll bring it up with Kuroko at the next meeting."

Kimihito nodded, smiling as well. "Sounds gucci."

That moment where Kimihito had given the speech ending the first successful Cultural Exchange Expo was preserved on the photo at his desk.

"I don't want to hear that from you of all people," the black-haired man retorted, wagging a finger at Antonio. "Speaking of, where's Suu? I thought she'd be here too."

Antonio shook his head. "She's probably at the expo building right now with the rest of her people. This is a big day for the slimes, after all, so I figured she'd want to spend it making sure everything is good on her end."

"Ah. Fair enough," Kimihito nodded.

The sound of an approaching car abruptly ended any further conversation. Everyone turned to see a black limousine driving up to them, with a larger trailer coming up behind it. When both vehicles came to a stop nearby, the doors were quickly swung open.

"Oh wonderful, everyone is here!" Tio cheered, the giant armored ogress running over to them with thunderous footsteps. "Hello, everyone! Isn't it beautiful out today?!"

"Try not to squash anyone, will you, Tio?" Doppel called out, the dark-skinned shapeshifter riding a wave of her own silvery hair behind her comrade. "It'd be a hell of a way to start the tenth anniversary, you know!"

The usual greetings went all around, with Tio doling out her typical nearly literal back-breaking hugs to all who could bear them. Doppel was more sedate, but only overtly so; teasing remarks were fired off to everyone, with the notable exception of Lia. The child was safe, for now.

"You've recovered pretty well, it seems," Antonio noted, arms folded across his chest when the shapeshifter eventually wandered his way.

"Yeah, well," Doppel shrugged her slim shoulders. "I just miscalculated a little. Gu was having another episode, and I was the only one who could take the hit. What's an acid burn or three?"

"All the same. You had me a bit worried there."

Doppel snorted, looking away from him. "You've always been a worrywart." A brief pause. "... I'm fine now. Thanks, though," she added, her tone just a touch softer.

"Don't mention it."

Just then, Antonio felt a slight tug on his sleeve from behind, and he turned to see a wide violet eye looking up at him.

"Good morning, Antonio," Manako greeted with only a hint of nervousness, bowing her head slightly. "Um... it's good to see you. Though I guess we only saw each other yesterday, didn't we?"

"Good morning to you too, Mana," Antonio greeted back, smiling widely. "Good to see you too. And I feel like I see you less than you see me thanks to the bodyguard work," he said with a chuckle.

"Heh, that's true," she admitted shyly, her lips quirking upward.

"Oy, there ya are!"

Manako let out a startled "Eep!" and Antonio made an incredibly masculine yelp when an arm wrapped around his neck, yanking him over into a crushing embrace.

"'Bout damn time I found ya," Zoe said, squeezing the man in her vice-like grip once before pulling away. She hadn't changed an ounce over the years; her grin was as wide as ever, and her green and gold eyes were still filled to the brim with life. "I half-expected ya to be at the expo buildin' already!"

"I'm not in that much of a rush to get working," Antonio huffed, though he neither sounded nor looked all that upset by the rough contact. "Besides, how could I miss my dear friends Potemkin and Sebastian coming to visit?"

Zoe let out a hearty laugh at that, shaking her head. "Sure, sure! How could I forget! You guys have always been super tight!"

"Naturally," Antonio snorted. "Isn't that right, Mana..." He looked to the side, and frowned. "Huh, she left."

"Ya know how she is with big social stuff," Zoe offered with a shrug. "Just the way she is."

"True. I'd rather her be comfortable than not," Antonio replied, shrugging as well.

"Mm." Zoe looked him over, then turned her head around as if scanning the area. They were off to the side, with everyone else chatting animatedly toward the center. "Hey..." she began, leaning a little more closely with a muted expression on her face. "Just so ya know... that offer is still open."

They were lying in her bed, both breathing heavily and sweating. Both seemed content to simply be there like that in the darkness, listening to the sounds of their own ragged breaths and beating hearts.

It had been Zoe who broke the silence.

"Hey..." she began, tracing one of her fingers in a circular motion across his chest. "So I know this ain't easy for ya to talk 'bout, but..." She hesitated, a very un-Zoe action. "Ah, to hell with it. Do you wanna become a zombie?"

Antonio, who had been rubbing his thumb along her bare shoulder, froze. Blinked a few times. Waited for his brain to catch up with her words.

Eventually, it did, and all of the implications hit him at once.

"I-" Antonio floundered on his words. "I, um. I don't know."

He hated how weak of a response that was. But it was all he could conjure in that moment.

All the same, Zoe nodded. Her red hair brushed against his shoulder at the gesture. "I guess I... just kinda decided I wouldn't mind bein' like this for a long time," she admitted, her voice uncharacteristically soft. "We been doin' this for three years now. Couple rough patches here and there, but... it's been good overall, ya know? So... yeah," she ended, losing the words herself.

"It... really has been good," Antonio agreed. His thumb resumed its rubbing motion. "It's just... what if I find my family again, Zoe? I see them again, and then I just... watch them grow old around me, while I stay the same. They'd..." He had to take a breath. "I'd have to see them all die, eventually. I can't... I don't think I can do that."

