Chapter 35: the majesty Blue Wings

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I glanced at my watch and noticed it was almost lunchtime, so I got up and offered my controller to Mero. "Hey, you interested in a game? I need to chat with Kurusu for a bit."

"Oh wow!" Mero exclaimed, astonished that I'd even considered her for the task. "Are you sure you want me to take your place? I wouldn't want to steal your chance at all the recognition you've worked so hard for..."

"Oh, those stars? Yeah, they don't matter. I gave up trying to reach the top because of Suu here," I poked Suu, who nudged me with a playful smile, "It's all good."

"Delightedly, I accept!" Mero exclaimed, accepting the controller with her webbed hands gracefully.

"Here, let me move you up so you get a better view," I said, pushing her closer to the group gathered around the TV. Leaning in, I whispered in her ear, "Play as Game & Watch; no one has played as him yet, so you'll have the element of surprise."

"I see," Mero whispered back, her face a perfect mask of serenity and kindness, "And how might my Smash Master suggest I play him?"

Why did the way she said that makes me uneasy?

"Try your luck with side B; it could easily do an instant knockout if you're lucky," I replied, standing up straight and tall. "At the very least, it will drive them insane!"

"Duly noted, Smash Master," Mero giggled.

I chuckled and gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder as I departed. I made my way to Kurusu, who was not playing in the upcoming round and took a spot beside Rachnera to provide her with some companionship.

"Hey man," I greeted. "Getting close to lunchtime. What're you thinking?"

"Well, I'd hate to break up this fun party," he said as another round of loud cheers erupted in response to Tio's remarkable Ganondorf dunk play. "So, why don't I just make some lunch? I don't mind, especially since food isn't so expensive nowadays."

"You're too kind," Rachnera remarked, her tone more understanding than critical. "This is your home, so you don't have to go out of your way for people who just show up uninvited."

Kurusu shrugged and put on a cheerful smile. "It's no trouble at all," he said reassuringly.

I glanced over the gathering of people crowded around the television, seeing the empty bowls of chips and other snacks, and contemplated a feasible compromise.

"How about this; we've been snacking for quite some time now, so people might not be ready for a full meal." Of course, because these girls usually eat more than the average human, they should be fine. "So why don't I run out and get healthier options, such as snacks, fruits, and other light food, so we can say we at least attempted to eat healthily?"

Kurusu asked uncertainly, "Are you sure you want to do that? I could go if you'd like..."

"No, you should be hosting the group; you've already done so much, and it would be unfair to ask you to do anything else."

"You could be right," he conceded. "It might be a good idea to take someone with you to give you a helping hand."

I nodded in agreement. "That sounds great. Hmm..." I surveyed the room, looking for someone who wasn't already playing. "Hey, Papi! Are you up for going out to get some food with me?"

"Absolutely!" she exclaimed excitedly, leaping off the couch to join me. "It's been too long since I've been able to stretch my wings!"

"Glad to hear it!" I said with a sincere smile, turning to Kurusu. "Is there anything else you need me to do while I'm out?"

"Get some laundry detergent," he answered quickly, then added apologetically, "If it's not too much of an inconvenience."

I snorted in amusement. "Trust me; I'm relieved to receive your orders for a change. Let's go, Papi." Right before we were about to leave the room, another idea crossed my mind. "Hey, Rachnera, do you want to come with us?"

Arachne's six eyes blinked at me in surprise. However, she quickly regained her composure and said, "Oh, go on without me. I'd rather stay in if it's alright with you."

"Come on, Rachnee!" Papi pleaded, tugging her arm, "It'll be a blast!"

"Grocery shopping isn't exactly the most entertaining activity," I said with a faint chuckle, "But if you don't want to, you don't have to."

She hummed in response, resting a cheek against her palm as she glanced at Kurusu and the rowdy Smash players. A smile tugged at her lips as she considered the offer, but eventually, she shook her head.

"I appreciate the offer, but I think I'm going to stay," Rachnera eventually decided, folding her arms. "There are some things I must take care of in my room anyway."

