Chapter 82: In The Now

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As I watched Kuroko's car drive away, I felt a wave of appreciation. The ride had been quiet yet somehow comforting. It was the perfect environment for me to reflect on everything that had happened. I knew she was likely doing the same, pondering how best to use the knowledge I had given her and formulating any questions she may have. I had chosen her for a reason, after all. The truth had to start somewhere.

My hands tucked away in my pockets, I slowly rotated and faced the house I had been residing in for over a month. I reflected on how vulnerable and insignificant it seemed after learning about the terrible crimes and the pitiful condition the world had been in recently, but... No, that wouldn't do. Terrible things occurred, but allowing them to tarnish something good was just as bad.

So I walked inside, calling out, "I'm back!" as I slipped out of my shoes.

"Welcome back!" came the chorused reply from the living room. The sounds of video gaming buzzed in the background.

"How's it going?" I asked, taken aback as I walked into the kitchen. Everyone was gathered around, much to my surprise. Papi, Suu, and Cerea were battling it out in Mario Kart while Kurusu, Mero, and Rachnee watched. Miia was off to the side, typing away on her laptop.

"Normal," Kurusu replied with a shrug, "We were thinking about watching a movie before heading to bed...."

"I wanna see a rom-com!" Miia piped in.

"Blech, please, no," Rachnee groaned, ignoring Miia's heated look.

"... but we ran into a few hiccups," Kurusu sighed, "I'm okay with whatever...."

"I am delighted with a romantic film," Mero supplied happily.

"Yeah, but the ones you picked don't have a happy ending!" Miia pouted.

"That just depends on your point of view!"

I rolled my eyes as I reached into the freezer and pulled out a tub of ice cream. I wasn't usually one for comfort food because stressful situations often left me with no appetite, but this time I couldn't ignore the fact that I had skipped dinner. It may not have been the healthiest of options, but I deserved it. After all, I had just shared some heavy truths and been told some in return. It was time to treat myself.

Wait, I probably actually should eat something healthy, considering I was now committed to this whole workout thing. Well... what Polt didn't know wouldn't hurt her because that always turned out well, right?

Totally. Besides, the ice cream was already out and scooped. There's No going back now.

"I'm sure we can come to an agreement," I said, arriving with an ice cream bowl and spoon. After quickly glancing over the seating arrangements, I settled on the armrest beside Suu. Her emerald eyes stayed glued to the TV as several of her feelers softly wound around me. She stiffened slightly at the contact and gave me a concerned look.

Damn, even without our minds connected, she was starting to pick up on my body language more quickly than usual.

I gave her a reassuring rub before digging into my ice cream. I didn't feel like dwelling on that stuff right now.

"So, how was your dinner with Smith?" Miia asked.

Or maybe I would end up doing that anyway.

"It was truly enlightening," I replied, eating my ice cream joyfully. "We talked about the history of human-liminal relations before the Cultural Exchange." I paused, unsure of how much I should reveal. After all, I didn't want to divulge Kuroko's personal history, and I assumed some of the girls already knew about Enkidu. "It was interesting to learn more about this place since I'm still relatively new here."

They all gazed at me curiously, except for Papi and Suu, who were so engrossed in their game that Cerea had to pause it. The blonde tilted her head towards me, her long ears twitching slightly. "Really?" she said, her voice laced with intrigue. "What did she tell you?"

I squirmed in my seat, feeling slightly self-conscious now that all eyes were on me. "Mostly about Enkidu," I eventually said.

Reactions were a mix of emotions. Papi and Kurusu mainly looked perplexed, but everyone else had a glimmer of understanding in their eyes. Cerea and Mero froze while Miia recoiled as if she'd been slapped. Rachnee's claws dug into her arms, her previously relaxed posture now stiff. Suu's feelers twitched upon hearing the word, undoubtedly recalling the day she found me after I had initially read about them.

Kurusu quickly grasped the atmosphere. However, he was still curious as to why everyone seemed so down. "Um... what is Enkidu?" he asked tentatively.

"A pack of dishonorable curs unworthy of the dirt they trod upon," Cerea all but spat, surprising Kurusu with the vitriol in her words.

"For once, I must concur with Centorea," Rachnee said, her voice filled with disgust, "A group of humans and some liminals who treated our kind like mere animals to be exploited and discarded like trash."

Mero spoke softly, her hands nervously fiddling with her lap, "I never saw them, but Mother would often tell us stories about them. We were warned never to go near Africa's coast, for they would abduct mermaids whenever they had the chance..."

"... They took a lot of Mama's sisters," Miia said sorrowfully, golden eyes lowered.

"Oh," Kurusu mouthed, "I'm sorry, I didn't..."

Miia hastily assured him, "It's fine, it's fine!" though her words felt forced. "That happened a long time ago, and I never really knew them. Besides," her smile faltered, "it's not like it's anything special to my family..."

It only later dawned on me that, had she wanted to, Miia could have quickly tried to use the 'Pity me!' card to gain favor with Kurusu. She could have even received a comforting hug, a sweet embrace – something she would have been overjoyed with. Utilizing her sad past to further a relationship along... while it would have been successful, would have been a bit of a low-down tactic. That said, I wouldn't be shocked to see this occur in a harem anime.