"I know. It ain't like me and Romera," Zoe murmured. "We're all we had from the beginnin'. It's... selfish, I guess. I dunno," she grumbled. "You don't have to answer now."

Antonio took a long, deep breath. Gave the offer serious thought. Pondered potential outcomes.

"If..." he started, forcing the words out. "If I can't find them, if there's no chance..." The very thought was painful. Terrifying, even. But it had been three years of nothing. Something like that ate away at the man. "Then... I'll take you up on that."

A kiss on the cheek.

"Don't force yerself just for my sake," Zoe whispered, her face now so close her nose was pressing into his cheek. Her eyes were closed. "All I thought was just... maybe, eternity wouldn't be so bad, if I spent it with you."

That moment where he and Zoe had been dancing wildly and joyously at Kimihito and Miia's wedding, laughter on their faces and free of care, was preserved on the photo at his desk.

"... Even though I found my family?" Antonio asked quietly, hands in his pockets.

"Yup. Things change, ya know. Except for me, anyway," Zoe said with a somewhat bitter chuckle and a shake of her head. "I'll keep remindin' ya, until you start to get a bit too old that unlife might as well be hell for ya."

"How considerate of you," Antonio drolled.

"Heh. What can I say? Maybe the silver fox look'll suit you better," Zoe offered with a wink, but then her eyes caught something behind him. Her face softened, then she shook her head. "But who am I kiddin'. I could never hold a candle to her in your heart."

Antonio's bushy brows furrowed. "Huh? What're you-" He turned to see what she was talking about, then stopped in his tracks.

She had stopped appearing as a child for some time by then, taking on the form of an adult woman. Her suit was the genuine article, as opposed to the false clothes she'd make with her own shapeshifting, and appeared entirely unaffected by the slime that made her body. The way she carried herself was professional, mature, yet still held that strong vitality she'd had ever since the day they'd met ten years ago.

"Hi Dad," Suu said, her emerald eyes filled with love and warmth.

Antonio didn't say anything. Instead, he walked up to her and tenderly wrapped his arms around her, his face overwhelmed with emotion. She reciprocate with her many feelers.

No words were said. They didn't need to be. There was only the pure connection of emotions between them. Pride. Joy. Love.

Father and daughter stayed that way for a few minutes, communicating whatever thoughts they had silently. Eventually, they pulled away.

"Come on," Antonio urged, beckoning her forward to the others that had gathered. "They're all waiting for us."

"Suuuu!" Papi cried, flying over to the woman in question with happy tears in her eyes. "I missed youuuuuu!"

"I missed you too, Papi!" Suu laughed, catching the harpy in her arms and twirling her around.

"My my, you look so sharp," Rachnera observed with a smirk. "Daddy's little girl all grown up, huh?"

"It only makes sense," Cerea offered, looking down at Suu with pride. "After all, she is responsible for the slime race finally signing the Cultural Exchange Bill today."

"It's incredible! All of that hard work finally paid off, huh?" Miia asked excitedly, tail thumping against the ground.

"I daresay it is nothing short of miraculous," Mero agreed. "Why, it was less than a decade ago that most thought slimes as mere beasts. How wrong everyone had been!"

"A lot can change in that time," Kimihito pointed out, hefting Lia in his arms. "Back then, we spent so much time just playing games together. Now look at us."

"All who gathered here have answered a greater calling," Lala agreed, dusting off her trench coat. "I never once doubted that such individuals were worthy of the heights they'd reach."

Antonio was beside himself, seeing them all together.

Miia, the Chief Photographer of the Cultural Exchange. Lala, the key ambassador from the Senate of the Far Side. Rachnera, the lead manager of the Cultural Exchange. Cerea, the commander of MON Second Squad. Papi, the free spirit famous across the entire Cultural Exchange for her morale-boosting visits. Mero, the Queen of Neptunus. Kimihito, the Cultural Homestay Chief. Suu, the ambassador of the newly-formed slime government.

And there was him. The Vice-Director of the Cultural Exchange.

To think the Kurusu household would grow so much.

Suu was the first to notice Antonio being silent. She smiled, urged him forward. His family was waiting for him, after all.

He stood on the sidewalk, staring at his childhood home.

It had changed little over the last four years. The only real difference was the absence of the basketball hoop. No one had ever really used in recent years, anyway.

But now, he was here. Finally. His family would be inside, unaware of his presence until he stepped forward and rang the doorbell.

And yet, he couldn't move.

"I'm scared," Antonio whispered.

Suu's hand tightened its grip on his own. "I know," she said.

"I should be sprinting up there to meet them."

"I know."

"But now I'm here... and I can't move, and I don't know why."

"Because you've dreamt about this happening for years now, but you had started to believe you would never get this far." Suu's voice was calming, guiding. "Because now you can finally have peace."

"Peace," Antonio murmured. "I don't feel like I'm at peace at all. I feel..." He sniffled, tears falling down his face. "I don't even know anymore."

"You will," Suu assured him. "You'll figure it out. You always have."

Antonio's breathing was shaky, his hands trembling.

