Chapter 14 (Past)

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"Truth or dare?" asked Valt to Fubuki.

"Truth," said Fubuki.

"What's your favourite vegetable?" asked Valt.

"Tomatoes!" said Fubuki.

"Actually, tomatoes are fruit," said Sora.

"What? My whole life was a lie! Why was I told that tomatoes are vegetables?"

"Valt, truth or dare?" asked Rose.

Valt looked conflicted. "Um... Dare."

"I dare you to go to the bathroom and sing Let It Go," said Rose.

"WHAT????" yelled Valt. The whole neighborhood must have heard him.

Valt had nothing against the song, but he did not like being caught singing in the bathroom.

"It's the dare," said Rose. "You have to do it."

"Fine," said Valt. He went into the bathroom.

"Make sure we can all hear you!" said Akeno.

Shu covered his ears. He already knew that Valt wasn't the best singer.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before what sounded like a dying cat came from the bathroom.

"Okay. Stop, stop!" said Rose. "You can come out now."

Valt came out with his face steaming. He looked like his head was going to explode. Literally.

"You could have fried an egg on your face," said Sora. "You looked really embarrassed."

"Shu, truth or dare," said Fubuki.

"Dare," said Shu.

"I dare you to eat twenty slices of cake!" said Fubuki.

"Are you nuts? Where am I going to get twenty slices of cake?"

"Oh. I have an idea..." started Akeno.


Shu stared at the slices of chocolate cake on his plate. It had been fortunate that Valt's mother had allowed them to have Valt's and Kento's leftover birthday cake.

Shu hadn't eaten much dinner earlier, but his appetite was relatively small. "What if I can't finish it?" he asked.

"Come on. You have to. It's the dare," said Fubuki.

"O... okay," said Shu. He slowly started eating the cake. The first few slices were fine, but the cake started to taste weird after a while.

On the eighth slice, Shu felt his stomach start to churn. "I can't do it," he said.

"Come on," said Akeno. "Just twelve more to go."

However, Sora was getting really concerned when Shu's face started to turn green at the fourteenth slice.

"That's enough! Shu, you don't look so good."

"It's... It's fine. Just six more..."

To be honest, Shu was starting to feel sick. He was practically forcing the cake down and barely tasted it. He didn't dare open his mouth in case everything came churning out.

But Sora finally put her foot down at the eighteenth slice when Shu kept putting his hand over his mouth and sounded like he was stopping himself from being sick.

"Enough! This has gotten too far! I don't want you throwing up everywhere. From now on, no more dares that involve food!"

"Can I have the cakes?" asked Valt.

"Fine," said Sora.

The cakes were gone in two minutes. But Shu was really quiet.

"Shu, what's the matter?" asked Fubuki.

"I... I kind of feel weird," said Shu.

"You should lie down," said Sora. "You probably don't feel well because you ate too much."

"No. I'll be fine," said Shu.

"Rose, truth or dare?" asked Akeno.

"Truth, I guess," said Rose.

Akeno grinned. "So, who do you have a crush on?"

Rose turned the same colour as her hair. There was absolutely no way she could say who she had a crush on. One, he was taken. Two, he was in that same room and might throw up if he heard the answer, and three, she didn't want anyone to know!

"Er... I..." started Rose. "You see... Um..."

"Come on. Who is it?" asked Akeno. "Why are you so uncomfortable? Oh, you like a girl, don't you?"

"What?" asked Rose. That was the last thing she had expected to come out of Akeno's mouth.

"Come on. There's nothing wrong with liking the same gender. One of my friends is bisexual and unashamed of it."

", I'm not..."

Shu suddenly made a dash for the bathroom.

"I knew that he was going to be sick," said Sora.

Valt went to check on Shu, who was throwing up into the toilet bowl. "You okay?"

Shu shook his head. "I don't feel so good. I just want to sleep."

Valt nodded and went to tell Sora. Luckily the diversion made Akeno forget about the question he asked Rose.

Shu didn't sleep well that night. His stomach hurt from the cake and he had to dash to the bathroom every few hours. Half of the time he was there, he kept dry heaving, unsure if he wanted to throw up or not.

Shu only fell asleep twice that night. Once after three in the morning only to wake up at four to throw up again. The second time was after seven.

Rose woke up at eight in the morning thanks to Valt's loud snoring. She wondered how did Valt not wake himself up. She noticed that Fubuki was sleeping snuggled up in blankets and hugging a stuffed blue whale.

Then she noticed Shu had somehow fallen off the bed. She tried to carry him back on his bed, but he woke up.

"What time is it?" asked Shu sleepily.

"It's eight," said Rose. She couldn't help but giggle at Shu's sleepy state. "Shall we get up?"

"Five more minutes," said Shu as he fell asleep again.

Rose giggled again. But when she tried to go to the bathroom, she noticed that Shu had somehow taken hold of her hand.

Oh dear. This is awkward.

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