Chapter 70: The Elusive Breakdown

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I was not expecting that. I need to think. Zombina pulled away, staring at me expectantly. You need to think fast.

No, you are not a least not yet. Your heart is pounding, and you can feel the blood rushing to your face. You can taste the mint on your lips, which is strange. You are unsure if this is the prelude to undeath, and you regret not having asked about the stages of zombiism earlier. You need more information to be sure.

All right, I can push that aside for now—time to figure out what the hell just happened and what it means.

A hot girl likes you, ya dummy! Chided an obstinate voice in my head; it's not that complicated!

No shit, I thought. The problem here was what to do about it.

Not unreasonable to reciprocate; I cannot deny that I was drawn to her on some level, and we got along quite well. She has proven herself to be someone I can trust in a pinch and even saved my life multiple times. Additionally, she was not living at the Kurusu house, which would give us the necessary space to make it work if it came down to it.

But...well, there were some drawbacks too. It was sad and evident that she was a zombie, which put a bit of a dampener on things. Even though she was pretty active, her body was toxic to me. Her 'blood' was highly contagious, and I wasn't sure how the zombie virus was passed on. Even if the kiss didn't do it, did it involve something other than body fluids? I needed more information. There was also the matter of being physically intimate with my partner. Call me shallow or crazy, but I wanted to be able to share that experience with someone of the opposite sex, and if I couldn't do it with my partner, it would be very frustrating.

All that considered, I had clarified to Mero earlier that I wasn't searching for a relationship, and that sentiment still held. It would have been easy to ignore my morals and go ahead with my plans, but I couldn't shake the guilt of doing so. Furthermore, it would have inevitably cost me Mero's trust, which I didn't want to risk, despite our differing opinions.

I needed more time to figure out what to say, leaving me with no other option. However, this was taking far too long already.

"Will ya quit gawkin' at me like that and say something already?" Zombina pouted angrily, folding her arms.

"... Um." C'mon, man, spit something out, anything! "... You popped a mint before I got here, didn't you?"

Fucking smooth.

Zombina stared at me blankly. "Seriously?" she asked dully. "That's all you have to say?"

"Well, forgive me if I wasn't fully prepared for that!" I exclaimed, with a hint of indignation in my voice. It's no wonder I feel awkward in such unfamiliar situations, even when it's in a different dimension. "It's a lot to take in all at once."

"Christ, I'm not asking for a tearful love confession or some shit like that," Zombina said with a roll of her eyes, "It's like a chick never kissed ya before."

It was my turn to give her a blank look. "I have been kissed before and plenty more besides," I shot back.

"Ooooh, look at you! Aren't ya just so experienced in the ways of looo~ooove..."

I rolled my eyes, exasperated. "I wasn't trying to boast," I countered, although I couldn't help but allow a slight smirk to appear. "What do you even want me to say? What is it that you're looking for?"

"Eh," Zombina swayed in her seat, cross-legged as she flopped about, "I dunno."

"I call bullshit," I said before I could stop myself.

She shrugged. "Maybe. Sorry, I felt like kissin' ya, so I did. I haven't done the whole relationship thing for, like, a decade, so I'm a lil outta practice."

"And I thought my two years out of the game was sad," I sighed. She lightly jabbed me in the shoulder, which still hurt like a bitch.

"Watch it," Zombina dangerously muttered before her features softened, "Look, I may be short a few more brain cells than most, but I'm not an idiot. Ya could be headin' back to your home dimension anytime, and that kinda thing tends to put a damper on stuff."

"Yup," I nodded, letting out a sigh of relief and leaning back against the couch, "That's why I'm not prioritizing having a girlfriend at the moment. I mean, sure, I've considered it," Mostly when I'm a bit tipsy, I'll admit, "But that's not what I'm after right now."

I had begun to understand that I was scared of change, even though that was counterproductive. I had settled into a routine and had found a sense of comfort in this strange world. If I were to enter into a relationship with someone, it could disrupt this balance and create issues in the future, especially if I was planning to leave soon...

Excuses, excuses. It felt like I was running away. Like I was back home, whenever I was confronted with something I didn't like or didn't make me comfortable, I always ran.

Zombina groaned. "I think you're over-thinkin'. Again."

"How do you figure?"