But she didn't do that. That was... telling. Not only of what it had been like but also of Miia's character.

Kurusu's hand trembled, and a seething rage flickered across his face instantly. "What do you mean, Miia?" he demanded.

Rachnee elucidated, edging nearer, "Her predicament is not an uncommon one; Enkidu was highly notorious in their time, and it's challenging to find a liminal who they didn't influence in some manner or another."

"I... see," Kurusu murmured, eyes narrowing into a thoughtful expression, "Are they still around?"

"No," Cerea emphatically responded, "The entire abhorrent group was obliterated by the mighty force of justice ten years ago when their nefarious leaders were finally held accountable for their heinous crimes."

We were left in an uncomfortable silence after that, unsure how to continue. This was precisely the kind of situation I had hoped to avoid this evening... and yet, here I am, shouldering the blame for bringing up Enkidu's name in the first place. I suppose I could also blame Enkidu for existing at all, as well.

"So... why did Smith need to tell you such things?" Mero eventually asked, nervously looking up at me.

"Because she wanted me to know about them before we made plans," I answered, quietly thankful that I could steer this elsewhere.

"Plans for what?"

"After everything that happened with Preya, Kii, and you," I nodded toward Rachnee, "Kuroko and I had a... discussion about the current state of the Cultural Exchange. Simply put, it's full of holes and has been making serious blunders. You should've never ended up with that director," I looked again at Rachnee, "And the Exchange failed you on that."

She glared at me with her six fiery red eyes. "Bad things are unavoidable, Counselor. You can't possibly protect everyone, and it is not your place to do so. Thinking that you can is a sign of extreme vanity."

"I'm well aware of that," I replied heatedly, "But this isn't just about protecting everyone. It's about ensuring that the Cultural Exchange is doing its absolute best. People often end up in places they don't belong, there's a significant lack of communication and information being shared, and all of that is a major concern when attempting to establish connections between entirely different species!"

I took a deep breath. I couldn't get mad at Rachnee for being so blunt. "I just want things to be better," I finished quietly.

Papi's voice suddenly broke the silence, and her face lit up with a wide smile. "But it's not all bad, right? I mean, I wouldn't have made so many amazing friends if it weren't for the Collateral Exchange!" She beamed at us, her enthusiasm contagious.

"Heh, that's true, isn't it?" I said, her words causing me to smile.

"So, y'know, don't let the bad stuff make you sad!" Papi continued, encouraged, "Even the stuff with Kii and Rachnee and that cool raptor girl turned out for the best!"

"All true," I replied, "But still... sometimes it doesn't always end so well. Kuroko and I are going to work harder to make sure that doesn't happen."

"And how, exactly, do you intend to do that?" Rachnee asked.

"... It's a work in progress," I admitted, "But we'll figure it out."

"Um... who's Kokoro?" Papi asked, raising a wing.

"Kuroko," I corrected firmly, "and that's Smith's full first name. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, let me clarify: we are simply friends and colleagues, nothing more."

"I'm sure the thought wouldn't have even occurred to us if it weren't for you mentioning it," Rachnee commented, "But, if you're confident that you can do something, go ahead. It's not like it can get any worse."

"Saying that almost guarantees it'll happen," I sighed, "But thanks for the ringing endorsement."


After that, I tried to make it evident that I didn't want to discuss the topic any longer, so the conversation shifted back to what movie to watch. It wasn't the smoothest transition, but I had been getting better and better at it. I shifted away from Suu, getting up from my spot on the armrest as it became uncomfortable. She was still worried about me, but I tried to assure her we could talk later.

I ended up sitting next to Mero, as the only available seat was the one beside her. With a deep sigh, I sank onto the sofa and was met with a giggle from the pinkette. I gave her a quizzical look, to which she responded with a warm smile.

"You looked very relaxed, there is all," Mero explained, "And the way you slumped into the cushions was slightly comical."

I gave her a lazy thumbs-up. "Always happy to entertain." I was quiet for a moment before continuing. "Did you have a good time out with Rachnee today?"

Mero's sapphire eyes widened in amazement, clearly taken aback by my query. She quickly regained her composure, however, and her sweet smile reappeared. "Oh yes, indeed! It was indeed a new experience for me, and her company was very delightful!"

"Glad to hear," I replied, smiling back.

"Are you... not upset that we broke the rules?" Mero asked nervously.

"No way," I vehemently shook my head, "It's complete BS that you're not allowed to go outside by yourself, so I don't care if you ignore that rule. It's one of the things I'm determined to change."

"I see," Mero said, looking pleased. "Aki, if you ever require any help carrying out your noble mission, I would be more than happy to offer whatever assistance I can."

"Thanks, Mero." I looked up at her from my slumped position. "We'll see what happens, though."

She chuckled, raising a hand to cover her mouth. "If I may be so bold, you might find my aid to more than a little considerable, especially when I find a worthy cause."

Somehow, I didn't doubt that for a second, Princess Meroune Lorelei du Neptune.

To be continued...

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