Chapter 69: Stirring Of The Lifeless

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As it transpired, Zombina's abode was just a block from the Cultural Exchange building. This luxurious apartment complex housed all the liminals in the city who were not living with host families. It suddenly dawned on me that this was probably Polt's residence, too, since there was never any mention of her being part of the Exchange Program. Moreover, this complex was a hotel for visiting liminals, ambassadors, or tourists.

I couldn't help but marvel at the stunning murals that adorned the walls. The artwork depicted a hopeful vision of harmony between humans and the liminals. As I strolled through the lobby, I noticed a troll and a halfling centaur in deep conversation. I wondered to myself how much money had been spent to make sure the facility could accommodate the needs of all the various species of the Cultural Exchange. However, it was heartening to see that the Cultural Exchange had, at least, gotten one thing right.

One quick ride in the elevator and I was standing outside what I assumed to be Zombina's apartment. Would Manako, Tio, and Doppel live nearby too? It seemed logical for the whole team to stay close together, although I wasn't sure if they'd live in the same apartment.

Well, time to find out. I knocked on the door.

Not expecting the door to be unlocked, I was greeted by a familiar voice calling, "It's open!" I stepped inside and felt a chill as a cold gust of air swept through the room. Instinctively, I brought my hands up to my arms to try and warm myself.

"F-Fuck, i-it's c-c-c-cold in here," I chattered, feeling the goosebumps as they formed beneath my fingers. I was dressed for a lightly cool summer night, not the freaking winter! "Hey, Z-Z-Zombina, the hell you at?!"

I paused before taking off my shoes, trying to decide between feeling uncomfortable or being impolite. I hoped she had something to warm me up deeper in her house. As I entered, I was surprised to find it quite spacious. A dark, narrow corridor led to what I assumed was the kitchen, judging by the sinks and pans. I noticed her jacket lying on the floor beside the coat rack, prompting me to shake my head and hang it up.

"Just chillin' in the living room!" she shot back, still out of sight. Har har. "You comin' or what?"

"Yeah, lemme just try and get feeling in my extremities first," I replied, rubbing my arms some more as I walked down the hallway. "Why the hell is it this c-c-cold any-?"

I was interrupted once I stepped into the kitchen, where I was greeted by the sight of a shambling, sickly figure, its rotten hands stretching hungrily toward me.

"Braaaaaaaaaaaaains..." it moaned, gaping at me with a wide-open maw.

"HOLY SHIT!" I squealed in panic, jumping back and slamming into the wall behind me. I clutched my pounding chest as I took deep breaths, giving myself a moment to collect my thoughts before realizing what was happening. "That's... not funny..."

The wheezing sound from the zombie girl in front of me took me a moment to realize it was a burst of laughter. She staggered slightly, steadying herself against a chair, her eyes befogged yet still glinting with a hint of life. She regarded me with a curious expression.

"I dunnoooooo," she said in a dull, monotonous voice, "Mmmmmmade me laaaaaaaugh...."

"Oi, Romera!" Zombina interjected, stepping into the kitchen wearing a black tank top that was barely there and cut-off jeans that were shorter than short. I couldn't help but stare, not only because she looked so attractive for an undead but also because of all the stitches and scars that covered her skin. I knew she had gone through many battles and suffering in the past, but the magnitude of it all was overwhelming. "Careful now, don't make him piss his pants!"

"Welllll at least heeeeeeee'd be warmmmmmmm," the newly-dubbed Romera responded with a slow shrug. Her pale green skin seemed to have a sheen, making her appear almost translucent beneath the pale light.

"... Still not sure if that joke was in poor taste," I eventually said once I gathered my wits and pushed myself up. "You're Zombina's sister; I take it?"

She was about to respond when Zombina casually draped an arm around her neck, much to the other's vexation. "That she is," the MON member answered, "Aki, this is my elder sister, Romera. Romera, Aki, liminal counselor and professional at getting snatched."

"Hey, that was only...." I paused as I mentally counted, "Twice! Well, maybe thrice, if we count that one time with Miia..." Then I was hit again by a bad case of the shivers, prompting me to rub my arms again. "By the way, what's a skinny human gotta do to get some extra clothes around here?"

"Hold on, ya wimp," Zombina assured me, patting my shoulder as she passed me to walk into the hallway I came from. A few moments later, something soft was thrown on top of me. "Ya didn't need to pick it up, ya know," she said as I gratefully put on the jacket.