"As I said, I wanted to kiss ya, so I did," she elaborated, "I like puttin' it all out there, ya know? So I just wanted ya to know what'd been on my mind for a while. That's it."

"So... you don't want... anything?" I hazarded, not quite believing that. They always want something.

"Eh, who knows? I like hangin' with ya; it's fun. Maybe not as fun as a good shootout, but still," Zombina shrugged, throwing me a cheeky grin, "Considering all the shit we talked 'bout and your whole situation, actual datin' probs won't be a thing. Doesn't mean I might not give ya a surprise peck should it tickle my fancy."

I scratched my head, pondering. That was... okay. I guess. But I couldn't just leave it at that and chalk it up to Zombina's impulsiveness. This wouldn't return to the status quo; it added another layer to a relationship I valued more than most I had here. I wasn't ready to sacrifice that because things might be awkward.

The attraction was now out in the open, which I was happy about. It was better to know where we stood rather than leave it in the subtext. I was thankful that Zombina was much more relaxed about this situation than most, which made it easier for us. Otherwise, this could have been much more difficult.

I had carefully reasoned every justification and was content with them; however, I could not help but envision a face with pink curls and sapphire eyes glaring at me in disapproval. I was not going back on my word, as a few kisses between friends did not constitute a severe and romantic entanglement.


... Why did I feel like this wouldn't be the end of it? At all?

Maybe... hm...

Fucking hell, thinking this crap through was annoying.

"You're doing it again," Zombina stated.

I blinked. "Huh?"

"Over-thinkin'. It's cute, but still. You do it too much."

"Heh, that's probably true," I laughed nervously.

"I mean, I never do that anymore, and look at me now!" Zombina exclaimed, spreading her arms out and sticking her tongue out.

I raised a finger and opened my mouth but stopped myself.

"That was a joke, ya weirdo," she said, playfully kicking me, "I hear those lighten the mood most of the time."

"They've been known to do that," I admitted with a slight laugh.

"Look, I get it, alright? A gal pal ain't exactly chief of your concerns, 'specially," She frowned, "One that's, ya know, dead and all. Plus, I'm, like, twice your age, and how weird is that?"

"Most people would probably think one is weirder than the other," I groaned before suddenly remembering something Romera had said. "Ah, that's why she called you a cougar..." I mused with a smirk.

"Ugh," she grumbled, "Could we not?"

"Going back a little...I never truly saw as dead, you know," I eventually said after a moment of silence. "I understand your...unusual condition, but I would never think of you as a lifeless body."

"Eh? How do you figure?"

"The fact that you talk, and talk so animatedly, is a reminder that you're alive," I said matter-of-factly. "You're livelier than most people I know who technically fit the definition of 'alive.' You're not dead, Zombina; otherwise, I don't know who I've been talking to for the past month."

Zombina stared at me momentarily before breaking into laughter, though I still noted a light blush on her cheeks. "How fucked up is it that 'you're not dead' is meant to be a compliment?" she said between giggles.

Probably as fucked up as the existence of a zombie virus in the first place.

When she calmed down, she sighed as a sardonic smile crossed her face.

"Haven't talked 'bout shit like this in ages," Zombina said, brushing stray red strands of hair out of her face, "Been movin' 'round too much, what with helpin' Kuroko an' Romera an' all that. But that's what I get for jus' jumpin' ya tonight and only thinkin' through the fact that ya won't get the virus from a kiss."

"Well... for what's it worth? I appreciate it," I responded, shooting her a small smile.

"What, that I kissed ya, or that I didn't want ya to join the rest of us deaders?"

"... Both," I admitted, "Sorry, but becoming a zombie isn't exactly something I want to do yet."

"Ya sure?" she replied, winking at me, "There are tons of perks, ya know. Less food an' sleep, casual dismemberment," Zombina pulled off her left arm for emphasis, "And nigh-immortality. All for the small price of your humanity and a few icky body stuff."

"Considering the current state of the world, 'humanity' might not be an appropriate term," I chuckled. "But thank you for your kind offer."

"Eh, I was never good at that sales pitch," she conceded, using her unattached left arm as a backscratcher. She sighed in contentment and closed her eyes.

"... You know, you're being a lot cooler about this rejection thing than I expected," I confessed.

