Battle of the castle (part 1)

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It was a regular day at the castle. The maids are cleaning, the soldiers patrolling for kings like us.

"I'm bored. As. Hell," Xana groaned within my shadow.

"Well maybe if you didn't turn all those decorations into swiss cheese, we would be getting ready for the party!" I complained. "So deal with it Xana."

Yeah we have to fix a bunch of stuff for a party that was supposed to happen today-

"Somethings wrong..." Xana randomly said in a serious tone.

I stopped sewing to see what was wrong until I sensed it.

An unknown moving through the castle...

Straight towards Rafia's room!

"Shit Rafia!" we both yelled.

Dropping what I was doing, I dashed out of the room into the hallways of my castle.

While I cannot see the thing I can sense where it is.

'Redivert the path you idiot, If the girl dies then everything is over!' Xana shouted.

He didn't need to tell me twice as I ordered the castle itself.

The sounds of rock and stone shifting rapidly can be heard echoing through the pristine stone hallways as I felt the castle changing the road to redivert the creature away from people and Rafia. I knew that everyone started to evacuate the castle due to the sounds echoing off the walls, including Raf-

Pain erupted through the inside of our body as we coughed up blood. An organ was punctured, it broke through a wall with ease.

The castle is linked to my body by magic, hence being linked to my immortality. The castles physical defense is twelve times stronger than my own defense.

"This crappy excuse of a structure can take on a full power Dragonion knights roar yet this 'Thing' ran through it like a bubble." Xana groaned as the damage was repairing, only for it to worsen as more wall were destroyed by the unknown.

Fortunately for me, the last of the staff have evacuated the castle allowing me to almost go all out.

The walls began to shift enclosing upon itself forming an archway like hallway from where I was to the edge of the castle revealing the cloudy skies.

But that was not important because the unknown is right in

What was in front of me, has the body that looks like a cross of a caterpillar and an armadillo. It had the wings of a butterfly with legs of a spider, but that was not the most shocking thing. The most shocking thing about it was its face.

It has the face of a pedo on it.

"Kill it with hellfire." Xana croaked.

The thing looked at our direction freaking me out with those bulging eyes and I didn't hesitate to blast the thing.

"Energy Dragonion Knights: Roar!"

I fired a condensed beam of energy at the creature striking true as it enveloped the creatures body whole, blasting outside of the castle and towards the sky.

Smoke covered the hallway and my mouth.

"Is it dead?" I questioned.

My question was answered by the smoke clearing up, revealing the creature to be in one piece and unscathed.

"It...survived?" Xana was the one who said it. "Welp, we're going to be boned for who knows how many minutes."

The thing looked right at us making me move my right foot back and positioned my left arm to block, my right arm cocked back as if ready to deliver a haymaker.

The tension between me and the pedo was so thick you could take a chainsaw and cut it.

Instead the Pedo turned around and prowled to the opening I made in the castle. With quick thinking I closed the hole and made a pillar protrude from the ground hitting the Pedo again.

As I witness it flying I prepared to deal a haymaker once it passes me deeper into the castle.

But the Thing turned around just in time for me to have a look at its face an-

"WHAT THE HELL KIND OF MOTHER BIRTHED THIS GENETIC MISHAP!" Xana Screeched, honestly I can't blame him.

It was ugly as hell, and I ain't goin into detail about it other than that it felt slimy when I punched the monstrosities chin up onto the ceiling.

The force behind my full power blow caused the thing to bounce around the corridor making dust clouds fly up like confetti before it somehow broke through the wall again.

Except I can feel the blood on my skin.

'It escaped the castle...'

Multiple screams were heard but none sounded like they were dying, Yet. The magic in the air trickled as I activated my teleportation magic. Reality changed colors and bend around me as I 'shattered' through space and into the courtyard to see the Pedo approaching the staff.

Magic is doing nothing to the thing because it just keeps crawling like nothing happened.

"OI!" I yelled at the thing, "I got what you're looking for you pedophile on steroids."

The thing turned to look at me and I realized something.

It's not the same as the one I saw earlier.

I dashed at it summoning a sword I have not touched in almost 500 years.

Bariya it is an ornate, sparkling white silver sword adorned with splendid decorations, it possess powerful runes and symbols acting as a symbol of my kingship, and proof of my bonds with them...

'No time to think about the past,' I thought as I swung the sword up slashing the creatures underside, blowing it back.

I witness the creature change positioned mid flight and flapped its bee like wings allowing it to land safely, but no blood was spilled at all.

'Are they immune to everything, no!' I shook my head standing in front of the citizens. 'They are able to be pushed back by physical attacks.'

I summoned a few sword in the air and positioned them to aim at Pedo number two.

It was like a Mexican showdown.

Pedo #2 dragged one of its legs on the ground while my swords began to shake in the air from the kinetic energy I'm pushing in.

The Pedo charged at the same time I fired my swords at it.

It did absolute shit other than bounce off of it or miss. Luckily~.

Xana came to the rescue and opened holes in the air for the swords to fly into. After closing the holes he opened a bunch of them underneath Pedo #2.

"Don't bother striking from above if you don't know what's below you,"

The blades shot out like gunfire striking the things underside with only one piercing through it.

"Haha yes," we cheered as one managed to do damage. "Finally we might have something to kill these things."

Stretching my hand, I called the spear that tore through the pedo into my hands.

Examining it I realized it was imbued with demonic power.

"So I just need to go demon on this thing huh," Xana said,

'Wait, what?' It was then I realized Xana swapped places with me and is currently walking towards the thing grinning like a serial killer.

If the creature could show fear like everyone else, it did well not to show it.

"Devil mode." Xana darkly chuckled as his entire left arm, left part of the pectoralis major and the left side of his neck was covered in a demonic black with a pattern akin to veins appearing on edges of the markings.

'Well now that we know it's weakness,' I inquired from within our fractured soul, 'what are we going to do with it.'

The markings began to go up the neck and on the side of the cheek before it goes over the left eye and stops just short above the eyebrows as if it was stopped forcefully.

'You're not going all out on this?'

"I prefer not to waste my power on cheap third rate insects," He half truthed as he grabbed a curved short sword instead of Bariya.

The demonized clawed hand began to react to the sword by spreading its markings around it till it reached the flat of the blade where the star of Bethlehem formed, shining a black light for a brief moment before dulling.

'You plan on making it suffer aren't you...'

Xana then pointed the corrupted(?) sword at the pedo.

"Let's make one thing clear, you bulging defect," he said swing the sword down letting go of his grip halfway through.

The sword began spinning clockwise until Xana grabbed hold of it again this time in a reverse grip fashion.

"I'm going to enjoy cutting you to pieces," it was then Xana and the pedo jumped at each other at high speed with the intent to slaughter each other.

"Divine sword: thousand cuts!" Xana yelled emblazing the short sword in black flames and swing it.

"Guilty pleasure: lustful stab." the pedo said for the first time since its discovery in the castle.

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