Chapter 15 (Present)

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"So what's for dessert?" asked Valt after dinner was finished.

"Do you have a stomach or a black hole?" asked Wakiya. "You finished Shu's meal for him."

"Well, I feel like chocolate cake," said Valt.

"No cake for me," said Shu. He hadn't liked cake ever since that dare from that sleepover.

"I'm going to have a few more drinks," said Lui. "Anyone want anything?"

"I'll have water," said Daigo.

"Orange juice for me," said Shu.

"Okay," said Lui.

"I'll have dessert too," said Aiger. "A banana split for me."

The waiter gave them their food and drinks. It was pretty late, and they were the only ones in the restaurant.

"We probably should finish up our food quickly," said Fubuki. "The staff keep looking at their watches."

Aiger quickly grabbed his banana split and started gobbling it. Unfortunately, he ended up having a brain freeze.

Valt couldn't help but laugh. He remembered when he and Shu had brain freezes while filming the shaved ice scene. The brain freeze part hadn't been scripted and they had to improvise.

"What's so funny?" asked Aiger. He looked like steam was coming out of his ears. Cold steam, that was.

"Sorry! It's just funny."

Shu smiled too. He went to drink his orange juice. Strange, it tastes weird. Has it gone bad?

Suddenly, a waiter came running frantically. "Wait! I served a wrong drink!"

"Too late," said Rantaro, for everyone had already taken sips of their drinks.

"Oh no," said Valt.

"Well, my Fanta definitely taste like Fanta. And it's pretty impossible to confuse plain water with something else. So..."

Shu stared blankly at the drink in his hand. "What is this? Orange bitter drink?"

"Huh?" asked Valt.

The waiter turned pale. "Oh no oh no... I'm going to get in trouble! That's a cocktail! Only without the slice of orange."

"What's a cocktail?" asked Aiger.

"A drink that has alcohol mixed with other beverages," said Free.

Shu suddenly gave a giggle. "Lui, has your hair always been a blue fire? It looks so real."

"Hey, leave my hair alone!" yelled Lui.

"Crap. Sora is going to kill us," said Xander.

"If Akeno was here, he would ask Shu embarrassing questions," said Fubuki. "We should get him home and to bed..."

"Wait," said Lui. "Shu, do you know who my sister is?"

"Hmm... Princess Snowball?"

"Princess Snowball?" asked Ken through Besu.

Once Kirika and Yuki had had a playdate and dressed up as princesses. Kirika had been Princess Flower and Yuki was Princess Snowball.

"Lui!" said Valt.

"It's amusing," said Lui.

"Come on, don't make fun of a drunk teenager," said Valt. "Let's just get Shu home. If we're lucky, the whole family will be asleep and won't know about this."

The group had to guide Shu into a bus and made him sit down. "But I want to see the outside!" said Shu.

"No, you can't put your head outside," said Daigo. "You might lose your head."

Shu blinked like twenty times. "Lose my head? I don't understand."

Gosh. Drunk Shu is like a little kid, thought Fubuki.

"Your head might get cut off like Anne Boleyn's and Katherine Howard's!" yelled Lui. "Do you want that?"

Even in his drunken state, Shu jumped at Lui's statement and sat down at once.

Shu actually dozed off in the bus, so Valt tried to wake him up at their stop.

"Wakey wakey sleeping beauty. Time to get up!"

"Five more minutes."

"Shu, we're going to bring you to your house. You can sleep more there."

Shu reluctantly opened his tired eyes. He was very sleepy from the day and the weird drink. "Where am I?"

"In a bus," said Valt. "Let's get you home."

Fubuki looked at his cousin, who looked like he was sleepwalking. He had once caught Shu sleepwalking when he was a little kid and it freaked him out so much that he had pounded on his parents' door. Akeno had teased him about his fright for days.

Thank goodness Akeno isn't here," thought Fubuki. He would embarrass Shu three times as bad as he had ever embarrassed me.

However, the group weren't the only ones out that night...

"Look, it's Shu Kurenai!" came a girl's voice. A redheaded girl came running with an autograph book. "Can you sign my book?"

Shu looked at the girl. "Hello, Rose."

The girl looked confused. "Rose? Who is Rose?"

The other actors looked at Shu. He had probably mistook the girl for Rose as they both had red hair.

"Sorry, Shu needs to go home," said Valt. "Maybe tomorrow!"

"But I need to talk to Rose!"

"Shu, you're drunk! You can talk to Rose tomorrow. Come on now..."

"But it's not fair! That's the love of my life we're talking about!"

Everyone gasped. It was fortunate that the girl just looked confused.

"Okay... I'm going now."

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