She peeked an eye open, the golden one, and regarded me.

"Meh, it's whatever," Zombina eventually replied, "We're both adults; you're not bein' a dick about it, and it's not like we're hidin' from the truth an' shit. Besides, you kissed back, so it's not a total wash."

"A knee-jerk reaction," I jokingly responded, "It's like a universal law that when a cute girl kisses you, you must kiss back. No questions asked!"

"Whatever, weirdo," Zombina snorted and rolled her eyes.

I felt a mix of emotions in my chest, a sensation gradually intensifying since she and I had the opportunity to discuss what had just transpired openly. Happiness, coupled with something else. Confirmation? At this juncture, perhaps that was simply the sleep-inducing dinner in my stomach speaking.

Either way, that feeling stirred within me an overwhelming urge. An urge that compelled me to throw caution to the wind and express something hopelessly romantic.

"When I go back home," I said, my face lighting up with happiness at the thought, "I want you to come with me. Meet my friends and family. I'm sure they'll love you."

"Where'd that come from?"

"I dunno," I shrugged, "Just wanted you to know what I was thinking."

"Mm... sure, why not?" Zombina replied, "Though... you said there are no such things as liminals where you come from, right? I'm guessin' the same applies for technicals like zombies?"

"Outside of fiction, you'd be correct."

"And you're sure they'd be cool meeting a real-life zombie?"

"Once they get to know you, they'll appreciate you," I reassured her, "And if they don't, I'll make sure they understand that you are the most incredible person I have ever encountered and worth having as a friend."

Zombina giggled, prompting me to quirk an eyebrow at her.

"It's just, ya always got some weird little phrase or word that seems made-up but makes sense to you," Zombina clarified, "Part of what makes talkin' with you feel fresh."

"Always happy to amuse," I sighed.

"But still... thanks," Zombina said, her features softening, "I might take ya up on that. Though speaking from experience, most people don't usually feel safe invitin' a zombie into their home."

"Yeah, you certainly are not like the typical zombie that people usually think of," I stifled a yawn, "I should start heading back home. I told Suu I'd read her a bedtime story before she sleeps."

"Look at you, actin' like a responsible father and whatnot and for a slime of all things."

"It doesn't matter that she's a slime," I replied defensively. "I'm just trying to help her understand how the world works. I don't know her story, but she has limited experience with humans."

"That's 'cause she's a slime," Zombina insisted, though not harshly, "They don't exactly think like anyone else, not even other liminals. There's a reason most people thought they were just beasts until recently." I sensed some bitterness at that last sentence, hinting at an unpleasant memory, but I didn't want to dig at it. Not yet, anyway.

"Regardless, I should get going," I said, pushing myself up.

"I'll walk ya out."

At the door, there was an awkward silence as I put on my shoes. Once I was done with that, I wasn't sure what to say.

"Um... so, we just gonna keep going like we always have?" I asked hesitantly, scratching the back of my head.

"Probs not," Zombina answered with a shrug, "Shit like this sometimes mixes things up a bit."

"That it does," I sighed, "So then what?"

"Expect even more innuendos," she said, wiggling her eyebrows at me, "Now that I did something, I'll probs be makin' more passes at ya. Up to a point, anyway."

"Up to a point?"

"Well, yeah. I'm not doin' it just for shits and gigs, ya know? If it just keeps goin' on and nothin' happens, I'll move on. Don't feel like wastin' my time."

"... Right."

For some reason, that made me feel sad, or Perhaps I'd been getting greedy maybe I was just feeling a bit depressed because I was tired

"But until then," Zombina said much more light-heartedly, "You're stuck with me!"

Before I could say anything else, she gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I didn't know what to make of the gesture.

After returning her jacket, I told her goodnight and left, feeling uneasy. I pondered whose responsibility it was for the creeping uneasiness that lingered in the back of my mind and if it was mine or hers. But attempting to assign blame was futile since, ultimately, what mattered was how things would be from that point onward.

The current state of affairs was akin to a ceasefire, although that may have been an overly dramatic way of describing it. Our true feelings were laid bare yet remained unresolved, only to be revisited once one of us became too exasperated to deal with it.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

If I had been overthinking it, I knew spending time with Suu would make me feel better. She could soothe my worries and make me feel at peace.

To be continued!

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