Chapter 8 (Past)

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Rose wanted to make a good impression on Shu's girlfriend, so she wore a pink shirt and a light blue skirt. Her red hair was tied in a loose ponytail and was secured with a pale pink ribbon.

When Shu came to pick her up, he was surprised by how pretty she looked. "Wow, you're... Um..."

"Did I overdo it?" asked Rose, her smile fading.

"No, you look lovely," said Shu. "But Seina doesn't like it when other girls look better than her. Not that I think it's bad, but..."

"You think that I'm prettier than Seina?" asked Rose. Her face was the same colour as her hair.

"Yes. No. I don't know," said Shu. "I... Don't want to do anything to anger her."

Rose felt concerned for Shu. "Why are you being so submissive to her? Shouldn't love go both ways?"

Shu sighed. "Sorry. I get so stressed. It's really difficult to juggle between my acting career, my schoolwork, and Seina."

Rose smiled. "It's okay. I promise not to do anything that would upset Seina."

Shu gave a sigh of relief. "Thanks Rose."

Shu was really thankful that Rose was so easy to talk to, just like Valt. He always felt relaxed around her. He couldn't imagine venting to Seina like that. He was certain that Seina would like a girl like Rose.

Shu may have adored Seina, but he wasn't completely blind to her faults. Her lack of empathy for others and her unkind tongue concerned him. It would be nice if Rose could influence her in a positive way.

However, Seina took an instant dislike to Rose the second she laid eyes on her. Her sharp purple eyes looked into Rose's baby blue eyes with disdain.

"This is the girl?" asked Seina.

"My name is Rose," said Rose pleasantly. "I have heard a lot about you."

Seina glared at the younger girl. "And why do you dress like that? You look like a very common person."

Rose was shocked. She had thought that she looked nice. Shu had even thought her pretty.

"Seina, Rose is my friend," said Shu. "It makes me so sad when you insult her like that. I don't care if you say rude things to me, but Rose..."

Seina turned on Shu. "Does it look like I care? She's not. My. Problem. What's up with her hair anyway? She looks like that stupid mermaid princess."

Rose felt hurt. She wasn't sure what upset her more. The insult about her hair, or the one about her favourite Disney Princess. Her parents had always told her that her hair was beautiful, so it was hard for her to hear.

Shu didn't like it either. "Seina, can you try to be nice? I didn't expect you to like her, but..."

What happened next made Rose gasp. Seina slapped Shu in his face. She didn't like it at all.

Shu was upset and his eyes filled with tears. "Why... Just why..." He ran off sobbing.

Rose was terrified. She knew that Seina was older than Shu and all that, but she never imagined that she would slap him.

Rose went to find Shu. She saw him crying on a park bench. "I... I don't understand. What did I do wrong? I always tried to please her. I did everything she wanted, even if I didn't like it. Why was she so mad?"

"I think that she doesn't like me," said Rose.

"I must be doing something wrong," said Shu. "I'm clearly not spending enough time with her."

Rose stared at her crush. From what it looked to her, Seina was the one in the wrong. Her parents had always told her to never tolerate abuse of any kind. Nothing could justify slapping your boyfriend.

"Shu, you didn't do anything wrong," said Rose.

"Maybe, but clearly she's upset that I am spending more time with you and Valt than with her. I should apologize at once," said Shu.

"Oh, and Rose..." Shu unintentionally placed his hand on hers. Rose felt her heart leap. She hoped that Shu wouldn't notice her racing pulse.

"Thanks for understanding. I'm sorry that it didn't work out. I'm just glad I have such an understanding friend." With one last smile at Rose, Shu went off.

Rose was blushing so hard that her face looked pink. Though that word kept ringing in her ears.


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