Ugly inside

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They're blind

I'm the one with glasses, but it seems like I'm the only one with good eyes

Others keep saying that I'm "really nice"

Some of them say it to me in real life

Some of them say it to me through a device

None of them see what is truly inside

I'm not "kind"

I'm not "nice"

My heart is made of ice

Sure I act friendly to others, but I'd do more if I was really nice

Maybe if I tried harder, people wouldn't choose to die

Maybe if I tried harder, people wouldn't have a reason to cry

What I'm doing is not enough, therefore I don't deserve to be called kind

If I did more, I could save lives

I could be bold, tell people to stop being so mean and rise

Instead, I stay silent because I'm terrified

Intimidated by bullies and their connections, I just sit down and sigh

Maybe if I wasn't such a coward, I could stop suicide

But of course, I have no courage to even try

What does it matter if I send someone a smile?

If I can't help other people solve their problems who actually need kindness, how do I count as nice?

I don't, I'm not doing enough, unlike the others who actually have a big heart and help others fly

So don't you dare lie

Don't you dare say, "You're so nice!"

I am not nice

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