Chapter 34: Everyone Interlude: May The Best Smash Player Win

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Kimihito or "MC"

I noticed Aki glaring at me when I chose Mario, which indicated that he was aware of my intentions. To this, I responded with a subtle yet defiant smile.

I dare you to pick a ranged fighter.

Now, I rarely ever feel the need to be competitive in any situation. I have adopted a slow and steady approach to life, which helps me make sound decisions, even when impulsive. The moderation mantra has been through the Kurusu line for generations, and I make every effort to live my life following it.

As I engaged in the fierce competition with my peers, I felt a spark of determination ignite in my eyes. I was determined to win, but I also knew how to accept defeat gracefully. If I could come out on top occasionally, that would be a bonus.

Aki smirked at me, seemingly pleased with his bold choice of selecting ROB. I nodded in appreciation of his brave decision.

For the inexperienced, Mario's signature move was swinging a cloth at his opponents. Although the attack was lackluster in range and damage, it had a valuable property: any projectiles it hit got reflected, and anyone who tried to approach Mario at close range got reversed. Thus, in the hands of a talented fighter, Mario could be a formidable foe, especially when pitted against opponents who relied on long-range attacks.

I had extensive experience playing Melee, so I had a good grasp of the game.

Miia excitedly exclaimed at my side, "You're playing Mario, Darling? Then I want to be Princess Peach!"

"It's just a game, Miia," I told her with a tired smile, "You can be whoever you want."

"And I want to be your princess!" she responded in kind as she selected Peach.

"Aw, but I wanted to be Peach," complained Tio.

"You can still be her, you know," Aki spoke, "You'll just be a different color, is all."

Tio beamed at him. "Really! Yay, yay!"

"... But I don't wanna share..." Miia pouted.

"Don't worry," I assured her, pointing at the screen, "You're still the real Princess Peach to me, Miia."

"Oh, Darling!" Miia wrapped her arms around me, pressing her cheek against my shoulder and beaming with delight. "You're so sweet!"

I let out a chuckle as I glanced back at the screen. I had trouble deciding on my nickname, so Aki suggested "MC" for unknown reasons. With no better alternative in sight, I went along with it. Doppel was now ready to decide the stage and--

My heart sank when I saw that she had chosen The Great Cave Offensive once more. Everyone besides Doppel and Suu let out a collective groan while Rachnera was busy cackling in amusement.

Miia or "darling love!"

I prefer Mario Kart over Super Smash. Not only can I keep track of what's happening in the game, but I find it much more enjoyable and engaging. The characters, the tracks, and the overall experience are much more enjoyable for me.

Still, a lot of the characters from these series are incredibly adorable! I want to cuddle up with a plush Kirby, Pikachu, or Jigglypuff! Those would be the perfect companions for a relaxing day in.

Zelda is my absolute favorite! She is an excellent character - a princess and a magical girl. I've always dreamed of being like her! Peach is a close second for me, mainly because of her iconic move, where she uses her hips to send out a vast, pink heart! It's so adorable!

Perhaps if I practice that same move with the power of love, I could make sure Darling falls for me with the power of my hips alone!

Okay, sure, it's just a video game, but a girl can dream, right?

Papi or "Papi Papi."


"Papi, you can't just run around the map repeatedly. I know you're Sonic and all, but-"

"Gotta go fast!"

"I understand," Big Brother sighed, "But you can't win if you-"


"I'm trying to help you-!"


"... Never mind."

Centorea or "Saber"

"Have at thee!" I roared, my noble avatar Lucina quickly rushing towards my foe, ready to face whatever challenge awaited us.

This game was the incomparable experience I could ever ask for; a simple yet profound and glorious clash between noble warriors! Indeed, Super Smash Bros. was a battlefield where only those with a true warrior's spirit could prevail!

My opponent, a humanoid frog controlled by Doppel, did nothing in response to my attack besides striking a peculiar pose. Underestimating the significance of this, I moved in for the kill.

Only to have her instantly appear behind me and deliver a powerful kick to my back, sending me soaring through the air.

"Deceit and trickery!" I shouted angrily, turning to face Doppel. "Don't you have the courage to face me openly?!"

She raised an eyebrow at me and said, "Doppelganger," as if it was all the explanation I needed.

"Brace yourself," I cautioned her as I watched Lucina walk away from the stage, "I won't tolerate a knight's honor getting disregarded so easily!"

"I'm trembling with fear in my metaphorical boots," Doppel replied dryly.

After delivering a series of powerful swings and sending her flying off into the distance, seeing the smirk disappear from her face was immensely satisfying.


I read into his mind (he willingly allowed me to!) to gain further insight. I find it an enjoyable activity. He always appears preoccupied with his thoughts, and I can detect a measure of relief when I employ this method. Therefore, I continue to do so.

I delved into his mind to understand and play the game more effectively. I learned various tactics such as dodging, smashing, edge-guarding, and grabbing. What I found most intriguing was a memory of his friend who had a knack for picking characters that could easily take out his opponents, like Bowser, Donkey Kong, and Kirby and meta knight.

His friend looked so blissful, so I decided to go and see if the same thing would make me happy too. And it did! I found myself repeating the same action repeatedly, and each time it was just as enjoyable as the last.

I don't think everyone else likes it, but that doesn't matter. I'm happy, and Aki is happy, so that's all that matters!

