My personality

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If I told you I had insecurities about my body, you could disagree

You could tell me that I'm beautiful, that I'm unique

You could tell me things I don't often think of, like how my eyes are soulful and deep

You could tell me my body should be something I adore, something I should wish to keep

If I told you I had insecurities about my body, which I don't, you could fix things

However, that is not the case

My physical appearance is not what haunts me during days

It's the me inside that dissatisfies me

When it comes to insecurities about the real me, you can't help me, unfortunately

Because when it comes to my personality

You don't really know me

Not really, not truly

You can't hear my thoughts

You can't feel what I feel

You can't wish for what I wish for

You can't heal what I want to heal

You can't fight my battles for me

You can't tell me it'll be alright

For you don't know what kind of monsters haunt me

You don't know who gives me a fright

You don't know the actions I regret

You don't know what makes me fret

You can't help get rid of my insecurities

Not if they're about the real me

Because you don't know me inside and out, I'd have no belief

I'd have to believe in what you say but I wouldn't, because I know you can't know all of me

You aren't me, therefore you can't convince me

Unfortunately, you cannot set me free

There's nothing you can do to be qualified to help me

I am the only one who knows me enough to save me

That's how it will always be

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro