Chapter 83: Ocean's Letter Of Fate

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The rest of the night went by peacefully and uneventfully. We ended up watching a romantic movie (unsurprisingly), which bored me to the point of exhaustion, and I was grateful for that since it meant I would fall asleep much sooner.

Despite my exhaustion, my mind was racing as I lay in bed, staring blankly up at the ceiling. I hadn't wanted to admit it, but finally speaking the truth about where I was from had taken a more significant toll on me than anticipated. An intense wave of homesickness swept through me, more powerful than anything I had ever felt.

It wasn't as if I had never experienced this feeling before. I had been as far away from home as possible - on the other side of the planet with a twelve-hour time difference between us. Although I had a familiar face with me to help me through, I could keep in touch with anyone I cared about via phone and video calls. But this time, I didn't have that luxury.

We were separated by time and space, yet the world I had been thrown into was eerily familiar. Despite being in the same era and year as my own, I was deceived into believing I could still quickly contact my friends and family back home. Unfortunately, I was not in a post-apocalyptic wasteland or a distant future; this was a modern world with the same technology and nations I was already familiar with.

I had indeed thought about searching for them, and even now, that idea lingered in my mind. But I was too afraid to do it. Would I discover who I could have been? Not in the spiritual journey but in a more literal way. Would I find an alternate version of myself, living and working and spending time with a different set of friends and family? I knew that even if I did, this alternate version of me wouldn't be the same, and neither would the people around him. There was a part of me that feared I would try to replace the people I had left behind with these new ones if I found them.

No, I was completely disconnected from them. I tried to tell myself that I wasn't so dependent on them, but that was a lie. I had grown to depend on them, and now their absence left me feeling empty and alone in my bed, in the darkness. I missed them desperately, and it was all I could think about.

I truly cared for the friends I had made here. I wanted to do everything I could to assist them and to make the Cultural Exchange even better. All I wanted was to see some familiar faces.

Maybe even having someone call me by my real name would be nice.

I groaned and rolled onto my side, rubbing my eyes in frustration. It was obvious that I wouldn't be getting any rest any time soon. My thoughts were scattered, bringing up old recollections that only caused me to feel more dispirited. I thought: What if I could communicate with one of them? What would I say? What would I tell them?

The questions kept coming, and I soon found myself answering them. As the words swirled around, I felt the familiar rush of a writer's fever. I could no longer contain my thoughts, so I decided to take action. I sat up and knew I had to write a letter to them. I knew the letter would never reach them, but that was not the point. I wrote it to ensure that my thoughts were expressed for my benefit.

I carefully and silently got out of bed, trying not to disturb the slumbering Suu beside me. To avoid waking her, I decided to keep the lights off and move as quietly as possible. After a few moments of searching in the dark, I located a set of pajamas and a tee shirt and grabbed my notebook from the desk. Taking a deep breath, I steadied my hand on the wall and went down the hallway.

The living room was eerily silent, only illuminated by the soft moonlight streaming through the windows. It was an odd experience for me, being in a place that was usually so vibrant and bustling with life, now reduced to an empty void. In college, my fraternity had been granted exclusive access to the auditorium, and I often wandered onto the stage in solitude. The vast yet isolated emptiness of the space would draw me in, and my imagination would run wild, thinking of the hundreds of people that had been there the day before, the melodic jazz that filled their ears, and the enchanting classical music that transported me on a journey of its own.

Oh, the mere sight of an empty room filled me with nostalgia, and I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief. I flicked on the single light that hung above the dining table and took a seat. My notebook and pen were ready, and the words started to flow out of me. It was a bit messy at first, and I had to cross out a few errors here and there, but I eventually found the courage to let go and write whatever came to mind.

"Hey, all,

Wow, it's been over a month since we last spoke! Time does fly. It's been hectic in this corner of the multiverse, but I'm doing my best to stay safe and healthy. Surprisingly, I'm eating quite well with my host family and have even gained a couple of pounds - fingers crossed I pass 130! It's a bit different from my experience in Vietnam, but I'm adjusting and getting used to it.

I don't know how else to express it, and I'm sure you won't believe me, but guess what? All those mythical creatures like harpies, centaurs, orcs, and so on actually exist in this realm! It's so unbelievable and fascinating. Luckily, they live in harmony with humans, which is a huge relief since they are powerful. It's mind-blowing (shout-out to Jonathan and Aaron!), and I'm fortunate to call some of them my friends.

Yes, haha, I made friends while I was here. Guess I'll start from the top: my host... brother? Sure, yeah. My host brother, Kimihito Kurusu. One of the nicest dudes I've ever met and a real bro. You'd all love him, the girls especially, haha. You have him to thank for keeping me well-fed and ensuring even my crazy metabolism can't keep up with his cooking.

Next is Miia, the sweet girl who is a lamia. She is half-human and half-snake, similar to a naga. I have been assisting her in her cooking endeavors, and if you're reading this, Caleb, your assistance would be greatly appreciated! Haha.

Then there's Cerea, or Centorea Shiantus, as her full name suggests. She's an awesome knightly centaur who Darius would love. Surprisingly, she loves playing video games, so if you ever hang out with her, don't forget to challenge her to a game! Just be warned; she takes it seriously and can be a sore loser, so Christian should probably stay away to avoid any uncomfortable situations! Haha.

Papi. Papi is one of the most endearing people I've ever met! She's always full of energy, just like a beautiful bluebird! Justiani, I'm sure you two would get along famously. I'm sure she sees me as her big brother but don't worry; you still have a chance! Just kidding, of course you know I love you, kid.