Mero or "Ariel"

I have to admit; I can appreciate why the game is so appealing to others, even though it isn't something that I enjoy. I much prefer being a spectator, especially when I witness a valiant warrior battling and striving to stay alive until the end, only to be taken down by the harshness of fate (usually Doppel)!

It wasn't as heart-wrenching as a tragic romance, yet it was still a tragedy in its own right.

Still, watching the mayhem on the TV was not nearly as demanding as the events unfolding right before me. Namely, my dear sir may already have started a tragic romance alone.

Without me, I don't know what this feeling is, but I'm not too fond of it.

He seemed entirely comfortable with the Zombina woman, exchanging lighthearted and intense banter. They rarely had a break from their conversations, whether trading jibes or simply talking. Her fellow MON Squad members confided that they were in constant contact.

I had held a distant hope that I could somehow take part in a bittersweet romance with the dimensional traveler, dreaming of us falling in love until the day he had to leave to go back to his world. To be lovers, separated by time and space, would be a dream come true; so beautiful, it would fill any mermaid's heart with joy!

But when I look at Aki now and see him with Zombina, those thoughts only arise after considering them. Instead, all I can fondly recall is that beautiful moment when he held me in his arms, singing in the rain.

Could my situation have gotten even more tragic than I'd anticipated?

Rachnera or "Charlotte"

Well, I can safely say I've had worse first days with host families.

This game they played appeared to lack structure and logical order, especially when observing players like Papi, Tionishia, and Miia, who seemed to be recklessly attacking their opponents. However, upon closer inspection, it became apparent that the more experienced players had a plan in place and were executing it with precision.

My host demonstrated a guile I had not anticipated from such a gentle-mannered individual, rapidly reacting to whatever was thrown at him and responding in force. Doppel was the most devious of them all, and I expected nothing less from her, exploiting the environment in a way no other could. Zombina, while prone to occasional outbursts of wild rage, was at least mindful of the flow of combat and acted accordingly. Suu undoubtedly had the potential, as evidenced by her prolonged duels with Centorea. Yet, she usually squandered that aptitude in taking out adversaries with her to no real benefit.

The mysterious light-skinned boy from another dimension never seemed to have any particular skill that set him apart. He never had a definitive trump card or secret knowledge to guarantee a win. Yet, somehow, he almost always managed to be one of the last three survivors, and he even won a few times.

He was more than his above-average looks; he was ordinary in every action. He displayed a lighthearted sense of humor while bantering with Zombina and Doppel, showed compassion and understanding by offering encouragement to Suu, and provided helpful advice to those with difficulty. He was overall incredibly regular and honest, making him a beloved presence in the group.

So what had happened to the man who'd rubbed me the wrong way so much last night?

Smith or "MIB"

Why won't anyone answer my calls?! I'm overwhelmed with paperwork here, and I can't even get a break to make sarcastic remarks to them!

You know what, forget it. It's almost time for my lunch break, so I might as well go to that house and find out what's so important that they can ignore my urgent requests for help.

Zombina or "Fullmetal Zeke"

"Why, Suu?!", Centorea implored, her face in her hands, "Why do you have to give such a deceptive victory every time?!"

Suu giggled in response.

"At least you managed to last longer than two minutes," I groaned, leaning back against the couch. "Kudos to your tactical genius; you had me zoned out like a motherfucker!"

"You consistently attempted to get into my personal space," Aki stated casually, "You could have easily avoided me if you wished."

"No way would I let you keep shooting fire and lightning at everyone from the sidelines!"

"You can hardly blame Counselor-san for taking the path of least resistance," Rachnera said with a smirk, "He is the experienced one here, so naturally, he knows how to come out on top."

"Except I didn't win," he noted, with a hint of irritation that filled me with a comforting warmth, "due to unfortunate circumstances."

"Aw, you say the sweetest things!" Doppel cooed mockingly, "You can hardly blame me; I had to avenge my fallen comrade."

I chuckled. "Thanks, Doppel-chan. It's nice to know that you care about my well-being, even if it's only occasionally."

"But of course!"

Yeah, I was digging this. I should drop by here more often!

Tionishia or "Have Fun!"


I couldn't believe it - I had won! Excitement coursed through my veins as I jumped up and shouted joyfully, "I won! I won!"

"Unbelievable!" Doppel exclaimed in disbelief, "Your slow-moving Bowser managed to hit me somehow."

"Now, now, Doppel-chan," I scolded her, "You know what they say about a positive attitude?"

"Enlighten me."

I grinned at her. "Positive attitude, positive kill/death ratio!"

"That sounds scarier than encouraging...." Miia murmured.

"Only if you have a negative attitude!" I corrected.

Manako or "Ignore me."

Please don't look at me; please don't look at me; please don't look at me!


A colossal sphere of azure energy collided with Captain Falcon, propelling him into the atmosphere.

"What the heck?! Mana-chan?! Where did you come from?!" Zombina exclaimed in shock.

"I apologize," I stuttered, averting my gaze from her, "I saw an opportunity and seized it..."

"Oh well," she replied with a slight shrug, her outrage dissipating. "I knew I had forgotten someone."

Without wasting more time, I swiftly moved Samus away from the chaotic battle and located a secluded corner to start charging my attack.

Please don't look at me; please don't look at me.

Doppel or "Behind You"


To be continued!

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