"Thank you," he said quietly. "I love you."

"I love you, too." She let go of his hand. "Now tell them that."

He nodded. And then, he stepped forward. He put one foot in front of the other, until he was standing at the door. His finger nearly missed the bell, and his ears were filled with a nostalgic sound.

Antonio's entire body was tense, overwhelmed. His mouth flapped open and closed, choking sounds pushing themselves outward as footsteps drew closer from within the home.

The door opened.

And he said-

"Your mom and dad were with Grandma and Grandpa and the rest of Dad's family," Suu told Kimihito. "They should be at the expo now."

"Oh, good," he breathed in relief. "In that case, we should get going." He turned to his wife and child. "Work's gonna start kicking in real soon here."

"That's right," Miia nodded. "I need to be there for the big opening ceremony to capture the whole thing!"

"Can I nap after..." Lia murmured, resting her head on her dad's shoulder.

"Of course," Kimihito laughed.

"That's right, I need to track down Polt to make sure the rest of the equipment is here," Rachnera sighed, pulling out a tablet and already tapping away at it.

"Would you mind if I joined you?" Mero asked hopeful.

"My queen, you cannot be-" Potemkin began, but one look from her ceased all protests. "... We shall begin preparations upon your return."

"Thank you, Potemkin," Mero said sweetly.

"There's that dangerous streak of yours again," Rachnera chuckled. "Alright, strap yourself in, Mero. It's gonna be a little rough."

"I don't mind," the queen giggled as Rachenra picked her up and began to create the familiar silk saddle on her back.

"MON Second Squad, prepare to escort your VIPs as we discussed," Cerea ordered.

"Ma'am!" replied Beiste, Draco, and Lilith in unison. Being around First Squad tended to keep them from acting up too much.

"I'm gonna go say hi to Kii before stuff happens!" Papi declared cheerfully.

"And we must confer with the greater powers that continue to guide us ever forward," Lala informed Suu, tossing her hair dramatically. "The good work must always continue."

"Okay," Suu replied, nodding once before turning to Antonio. "See you soon?"

"Of course. For now, I gotta meet with my boss," he told her. "See you guys in the workplace!" he called out to them all, waving goodbye.

"Until next we meet, dear sir!" Mero called back.

One by one, they parted ways. Everyone had places they needed to be, wanted to be. As Lala said in her own way, the work never ended.

"Goodbye, for now," Antonio said. They would all see each other again soon enough. They always did.

A slight nudge in his side pulled him back.

"Best not keep the boss waitin'," Zoe advised.

Antonio nodded, and walked toward the limousine. He slid inside, shutting the door behind him. Once he got himself settled, he looked to the woman across from him.

"Didn't feel like seeing them?" he asked, crossing a leg.

"You know I'm terrible with the sappy stuff," replied the Director of the Cultural Exchange. "Besides, I'm gonna be seeing them all constantly for the next week. Hardly a rush, wouldn't you say?"

"For you, maybe," Antonio retorted with some amusement. "You know I live for the sappier parts of life, Kuroko."

"Of course. It makes you a perfect fit for the job," Kuroko Katsuragi snorted, removing her sunglasses and setting them aside. The woman had aged from stress over the years, but her strength had never once faltered. Every action was, as ever, deliberate and confidant. She smiled at the man across from her. "You know, this makes me nostalgic."

"How so?"

"Ten years ago, we were in a car just like this, and you had a different name," she began, reclining in her seat. "And you wouldn't stop whining. Not to mention you had all of the pressure going on up here," she tapped a finger against her head, "Talk about a sorry sight."

"I can imagine," Antonio said, his expression growing thoughtful. "... Jesus. That was a long time ago. Weird to think how it all ended up."

"I'd hardly say it ended," Kuroko commented. "Everything just kept going on. Who knows how we'll be in another ten years." After a pause, she spoke again. "You don't look so sorry anymore, though. In fact, you look happier than ever, even though your workload's increased a hundredfold."

"Well, I have a lot to be happy about," Antonio told her.

And it was true. He had many loved ones. He had been reunited with his family and friends across worlds. He had gained a second family, stranger yet just as strong. He had a job he loved and made a difference in the world. Nothing grandiose or dramatic, but... still good.

"After all..." he said, his smile small but genuine.

The man who had once been called Akihiro Bando, who had finally found peace with his everyday life, uttered the same words he had when he finally saw his mother again.

"I'm home."

The end.

A/N: Wow, the end I can't believe y'all have rocked with me this long I appreciate it truly. Thank you all for getting this story over 1K reads that is insane to me! There is a sense of bittersweetness though, primarily because well the sweetness is I fulfilled one of my goals which was to complete a project it took 7 Months of consistency but we got here to the end of the road and I feel a great sense of pride and accomplishment but the bitterness comes in where I've been writing these characters and I will miss writing them! But my journey is far from over I have bangers come in the following weeks/months so stay tuned in for those and thank you all again for the love you've shown this story I appreciate it immensely and hope you all continue to support my future projects.

But I've kept you all long enough until next time, drive the speed limit; love one another, and in case I don't see you... Good afternoon, good evening, and good night.

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