Next is Suu, who is truly unique. She's a slime (Jacob and Tommy can tell you more about that!), and I believe she has taken a particular liking to me ever since we met - so much so that she sees me as her father. Congratulations, Mom and Dad, you're grandparents! Of sorts! Seriously, Suu has been a great source of calm and stability for me here. She's an absolute darling, and I'm sure you would fall in love with her.

Then there's Mero - Meroune Lorelei du Neptune, a mermaid, and princess who's beautiful and sweet. Though she can be a bit dramatic when it comes to tragedies (trust me, it's a long story!), I had some issues with her initially, but we've smoothed things over. Jonny, I'd love to see you try and outswim her - it's almost guaranteed to be a hilarious experience!

Lastly, living with me is Rachnera Arachnera, who is a half-spider. Upon first impression, it might seem creepy, but you soon get used to her. She has a very blunt and honest personality, which reminds me of you, Chris. I'm not sure who is more aggressive between the two of you, but she is a good person with a kind heart, just like you.

But wait, there's more! Haha, there's Kuroko Smith, the fantastic woman who is in charge of the host program. She is lazy and highly dependable if that makes sense. I have an immense amount of respect for her, especially lately. She has had to endure a lot of difficulty, yet she is resilient enough to handle it all. Isaiah, I'm sure you and she would have incredibly stimulating conversations.

Then there's Zombina, the kickass commando who has saved my ass more than once. She's a zombie, but she doesn't shuffle around trying to eat people. She's hella fun to talk and hang with, and she's even made it clear that she wants to date me. We'll have to see how that goes, but one thing's for sure: all the guys would love to have her around.

I could talk about the others, such as Manako, Tio, Doppel, Kii, Preya, Mandroot, Sasaki, Polt, and Draco. However, my hand is beginning to cramp, and I still have more to say. Perhaps I will discuss the rest in the following letter!

I have been quite successful in this place. I obtained two jobs: assistant host for Kurusu, aiding him with his daily chores, and a liminal counselor. 'Liminal' is a term that refers to the various species living with us now. My job as a liminal counselor is to assist liminals who have difficulties with their hosts and attempt to provide solutions. It may seem strange, but they have faith in me here.

Other than that, I'm feeling truly blessed. The people I've met here have been fantastic, and it's never a dull moment - something I'm incredibly grateful for. But still, despite the great time I'm having, I can't help but think of all of you back home. I wish you could all be here to experience this with me.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm sorry I had to leave before I could help with the cleanup for Justiani's grad party. Even though Christian rolling in the keg was a bit chaotic, I know you both had a great time, and Grandpa had a good laugh.

I miss you both so much and love you to death. Please let Mema, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, and all the aunts and uncles know that I am doing well and miss them all.

Lots of love.

Aaron: I hope changing your major is working out for you. I know you will be responsible with your money, but remember not to spend too much on booze while in Ames! I know you're newly single, so take some time to enjoy it. Everything will work out in the end!

Justiani: You're starting your freshman year at EIU soon, and it's bound to be a little weird. But don't let that dishearten you! Please take all the lessons you've learned from me and the guys over the past four years and use them to your advantage. Don't make the same mistakes we did - trust us, we know! ;)

Fuck, my hand's cramping now. Three more, and I'm out.

Jonathan: You'd adore it here more than anything, dude. This is the kind of stuff we have always discussed and fantasized about, and it's a great pity that you are not here with me. At the very least, you would get some remarkable concepts for your games, wouldn't you? Haha

Isaiah: Congratulations on releasing your album. You deserve it for all of your hard work. I do not doubt that you will continue to excel and go far in your music career. Keep up the great work!

Darius: It's truly unbelievable that, for once, we can't talk. You've always been there for me since elementary school, and now that you're not... I don't know what to do. It would be so much simpler if you were here. But that's alright; it just means when we're old and cantankerous, drinking beer in sunny Florida and complaining about the youngsters these days, we'll have some great stories to tell. I miss you, my friend.

To all my dear friends - Everett, Jacob, Caleb, Rikki, Larry, Mario, Quantae, Asia, Ari, Chris, David, Jonathan (The other Jonathan!), Amanda, Angie, Tony, Curtis, Kent, Erick, Justin, George, Trey, Rick, Noemy, Brison, Hayden, Brandon, Tsavo, Tommy, Temple, Tyree, Gabriel, Seb (you know who you are), Rodrigo, Daniel, and all the rest - I miss you dearly. Though we couldn't spend as much time together as we wanted when I was home, I'm reminded of how the absence of those we love can make our hearts fonder.

Love you all,


I exhaled deeply, the tension I had been unaware of slowly seeping out of my body. My hand ached from the cramped position, and I massaged it to ease the pain. With a sigh, I admitted that the task was more laborious than anticipated. But it had been worth it, I thought with a smile, even if no one else would ever read it.

The soft squeaking of rain boots caused me to look up, finding a curious Suu standing in the doorway.

"Aki..." she murmured as she walked to me, "Why are you up?"

"Just writing something," I answered tiredly, pushing back my chair so she could sit on my lap.

"To who?" Suu asked. Already, her feelers were starting to coil around me.

"People back where I came from. Friends and family."

"Oh." Her emerald eyes bored into me. "You miss them."

"Of course I do," I compassionately said as I gazed upon the letter. A feeling of warmth and sorrow was welling up inside me. "It's been a while since I've been able to see them."

Suu hummed, leaning into me and resting her head over my heart. "I've seen them in your memories. You love them."

I smiled, though it didn't go very far. "Of course I do," I echoed.

"Do you..." she hesitated, "Do you think they'd love me?"

I laughed. The question was ludicrous to me right then, for some reason.

"Of course they would," I assured her, gently stroking her head, "Almost as much as I do."

To be continued...

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