"I know," I replied, humming happily as the extra layer of clothing did its work, "And thanks!"

"Aaaaaaanywaaaaaaay," Romera said, already shuffling further into the apartment, "I'mmmmm gonna leeeeeave now beforrrrrrre I get siiiiiick. Haaaaave fun bein' a creeeeeepy cougarrrrrrr, Bina."

As I watched her lumber away, I had so many questions burning inside me, but I chose to stay quiet until she was out of sight. Then I slowly turned to Zombina, my expression filled with curiosity.

"Eh, she's just grumpy 'cause she hasn't left the apartment in months," Zombina answered a bit too casually to pass as casual. She gruffly took my arm and led me further in. "C'mon, let's go chill in the living room."

"Um," I responded, "Mind explaining what the heckaroony is happening here? Like why it feels like I'm in a fridge right now, for starters?"

"'Cause of Romera," she said as we entered the living room, where a decent-sized couch and TV lay. Posters of action movies decorated the walls, ranging from American films I recognized to Japanese ones that I didn't, with more than a few featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger. "Her body needs to be in a cold environment at all times; otherwise, it starts decaying."

"Huh. That... sucks," I said, not sure of what else to say to that. The two of us sat at opposite ends of the couch, slouching into the armrests to face each other.

"It is what it is," Zombina shrugged, "Been that way for over twenty years now. Hell of enough time to get used to shit like that."

"Twenty years..." I breathed before that grew into a yawn. "Ugh. Damn it, Kurusu...."

"What're you mumblin' about?"

"Oh, Kurusu made dinner with all the foods that usually make people sleepy so that the girls would be able to sleep through the full moon tonight," I explained, trying to hide my yawn, "He didn't tell me about it beforehand, and now I'm feeling so tired!"

Zombina snorted. "Didn't think the househusband could be that devious. Ya could've told me you were too tired to come, ya know. I promise it won't hurt my fragile feelings."

"I can soldier through," I replied with a shrug, "Besides, I'm hardly a big eater, so-" Fucking yawn. "-... I'll be fine."

That got a laugh out of her, which made me pretty happy. "If ya say so," she said, and I couldn't help but note her slight shuffling closer. A half-smile crossed her stitched-up face. "Ya know, the full moon is pretty fuckin' weird when you think about it."

"Does it affect you at all?" I asked.

"Eh, that's what's weird about it," Zombina sort-of answered, "Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't, but it hasn't for a while now. When it does, it makes me wanna spread the zombie virus and makes me go a little nuts. Really fuckin' annoying."

"Hm." I rubbed my chin. "I guess that makes some sense, considering it lowers liminals inhibitions...."

"But zombies aren't liminals!" Zombina interjected, "We're just, like, 'altered humans' or some kinda bullshit. We're just labeled liminals 'cause of a technicality, so why the fuck are we affected by it?"

"Oh, those technicalities," I sighed, "But maybe it has something to do with the virus itself? Do you know where it came from?"

"Nope," Zombina shook her head, "Been around for ages, but no one seems to know where it started."

"Wait, the zombie virus has been around for ages?" I asked skeptically, "Then how come the public never knew about it until recently?"

"Hell, if I know. It's not like zombies lasted long enough to pass down stories an' shit to other zombies back in the ol' days." She pondered for a moment. "Up until half a century ago, anyway."

"Which was when the preservation methods were created," I guessed.


I nodded but paused as something hit me. "Say... if they figured out how to preserve zombies fifty years ago, how come Romera is like that? You said you guys were... uh, zombified twenty years ago, right?"

"It's... eh." Her features fell somewhat. "Kinda a long story, and it ain't a happy one. Later?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Anyway, I didn't ask ya to come over for that kind of heavy shit," Zombina said dismissively, folding her arms beneath her chest. It was then that I noticed she'd somehow gotten a bit closer without me realizing it. MON training is hard at work, I see. "So... I was wonderin'...." Wow, she looked a little uncertain there. "Ya got a girlfriend back home?"

And here we go. Let's see if I can make up my fucking mind on this.

"Nope," I answered honestly, "Haven't had a serious girlfriend for... two years it is now, I think. Why?"

Christ, she was getting closer. Her green and yellow eyes bored into me.

"Well then..." For a moment, she looked conflicted, but then she groaned and rolled her eyes. "Fuck it; I'm no good at melodramatic bullshit anyway."


Any words or thoughts immediately died because Zombina lunged forward and pressed her lips against mine.

To be continued!

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