"Suit yourself," I shrugged nonchalantly. "Alright, we'll catch up with you all later."

Papi waved her wing fervently as we departed the room, yet nobody seemed to notice, as they were all too captivated by the riveting match to offer more than a few mumbled replies.

Right as I was about to open the front door to leave, it unexpectedly swung open to reveal a familiar face, only this time looking unusually drained. I should have expected her to show up sooner or later.

Smith stepped into the house with a scowl as she said, "I hate paperwork!" An uproar of indignation filled the room. "And I see you all have been having a great time," she added sarcastically.

"Yeah, well," I offered sheepishly, feeling the total weight of her judgmental gaze, "Uh, sorry, we don't have your job?"

Smith sighed heavily, and her shoulders slumped in defeat. "If I had known the trouble his deportation would cause me, I would have been harsher with that Damn orc. Oh, and don't tell anyone I said that."

"In one ear and out the other," I reassured her, "Playing violent video games in the living room is a great way to have some fun and relieve stress - why don't you join in?"

"You know," Smith nodded, "I just might do that after I get some of Darling-kun's delicious coffee, of course."

"Of course. Papi and I will return shortly; we're just heading out to grab some food."

"Neat." Smith was already walking away when she suddenly remembered and added, "Oh, and don't forget your next session is tomorrow!"

I had no idea how to approach a raptor as I had never dealt with any of the generally unfriendly liminal species before. I hoped that Papi, being a harpy – a subspecies of raptor – could provide me with some helpful advice. However, I was aware of the significant differences between the two.

Well, you don't know until you know, you know?

"Don't worry, I haven't," I assured Smith before leading Papi outside. Smith didn't respond, making it evident that the conversation had ended. I shut the door tightly behind us, and we began our journey to the supermarket. Papi seemed to instantly take off, flapping her wings and soaring around me in circles like an excited and joyful vulture.

It was hard to avert my gaze and keep my eyes trained on the pavement. I hadn't witnessed Papi soar since I arrived here, and observing her stirred up a sense of awe within me. Whenever I thought I had gotten accustomed to the presence of liminals, one of them would proceed to do something that I never imagined I'd get to see. The little things were always the most striking, like Miia using her tail to pick up objects or Suu doing virtually anything.

As improbable as it may have seemed, I had always wanted to live in a world filled with wondrous creatures like the dragons I used to play with. I was astonished that this fantasy had become my reality and that I could now call some of these creatures my friends. It was an aspiration I never believed would come to fruition.

It was a shame I couldn't experience it with the people I'd left behind.

Papi swooped down and grabbed onto my shoulders with her strong talons. Without giving me a chance to protest, she rapidly flapped her wings and rose back into the air with me in tow.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" I shouted, my voice carrying over the howling wind that blew into my face. I quickly closed my eyes, not daring to look down as I waited for a response.

"Well, you kept watching me fly around, and you looked... um...." Papi hummed as she searched for the word. "Logging?"

"Longing," I murmured, my heart racing as I tried to forget that I was now soaring above ten feet.

"Yeah, that!" Papi giggled in delight. "You seemed a little down, so I thought flying might bring a smile to your face, as it always brings a smile to mine!"

I went limp, allowing my feet to rest from their futile efforts and suspend in the air. I had not noticed until then how delicately Papi was embracing me, her claws applying only enough pressure to keep me from slipping. I had expected a crushing grip, so the reality of her restrained hold surprised me. This display of control was something I never anticipated from Papi.

... Huh.

I wasn't sure about what to say to the gesture, so I went with an old standby.

"Thank you," I whispered, feeling relief wash over me as I took a deep breath and let my body become relaxed.

"You're welcome!" Papi replied, "Now let's go get some munchies!"

"Yeah, let's go!" I said with a cheerful smile, spreading my arms wide in excitement. "Onward!" I shouted enthusiastically, not caring how dorky I sounded.

And so the two of us flew over the city, laughing in the clear blue skies.

To be continued!

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