Troy's First Romance

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(A/N: this is a romance only part and my first attempt at it so if its cringy I am very sorry)

Parking my hoverbike close to my destination I started walking through the brambled forest ignoring the the pointed sticks and thorns putting rips and tears in my suit, until I got to a clearing with a dead tree in the middle.

I was walking towards the dead tree, mentally exhausted and tired.

It was then I noticed how cold it is tonight.

"The cool feel of the atmosphere is a perfect example of how empty I feel on the inside right now," I said glumly standing beside a dead tree.

Everything was dark as the clouds were covering the moon.

I wanted to be covered up forever as well after that incident, I wanted to die because of that. " I screwed up big time and now she's going to hat-"

That was until I heard 'her' footsteps.

I turned around to find Jin not far away from where I was standing, her lustrous ocean eyes staring at me as the wind blew against her ash brown hair, the clouds began to separate bringing for the moon's light to illuminate her beauty.

"Hey Troy," she said leaving the moon's light to come closer to me, closing the distance between us as she took her hand out to touch me.

It has been so long since I felt her warmth, the soft touch of her hands cupping the side of my face as I looked at her beautiful blue eyes. I unconsciously leaned into the warmth of her hand closing my eyes as the I let her other hand cup me slowly pulling me in for our first kiss.

It was short but felt like an eternity as my chest felt warm with emotions swirling inside me like a whirlpool.

She began to pull back, separating our lips but I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in for another kiss, longer, fiercer and more passionate.

We felt the gap between our bodies close in as we passionately kissed.

Before I knew it, I was on the ground with my back against the tree while she straddled my hips.

I had no clue how much time has passed had honestly no longer cared but it was long enough for us to separate for air, as we separated a strand of saliva connected the two of us as we gasped, I took the moment to admire her beauty while the broken moon shined on her before saying.

"I love you Jin, I have loved you for a very long time." I said.

Jin smiled at this and gave me a quick kiss before getting off and dusting her legs and extending her hand to me.

"You know , I got us a job that requires infiltration. Instead of being my guard or servant, maybe you could... be my lover." She blushed.

I grinned like an idiot and took her hand accepting the job.

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