Chapter 7 (Present)

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Shu woke up with a headache. He had a rather vivid dream about Seina. It disturbed him, to be honest. He could still feel Selina's hands on his body and still feel her malevolent eyes staring into his soul...

"Relax," he told himself. "It's just a dream. She can't hurt you anymore."

Shu looked at the time. It was three in the morning! Shu pulled the covers over his head. He was still exhausted and tried to go back to sleep.

But for some reason, he couldn't fall back asleep. His body was tired, but his mind was racing. It felt that Seina still had a hold on him.

No matter how often Shu tried to put Seina out of his mind, she kept coming back at random moments. If only he had listened to Sora and hadn't been so naive. Maybe he would have saved himself a ton of heartbreak.

However, Shu soon forgot about Seina for the time being, for something else started to plague him. His headache seemed to worsen.

Shu tried to ignore the pain, but it became so bad that he felt like his head was going to burst. He felt really weak and shivery. He slowly tried to get out of bed.

Shu actually fell off and was tangled in his blanket. Half asleep, he walked out of the room and slowly went to Sora's room. He grabbed the doorknob and slowly knocked.

Shu felt really dizzy and felt like he couldn't stand any longer. "Help," he whispered and continued knocking. He knew that he was a minute away from passing out.

Soon, the door opened to reveal Sora in her nightgown. Shu automatically fell on her and she caught him.

"Shu? What's wrong?" she asked.

"My... My head hurts," said Shu.

"How bad is it?" asked Sora.

"I... Don't know," said Shu. His head was pounding and he couldn't take the pain anymore. He suddenly passed out on the spot.

Sora was alarmed at her unconscious brother and brought him to her own bed. She touched Shu's forehead. It was a little warm, so she found a thermometer and checked his temperature.

Five minutes later, Sora woke up her parents. "Shu has a slight fever and a migraine. I'm scared. He passed out on me."

"Sora, how bad was it?" asked her mother.

"I don't know," said Sora. "I think that we should call a doctor."

"Sora, it's almost four in the morning," said her father. "We can take Shu to the doctor in the morning. For now, get some sleep. You don't want to be sleep deprived at work. And we should let Shu take tomorrow off."

Sora was tired, so she agreed. "Alright. I put Shu in my bed, but I suppose that I can sleep in his."

Kirika wasn't told much, though Sora told her that Shu was unwell.

"Why does Shu get to skip school?" asked Kirika.

"Because he's sick," said Sora.

"Lucky. I wish that I am sick so I can miss school," grumbled Kirika.

"Kirika, you are always complaining when you're sick. Remember when you had the flu during Christmas and whined that you were not hungry and would miss Christmas dinner? Luckily we saved some for you."

Sora was lightly teasing. She knew that Kirika didn't actually want to be sick. She just wanted a holiday from school.

The doorbell rang and Sora went to answer it. It was Rose.

"Hi Sora," said Rose. "I was wondering if Shu is okay. He didn't come to my house yesterday to help with my homework, and I tried calling him, but he didn't answer."

"Shu's not well," said Sora. "He has a headache and a fever."

"Oh," said Rose. "Is he okay?"

"He will be fine," said Sora. "You don't have to worry. He just needs some rest and Dad is going to take him to the doctor."

"Okay," said Rose.

"Rose? Is that you?" Shu had come downstairs.

"Shu!" said Sora. "I thought that you were asleep."

Rose looked at Shu. She had once been to a sleepover with him and Valt and had been the first to wake up, though that was because of Valt's super loud snoring. She had giggled when she watched Shu wake up with messy bed head and teased him about his sleepy state.

However, now there was nothing to giggle about. Shu looked terrible. He had dark circles under his eyes which contrasted against his pale skin. He seemed a little disoriented and kept stumbling into things. He looked ready to collapse at any moment.

"Shu, lie down," said Sora. "You're not fit to stand. I thought that you would be resting. Rose, please look after my stubborn baby brother and make sure that he stays put."

"Don't worry. I will look after him," said Rose. She was concerned about why Shu was in this state, but didn't think that it would be polite to ask.

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